Full moons, and mischief...

Fidgety was too mild a term for the way Fallon felt at the moment. Nor was antsy a good description. Pure and simple she missed Cyrus, and spending time together alone, and she was damned well going to do something about it tonight, before she did another thing.

He had gone to Heolfor earlier...business, or something clan related, she wasn't sure, but after romping around the lanai with the kittens she undressed and took off on 'cat feet', in search of her mate.

Try as she might she hadn't been able to get all the wedding preparations together enough for a Valentine's Day event, and was now resigned to a June wedding instead. But having accomplished a lot already, she wasn't as pressed to finish yet, and consequently had more free time on her hands again. But Cyrus was as busy as ever, so they were still having minor issues with arranging time together. Then too, being proud parents of SIX toddlers took up a very large portion of their time. Fallon wouldn't have changed a thing, except for maybe adding hours to the day. She loved her children, each and every one, but that didn't mean there weren't times when she just had to have some time for herself...and her man.

Scaling the wall around the grounds was easy, and whatever security measures there were had been reset to acknowledge her presence and allow her entry. So she hadn't any issues to worry about when coming to the manor, whether by foot, or vehicle. All that aside, she still kept herself stealthed, and blended into the trees whenever she heard anything outside the normal evening sounds. Unable to jump from tree to tree as Cyrus did, she remained on the ground for the bulk of the trip, yet still arrived at the manor in fairly good time.

Unsure of where Cyrus was, Fallon began canvasing the exterior. She paused beneath the window to his suite, and waited to see if there was movement from within. That Cyrus still had a suite at Heolfor Manor didn't bother Fallon in the least. He was never gone from home overnight unless he had to go out of town, and time spent here was limited as well. So whatever he used the room for was of no concern, as it didn't effect her or their home life.

Finding a spot in a bush below the window, Fallon dropped to her belly and waited.

Cyrus 17 years ago
It had taken almost a month but Cyrus was finally done. The three companies that looked to him for advising or consulting as their owner had been fully turned over to capable people. If they sank or swam it was up to them now. The companies were still in his name, he just turned over complete control to his chosen CEO's. They would contact him in emergencies only. Sure he still had first dibs on specific items should they come across them, but he was preparing each company for his eventual and quite faked death and son taking the helm. It was a decade early but no use waiting while he could be enjoying his nights with Fallon.

He had not put an office in their home so he kept going to Helfor to use his suite as one. The benefits were that Rupert signed for all the mailings and he could work without being distracted by the kittens or his lovely mate. Welcome and wonderful distractions but they did not speed his work along. Thinking of them as he cleaned up and filed everything away, he wondered what they were up to. In moments the desk and filing cabinet were completely returned to neatness and locked.

Moving to the patio door he contemplated what to do next, find Mai to see if the Hunt needed him for anything or head home. The glass was fogged due to the humidity he preferred his quarters to have so he stared out at the blurred dim shapes of the garden behind the glass.
Fallon 17 years ago
Not always a patient thing, Fallon had just stood from the crouch she'd been in for about ten minutes, and was about to pace, when she saw something move across his suite window. For some reason she couldn't see him clearly, but that didn't matter as she was sure it was Cyrus.

Contemplating the difficulty she would have in climbing the ivy encrusted wall, to reach his balcony, left Fallon feeling defeated. While scaling a brick wall was just barely manageable, going even higher, and relying on the vines to keep her from falling was not something she had much faith in.

"Rrwaaaaaach". She was finally becoming accustomed to the scratchy timber of her bobcat call, and was even becoming pretty adept at regulating its volume. However tonight she had forgotten to watch herself, and was now afraid she might have disturbed the entire manor. Scooting beneath the nearest bush, Fallon peeked out to see if anyone was coming to investigate. If Cyrus hadn't heard her, she knew she'd give the natural trellis a try, and hope for the best.
Cyrus 17 years ago
He had been intent on heading to get his coat and gloves so that he could return home when a noise outside shocked him. The patio door opened as he walked towards it to allow him to step out into the cold, looking for the source. It had been Fallon's cry but he could just be turning a noise of the forest beyond into what he wanted to hear. If it had been quieter he would have pondered if it had been Amberelle's or her friend's call.

Tuning his senses into his feline form's was second nature to him. The light behind him did not hinder his reflective golden eyes as they scanned for the source of that sound. His nose was keen as he smelled the various clanmates who made this wing their home. One scent of damp fur was familiar as well. Calling out quitely while his eyes and ears were sharp.

