No choices. (Private - Kadzait Alpha)

He had not had any time to change out of the dark green flight suit that had been in the bag he shoved into Marthinus T. Steyn's hands back in South Africa. In fact, he barely had time to notify the Alpha that he had returned for good. It had been several months since the completion of the pack's estate and his return to Johannesburg to tie up loose ends. Now he entered the newly completed Nachton hospital, state of the art medical facility. He relished the cold that October had swept into the city. Hammerthynn had become so used to the heat of the country, that the pleasantness of the cold winter chill brought back memories of soft auburn curls and warm fires in the hearth.

The ding at the elevator banks snapped him back to reality. As he entered the elevator car up, he pushed the 16th button. A couple had walked up towards the doors but stopped short at the sight of Hammer. He looked down at them from his 6'6 statue and flared his nostrils. They backed away, saying they'd catch the next car. Hammer nodded, relishing in the quiet humor. He made people uncomfortable - it could've been his height or his eye, but probably both. People gave him a wide berth, much to his delight.

Reaching the designated floor, Hammerthynn stepped out and again cut his own path down the hallway towards Steyn's hospital suite. The life monitor outside the room read that he was stable. Pushing open the door slowly, he stepped inside to find him sleeping soundly with bits of wire and IV's attached to him. For a moment, Hammer allowed himself to sigh deeply and run his fingers through his hair in an uncharacteristic show of emotion. There he was, Marthinus T. Steyn, infected with the GMV virus, shot on pack property, fighting against a probable addiction to Eternity.

Yeah, this couldn't end well.

Carol 17 years ago
Carol's eyes watched the taller man move to Marthinus' bed and sit down. Her mouth opened to object to him being near Marthinus when the man she had been directing her anger at, began to speak. She held her breath and her eyes moved from his to his lips. Carol's head dipped forward and everything around her just...faded away. Her expression fell from angry to concentrated as she listened to him explain what happened.

Hammerthynn. Her head nodded towards the one eyed man but did not break their stare with the other, in a feeble attempt to thank him. GSW. Carol's lips moved with the him. Genetic Metamorphic Virus. Nodding she repeated the words softly. Not human.

Something in her snapped back. His soothing voice kept trying to calm her but those two words struck a loud and long cord in her head. Then finally...
werewolves. Carol swallowed hard, trying to understand what this man was saying. He had no idea what he was saying to her. Her concentrated expression fell again to sadness and she felt a tear run down her cheek.

Shaking her head slowly in her calmed, fuzzy world, she wept quietly for this dear sweet man talking to her.
'But you don't understand. You can't have Marthinus,' her blue eyes grew wide and she leaned forward to whisper her secret.

'He belongs to the vampires.'
Iov Hammerthynn 17 years ago
Hammerthynn had always been in awe of Xeph's ability to soothe. As if with a twinkle of his eye, he had the she-cat called Carol calmed and hanging on his every word. He even got a ridiculous attempt at thanking him for saving Marthinus. He listened to Xeph and watched Carol's expression and noticed when something in her started to reject what he was saying. Xeph finished his explanation, pulling her into a world and into such danger that she couldn't possibly understand...but he apparently was wrong.

'What? How does he belong to them? How do you know about them?'
Carol 17 years ago
Carol broke her stare and looked up at Hammerthynn with a sad smile. 'Because he's a direct descendant of the third unrecognized vampire clan in the world. He is the leader's greatest grandson and once the familiar of Ellis Duban. We both were.'
Iov Hammerthynn 17 years ago
All Hammerthynn could do was exhale loudly. He looked from Carol to Xeph. The repercussions alone of what Carol had just told them...Hammer looked over at the sleeping Marthinus T. Steyn and his second uncharacteristic show of emotion of the day, muttered under his breath.

Xeph 17 years ago
There were times when Xeph bucked against the mantle of Alpha... few of them, and very far between. But this was one of those mornings where he would very much have liked to say to Hammer, "Here you go, the Pack's all yours and you can deal with this mess."

