Library meeting (Thaddeus)(lock please)
Sorin paused their entrance to the manor to retrieve a bottle of red wine from the cellar. He then led Thaddeus in through the kitchen entrance and picked up two of the delicate crystal glasses before continuing on to his final destination.
This last stop was the library. A seemingly casual choice as both of them were quite fond of it. However Sorin had given his choice more than a passing consideration. Thaddeus would be comfortable here and more likely to speak easily of whatever was troubling him. It also had the weight of centuries of knowledge, located in one place. Documents that the other clans and humans would love to be able to merely glance at. This represented Anantya to the Order of the Night. Vast amounts of information carefully stored on shelves or protected from the elements in sealed containers, ages worth of wisdom able to be perused at a moment's whim. It was their pride and joy. He knew it all too well. It would remind his young brother of his loyalty to the clan and more importantly to Sorin, his loyalty to their Order.
He poured them each a glass of wine and handed one of the long stemmed chalices to Thaddeus.
"So, what has been on your mind?" He asked, smiling good naturedly before taking a sip of his drink.

In fact, he felt less than comfortable with the entire situation. The stresses of that evening weighted heavily on his mind; Thaddeus felt confused and uncertain, and more than a little frustrated in his efforts with the ring Mai had discovered. More than anything he wanted to crumple into a chair and take this terrible weight off his shoulders.
But no...that would not be proper. He would deliver the news of Emma's murderer at the right time and place, and not whine and moan throughout the journey. Sorin was a gentleman; though he would certainly listen to Thaddeus's concerns with his usual compassion and respect, the young vampire felt that inside, Sorin would think less of him. No, if Thaddeus wanted to earn Sorin's respect, he would handle this situation with due propriety and discretion.
Clearing his face of the emotional turmoil within, he looked Sorin in the eyes and spoke calmly and quietly.
I am afraid a conflict of a personal nature has come to my attention and which must be resolved immediately. I humbly request to be relieved of my duties in the Order until such a time as I can devote my full committment to them.

"Of course, Thaddeus. You know I'd let you take any time you need for personal pursuits." Was that a hint of disdain at the word personal He thought it was. Sorin inwardly congratulated himself on his performance. He would be indulgent but inwardly disapproving of such petty individual distractions, though he'd be too kind to ever say so to his fellow Night's man.
"You're like a son to me, Thaddeus. You always have been. It is truly a tragedy that Emma was taken from you before you had the chance to really know her like I knew her." Sorin looked away a moment, warming up to this speech. "If I could give you my knowledge of her, the years spent in her company, under her tutelage. I would, without hesitation."
He looked back at Thaddeus sadly. "I can only hope that I am half the mentor and friend to you that she was to me."
Sorin came over and placed a hand on the young man's shoulder, regarding him with a concerned smile.
"If you ever need anything. Anything at all, you know you can come to me." He looked chagrined a moment, seeming to sigh at his own status. "I feel there is something more you're not telling me about this. I don't want my position to make you feel distant. Your problems are my problems. Your well being is my concern, as a friend."
Sorin stepped back a step and waited, letting the boy take in everything he'd said. Best not to push him too hard. Let him come forward with everything on his own.
((OOC: He's a sweetheart, isn't he?))