Fallon 17 years ago
The second the doors opened Fallon was back up on her feet, and running for the wall. The slight breeze had blown down the face of the manor, wafting over Cyrus, to bathe Fallon in the brief cloud of his essence. Even if her eyesight hadn't recognized her man, there was no ignoring his scent. His one word, though just a simple, loving nickname, both swelled her heart, and sent a shiver through her. Before she really knew what she'd done, she lept from the wall, to the balcony railing, and landed at Cyrus' feet.

Winding her way between his legs, Fallon's purr was so loud that anyone nearby might have heard it without straining. But with her in cat shape, and Cyrus not, there was no satisfaction.

Moving into his suite, Fallon stretched, rump in the air, front paws out in front of her, muzzle pressed to the floor. Spurred on by impatience and desire, she shifted to her human form in a matter of scant minutes. The quicker she shifted meant the more she felt the change, but at the moment she just wanted to hug Cyrus, so she accepted the slight twinges readily.

"Hello love."

Lying on her side on the floor, Fallon grinned at Cyrus, clearly finding humor in her entrance, and ability to surprise her man.

"I got lonely."

Fallon was unable to keep a straight face at such a silly statement. With all the kittens at home, plus Suki, and the staff, lonely was far from what she was. But to tell him she was horny, was something she had yet been able to vocalize. She could show him how desperately she wanted him, and she could tease him until he understood, but there was something about saying the words so bluntly that Fallon had yet to master.

Batting her eyes, and posing seductively on the floor, she couldn't believe he wouldn't know exactly why she had come to see him. She only hoped he was as glad to see her.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Seeing his mate outside in feline form was not unexpected, but he was quite proud of her to venture all the way from their home to the Manor. Though he was sure there was quite a strong path to follow as he had been travelling it quite a bit lately. It was always a joy to watch her, at home in the short coat of fur. The typical cat actions had a smile crossing his face, until he noted the next posture after she rubbed against his legs. A loving leer replaced the smile and he watched his little minx carefully.

Watching the miracle of transformation replace his fluffy companion into his gloriously nude mate gave him further indication of her mood. The blessing of shifting gladly took clothing from one form to the next without issue, that Fallon arrived nude stirred his blood. Stepping towards her while the patio doors closed and locked themselves, Cyrus could not believe his ears.

"Lonely my love? In a house full of babies." His grin was slightly wicked but also full of promise. "Let me see how I can fix that."

Scooping her deliciously posed body off the floor, he cradled her gently in his arms as he mounted the steps to the second floor of his suite. The door to the bedroom opened for them at a thought and soon he was gently placing her upon the large bed. Gazing down at her, he could not help but remember the last time she had shared this bed with him. That memory only fanned the flames of desire she had started downstairs. Pulling his shirt off over his head while toeing off his boots impatiently, Cyrus smiled at the beauty on his bed.

"You must be feeling feisty tonight, little minx."

Joining the silken skinned goddess on the bed he enjoyed the moment and did not spare a thought as to the cause of this blessing, simply enjoyed it instead.
Fallon 17 years ago
Trying to hold a 'seductive' pose seemed easier than it really was. Fallon was cold, the floor was hard, and with Cyrus fully dressed she felt terribly vulnerable. The one saving grace was it was Cyrus she was with, and there was nothing in that, which would allow for her being scared. Without reservation she trusted him, and knew there was nothing he would ever willingly do to hurt her.

As fortune would have it, she had less than seconds to concern herself, for it only took a few of them before he had gathered her up in his arms, and was taking her upstairs to the bed. Growling and nipping at his ear, and neck, Fallon pretended to still be a cat. They had spoken of mating as cats before, and Fallon knew Cyrus was dead set against it...something about losing control and hurting her...so she never pursued the topic again. But a tiny part of her was still intrigued by the idea. Barring that ever happening, she chose to play the part now instead, teasing his skin with her tongue and teeth. Letting go of him was difficult, once he'd placed her on the bed, but she gave him the space to remove his clothes. Left up to her, at that particular moment, she probably would have shredded them from his body.

Even though she had seen him in various states of arousal on a regular basis now, Fallon was still a bit surprised, and flattered to see just how much she could effect the man now looking down on her.

