Leavin' on a Jet Plane!

Hey all. I have been scarce lately because we are going on vacation. For a week to Colorado. Land of the ice and snow. I am taking my laptop though so this should not infringe too much upon my posting.

That means the following chars will be out of touch for all of tomorrow and all of the 28th probably: Nyra, Cyrus, Livia, Suki, and Mosi!

We shall return to have fun soon as the plane trip is done and the jet lag is slept off.

Montana 17 years ago
Safe trip! *hug*
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
wuwu! Have fun!
Nastalia Nujun 17 years ago
Have fun!
Diane 17 years ago
have fun, we'll pick on mosi while your not looking! =D
Mosi 17 years ago
Thanks all!

And dont think I didnt see that Diane! hehe
Shay 17 years ago
Awesome - have a blast!
Alfarinn 17 years ago
Enjoy the snow!!