Brilliant. He listened to a now calm Carol with a passive expression. Rigid self-control took over and he kept his calm soothing mask upon his face while she spoke. Even as she did so, he was shaking his head.

"Carol," the words were still soft and soothing, but there was steel beneath the velvet. "Regardless of who or what Marthinus may have been before, there is no denying what he is now. Every month, every full moon, he will change whether or not he wills it so. He will never be the same as before, but something far more complex."

His expression was sternly sympathetic. "Both he, and you by association, are bound to our rules, our culture."

God, he didn't want warfare right off the bat here in Nachton. But his Pack's safety came first always. No exceptions. He didn't even want to consider the options is they decided to fight this. Marthinus was Kadzait now, and Xeph would not have him running loose, would not have either him or Carol compromising the safety of his family.

"For the next year Marthinus is bound to Hammerthynn. He must learn what it means to be one of us. He has to learn who and what we are, what he is now. There can be no tuning back. His disgrace is Hammerthynn's disgrace, his accomplishment's are Hammer's. After that year if he chooses to leave that's his decision to make. But know this..."

He leaned in once again, that slight edge creeping into his soothing tones. "My family stays safe. If I have to silence anyone who so much as utters a whisper against them, who casts suspicion on them, who puts them in harm's way, I'll do it."

There was no reason, he figured, Marthinus could not eventually return to his 'other' family if he chose, but Xeph would not be persuaded otherwise for the moment; Marthinus would learn to be Pack first.
Carol 17 years ago
Carol watched Xeph speak with a wide eyed innocent stare and when he finished, she gave him a humored grin.

'Well - Marthinus is a man of his word and he'll keep his without a doubt, but me? My life is governed by a different set of rules...but you won't have to worry about me either. We're the least of your problems.' Carol's eyes glazed and looked off to the side for a few moments and then returned to the cutie with the two colored eyes. 'Your problem just entered the building and he's not very happy.'

The moment Simon came in the sewer entrance of the hospital, her bond with him picked him up. She immediately told him what floor and room number.

'Marthinus is fine, but you're not going to like what he brought home with him,' she sent to Simon.
Xeph 17 years ago
Given Carol's information regarding Marthinus' lineage, Xeph could only assume the object of Carol's speculation was a vampire. He looked out the window at he rising sun and briefly wondered how a vampire could get back and forth in the budding dawn, and then shook his head to himself. Vampires had their ways of making it in and around society, as did werewolves.

Offering the human a rueful smile, Xeph simply shrugged his shoulders and moved to the windows alongside Marthinus' bed. "Our kind has been met with opposition and problems for countless years," he said, a slightly melancholy note to his deep tones. "I've had plenty of problems in my time as Alpha. I'm not expecting smooth sailing."

Of course, life would have been easier had not Hammer decided to play Nice Guy and rescued this human for once. Letting it roll off his back, Xeph began to draw the shades over the windows in the room to ward off the early mornng sun. It would be rude to lack hospitality here, of all places.
Simon Huntington 17 years ago
The new hospital was annoying him. He had not learned the safest route to travel outside the direct path of sunlight and he was constantly having to double back. That's all he needed, to set off some smoke alarms while trying to find his kin's hospital suite. The sewer entrance was only half completed, left as if in an afterthought. Upon entering he reached out, searching for Carol's presence in the building and immediately she answered him.

With directions, he made his way up to the 16th floor. He wondered though, Carol's voice seemed distant and calm. He sighed just then...something was definitely wrong if Carol was relaxed after having heard that Marthinus, the one man she respected the most, had been shot and brought back to the country. As he stepped off the elevator and walked closer to Marthinus' suite, he could feel that eerie calm from Carol and it made him nervous.

'Carol?' Something triggered as he reached out for the door knob. It stopped, an inch from touching the door when he picked up something else - something primal. Something distinctly dangerous.