Thaddeus sighed inwardly. He honestly couldn't have expected a better reaction to his request; in truth, any good leader would be frustrated, and Sorin was clearly going to great lengths to be accommodating. Still, the disappointment, the hurt in Sorin's eyes was hard to bear, almost worse in fact than the laughter and ridicule the truth would surely bring. Two centuries ago he would have sneered at such open vulnerability; he would have said "I am the son of Alexander Grey,"Â? shrugged the hand from his shoulder, and walked away with a haughty gait.
But Sorin had known Emma. The terrible loss bound their fates and should bring them closer, not further apart. Never before had Sorin spoken so candidly of their friendship, and while questions of the exact nature and depth of this knowledge made Thaddeus burn with private envy he could not admit even to himself, the fact was that Sorin was a link to the past he could ill afford to lose. Nor did he want to, not really; after all, wasn't Anantya the family he desired with all his heart?
I am the son of Alexander Grey. But you, Sorin, you are my mentor of the Night, my leader, my friend.
Still, it would not do to have Sorin believe his mission was frivolous, and Thaddeus felt the need to assure him of his good opinion of him as well. Such an odd reversal, to go from concerning himself with the other man's opinion to reassuring Sorin of his own high regard.
Thaddeus reached out and placed his own hand on Sorin's opposite shoulder. The gesture was somewhat awkward for him, but he felt such a connection was needed to truly reach his Order Leader.
Sorin, my future lies with you as my past is tied to yours. You must know what you, what Anantya means to me. You are my kin, tied to my blood, my history, my immortal life.
There are things that I must set right, Sorin. Great wrongs that must be corrected.
Here Thaddeus hesitated, wondering if he should say more, if he had revealed too much.
I am honored that you regard me as your son. I am grateful for your leadership in the Order of the Night. And perhaps more than anything, I am thankful you were Emma's friend. Not a day goes by when I don't wish for just one more minute with her, but knowing...knowing she had you in her life brings me comfort. How could I repay you for your words today?
'Except by bringing you -his- severed head,' Thaddeus thought, but did not say.
There will be a great reckoning for the pain caused by that man, wherever he may be. And then may the wounds of the Clan heal at last.
Thank you, Sorin. For your understanding and your offer of council.

The boy was quite worked up over this matter. He could not have delayed this little plan of his much longer and continue in safety. At least that infernal Asian midget wasn't a tracker or Sorin would have never been able to drop that ring. No, Mai's tracking abilities came from her own skills not a gift of the blood that would have proven his downfall. He felt reasonably certain that Thaddeus's unpracticed ability in psychometry would at least put the boy and his pet hound of the Hunt on the trail of the person Sorin wanted them to find.
"Take what ever time you deem necessary. I can tell that this is something you feel you must do." He turned away with a small sigh. "It pains me that you feel you must do it alone."
He let the words hang in the air, the faint tinge of hurt that Thaddeus felt he could not trust Sorin with the truth. Turning back to his clansman, he smiled a pained grin in an effort to cover the wounded emotions. Inwardly grinning like the Cheshire cat at his exemplary acting skills. It was his creator's wisest move to preserve such talent for all eternity. Sorin mused on that fact every day.

Actually, Sorin...there are some questions I think you can answer that may ease a burden weighing on my mind.
In the aftermath of Emma's death there was so much pain and confusion that I fear important information may have been overlooked. Many theories as to reasons for her killing have been suggested, but other than that we have very little to go on. The trail is long cold now, yet still I am restless with the lack of retribution exacted on her killer.
Can you tell me anything of what Emma was doing in Bulgaria before she was killed?

