Beer and .....More Beer
The Rain that he fear would pickup had arrived, and was now falling down in sheets soaking him to the bone, it was uncomfortable, but not an uncommon problem 'Figures' he thought while reaching and zipping up his coat, and pulling on a pair of wrap around shades to keep the rain from blinding him.. then he spotted the store, your standard stop and rob..
'any port in a storm' he thought and pulled in..
pulling his huge motorcycle along side the sleek ride parked out front 'is that a fucking Astin Martin?' he said and killed the engine..
"I must be in the wrong part of town" he muttered to himself..
push both doors open he strode into the store, hair slicked down and blown about making him look like some kind of wild-man.. he pushed his shades up and scanned the store..

'Great. A newcomer,' he said softly. Simon made a selection, a dark ale, and slammed the glass door, letting his presence be known.

he took a second to size him up, then walked over to the cooler as well, standing there in front of the the cooler and near the vampire.. waiting to see how he would react to his presence.. and to get near the beer which was his real target..

Simon stepped back and gave the vampire a wide berth to choose his selection of beer from. He looked at the newcomer. He was, for lack of a better description, fucking huge. He guessed his weight at approximately 400 pounds, if not more and it was all muscle. This one's age, however, was probably close to his own. He would be a formidable opponent. Simon decided that tonight would not be the night to find out.
With a polite nod, 'Evening.'

"Evening" he replied. then continued "hows it going," he replied while casually searching the mans face for some hint to his origins..
finding nothing directly discrenable he relaxed his shoulders and made sure his posture was neutral.. beer tucked under one arm

With a slight nod of his head he introduced himself. 'I am Simon Huntington, of Clan Tacharan. I would imagine you have heard about us by now. We're considered...' Simon paused, searching for the correct phrase, 'the 'uncivilized' ranks of our nation here in Nachton. Are you aware of the other clans in the city, brother?' Simon grinned slowly. 'We're an interesting bunch, us Nachton Vampires.'

"Yeah I know all about you guys.. some of the best parties I've been to have been Tacky ones.. but I hear Nachtons like a little slice of Fang-face heaven"

Simon moved towards the cashier and paid for his ale. 'I'll be there later, if you like, you could come as my guest. Meet the rest of, as it were.' He pocketed his change and nodded at the blank faced attendant. 'Ellis should be there later as well.' He grinned just then, wondering how Ellis would react to such a Tacharan-ish Anantya. Oh yeah, he was looking forward to it.

when he walked off Talon waited a few seconds for him to conclude his buisness, so not to appear to be right on his back.. then approached the clerk to check out as well..
"Sounds good, I'm always up for a party.. where do I find the place?"
he paid the clerk, the just for fun he reached over the counter and roared in the clerks now stunned face "GIMME A JELLY DONUT! ...TO GO!" then released the man and bellowed out a huge gut shaking laugh, and walked twords the door.

Holding the door open Simon looked out and saw that the rain had tapered off. He continued, 'There's an elevator bank at the bottom that'll take you straight up but be wary of leaving the main floor for your first night. Like I said, its free for all and you'll notice more younger, reckless vampires. Not that I dont think you can handle yourself, but the ancient right to kill humans is an old law that holds no weight...for some. See you later, Talon of Anantya.'
With a nod, Simon walked out into the night.
((ooc: simon out))
The clerk was nearly startled out of his poor wits. He dropped the bag in his hand and took an involuntary step backwards. Jelly donut... jelly donut...
He went over to the case all the while muttering in his head. [I don't need this shit. The pay is lousy and the customers... some were just plain scary. His father had wanted him to get a job and pay for his car. The bus was looking better and better all the time.
Damn it! What kind of jelly donut?!?
"S..Sir.. w..what kind of jelly would you like?" The clerk clamped his mouth shut. Did he just stammer? Man, he hated this place.

"S..Sir.. w..what kind of jelly would you like?"
e thought about this for a moment and then with an evil grin said "Fig" knowing full well they wouldn't have anything so silly as a fig flavored jelly donut...
(( ooc : he'll wai for the clerk to reply and then storm out and laugh his butt off while riding away on his bike

"Sir, we don't have fig."
Why must the always want to mess with the cashiers? Did he go to their job and harass them? No.. of course not, well.. maybe but this guy.. He looked like a wrestler or a bouncer at some bar. Not the kind anyone with any sense would mess with.
He picked up a reasonably clean rag and began to wipe of the counter, waiting for the large man to leave.