His hand immediately went to his gun tucked into the holster at his side and he pushed the door open quickly. What met him was definitely not what he was expecting.
Iov Hammerthynn 17 years ago
Hammerthynn watched Xeph close the curtains. 'So polite,' he mumbled and then rolled his good eye back at the small blond beast. She was at ease now, even after what she just told them and what Xeph had implied, or basically threatened. To say that Xeph's ability to soothe even the savage of petite women didn't bother him would be a lie. Hammer did well to calm people down with a swift punch to the head - Xeph had to show off.

Suddenly Hammer's eyes were at the door just as Carol turned to unlock it, as if she knew someone was there. Immediately Hammer took two steps to stop her but she quickly had the door unlocked and whatever was out there was coming in unannounced. He pulled at Carol, pushing her behind him when a man with brown hair and blazing eyes came through the door, hand tucked suspiciously into his jacket reaching for undoubtedly a weapon. Obviously he felt a threat, so Hammer did the only thing he had ever been trained to do.

He pulled at the door with all his might and knocked the man off balance, but he was up quicker than Hammer could register. Next thing he knew, the man had one hand around his neck and the other arm pushing him back against the door. Standing 2 inches taller and about 50lbs heavier, Hammerthynn reached out, knocking the arm away and grabbing a hold of the man's shirt, pushing back.

Carol started to scream just then. Yelling at them both to stop at the top of her lungs. Hammer looked over at her and almost laughed at how hysterical she was being, then when he looked back, he understood why.

The man had to be Simon and he was baring his fangs, snapping at his throat. Immediately Hammerthynn felt the twinge of pain as the beast in him began to change. With concentration he pushed the change even quicker and bared his upper and lower fangs back, which registered on the vampire's face. There they were, werewolf and vampire, ready to tear some shit up.
Carol 17 years ago

Carol was jumping up and down, screaming at the top of her lungs as Simon shoved his way into the room and Hammerthynn pushed back. The scuffle took seconds to happen and suddenly they were at each other throats, fangs out, growling at each other...

Wait a minute. Carol stopped jumping and in horror, watched Iov start to change.

'What the...fuck me, what ARE you?'

His face was changing, almost...growing out and longer. He had two sets of fangs, the upper and lower canines like a wolf. Jesus, Carol thought and began screaming again.

'Stop! STOP!' She ran up to both men and grabbed Simon's arm. The door began to open again and Carol disengaged herself from the fight and pushed against the door, locking it again.

'Alright goddamnit, STOP! STOP IT STOP IT STOP!!'

Suddenly the top half of Hammerthynn's flight suit began to tear and Carol backed up again, watching as he turned slowly into...something. Whatever he was, his strength was apparent, not only to Carol, but to Simon who was struggling to maintain his ground without letting his fear and confusion take over. She braced the door as the staff outside tried to break it in.
Xeph 17 years ago
Was it Monday? It felt like Monday. This was definitely Monday stuff. Things went from 'tenuously calm' to 'really bad' as there was suddenly a raging vampire vs. werewolf clash at Marthinus' door. Carol did her Jekyll and Hyde routine and went from almost tolerable to earpiercing again.

Xeph felt the hair on he back of his neck stand up. The urgency he felt from Hammer, the conflict, the emotion, all made the wolf in him howl, but he quelled it. Hammer was going into protective mode, seeing nothing but the threat to his Pack leader, the son of his closest friends. But Xeph was Alpha through and through, and there was a reason for that.

Barely raising his voice, knowing it would carry regardless, Xeph crossed the room to the door, made a gesture at Carol that implied that perhaps she might like to somehow get the newcomer under control, and simply spoke to his Beta.

"Hammerthynn. Enough."

The staff were at the door, and Xeph placed his trust equally in Carol and hammer; one, to follow directions, the other, to do her part in the peacemaking. His face calm even though his skin was tingling, Xeph politely opened the door and stepped outside.

Fortunately the two nurses there recognized him; he did do a rotation at the hospital once a week, and had handled the cases of high-profile clients before this. Offering a brief reassurance that everything was fine, Xeph poured on the charm until he thought he might need a life preserver to stay afloat. It worked, however, and within a few minutes he was slipping back into the room, optomistic of the fact that while he'd been outside, it had been fairly quiet within.