"Feisty...hmmm...yes, you could say that." She half growled, half spoke, feeling the fires inside her beginning to rage.

When she had begun her journey to the manor tonight, she had been horny, and she had wanted to surprise Cyrus, with the gift of making love to him. She had forgotten though that whenever she was in his presence she had to use all of her reserve to take things slowly the first time. If they made love more than once, the subsequent times were easily prolonged, and performed in a more languid manner. But the first time usually seemed to be more about assuaging the roaring fire.

Once he joined her, her hands were upon him everywhere. Trying not to gouge him with her nails, she still let them trail up his back, down his buttocks, across his chest, and only when her hands came to rest around his manhood, did she 'retract' them, being careful not to hurt in her vigor.

It was difficult to kiss him, so caught up in 'feeling' him with her hands, but eventually she managed to find his lips, and once she did she almost felt as if she was devouring him. Her tongue wasn't timid at all, thrusting into his moist, hot, mouth, seeking to battle with his own tongue, and tasting all he presented to her. Unmindful of the chance of being overheard, Fallon made all manner of noises, most coming from deep within her throat and chest, as she feasted on her lover, and teased his penis mercilessly with her hands.

Seeking to start putting out her own fire, without preamble she rubbed the head of his cock against her clit, quite slippery from her own juices. Squeals of excitement were caught in her throat, unable to find an escape route while their mouths were still joined. On there sides now, Fallon threw one leg over his, spreading herself wide, not wanting anything to prevent the joining that was pending.
Cyrus 17 years ago
While he was quite interested in making love to his beautiful mate, Cyrus was not quite prepared for the sensual assault she unleashed upon him. For several moments he simply gasped as she ran her hands all over his body. It was the possessive grasp of his rock hard manhood that drove him to action. Matching her style and enthusiasm he pet her skin while occasionally running his short nails down large muscles of her body.

Those kisses almost distracted him from his own purpose but after a moment his fingers found her breasts. Firmly squeezing the rounded mounds and pinching her crinkled nipples while she tried to crawl inside him via their mouths. His tongue was not idle, but battling hers for supremacy. The fight did not last long though, as her moistened folds rubbing against the tip of his cock caused him to groan.

Rolling onto his back and taking his sexy kitten with him he hoped she would continue her sweet torture. The urge to thrust upward, hard and swift, caused him to groan as he restrained his urges. Instead he guided Fallon's hips down at the speed she was comfortable with while hissing in pleasure.
Fallon 17 years ago
Arching her back, Fallon pressed her breasts into Cyrus' hands, and rubbed his tip against her even harder. How he could work her into such a state so quickly would probably always be somewhat of a mystery to her, but it was nothing she would ever worry about. Instead she carefully manipulated her fingers along his length, wanting nothing more than to make him as crazy with need as she herself was. His groan made her smile, knowing she was being successful in her ministrations.

When he rolled, and took her along, Fallon settled herself by straddling his thighs, but knew she had to now release him from her grip, and find another way to continue on. Once she let go, and put her hands to either side of his chest, Cyrus pushed upwards, and found his place inside her with one swift movement. His hands guiding her enabled him to find his mark easily, but being that they fit so well together didn't hurt either.

Fallon had long ago found that in making love to Cyrus in this position she would find the most satisfaction possible. There was something about the way they were both made that enabled his penetration to rub deliciously against a certain spot deep inside her, and once he began stimulating that spot, she could bank on reaching her climax in a very short time. That she could somewhat regulate the speed at which she peaked was rarely a concern, because once she got going there was only one real goal, and achieving that goal was all that mattered. If she wanted to prolong his torture, she never let him take her in their current position, so early on.

But tonight her goal was to see them both to fulfillment with haste, and then more than likely take a lot longer in repeating the lovemaking. If Cyrus wanted to, of course.

Now driven almost mad with finding the pinnacle, Fallon rode her lover much harder, and quicker than she usually did, but found her prize waiting for her within a very few minutes. Pulling herself up to a place where she could lean backwards more, while moving her hips with his assistance, Fallon cried out as the explosion inside her rocked through her body. And somehow she managed to keep moving, prolonging the exquisite pleasure/pain until she thought she might pass out from it. Only then did she realize Cyrus had yet to experience his own pleasure.

