YAYAYA! LOL Of course! Poor addison's been on my back burner so long he got afraid I forgot all about him.
Whatchoo gots in mind?
hey Addison
I'll drag out Redd to play if you go someplace more public... I figure two redheads could start some real trouble! =D

17 years ago

17 years ago
well her hangouts of choice would be qwerty, elekTRONica or the like. think antisocial computer geek. you start something and she'll come harass ya!

17 years ago
Indeed. Thread opened in the cafe.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Addison!!!!!!!!!!! <3 I avenged your honor, darlin! /giggle

17 years ago
So I hear! *snickers* Very honorable and all!
Addison: /blows kisses to Ellis
Poor fella doesn't know she's back though.
Addison: /blows kisses to Ellis
Poor fella doesn't know she's back though.

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
If he did would he be setting foot outside? heh heh heh

17 years ago
... *ponders* .... nope. LOL He'd prolly hide.

Tobi Emiliano
17 years ago
Redheads untie!
I mean...redheads unite!
Or something...
I mean...redheads unite!
Or something...

17 years ago
You sure it isn't "Redheads Undress?"
lmao j/k
lmao j/k

Ilya Derunov
17 years ago
Did someone mention undressed redheads?