It was...strange. Alec felt like worlds were that no-pants dream was happening, but he was going to an arcade and malt shop instead of school. For the third time since parking, he glanced down. Yes, he was in fact wearing pants. His nice, thin black leather pants that he'd paired with a white silk modern oxford under his leather biker jacket. So...not only was he dressed, but he was reasonably well dressed for a themed date. Sure, a cotton athletic fit tee would have been more to the 50's motif, but sometimes you just wanted to feel silk on your body. Sue a man.
It was seriously bugging him, though...the whole having something bothering him and not being able to figure it out. Here he was, sharp dressed, taking Ginnie out on a date he'd selected, she seemed to be in a good mood, was looking sharp, as always, and they were doing an American classic...the milkshake date. What was bothering him?
"I didn't ask...have you ever done the whole fountain shop thing before? I've only seen people do it or seen it in movies. So I'm going by archives here. If you have any firsthand knowledge, feel free to chime in."
Reaching the door, he politely held it open for her, and as she walked in, he had a huge sinking feeling as it was made clear to him. As every sweaty, adolescent head swiveled on its neck to stare at his girlfriend. He was attempting to mix Hot Irish Lover with the Geek Squad.
He was doomed. Doomed. He'd count this as a win if he escaped the date whole and there was no damage to the electronics. He wouldn't be the Creepy Cajun anymore, but the Geeky Cajun. Doomed.
Licking his lips, he smiled sickly. Well, too late now. He hoped he was wrong.

Alec's girlfriend could throw down. And people were noticing. Mostly the other girls in attendance. She'd have her own cult following here, too, should they make this a regular hang out.
Looking at the final scores, she'd easily smacked around his personal best and in her first game hit #3...the top 10 had previously been WIN only.
"Damn, woman! Pretty awesome for your first shooting game. That's it. You're firmly on home defense! I'll just sit and watch."
Grinning, he was suddenly glomped. Catching the weight she'd pushed against him, he ran a hand through her hair. She was practically glowing. Well, she was glowing. But it was from the screen. But he knew what he meant. It was a beautiful thing, her inner geek.
"I'm glad you liked it here. Want to grab a bite to eat, or want to shoot more baddies? Your pick."

"Let's play something else. I want to try one of the other shooting games. There that one looks like fun."
It was a green camo decorated booth with Jurassic Park in orange letters across the back. It had little black curtains on each side, she presumed to make it easier to concentrate on the game. She crossed to it and peeked inside. The guns were red and blue, that made her giggle. She gestured with her head for Alec to join her as she slid on to the black bench. As Alec fed the coins in she watched the demo play and got an easy feel for the game; kill the dinosaurs and you might get away with your life.
"Oh. like the movie, I thought it sounded familiar."
She picked up her little red gun and held it to the screen, it had cross hairs to show where she was aiming, well that was just cheating in her opinion, but at least this gun didn't have a pull to the side.
"Alright lets kill us some big bad bio-engineered dinosaurs."
The cut scene came up and they proceeded to take down the enemy. "Look this one has blood!"
She laughed and shot a raptor between the eyes.

Popping into the death wagon next to Ginnie he laughed aloud at her joy over the digitized blood as they began capping dinosaurs.
"You know, I think these all qualify as endangered species - I bet there's going to be a very angry eco-terrorist as the end boss. You'll have to take care of him solo - that's just too spooky for me."

"That was fun! But, is there something where we can use our whole bodies?"

"Now isn't the place for what I'd had in mind, but there are indeed other options! We've got...air hockey, some skee ball, some of those dancing games...any of those strike our fancy?"

"Let's dance."
She followed Alec to one of the larges games in the place. It was big and silver and flashed incessantly. In front of the screens were platforms with multi colored arrows, and a guardrail along the back. She figured they were to keep people from falling off and suing the game maker. Music blared from the thing inviting them to join the Dance Dance Revolution.
"Well this should be interesting."

"This, you see, is the Devil. Everyone thinks it is a guy with a tail and pitchfork with some serious sunburn issues, but they were wrong. Either that, or he at least made this thing. You dance, faster and faster and in more elaborate patterns until you hurt your soul or break your body. There is no redemption, it only ends in pain."
Dropping quarters into the machine, Alec winked.
"But it is better for you than a hardcore drug addiction, so hey!"

The machine asked them to pick a song and Ginnie picked the one with the lowest number beside it. Assuming that meant it was slower. A booming voiced asked if they were ready then arrows began to flash on the screen. Ginnie followed as best she could, and managed to get most of the arrows. Round two flashed on the screen and arrows started flying again, this time slightly more complicated. By the fourth song Ginnie had kicked off her shoes and was actually sweating. When the seventh song expected her to spin in circles she threw up her hands in laughing defeat.
"I'm done." She panted. "Circles defeat me."
Laughing she sat down on the platform, chest heaving, and pulled her sandals back on her feet, flashing a little bit of holster and lacey underthings at Alec in the process (not entirely accidentally).
"I think I need a drink."
She held her hands out to Alec, letting him pull her from the floor. "What do you say to another soda?"

Grinning as she leaned over in front of him, he blinked when she asked about a soda. Brain re-engaging, processing...soda command, accept? Y/N? Y.
"Sure - that's one of those easy things I'm so good at. What would you like?"
Holding her a moment after helping her down, Alec smiled. She seemed like she was having a pretty good time - he'd managed not to screw anything up yet, and they were moving back into safer territory. Giving her a quick peck, he slid his hand into hers and started back toward their table - hopefully it'd be bussed clean by now and they could make a new mess.

"I'd like a cream soda please. Cherry I think."
She let him help her into the booth, then she tracked him as he jumped the couter and began to fill her request. It had been a very fun evening so far and she was hopping the nightcap would prove just as fun. She had gotten her blood pumping, plus she watching Alec do something domestic which, oddly, made her hot.
Alec returned shortly with the pink drink she had ordered and set it before her with a small flourish. She grinned a sly little grin at him and sipped gently from it. It tasted perfect and she told him so. Slipping off her sandal once more, she slid her foot up the inside of his leg and back down again.
"I don't know how much longer I'm going to last, Alec." She let her accent grow thick, and her voice dropped low when she spoke his name.

"I can empathize with the difficulty that you may be having. Perhaps a change of venue is in order, my love? I understand the Surf Hotel down on the waterfront has an excellent penthouse honeymoon suite top floor deal with a lovely rooftop viewing balcony, outdoor tub, and other such niceties."
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out an electronic key card.
"I get the funny feeling that this unassuming bit of unlabeled plastic might just open the door to that room. Call it a hunch. Should we go test the theory? Unless you'd rather head home, of course."
The difficulty with setting something up in advance and providing an optional way out of it was that there was always the danger that she could actually WANT to head back to the Domicile. Alec was willing to make the prep on faith that things would have gone well enough to net the setup. All it cost was time, and as far as time went, the two of them had an unlimited budget. Elaborate plans became infinitely worth the effort, as a memory that would last a lifetime meant, in this case, forever.

"I am more than happy to tag along on your experiment." She slid to the edge of the booth and fastened the strap on her sandal, before slipping her hand into Alec's and standing. With one had curled around Alec's arm she waved at the young men that had become her admirer's and let her lover take the lead, once more.

The next portion would go very well, he was certain. Though he hadn't done the whole top floor suite deal before, he'd seen enough movies and heard Ginnie coo enough at romantic setups that he felt he had a pretty good idea of how to arrange things. Hopefully all of his theories would pan out.
((ooc: Alec and Ginnie out, lock up!))