I would just like to say...
That Sorin is an evil bastard.
A well played evil bastard, but still, an evil bastard.
I think that after reading every single post of his, and felt compelled to share.
That is all.

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
You think that???? YOU? How about poor me.. being played, knowing it and yet can't help it! Damn well done, I must say. But poor Amby is young and inexperienced in the ways of men such as he.. wait til Temp gets her claws in him, she's his contemporary in many ways...

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Hey, Thaddeus is just as much taken in by Sorin.
Evil. Bastard.
Evil. Bastard.

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Ok true.. I forgot how the poor guy looks up to Sorin. Man, we're pretty blind / young.. heh..

19 years ago
I have been wronged! Certainly these feelings are misplaced, perhaps I am merely...misunderstood.

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
bwahahaha.. that made me LOL here at work, thanks =D

19 years ago
Always happy to be of service, Madamoiselle.

19 years ago
LOL, are we still evil? *looks innocent*

Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
Your evil knows no bounds I am sure.. =D

19 years ago
We choose to excel in all things. *nods*

Thaddeus Grey
18 years ago
I feel the need to bump this thread. It's been too long since I called Sorin a bastard and now I'm all twitchy

18 years ago
Hateful words... hateful.
Have I not been like a father to you, Thaddeus?
Have I not been like a father to you, Thaddeus?

Dawn Ratana
18 years ago
It is the One Year Anniversary of this Declaration Of Evil Bastardy! Happy Anniversary! :P

Thaddeus Grey
18 years ago
'Bastardy' lol...
'Bastardom? Bastardation?'
'Bastardom? Bastardation?'

Dawn Ratana
18 years ago
Hell, I thought it was "bastardry," you know, like Wizardry, but the spellchecker put the veto on that.

18 years ago
C'mon, hes not that bad for a psycho meglomaniac!

18 years ago
Yea - he did let Fallon into Anantya!

18 years ago
I had my reasons... *smiles sweetly*

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
You do know Fallon he could have easily been outvoted even if he had said no, he probably didn't object because he didn't feel like annoying Morrigan at that particular moment (which does seem quite odd for the Roman doesn't it?)