Wrapping her arms around him tightly, Fallon rolled them both until they had traded spaces. Squeezing herself around him internally, she moved her hips upwards, ignoring the sweet ache that she felt in her nether regions. Unable to speak, with her mouth so dry now, Fallon gave Cyrus a look she used to let him know it was all about him now, and she took his ass in her hands to grasp, and pull towards her.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Cyrus was almost assaulted by the pleasure Fallon forced on them both. It was urgent and demanding, pushing them both harder and faster. He had barely a moment to bask in the feeling of her warm body surrounding and accepting him. Those quick thrusts were very nice and kept his interest peaked but would take quite a while to bring him to orgasm, unlike his mate who was shuddering atop him with a cry. Using his hands to pet her hips as she shook and dragged her pleasure out.

The reversal of positions was nice but her urgency was really unneeded now. Still he grinned at her internal clenches and hands pulling him deeper. Using his weight he pinned her lithe body to the bed while he braced his elbows for some of his weight. Petting and tangling his fingers in her hair, Cyrus kissed her thoroughly. With quick licks and light nips he traced her jawbone back to her ear and down her neck. Fallon's hands and feet were free to move but her torso was trapped under his weight which pleased him greatly at the moment. Now his wildcat was trapped and must endure his own desires.

"Still feeling feisty?"

The husky comment was followed by a quick and firm thrust of his hips. Rather than wait for her reply he simply and slowly pulled back until just the very tip of him was encased in warmth. A long stroke that dragged the two piercings against her sensitive flesh followed by an almost hard return to his fully sheathed position. Though she had been on fire, his own desire was still burning and building up slowly and the long strokes continued while he continued to leave his mark upon the flesh of her neck. The hickeys would fade in an hour at most but for now he enjoyed the signs of his possession along with the sensations.
Fallon 17 years ago
Emitting a very guttural laugh, Fallon braced herself for what Cyrus had in store. Though she didn't always climax so quickly, at least when she did, she almost always was able to repeat the experience right away, if slightly less intensely. Finding Cyrus tonight was just what she needed, and was more than glad to see he was just as receptive.

Aside from still seeking his own pleasure, Cyrus proved he knew Fallon's body practically better than she did herself. His slow, and practiced movements now brought him closer to his release, but also heightened what she was feeling. Soon she was again feeling the tortuous itch that felt so good being scratched.

Yet when he posed the question to her, she blushed a deep crimson, but could barely reply. Acting out the part of the wanton seductress was one thing, but verbalizing it was an entirely separate matter Fallon hadn't yet mastered. On certain occasions she had found her voice, and been able to tell him what she planned to do, and what she wanted him to do, but the majority of the time she let the little squeals and groans of their lovemaking speak for her.

Grinning up at him now, Fallon's breath was caught as Cyrus teased her, and grabbing his arms with her fingers and nails, she did what she could to assure he wouldn't go far from her now. He had stoked her fires again to the point where she would need another release, and to that end she urged him on with the only parts of her body able to move.
Cyrus 17 years ago
The slow drag of flesh against flesh as her body clutched at his was becoming almost as erotically agonizing to Cyrus as the swift thrust fully into her moist channel. The bold laugh Fallon taunted him with and the following blush against her creamy skin provoked his desire ten-fold. Still his movements stayed measured as he tried to increase his mate's pleasure along with his own. Those little noises of pleasure she made urged him on, wanting to bring her to the pinnacle once more before he succumbed himself.

Cyrus buried his hands further into the strewn brunette locks, holding firmly but without demands or pain. The minor bite of nails on his arms was welcome as it encouraged more nerve endings awake until his whole body was a mass of twitching sensation. With a rumbling growl, Cyrus began to move faster and faster while continuing the same basic thrust.

A tingling feeling started in the base of his spine, then swiftly moved outward through his limbs. The orgasm felt like a volcano erupted from his body as the tingles retraced the path and burst from his cock. His hiss of pleasure was very feline. Holding himself motionless and deep inside Fallon, head resting on her neck, Cyrus shuddered.
Fallon 17 years ago
How quickly rational thought disappeared, when Fallon was teetering on the brink of orgasm. For the few minutes leading up to the explosion, and the few after, she became nothing more than a woman with sex on her mind. Sex, and Cyrus, for those were exclusive to her now.

