Risk Assessment
Continued from Celebrity Cribs
Thaddeus took the opportunity while Palmer was distracted with Alfarinn to approach Claire, who was waiting behind the others to exit. He had been so anxious to speak with her since their discovery of Sorin's other child, but now that it came down to it he discovered that he was downright nervous. He supposed that was only natural - he had no idea how Claire would react and there was a good chance he would say the wrong thing and only make the matter worse.
Nervous or not, though, he knew it had to be done. It would be irresponsible to allow Claire to continue in her involvement without knowing all the facts. He couldn't help but wonder, though, if he wasn't also doing this to ease his own mind, to share the burden of this knowledge. In that context what he was about to do seemed selfish and cruel, and while he would have liked to believe he had only good intentions, he knew there was a part of him that would be relieved when he had told her.
It was with such depressing thoughts in mind that he spoke. He had at first raised his hand to touch her arm, just to get her attention, but then he thought better of it and lowered his hand once more. There was no reason to startle her - he had already upset her quite enough and would again very shortly.
"Could you stay a moment, please? There's something I need to speak with you about."Â?

Claire watched as the others left; giving a little wave and a smile to Palmer and Christian before turning back towards her seat. The others were not asked to stay; was this the part where they quizzed her about her loyalties? She had thought she was wrong about Thaddeus' earlier comments and that she was projecting her own feelings onto her companions. Now she was not so certain.
She sat down in the chair once more, perching on the edge of it but waiting It looked nervous, Claire was certain but there was little reason to pretend otherwise. The night had been very long and emotionally draining; she just did not have the energy to feign something even close to Palmer's confidence or Christian's calm.
“Is there some way I can be of assistance?”

He could, however, search for something non-alcoholic. Running through a mental inventory of what might be found in his kitchen, Alfarinn discarded the idea of coffee on already frayed nerves. A search of some of the higher shelves found an herbal tea blend. Alfarinn took the box down and looked at it.
Tazo Citrus Green Tea... Now, where did..?
He smiled remembering Dani giving it to him on one of her visits. She said it was relaxing and hoped that it would help him sleep. Looking in the box, he noticed that he did try it before going back to his usual method of sleep aid. Dani was always so thoughtful and concerned about him so the least he could do was try to be good.
It would be perfect. He microwaved three mugs of water and placed a tea bag in each of them. Finding a tray, he set these on them and added the small sugar cup and three spoons. Alfarinn brought these over and set them down on the table for everyone before taking his place next to Thaddeus.
((OOC: Note, the kitchen is an open space to the right of the entrance with a bar in front of it. The small space looks out into the living room. ))

Alfarinn, meanwhile, had with his usual sense of discretion made his way to the kitchen – not so far away that Thaddeus would feel insecure, but not so close that Claire would feel ganged up on. This sort of thing seemed to come to his lover instinctively – even if Thaddeus had thought of such a move, it would have been forced coming from him.
He gave a wry smile that came out looking more pained than humored at Claire’s question, and tried to put his thoughts together.
“I wanted to speak to you alone to discuss some of the items we found in Sorin’s apartment. As I mentioned before, it’s…nothing directly relevant but I felt you should be aware. I suppose, once I’ve explained…we could decide together what anyone else needs to know.”
He bit down on the inside of his cheek and took a steadying breath, looking up, his eyes instinctively seeking Alfarinn as he moved about in the kitchen.
“This may be…difficult to hear.” Oh, good job. Build up the tension and scare her to boot. “What Alfarinn and I discovered in the course of our investigations was evidence that leads us to believe Sorin created a child, about fifty years ago.” He paused for a moment, then added: “Strong evidence. I sensed the jacket you saw me bring out from the apartment – it belonged to the child Sorin created. Alfarinn sensed the suit Sorin wore when he turned him.”
Alfarinn returned to the living room with an assortment of tea things. He thanked his lover quietly but did not yet reach for a mug – the tea should steep and anyway he wanted to keep his attention on Claire and any questions she might have so far. Thinking of the first question he might ask in that situation, he added: “His name was Eric Gould.”

