The Dojo
Having changed into a sports bra and hakama pants, Amberelle slipped out of her room with a small bundle under her arms. She made her way outside and scanned the area, looking for the dojo Chryseis had mentioned.
It was a simple building, very classic in design. It's shoji screened doors gleemed white in the darkness of the night, making it easy to find. Amberelle slid the doors open softly, slipping out of her shoes and leaving them beside the door as she stepped in and turned on the lights. It was a quiet and peaceful night, and she went around opening the windows to allow the night's breezes to move through.
Stepping into the center of the mats, she knelt and placed her bundle before her. She quickly pulled her hair back into a braid, tying it off with a rubber band from around her wrist. That done she begain to roll her head slowly, and go into her stretching with deep and measured breaths.
((OOC : Hakama pants are those billowy skirt looking pants that samuri used to wear, and you see people wear in kendo))

He debated whether he should just stand and observe for a while or let her know he was nearby. Finally he decided she'd be put more at ease by knowing he was there from the beginning instead of turning around to find him there.
Sorin still wanted to know what was so valuable about this woman that Gustav seemed determined to have her back. Not that he had any doubts that the man wouldn't want her back simply for the fact that she had managed to slip away from him but Sorin felt there was more to it than that.
"I see you've made yourself at home. I hope everything has been to your liking so far." His voice was quiet and pleasant, pitched to be heard but not to startle.

Oui. My rooms are très bien. Other than the vulgar connard, everyone has been most pleasant.
She hopped to her feet in a fluid motion, turning to face Sorin and began to slowly move through a basic kata. Keeping herself moving was easy, these were like breathing to her and let her mind focus on the man before her. As her head moved and followed her imaginary foes she studied him. Pleasant tone or not, she wasn't convinced he was all friendly.
((OOC - connard = asshole =D And a kata is: "Kata are formal exercises consisting of pre-determined defensive and offensive movements, performed in a sequence. They are performed by oneself against a series of imaginary attacks by several opponents. ))

"I dare say that I have wondered how some people find themselves in Anantya. You estimation of him seems most accurate. The term es agricola does come to mind doesn't it?"
Sorin smiled pleasantly and continued to watch. Her kata patterns suggested that she had trained for some time. Perhaps her weapons skills were what interested Gustav? Certainly that couldn't be all.
((OOC: Since we're being helpful.. es agricola means to be a farmer which is slang for non mannered, uneducated.. you get the gist. ))

Some are simply products of their own time are they not? And is Anantya not stronger for our diversity and do we not benefit from the history each brings? While yes, he seems more the type to be kept caged and leashed.. perhaps he is to be less feared because his true nature is open, unlike some.
Amberelle knew she was playing a bit of a dangerous game by baiting him like that but she considered it a calculated risk.
((OOC hehe the explanation was more for the connard's benefit =p ))

Sorin chuckled. Did she think he was so easily baited?
"The Order of the Hunt are quite useful and I for one feel safer when I sleep knowing that they are around and on my side. I am sure this homo fera is quite loyal and nothing to worry about. Mai will tend to him, she always does."
Smiling placidly, Sorin continued.
"People are rarely what they seem. Do humans not take you for one of them as you walk their streets?"
((OOC: Ah, Je comprends ))

She slowly stood, still smiling. Indeed, I am. It can be most advantageous to be taken for one of them.
She turned and walked to the center again as she spoke, carefuly unwrapping the bundle she'd brought. She spoke casually, keeping a warm and friendly tone.
Gustav spoke of you often, I feel as if I have known you my whole life.. short as that may be. He does admire you, you know. But as he follows you, since you are the leader of the Order of the Night, that is a good thing, non?
She layed out her wakizashi and katana, smoothing the fabric until her fingers touched something cool and metal that was unexpected. Her expression never changed, but she looked down as she lifted the swords one at a time to unsheath them and lay them out. Her stomach fluttered as she spied a long silver chain with a simple silver charm on it, a rough norse styled hammer. For as long as she'd been able to remember that had been around her grand-mere Ellise's neck. 'She knew I was going to leave, didn't she.' Her smile grew warmer and she slipped it around her neck, tucking the charm into her clevage.
She glanced up at Sorin again, Did he ever mention me to you?

"Well I am certainly honored that he speaks fondly of me but I do wonder how his words might have colored your perception. No doubt the ruthless exploits of my working for the Order of the Night do not paint me in an endearing light."
He chuckled softly to himself.
"No doubt, I am a cold hearted monster in those stories. It is the role one must take often when working to gain information for the clan. Still, I am Anantya and what I do is for Anantya. I hope that comes through in all of those tales."
He looked at her again. He could lie, of course, but he doubted she'd believe him. If Gustav had mentioned him then their frequent information exchange was probably also known. There is no reason for her not to know what she already suspected.
"Of course, he spoke of you. I am sure you realize that he wants you back. "
Sorin's face grew serious for a moment.
"I assure you, wanting and having are two different things."