Closing the door behind him, Xeph leaned against it and crossed his arms over his chest. The man in the room now, he observed, was someone whose face he'd seen once or twice before. Some sort of affiliation with Duibne, although he'd never in a million years have guessed the depth of it, guessed at the man's lineage. He was hard-pressed to recall the name but it came to him after a few moments.

"Simon Huntington. Well, who knew? This gets better and better."

He flashed Carol a grin. "You do have some interesting friends."
Iov Hammerthynn 17 years ago
"Hammerthynn. Enough."

Hammer had every intention on tearing shreds, public hospital or not. This one was old though, not what they called an ancient, but old enough that he stood toe to toe with him half changed. Fully changed...that would've been quite a sight to see.

The moment Xeph uttered those two words, his snarling mouth shut and he gave the vampire a final shove back. Twice in one day, twice within an hour and his body was on fire wanting to fully change. They would need to return to the pack home very soon before he lost control and changed in public. He teetered towards the edge of being over half changed and he noticeably struggled to halt the process. With a primal grunt, Hammer took another step back and lowered his head in respect towards his Alpha. He flicked his good eye up at Simon, hoping he understood that this wasn't finished.

Slowly, ever so slowly did Hammer regain control. Xeph managed to calm the outside staff down as he left the three of them staring each other down. Carol was trying to calm the vampire. Her actions and touching were that of a lover. Again he snorted as his exaggerated canine bone structure receded. Once Xeph stepped back in, he had nearly returned to human, but he looked down at clothes and grimaced. It was hard to come by flight suits that actually fit.
Simon Huntington 17 years ago
It had been a long time since Simon had snapped his jaws at anything - much less a werewolf and that's exactly what this man was changing into. It took everything not to just stare in astonishment. A THIS town? They were a myth, a wives tale - a poor storyline coupled with every more ridiculous vampire theories. But here one was, a large one. Poor Carol was screaming now, very loudly, in her small person screech, but the only thing crossing his mind, other than being completely dumbfounded that he was fighting a werewolf, was that he wanted badly to tear his throat out.

Something was wrong. Why were they here with Marthinus? The one man that he tried in vain to spare from Ellis' wrath and a life without light - were they responsible for the attack on him? He'd kill this beast and figure it out later.

Carol began to pull at him but went to stop the staff from coming in. Suddenly the other man was there, standing close to Hammerthynn and he spoke softly to him. With a strength he had not felt equal to from anyone other than vampires his age, Simon was shoved back towards the door and held back by Carol. She was talking to him in his head. Soothing words, telling him that it was alright, they weren't there to hurt Marthinus, that they saved him.

Simon looked at her with angry eyes but did not reply. The other man left the room to calm down the eager staff and then returned a few minutes later. Simon watched as the one called Hammerthynn changed back. He could not help but look with open curiosity. How could they have existed and the leaders not know? Or did they? Did Ellis, she would've figured out someway to exploit and hunt them instead of her own kind or maybe she was just twisted that way.

The other man spoke, addressing him by name. Simon didn't recognize his face - not from any of event that he had been to. He regained his composure and straightened his jacket, wiping errant dirt off the front of it. Simon ran his hand through his hair and turned towards the leaner man.

'Who are you and what do you want with Marthinus?
Xeph 17 years ago
Xeph fought down the snarl that wanted to come to his lips. Sometimes the wolf inside was stronger than the man, and that was what he sought, over all things, to hold control over. Hard to believe this was a vampire... and, by all accounts, if Carol was to be believed, an Alpha in his own right. His distaste for this silu was strong, but Xeph tried to see past that, past the fact that he'd attacked Hammer without provocation, and deal with him without letting his own prejudice color his thoughts.

Still, his first reaction was to deny ever having actually -wanted- Marthinus at all. Xeph shook his head, mostly to himself, and started with the simple things, his voice as evenly measured as always.

"Aidan Xephier," he said. "Alpha. This gentleman you've already met is Iov Hammerthynn, my Beta."