When the truth had nothing whatsoever to do with her foundless worries Claire had the absurd urge to giggle in relief. Quickly placing a hand over her mouth, she looked down at the other as she allowed the information to sink in. Sorin had another child.
It was not shocking news; he made progeny from time to time, usually on a whim. Claire always figured that it was a whim that had made her; Sorin saw some potential in either her or her father, and having not a lot of time, turned her without further thought.
She knew that she was one of the few children of Sorin that he was willing to claim. Sometimes he took great pains to not let them know his identity; others proved worthy in the beginning and then displeased him later. He would have them stricken from his line and command them never to speak of it to anyone. And by command, Claire knew that this was literal; he would command them to believe they were the child of some other vampire. From time to time he would gift children to very special friends, having them believe that person was their Sire. It was some freakish form of vampire adoption that was considered a high honor among certain members of the clan.
This seemed to be heavy news for Thaddeus and she silently cursed her Creator for losing the respect of the man in front of her. If only he could have been as Thaddeus saw him.
Claire did frown at the end of the telling. Was their psychometry so powerful that they could pick up a name or was the reason for her clanmate's distress because he knew this Eric Gould?
"I have never met him. Is he a friend of yours?"Â?
/ooc Sorin's background with permission

Adding a small bit of sugar and gently stirring the mixture, Alfarinn then picked up the mug and set it gently on his leg. He had warmed his cup more than the others, knowing that it would lose its heat swiftly while in his hands. Still the warmth of the mug was soothing and he let it seep into the fingers that wrapped around the light blue ceramic.
Claire seemed relieved and he figured that this conversation was not the one that she expected. He did not bother to mention her emotional state to Thaddeus, in part because of the earlier mistake, but mostly because it seemed obvious by looking at her. He transferred the mug to his other leg and slid his slightly warmed, but rapidly cooling, hand lightly onto Thaddeus' leg.
((OOC: empathy and assumptions with permission))

There was, however, nothing to do but answer the question posed.
“Not…no. No, we weren’t friends.”
Knowing he had to explain and dreading it all the same, he offered Claire one of the cups of tea and picked up his own, dunking the teabag and then using the spoon and string to wring it out. The mug was warm even through the gloves and unlike smaller tea cups he actually could wrap his hands around it comfortably. Then he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and began to speak again before he could figure out another stalling tactic.
“From here on out, you understand, we’re dealing with…informed speculation, shall we say. I have never met Eric Gould…junior. I did, however, meet his father. I know what he told me, what Sorin told me, and I’ve filled in the gaps from there.” He looked from Claire to Alfarinn and back again, hoping he was being clear. “Right then. As near as I can piece together, Eric Gould did not take well to being turned. I don’t know anything more specific than that – I do, however, know that shortly after his turning he returned to his human family. I believe he stayed there long enough to frighten and anger his father terribly and give him just enough information to be dangerous before disappearing again. I do not know the details of his disappearance but I suspect he left voluntarily.” Pausing to take a sip of his tea, he took the moment to figure out just how much he wanted to say on the matter. He had no wish to make matters overly complicated by telling a long, drawn out and painful story. “Needless to say, Eric’s actions created a very dangerous situation. The father was…crazed…and involved several other humans in the search for his son, and the vampire who created him. That…did not end well.”
Feeling a little dizzy at his own penchant for understatement, he sighed and took another sip of tea. “When Sorin became aware of the situation, I believed he was righteously furious over the negligent actions of two vampires. I further believed that Sorin had eliminated both Eric Gould and the one who created him, though obviously this is not the case. I do believe he did in fact kill Eric, though even with my sensing I am afraid I cannot be certain. At the time I didn’t question it…now, of course, I seem to question everything.” At some point in his speaking Thaddeus had picked up a certain amount of momentum. Now, at the pause in his speech, he was suddenly hit by just how much he had told.
And by how much he had left out. Claire needed to know about who Eric Gould was and what his fate had been – she didn’t need to know the specifics of Thaddeus’s involvement. Even so, it meant that his story had more holes than swiss cheese and she might not accept his explanation without more information. Taking another sip of his tea, he decided he would cross that bridge when he came to it, and stayed quiet in case Claire had questions. Unconsciously, he shifted his weight closer to Alfarinn, though he managed to resist resting his head on his lover's shoulder for the moment.