His need for control now was not new, but it was also not something so common place that she would ever fear it, or him. In fact, because he didn't use his strength with her more often, she found that highly erotic when he did. She supposed it might be the same for him, as she didn't always play the submissive, and shy kitten either. Some how the two of them found a way to give each other what they needed, when they needed, and this part of their lives together had blossomed into more than just a passionate meeting of bodies. The closeness they found together in sex, carried over into the other aspects of their lives, and reinforced in Fallon, the surety that being with Cyrus forever was the only way she could imagine.

The slight tugging on her hair was just this side of painful, yet it seemed to heighten everything else. When she felt him spilling into her, the sensation caused her to spill out of herself again, and the combination was almost too much for Fallon to bear. Yet when it was over, she immediately wanted the feeling back again.

Softly giggling, Fallon petted the back of Cyrus' neck, after he collapsed upon her. She felt a shudder, but wasn't sure if it had come from him or her. Her body always shuddered many times around her man, after they had climaxed, and it gave her just that more to feel satisfied about. For Fallon, those last few spasms were a way to wind down, without losing all sensation of their lovemaking.

The spasms, and the cuddling. Lying in his arms, quiet, and sated...the urgency gone, having been replaced with feelings of tenderness...could there be anything better in life?

"Cyrus..." Her words failed her, and several seconds passed. "Thank you, my love."

Fallon doubted the time would ever come that she would forget just what he had done for her, and how much she loved him for it. Thank you would forever be inadequate, but even for an English teacher, the most she could think to say.
Cyrus 17 years ago
While he tried to not collapse upon his beautiful kitten, Cyrus was only partially successful. It was long minutes before he began untangling them from each other. Delicately and carefully extracting his hand from her now tangled hair was consuming the small portion of attention he could muster when she thanked him. Focusing on Fallon with a satisfied if lopsided grin he simply shook his head.

"Thank you, my love."

Though he was unsure why she was thanking him, he knew that she deserved his thanks. Cyrus had not been deliberately avoiding her or the kittens but working too many hours to wrap things up. That she had taken the initiative, come to him and seduced him was enough of a wake up call. He had now seen the error of his ways and no more would he work with the exclusion of everything else. Of course, now he did not have to but that was neither here nor there.

Kissing her gently, he finished removing his hands and body from her. Rolling to his side, Cyrus gathered her up in his arms and cuddled her close.

"I love you."

Laying with his beautiful mate in his arms was delightful and he was enjoying it fully. Maybe later they would romp outside on their way home.
Fallon 17 years ago
Letting herself be untangled from him, once he had quieted his movements again, Fallon proceeded to snuggle into his embrace, and semi-tangle herself around him again, with her arms and legs. She also purred, with her mouth pressed against the area below his neck, and above his chest, placing soft kisses there as well.

"I know you love me, but don't ever stop telling me, because I love hearing it. I love you too..."

And though she had more to say, she hesitated. As nice as it would be to sleep where they were, Fallon knew she would worry unless she was home, and knew the 'children' had been kissed and tucked in for sleep first. It gave her a small amount of pause to see how readily she had taken to the role of mother, especially when she had never wanted to be a mother, nor felt she would be any good at it. Having Cyrus at her side, and with him being such a wonderful father, surely helped.

"And I'm sorry to say there's no way we can get married next week."

There, she'd said it, and though it still made her heart ache, it was what it was. No amount of planning had enabled Fallon to get things together in time for the Valentine's wedding she'd originally spoke of, even with Aishe and Ana's help.

"I think the best we can hope for is June...is that okay?"

Not that she expected Cyrus to be anything but understanding and gracious, but because the whole idea of getting married was his idea, she just didn't want to do anything that might hurt him. That they would need to wait a couple more months, she hoped, was something he wouldn't mind terribly.

This wasn't to say Fallon hadn't jumped on the marriage bandwagon. Shocked at first when Cyrus asked her at their house warming, Fallon immediately agreed, thinking there wasn't anyone she wanted to be with other than him. She loved Cyrus with every ounce of her being, and had to admit knowing they would be wedded gave her a sense of security she didn't even realize she had wanted. Old fashioned values seemed to have been more solidly planted in her mental and emotional make up than she realized until that point in time.

"That isn't why I came here tonight though...and I don't want you to think that I'm at all unhappy with your working away from home. And really, if you have more to do, I can go on ahead, back to Ger Kogji..."