That was, regrettably, pretty much the end of the simple things. Without moving so much as a muscle, Xeph continued. "Mr. Steyn belongs to us, by his own choice. He's Pack now, the three of us having decided through long and well-thought out conversation that that was generally preferable to his leaving in a body bag."

Xeph unconsciously fell into a more technical sort of speech; his 'doctor's voice,' as he spoke, and wouldn't have been at all surprised if the first response he heard was Hammer's snort at his calculated understatement.
Simon Huntington 17 years ago
'Is that right?' Simon glazed over Xephier's tale of woe and walked over to Marthinus who was still sleeping soundly. He immediately saw the blood and pulled back on his shirt. There was a rather raw looking bite mark on Marthinus neck. Simon tucked his left arm behind him and balled his hand so tightly that his knuckles went white. He looked up at Carol who gave him a sad look.

'And this,' he pointed at the bite mark. 'Hickey gone wild or is this your quaint way of turning my family members?' Simon checked down Marthinus pulled back on the other bandages, presumably from the gunshots he was told about and they were just as nasty.

Shaking his head he looked back at up Xephier and said,
'You realize what he's apart of? I can't believe he agreed to this - to be what you are. He is a Huntington and a part of my clan. He walks Nachton and quite literally the world unfettered as my human descendant. You...werewolves are treading on dangerous ground. You have no idea what you're up against, what you've put yourself in. Marthinus does not belong to you,' Simon looked at Hammerthynn with a spiteful glare, 'nor to you.'

Simon walked over to Xephier, giving Hammerthynn a vicious side long glance and spoke in a low, very calm voice
. 'I'm taking him out of here and you can't stop me or so help me god, I'll bring down the wrath of an entire clan on you and your people.'
Xeph 17 years ago
"That's right," Xeph said, unperturbed by the shorter, lighter man in his face. Fixing his mismatched gaze upon Simon he lifted a shoulder.

"Your threats are worthless."

Xeph didn't want to have to prove it. There was a truth here that Simon couldn't change, that no one in this room could alter. "Your precious offspring owes his existence to Hammerthynn now. Your limited capacity to breathe would be best spent thanking him for saving Steyn's life instead of flapping your gums at me. You're welcome, by the way," he said, but the cool humor didn't even remotely reach his eyes. "If not for my Beta, your man would have been dead once in Johannesburg and once again not half an hour ago."

Xeph was growing tired of the threats, the hostility, the bullshit. It was no fault of theirs that Marthinus had been attacked, no fault of theirs that Hammer had saved him either. His Beta had acted accordingly, had saved the human's life twice over. Once to bring him to Nachton, and again in Gifting him.

"That Gifting," Xeph stressed the word; Marthinus had been Gifted, not 'turned,' "was Steyn's choice. But don't let me keep you. By all means, get him the hell out of here."

Xeph moved away from the door and gestured. "Watch your Marthinus writhe in pain during the course of the next full moon. Watch him scream as his body and bones knit themselves into a new shape, as his DNA forces a change over him that he will never be able to overcome. Watch the insanity every month. Take him from us, his Pack, and deny him the answers to the questions he'll have, deny him the sanity and the understanding we can offer."

Xeph snorted at Simon. "You can't change what he is. Marthinus is Kadzait, and will know what he is every full moon, every time he smells you approach before you're in the same room, every time he feels the urge to ravage your vampires to bits."

His unmatched eyes narrowed. "Your arrogance is a match only for your ego. You would threaten my family? Rest assured yours will feel the same pain."

There was more, so much more, to be said. Years of oppression, centuries of repressed memories, red hatred flashed in front of Xeph's eyes. The wolf was rising, and he'd about had enough of this arrogant bastard's smugness. But there was no cause to change, no reason to turn, and once again Xeph reined in his anger and settled himself down.

