May be AFK a few days

X is in the hospital so I may be AFK a few days. Not sure... he's in ICU so I may be desperate for things to fill my time in between visiting hours but.. yeah. He should be home in a few days, they admitted him because he's been sick and got dehydrated, very not good since he's a diabetic. And his bloodsugar's been out of whack from being sick so he's in ketoacidosis. Essentially your body starts making acetone (nail polish remover type stuff) in your blood. Not the first time he's been through this I'm sorry to say *sigh* So send all your happy thoughts our way please, thanks!

Shay 17 years ago
He's in my thoughts and prayers hon.
Hang in there.
Rene O Brian 17 years ago
Damn hon You take care of yourself while they're taking care of him *hug* I'll keep you both in my thoughts
Aishe 17 years ago
Hope he gets better soon!!
Cyrus 17 years ago
Hopefully it will be a speedy recovery and he is back to normal asap!
Ellis Duban 17 years ago
I had that happen to me once. That is some seriously horrific shit. Once they balance out all the stuff his body is trying to purge, he'll be right as rain. Tell him we're all thinking about him. /hug
Alfarinn 17 years ago
Best of wishes for you both. Tell him if he just wanted to not have to do the holiday shopping there were easier ways to get around it!
Ginnie 17 years ago
Huggles for both of you.
Alyshia 17 years ago
A speedy recovery to him! hope his blood gets back to normal soon and he can come home with you, lots of hugs to both of you /hug
Diane 17 years ago
=( take care both of you!
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Thanks everyone! They moved him out of ICU and into a normal room this evening! =D Maybe I can actually get some sleep now...! I'm hoping and crossing my fingers they will let him come home tomorrow. I passed on everyone's happy thoughts and y'all made him smile =)
Shay 17 years ago
That's awesome news hon!! Big hugs to Xan too!
Xandare 17 years ago
Thanks for your thoughts and good wishes, i'm back, despite having more puncture wounds from that vampiric hospital staff.. (blood gasses, blood sugar check, second IV, third IV..more blood!)

now to just recover from the hospital stay.. (still a few quarts low i think)

Ginnie 17 years ago
*hugs* "We're" glad you're all better hon. Drink lots of water and OJ and you'll feel better in no time.
Shay 17 years ago
OJ is hard to drink a lot of, as a diabetic...damned natural sugars
Alfarinn 17 years ago
Good to see that you escaped the place =)
Aishe 17 years ago
Glad to hear you're home and doing okay!!!

(Vampire helpful hint #25: Don't drink from too many Italians. All that garlic in their systems gives you blood gas.)
Cyrus 17 years ago
Great news! Rest up and get all that reserve built up again so we can tak... *cough* I mean, glad to hear your feeling better!