"Emma's death was a shock to us all. I was not aware that you still looked for her murderer." He frowned and continued. "But of course, you would. I can understand that. Certainly I would too in your position and in my own if I still held some hope that we could find anything."
He took another sip of his wine and appeared to contemplate Thaddeus's question.
"As, I recall there was some intrigue there with Evenhet at the time. There was evidence of a Thracian burial site from around 4 to 5 centuries ago. I don't suppose I need to do the math for you. Emma felt the place might give us clues to our origins. She was always in search of our oldest history."
"Evenhet are notorious for their unearthing of ancient artifacts. Abusing their vampiric knowledge of history to make quick money." Soring genuinely sneered at this. How dare they sell priceless pieces of history to the highest bidder. It was blasphemy! A direct attack on him was when that barbarian boy personally saw to the exhibition of his beloved Domus Aurea to the public. He vowed that day to make Evenhet suffer for their decision to leave Anantya and to attack his pride by exposing his ancient palace to tourists.
Returning to the subject at hand, he apologized.
"I'm sorry, Thaddeus. They can just be so trying and if it were not for Evenhet racing Emma to the site then she'd probably still be alive today. There is no knowing whether she found anything of importance there. It is quite possible Evenhet thought she had carried away documents or small artifacts from the site. Mai was there with her but alas..." He knew it best not to say anything disparaging of the little monster but certainly the boy was at least wise enough to realize she lacked sense and social grace most of the time. You couldn't even carry on a decent conversation with her. Not that he ever tried. Just the thought of her staring at him unblinking with those white eyes sent shivers of revulsion up his spine.
" Near as I have ever been able to get from her, Emma did not carry anything away from the place. " He shrugged as if to say. 'it is impossible to know for certain with such a source.'
"The correspondence I got from her just after leaving the ruins told me next to nothing. It was all fascinating and she promised to tell me about it when she returned but did not wish to disclose anything that might be taken and read by non clan members. "
He drank from his wine once more and then concluded his speech.
"And then there was nothing at all. I worried. She should have been home already but she was not and there was no word. I assumed Mai was side tracked on one of her journeys of personal interest and poor Emma was made to tag along. Of course later Mai returned with you and not Emma."
Sorin looked saddened by the loss of his friend. He choked slightly and put down his glass. "I'm sorry. I...should have done more.. I could have gone.. I.. well, it was just too painful. And there was the Order, I had to take over amidst the tragedy. It was... trying."
He put a hand to his mouth as if to hide the uncomfortable emotions all of this had brought to the surface.
"I should have done more. I am truly sorry."
((OOC: There are Thracian ruins in Bulgaria dating back 4 to 5 centuries ago. He's probably being truthful here because there is no need to lie about why she went and other people who could remember the time as well. He might be playing up Evenhet involvment in order to make them the scape goats for her death. It is the most popular theory.))

Thaddeus was deeply disturbed by the look of guilt and sorrow that passed over Sorin's features as he stammered out his explanations. It was an all too familiar expression to him; he saw it in the mirror often enough. With the look came a nagging little voice in the back of Thaddeus's mind. "You should have, if only you had, why didn't you, why did you..."Â? and on and on until he was half out of his wits.
His wits were what he was, were all he had. And so he had stomped out that voice of indulgent self pity and destruction until all that was left was a steady and indefinable ache.
Or at least he had mostly stomped it out.
Sorin, I thank you for speaking to me about this. I know how difficult it must have been for you.
I know the ruins you speak of; they are only a few miles from the Grey Family Bulgarian Estate. I can well understand her desire to study them as it is a fascinating location. I can see how many different...factions...would wish study it. This is not the first time Evenhet has crossed my mind as having a particular interest in Emma's death.
Thaddeus reached out and gripped Sorin's wrist in his gloved hand. He looked into his eyes and spoke firmly, enunciating each word.
You have helped me more than you know today. Again, thank you.
And now I have a great deal to think about. Have I your leave to go?

He smiled and squeezed Thaddeus's arm in reassurance.
"Well, then I am relieved to have done you some good. Of course, my good man. See to this matter of yours and Thaddeus... Sorin looked him over thoughtfully.
"Be careful. I don't want to lose you, as well."

With that, Thaddeus turned and left at a brisk pace for his office to write down everything Sorin said regarding Emma in his journal, lest he forget some detail.
And then he had a letter to write. But as his mind raced, a doubt lingered. "Be careful. I don't want to lose you, as well..." The words echoed in Thaddeus's mind. He would not be the cause of more pain within the heart of his Clan. But rather than cause him fear, the words only strenghtened his resolve.
You will not lose me Sorin; you will gain revenge.
/ooc Thaddeus out

Finishing his wine, he set down the empty glass on the counter and looked around the library. The boy needed Sorin to teach him about the world. He was still young and naive yet but He'd have to give Emma credit. She had picked a truly gifted and remarkable soul.
"Thank you, Milady. He made a wonderful parting gift." Sorin murmured to the emptiness before taking his leave of the library.
((OOC: Sorin out))