"If you care for him," he nodded at Steyn, "you will want him with us for this next year. We are the only ones who can teach him. But the choice isn't yours."
Carol 17 years ago
This was bad. Very, very bad. Both Simon and Xephier were threatening each other with total destruction over one man. She looked over at Marthinus who began stirring in his sleep, but probably knocked out from all the trauma to his body. Hammerthynn stayed quiet behind them, arms crossed with a curiously blank look on his rigid face. Carol looked back at Xephier as he finished his equally global sized threat, causing her reach out and touch Simon.

'Simon.' She gently touched his arm, pulling it close to her. He refused to look at her so she tugged at his arm, resulting in a rather scathing look of hate in her direction.

In his mind she spoke softly, 'At ease.' His face softened but he still gave her a stern look. 'Marthinus fine - you can't do anything here that won't cause...well quite the ruckus. He's alive and it's probably what he wanted without you being here. We can't stop this, not right now. There are other things we have to look into now,' she nodded towards Xephier. 'Now is not the time to start wars.'

Carol glanced back at Hammerthynn who was watching her now as she spoke to Simon through their bond. It was a dark, suspicious look - one that her narrow her eyes back at him. Six foot nothing, she wasn't going to let him try the 'let's scare the little girl' trick. Despite being human, Carol had her lethal tricks as well.

'Ask if we can move him to Duibne.' Simon's jaw clenched. 'Sorry - suggest...suggest it. Sheesh.'
Iov Hammerthynn 17 years ago
They were doing it again - the touching and meaningful looks. It perplexed Hammer and made him wonder at the same time. Were they speaking? They had to be. Not so much as three words passed between them in the full minute they looked at each other. Hammerthynn had heard of such an ability within the vampire nation - to be able to speak with someone you are...what did they call it? Someone that you were bonded to.

Ahhh, Hammerthynn thought with a flare of his nostrils. They were definitely lovers, but a human and a vampire? Who knew vampires were capable of that type of emotion. What did they know of family, this Simon looked at Marthinus as his property, whereas Xeph and he were looking out for their own now. The political repercussions if the other pack learned of the connection would be dangerous. Hammerthynn had no love for the vampires, but he did not wish a public war with them either.

He continued watching the little one speak to the vampire when Carol turned and looked directly at him. How misleading she was, blond, petite and fairy like. She returned Hammerthynn's glare with a piercing look of her own. Hammerthynn snorted at the woman, but deep down he realized he liked her savagery....god help him for admitting that.

Eventually it looked like they came to a reasonable conclusion and Simon turned back to Xeph and spoke.
Simon Huntington 17 years ago
He listened to Carol as she pleaded with him to not make the situation any worse than it already was. He could not, in good faith, leave Marthinus with these strangers. Marthinus could not possibly know what he was getting himself into, the position that he put the clan in with this new intrusion into their city. He wasn't done bargaining for his kin yet.

'At the very least I...would like to have Marthinus at Duibne. His doctors are there and you would of course have open access to the facilities. You may think he belongs to you now, but he belongs with us by blood. He has a son who will be curious about him - to shut us out would not be advisable.'

Simon clenched his jaw and felt a reassuring squeeze from Carol. Negotiating for his kin...he snorted softly and waited for Xephier's reply.
Xeph 17 years ago
Xeph felt his nostrils flare as he threw his head back slightly, pride causing his spine to stiffen. "Shutting you out? Who ever said anything about shutting you out? No one's trying to shut you out. What you don't seem to understand is he's not human anymore. Like it or not, understand it or not, your Marthinus is part of our family, every bit and more as he is yours."

Shaking his head he made a slicing gesture with his hand before continuing. "No. I will not allow my Pack member to be taken from his people. There are changes that will happen, things that will begin to occur that Marthinus will need help with, and you can't offer him that no matter how dearly you may care for him."

His features softened just for a moment before his eyes grew hard once more. "I can't explain it in any greater depth. The man you knew will never be the same again. He asked to be kept alive, and we did the only thing that was in our power. I wouldn't attempt to shut you out, but you can't help him now."

Sheer will kept him from pacing. Instead he kept his voice under control, everything in control, as always. "Marthinus will be safe with us. Safer, perhaps, than with you."

The truth hurt sometimes.