A Time to Every Purpose (private)
The weeks since "The Revelation"Â? had gone back to being life as usual. She'd flown out to the California property and taken a look at what had been done and signed the procurement papers for the tractor and the other things needed. The Studio had begun to flourish and she'd actually hired a second teacher, which had freed up two evenings a week along with Sundays for her. It was nice to spend more time with Drev, to rebuild their relationship.
She loved him very much, and he had proved to her that no matter how long he had lived she was all there was for him. He worshiped her, it frightened her a little, that adoration, but she was getting used to such powerful feelings between them. She found that nightmares of her past had become a thing of the past and her nights were no longer interrupted with the specters of her brothers and Marcus. It was freeing in a way and she had taken that freedom into their bed and into her choreography.
Her new teacher was working on forming a professional company out of the students and other dancers in the Nachton area and had already set up a performance time with the Opera House. The end of June would see their debut in Nachton and Wren would be dancing a small principle part in the last number. It was a small triumph for her.
This particular evening was one of her teaching evenings and had included the exotic dance class. She had loved this class from the beginning and her students had finally stopped giggling and had gotten down to the meat of the art. It was a great work out and according to a few of her students, had greatly increased their sex lives. She was happy for them, though she'd not yet given Drev that part of her self and she wasn't sure she could yet, but she would some day.
She drove home with her body humming exhaustedly along with the music and the purr of the engine. Sweet Home Alabama, by Lynyrd Skynyrd blared from her speakers, and the wind blew through her hair as she could finally drive with the top down, even if it was a bit chilly.
"Sweet Home Alabama. Lordy Lord, I'm coming home to you. Yea, yea Montgomery's got the answer"Â?
Laughing at herself she raised the top on the car, pulled her things from the passenger seat, then took some things from the trunk and made her way up stairs. She had to drop most of her bags in order to get in the door, but once inside she took everything to the kitchen and plopped it down there. Some of it belonged in the kitchen, but most of it needed to go to the bedroom and bathroom.
"I'm home."Â? She gave a small giggle, and unloaded the groceries. Finished with that small task, she gathered up the shopping bags to head to the bathroom, when her cell phone rang.
"Shoot."Â? Wren rooted around in her purse and came up with the little ringing vibrating gadget. She didn't recognize the number, but that wasn't unusual at this point in her life.
"Thank you for calling The Studio, this is Wren."Â?
"Wren!?! Wren? It's Danny. Look don't hang up. It's about Mom and Dad."Â?
Wren's blood had gone cold and her fingers had gone limp, dropping the shopping at her feet in a thumping pile, at the sound of his voice. Panic began to claw at her throat and she'd just about flung the phone from her, until he'd said mom and dad. She took several deep breaths and pushed the panic down.
"What about Mom and Dad?"Â? Her voice sounded calm, 'points for me, yay,'as her body began to shake from the repressed adrenaline.

"What about Mom and Dad?" he heard her say into the cell phone, and his own spine stiffened. He walked over to her while his mind reached out and filled a couple glasses with water and floated them over to the counter next to where they stood. Drev rubbed his hand gently down her back and placed a soft kiss on Wren's cheek. He gave her one of the water glasses, smiled, and sat down at the table drinking from the other glass. He didn't want to interrupt her phone call, but he wanted her to know that he was there when she was done. He didn't like the look of worry on her face, and the way she was forcing her voice to sound normal made him even more uneasy.

"They were in a car crash Wren. It's bad, real bad." He sounded like he'd been crying and his voice was horse from it. She felt a tinge of empathy for him, but the panic came back.
"How bad, Danny? You've got to give me more than that." She turned slightly and set the water back down and gave her top a useless swipe of her hand.
"They were driving back from bingo and some drunk fool side swiped them at the light on Main and Jefferson. Dad was driving and took the brunt of the hit. Oh God, Wren you have to come. Mom's asking for you. She says she won't go to surgery unless you're coming."
"Okay, Danny, Okay. I'm coming. Is Dad still alive?"
"Yeah, they took him straight to an operating room, I don't know what's wrong with him, but God there was a lot of blood on that gurney."
"Alright, Danny, go tell Mom I'm on the way. Tell her to let them take her to surgery. I'll be there in a few hours. Tell her I love her Danny. Tell her for me."
"Okay, yeah. Hurry."
The phone went dead in her hands. Slowly she moved it from her face and closed it, as she turned around to look at Drev. Her whole world had been rocked again...again dammit. She didn't have time to be angry, but that didn't stop the fear and panic from turning to red hot anger anyway. Hot tears had begun to stream down her face and she hated them,and she hated Danny for calling her to tell her, and she hated the man that had hurt her parents and she hated her parents for being out so late. No, no, she didn't hate them, she was just scared for them. When she had control of the anger enough to speak she crossed the room and sat heavily on Drev's lap.
"My parents were in a car wreck. They're in the hospital. Dad's in surgery and Mom should be on her way. I have to get there. How quickly do you think they can have the jet ready?"

In the bedroom she pulled two hanging suitcases from the closet and then added about three days worth of Drev's clothes in one, along with his best black Armani suit with a white shirt and black tie. Then took the other to the spare bedroom and put in several sets of clothes and a black Armani suit of her own, only she paired hers with a purple silk shirt and black pumps. She carried that back into the bedroom, on one arm and a pair of jeans and a nice top and the white strapy sandals she'd bought to match the top, in the other arm.
Wren tossed all of it on the bed and went to the dresser to get their underthings out. She made sure to include black for beneath the suits. Once all of that was packed into a small carry on type bag, she changed from her work clothes to the jeans and top. She was doing the last button when Drev came in with the toiletries kits she kept stocked for when they traveled.
She smiled at him and took the kits. "Um dress comfortable, I have a feeling we'll be at the hospital a very long time. Oh and would you grab the window covers from the top shelf? I nearly forgot them."

Closing his phone, Drev went to the bathroom to grab their pre-packed bathroom stuff. They both worked methodically and efficiently; Drev's Telekinesis helped tremendously. He dressed in a t-shirt and jeans - not too raggedy and torn - and a pair of flip-flops. Drev wasn't too concerned about getting packed; if anything, they could just buy what they needed. But he knew it was giving Wren's mind something else to focus on, and they may not have a lot of time for shopping once they arrived.
Once they had everything, they hurried out the door. Exactly sixteen minutes after Wren hung up the phone, Drev's BMW was screaming around the corner of their building.
(both out)