Bringing the tea cup to her lips, Claire paused when Thaddeus said the boy did not take to being turned well. Sorin has asked her if she had wanted to live but then her circumstances were somewhat different. She had questioned one or two of her siblings about their experiences with their Sire with mixed opinions upon Sorin afterwards.
The boy went home. That was very unwise and certainly a traumatic way to end his relationship with his family. She wondered what sort of dangerous situation the father had created. Just knowing was bad enough and that the man wished to hunt down his son and the vampire who made him was certainly a good way to get him and his companions killed. Claire figured that was the bad end that Thaddeus described and was touched by his rare compassion for humans. Most Anantya came to see them as cattle and nothing more.
She sipped her tea while Thaddeus paused, considering his words so far and how she should respond. It was obvious that this distressed him. Surely Sorin took care of the situation with command and sent the humans home with this Eric probably sent to the farthest reaches of Antarctica for his mistake. It was a shame really; Claire knew that her Sire was not the most patient of men and yet the situation would probably have gone differently if he had just paid more attention to the kid's needs.
It was shocking to hear the outcome that he believed happened. Giving it some consideration she was not as disbelieving as her initial response. Sorin, unlike many vampires who would have considered their child's actions to be a reflection on their instruction, would have considered himself blameless and Eric's weak will to be solely at fault. He would have been angered that this was brought to the attention of even one vampire of his clan. Claire wondered if it was a large scene or just Thaddeus who was involved. The gory details though were much like gossip and while that was her stock and trade for the Night; she could not bring herself to banter on about such trivial aspects with Thaddeus who was trying to do the right thing.
She still wondered how Thaddeus found out but she supposed that portion of the story was not the pertinent information. He could have simply saw or heard someone behaving oddly. Claire remembered the reporter and his drunk girlfriend; it could have been a similar case for Thaddeus. Neither of them had been trying to hide a belief in vampires and while it was likely most people would not believe such crackpot tales; there were dangerous people that would take it all too seriously.
Reaching out a hand, Claire gently touched Thaddeus' knee.
"I'm sorry, Thaddeus. He is not a good man. I always hoped that he could change. He seemed..."Â?
So comfortable as the Elder of the Night. No sense in telling Emma's child that.
"...contented these past years and I thought that perhaps the stability of the clan and the respect that he had been given would be enough to mend some of his past."Â?
She frowned thinking of this boy who may yet be out there somewhere alone. Had Sorin, in his ire, cast him out of the clan? Claire felt that she had a duty to track down this brother if he still lived and Thaddeus had brought home the means to do that.
"If you would permit me to use the jacket you found then I would be able to answer the question of his well being and we would be able to find him. Perhaps bring him back into the fold, if he wished to return."Â?
There was no saying what harm Sorin had done this Eric Gould; if the boy still lived then he might not ever wish to see them again. It was also likely that he did not know who he was.

After all, while he had no choice in his own turning, Freyja was indifferent about where he went. She was not a harmful creator, simply a negligent one. Yet she had made him to take care of her other child, his sister, Megan. He too had returned to his village, but unlike Eric, he realized that he could not go back. He was too new as a vampire, the hunger urges were occasionally very strong and he could never be the Chieftain that his father had wanted. Alfarinn would have never forgiven himself if he had harmed one of his younger siblings and so he felt the best choice was to leave.
He realized that one set of the hands on the security device must have been Eric's. Sorin had locked the child in that apartment. He must have. When Alfarinn thought back to the door, he remembered there was a separate lock on the outside. One that could not have simply been turned from within the apartment. The bastard! That starving terrified child was purposefully left alone for how long?
The continuing story made him more angry by the moment. Sorin's negligence had risked the lives of the human father and this batch of amateur hunters as well as the lost child. And somehow... somehow Thaddeus came to find out the story of Eric Gould. From the hunters? There was more there that his companion was not telling. It did not end well... Thaddeus had said. Alfarinn gently rubbed his hand along his lover's leg in an almost unconscious soothing motion. The other hand was clinched tightly around the mug and Alfarinn quickly set it down before he accidentally broke it.
Claire seemed less distraught than Thaddeus had expected and he hoped that her sane reaction would ease some of Thaddeus' anxiety over telling her. She also suggested something that might make the situation more right. It might ease their minds to know the where abouts of Eric. If he still lived. They could try their best to help him, perhaps he would wish to come back to Nachton. Alfarinn knew that he would give him asylum if that was Eric's wish and perhaps Thaddeus would want to help him as well. He was not certain what his companion's feelings were towards this lost Anantya but he would find out before offering such personal aid.