I.. had expected as much, oui. As you know, he does not like to lose things. She glanced up and gave a feeble smile. It is not my intention to cause strife between the two of you.. but.. She paused, obviously choosing her words carefuly. I have felt for a while.. that it would serve everyone best, in the long term, if I was to be exposed, to others.. had a chance to.. study, with different members of the clan, to broaden my skills.
She quickly explained.. Not that he hasn't provided excellent tutors, the clansmen there are all very skilled and trained, but.. Well.. I felt there was more I could learn, and grow. Tu vois ce que je veux dire? Perhaps I am wrong, that is what I was always told when I asked him.. that my place was there, and it was not needed for me to grow. Amberelle looked at Sorin, eyes searching his face for a reaction to her words.
She stood with swords in hand, holding them outstretched to either side as she tested their weight before beginning another kata. And.. you see, Gustav has explained to me many times the need to be ruthless in the pursuit of ones goals. That certainly wouldn't color my opinion of you differently. It is the nature of the Order, and its followers.. to be less than that would make people less respectful of you. She glanced at him and shrugged, I appreciate how one must rule with an iron fist, to accomplish your goals. I am quite used to that. She watched to see his reaction, to see if he believed her like she hoped he would..

"I think there is more you are not telling me, my dear. It is always best to be wary in new places."
Gustav wouldn't let her leave. That was not hard to understand, what she really wasn't saying was 'why' he wouldn't let her leave. What made her so valuable that he wouldn't let her out of his reach and further more is anxious to get her back.
"As for Gustav... I am not surprised that he would like to keep a close watch on his 'creations'. Still his ways are not my own despite what you may have heard. My coldness is for the enemies of Anantya not for my clan.
He bowed slightly and continued.
"I was in life and remain to this day a poet and musician first. Those are my loves, ruling... it is not something I have ever been truly fond of. Affairs of state are best left up to the Order of the Rose. They seem to enjoy boring paperwork." He rolled his eyes to the heavens and made a gesture of pleading.
" I am quite thankful not to have such a job. I feel that my Order members are my brethren, fellow artists and equals. To some degree he even believed that, they were his fellows and he considered them his comrades, enjoying the arts as much as he did himself. Sorin merely thought himself more talented than most.
"And to what Order do you belong?"
((OOC: He does see what you are saying to a certain degree but he also knows better than to appear like Gustav, you obviously left the man and therefore he assumes you did so because you no longer wished to be around him. ))

"I couldn't agree more."
He watched her for a few moments thinking about the possibilities.
"You'd do well in the Hunt from what I see and I'd welcome you into my own Order if that was your preference. I don't know how talented you are in those areas but if it were something you enjoyed then we'd find a place for you with us."
"I'm afraid that I am not so diverse. I am hopeless when it comes to weaponry and I obviously have no love of state craft. So it was probably the Order of the Night for me whether I had a talent in it or not."
He gave her a self depreciating grin.

If it is acceptable, I will put some thought to the matter and let you know soon?
'Interesting developments indeed,' she mused to herself. 'At least it will buy me some time to see where I should place my loyalties.'

"As far as Mai goes, well, she is difficult to talk to from time to time and that makes our kind nervous." Sorin laughed softly. "However, she can surprise you and she is excellent as one of the Hunt. That cannot be denied." Nor would he, even though he found the woman odd and unnerving. She was relentless in tracking down a foe, making him glad that she never had cause to consider him one.
"As far his thoughts on Nachton, One does tend to think one's own city to be the best and its easy to find flaws with the others. Some 'might' say that certain people in New Orleans were a little too harsh and uncompromising were we pointing out facts" Sorin did take pride in Nachton, it was his home afterall and he took offense at even Gustav disparraging his city.

"Ah, well some of our kind never come out of their own time and some it would seem even revert to earlier times with age. Personally, I believe progress is marvelous and the achievements of mankind are wonderful to explore. Perhaps one day we'll even find a way to walk around in the sunlight. Seeing the dawn again would be marvelous."
He scratched his head and looked embarassed. "Though I always was a bit of night person. Hardly raised my head before noon, I'm afraid."

She smiled brightly. It was best not to let him know how much being what she was still bothered her, she was certain. That was a weakness she didn't want exploited by anyone.

"Very true. I must confess." He lowered his voice to a conspiritorial whisper. "That I was completely obsessed with movies when they first began to make them for the large screen. I must have seen everything in existence at the time."
Sorin smiled remembering it. "Indeed, everyone here thought I was completely mad. I was told it was a fad that would never catch on."
He thought for a moment.
"I still have an old video projector and some 'home' movies from earlier times here in the manor if you'd care to see them sometime. They are quite amusing in a few cases." He cleared his throat and continued. "I fancied myself quite the camera man in those days and I do not believe I did too badly if I do say so myself." He grinned good naturedly. It was an actual interest of his and this was Sorin at his most comfortable,speaking about the arts.

"Mostly I prefer acting, being behind the camera is something I would rather leave to others but every so often I pick it back up in order to record our little family here. Many despise technology and would not know a camera from a microwave so that leaves few people willing to do the job."
He pondered her for a moment and then continued.
"Are you perhaps skilled with recording? If so it could be most useful to the Order of the Night."

She glanced up at Sorin, her eyes sparkling with amusement at something. Lifting the wakizashi she carefully ran her finger down the edge blooding it, then sheathed it. Setting that aside she lifted the katana and began wiping it as she continued, Louis is very skilled at looking pitiful and hungry, it's amazing how the fiercest of people will stop to pet and take in a stray.. or how they don't notice a small cat moving in a crowd. Comes in very handy.
But you said I could help.. how would I be able to do this?