It's alive!!
Woot! Back from hell-week at work, and back from Denver as well. The trip was interesting, but very very busy and as you probably noticed I had NO time to do any posting of any sort whatsoever, for which I humbly apologize. :( We iterally spent every day from 7 am to 9 pm in meetings. Blaaaargh.
Anyhow, here I am!! Will begin catching up as soon as I go walk my poor neglected doggy!!

17 years ago
Welcome back! Be sure to treat the pooch to some bikkies after the walk.

17 years ago
Welcome back hon

17 years ago
Yay - Hugs - All kinds of welcomes back!!
Glad to hear you survived.
Glad to hear you survived.

17 years ago
Welcome back!
Nastalia Nujun
17 years ago
Welcome back!

Alec Devereaux
17 years ago
And there were no APBs out for rabbits in the Denver area! So proud! *sniff*

17 years ago
I didn't have time to be evil!!!