Fallon's fingers danced lightly across Cyrus' back, shoulders, and upper arms, as she cuddled alongside him, delighting in the feel of his warm, muscular body, and the way those muscles moved beneath his skin. Her movements now were not made with sex in mind, but instead just love, and a sense of fulfillment. Then too, she always felt so 'complete' when she was with him like this, and touching him made that feeling stronger yet.

"I just...thought a small bit of distraction...might be welcomed."
Cyrus 17 years ago
Cyrus was lulled into comfort and contentment by just the press of Fallon's body to his. The light kisses she graced him with were simply perks. His calm was only partially intruded upon by her words, mainly the pause and unspoken 'but' that he heard coming. Still he simply arched a brow and listened while his mate tried to explain further. Listening to her comments had his hand petting the warm skin of her back soothingly.

"Whenever the date is it will be fine. Though, by Mongol standards we are already wed with the celebratory feast among family and friends."

If he thought about it, when he made his claim on her, over Panos' that was also another ancient Mongol way to acquire a wife, by stealing one. That was not something he ever intended to mention to his beautiful kitten though, modern women got angry at that kind of talk. Even if his culture had respected women more than any other culture of the time, it did not make it progressive now. His mental checklist of things to do to provide for a wife was almost complete; build a house and move in together, gifts exchanged, feast. Luckily he could leave off the acquisition of livestock in this day and age.

His smile was warm and content as she launched into what almost sounded like an apology for coming to him in the Manor. Shaking his head he hugged her close and disclosed the good news.

"My work is finished. As completely wrapped up as possible for the next twenty or thirty years. We can return home whenever you wish."
Fallon 17 years ago
Once he confirmed he wasn't upset or angry about the wedding delay, Fallon found she had been a little tense in the telling, and relaxed. She, too, agreed that she already felt as married as she could imagine, and had pretty much since even before their housewarming. Yet the little girl in her still shivered a tiny bit in anticipation of the wedding itself. What she, and her two best friends had already organized, was nothing like she'd ever experienced, and thus very excited. It was another page in her fairytale life journal...how could she be less than thrilled?

Settled in his embrace was almost as good as the actual act of making love. Fallon was very fortunate, she thought, to have a man who liked snuggling afterwards, who could hold a conversation, and who wasn't one to just roll over, and unceremoniously fall asleep. Because Cyrus didn't ever seem to do things he found distasteful or unwelcome, Fallon had come to believe he enjoyed this time as much as she did. It was also a time she felt most loved by him, and tried to show how much she loved him in return. Had it been physically possible, she probably would have crawled inside him, to be as close to him as she could. A giggle escaped her lips as she realized just how silly that idea sounded. Besides, as he reminded, they had a real home to go to. She would have to put off climbing inside him for another night.

The giggle was replaced with a soft sigh, and Fallon pulled away from Cyrus, ever so slightly.

"You have no more work to do for another twenty or thirty years?"

Not that Cyrus was really gone too much for business, but that statement seemed incredulous. He had a marvelous staff who did his bidding, and were so well chosen and trained that he really could trust them to see to things, but was he really saying he would have nothing work related for the next few decades? The idea both exhilarated, and scared Fallon.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Had they been at home, he would have pulled the bedding over them and curled into her snuggling, until they were close enough to be one person. But he was sure that Fallon wished to return home, which was fine with him. By her reaction to his announcement, he could not tell if she was happy or sad. Trying to explain his position he pet her hair soothingly.

"It is a bit ahead of schedule, but the best way to keep a company for centuries is to move away, turn over control to a competent board of directors and wait. Once the humans all retire, I can return as my own son. It has worked well in the past. Which would explain why Desiree calls me Junior."

It would not be completely done, the board would pester him once or twice a year and he would still have to monitor the reports sent by the director and accountant. Essentially all was in their hands now though. Of course this only minimally curtailed his new income, it did nothing to the fortune he had amassed in the prior incarnations of himself. Added to the fact that he may not be acquiring new antiquities quite as quickly, his expenses should not increase. Save for the house purchase nothing he had bought so far while in Nachton had topped his highest dollar amount purchase of an ancient sword.

Smiling at his mate he felt slightly restless. The urge to return home on paw sounded perfect to him. Briskly rubbing Fallon's flank with his hand he playfully added a light spank upon her nicely rounded rear.

"Shall we go home, love?"

Rather than force either of them to get up should she not wish to, he stayed where he was. Her talk of the wedding finally jarred his memory. "Have you spoken to Suki about helping with the wedding plans? I think she would be more than happy to put her considerable talents to the test as your friend, if you wish."
Fallon 17 years ago
Fallon knew Cyrus was a smart man, mainly because he had managed to survive hundreds of years, but also because he had created a very comfortable lifestyle for himself. Though she didn't know all the details, and in fact was happy not knowing, she suspected he was the closest she would ever come to a real life millionaire. And while she was still a little awestruck by all the comforts, and material things he provided her, she appreciated it even more that he didn't flaunt his wealth. At least not too terribly much. Ger Kogji had become such a loving home for Fallon, she no longer saw it as the mansion it was.

Put it all together, and you had proof that Cyrus knew his business, and hearing how he made the transition through generations was evidence that he was clever as well.

"You are so smart...is there anything you don't know?" Not that Fallon really believed Cyrus knew EVERYTHING, but at times like this she had to believe he knew more than most of the general population.

"I'm so glad you are who you are, and you got to the point in your life that you did before I met you. With one of us at such odds in life, I can let go of any worries, knowing you have everything under control."

Fallon was constantly learning, and growing, and becoming more satisfied with herself as a person every day, but she was smart enough herself to know she would never be Cyrus' equal in that way. And better yet, she wasn't bothered by that fact. Cyrus was too intelligent to love someone without value, consequently, Fallon had value, and realizing that made her happier than she could have ever imagined being.

A loud squeal exploded from her mouth when Cyrus patted her ass. In a half hearted attempt to get him back, Fallon kissed Cyrus hotly, but immediately pulled out of his embrace, as she pulled her mouth from his. Stretching, as she stood alongside the bed, she readied herself for the change she was going to put her body through.

"I haven't spoken to Suki much lately, to my shame, I'm afraid. Now that Aishe is among us..." Fallon grinned, and winked at the little inside joke.
"...I've been catching up, and comparing notes...as well as making plans for the wedding. I feel just awful now though, knowing I've been neglecting Suki in the process."

Her expression became pensive, as she sorted out her immediate schedule in her head, and made plans to call Suki, and include her in the preparations. With all Suki's talents, and connections, Fallon felt a bit silly for not even considering her earlier.

"Let's go sweetheart...let's go home to our family."

Casting him a smile she only had for him, Fallon bent forward, placed her hands on the floor, and slowly let her body move, and shift, until she was again the cat that had come in through the balcony doors earlier. Once she had finished she jumped back up onto the bed, and plunged herself against Cyrus in play. She imagined he was quite content to lie there, but now that she was ready, she wanted him to be as well.

It was time to go home.
Cyrus 17 years ago
Cyrus for one moment did not think he knew everything, if he had he would have started companies centuries before he did so his fortune would be in the billions rather than millions. But he had not caught on to the trick for quite a while. Still Fallon's comments made a lopsided smile form as he shook his head in denial. He had just as much confidence as she did in their ability to make a good life no matter what. Of course, he knew it would take over three industrialized nations falling to throw a wrinkle into their lives.

Even light taps and feisty play was something he did cautiously with Fallon. He never wanted to be compared to the dead Ted and he was never quite sure how such play would be received. Her squeak and assault was quite nice though. It was a shame she leapt out of bed so quickly after that fiery kiss.

"Don't feel bad, I have her quite busy with things. But she should have settled into this new routine shortly and had briefly lamented about not being able to help. And even then it was not to me but to Ginger."

His familiar was busy learning how to gather food sources for him in a different way. Rather than arranging 'dates' she was gathering names of people either playing in things like blood games or vampire sympathizers. Wanna-be's she called them. Plus she was taking a college course on business management or some such thing. Thinking of Suki was halted as his playful kitten shifted and pounced.

"Impatient Minx."

He laughingly teased her and ruffled her fur around her chin before dragging himself from the bed. Clothes were put back on and he went through the suite securing it. When only the balcony door was left he opened it to allow her to exit. Shutting and locking this door he turned away, part of him felt like a chapter of his life was now closed and behind locked doors but it was not a bad thing, a new chapter laid in front of him.

Shifting into his leopard form he stretched and revelled in the night especially the beautiful bobcat in front of him. Purring slightly he marked her with his scent by rubbing his neck along her back. Another nudge at her and they were running from the large building towards the trees and home.

((Cyrus & Fallon out))