In any case, there was precious little hope for forgiveness right now. As that thought went through his mind, another shortly followed it – would he ever be able to forgive Sorin? Some spoke of forgiveness as though it were necessary to move on in one’s life but Thaddeus wasn’t so sure he –needed- to forgive his Elder.
As for mending Sorin’s past…well, perhaps that could be discussed at the trial but he doubted the Council would take his Elder’s troubled life into account.
That brought to mind what the Council –would- do with that information. Thaddeus tried to brush that off as information he couldn’t possibly know, but his own sense of personal responsibility wouldn’t allow for that. Sorin could very well be executed for this.
That put matters of forgiveness in a new light…but it was still nothing he could resolve while sitting here. Instead, he considered Claire’s offer to track the jacket. This had been, in truth, what he had wanted to ask her, and he couldn’t help but be relieved that she had offered before he could make such a request. He had worried that it would seem both obsessive and callous to inform Claire of a long dead sibling and then ask her to ‘double check just to be sure.’ Not to mention the fact that his own increasing –need- to know the truth of the matter disturbed him – he had put the whole matter with Eric Gould behind him quite some time ago and shouldn’t be feeling so conflicted and vulnerable now. And what on earth would he do if it turned out Eric Gould was –not- dead? Up until now he had thought mostly in terms of having his beliefs confirmed but they wouldn’t need to be confirmed at all if there wasn’t a chance he could be wrong. And if Eric –was- still alive, and wished to return to Anantya…Thaddeus couldn’t even wrap his mind around that idea. He bit back a sarcastic remark about slaying the fatted calf, realizing now was not the time, and settled for leaning over and putting his mug next to Alfarinn’s.
“I would be most grateful if you would.”
He could feel Alfarinn’s cool touch on his thigh and appreciated that subtle and unique presence enough that he didn’t entirely want to part from it; still, he turned, giving his lover’s hand a squeeze before getting up to fetch the jacket from a nearby chair. Then he turned to Claire, looking thoughtful and remembering her tracking in the Cathedral.
“Should we move to a clear stretch of walkway?”
Claire had made her way entirely out of the Cathedral and Thaddeus thought it was lucky she had not been hurt. Alfarinn’s suite was of course generously proportioned but he wasn’t sure if, for lack of a better term, it was ‘tracking proof’.

From over the rim of her mug, she cast a glance at Alfarinn. How was the Evenhet elder taking this situation? Was this the proof he had always wanted? Neither Sorin nor Alfarinn made any secret about their enmity. Claire had heard rumors that Alfarinn was searching for the murderer of Emma despite no longer being a member of Anantya. Actually, her Sire wrote a veiled note about that very situation. It was not as scathing as his normal rants about the Norseman. It seemed now that Sorin had been more worried that he would not be seen as doing enough to find the truth. Yet he had mounted a very public search and personally visited Bulgaria himself.
Which means that he sorted through Emma's things both there and at the Manor. Sorin could have easily made certain there were no traces of his connection to the crime because he was heading the investigation. He did so with many of the Nightsmen present at all times. It had not escaped the clan's notice that Sorin had a very good motive for wanting Emma dead and so he made a show of looking while knowing he was being watched.
Claire blushed at Thaddeus' question and shook her head to the negative.
"No, I do believe that was something of a special case. The original owner of that necklace had quite a...presence."Â?
She set down her mug and reached for the jacket.
"I do believe we will not do any unexpected walking in this case."Â?
Claire did, however, make a mental map of the room. She would not have forgotten the layout anyway but she might have become disoriented and think she was elsewhere. She hoped this purposeful image would remind her subconscious of her surroundings just in case she did move about.
Closing her eyes, she brought the jacket close to her, almost hugging it like a doll. There was a thread there and it was remarkably vivid. The two had said that the boy had been turned while wearing the clothing so it resonated strongly with him. She found the trail... and where it ended. There were flashes of landmarks along the way. The pictures gave the trail of her mind's eye a direction and an eventual destination.
Finally, she opened her eyes and regarded the couple in front of her. Gently handing the jacket back to Thaddeus, Claire responded somberly.
"He is alive."Â?

And yet, he was much happier when Thaddeus returned to sit next to him. He wondered what Claire was thinking while she watched him through lowered lashes. The scrutiny was one more reason to feel something akin to relief when his companion returned and distracted her attention with the jacket. He was certainly accustomed to being watched but this was his home and it had been a trying day.
Alfarinn raised an eyebrow at the information that the boy was still alive and wondered what had been going through Sorin's mind to keep such a 'mistake' around to be able to haunt him.
"Where is he?"Â?

“Ah, that was my fault – I should have warned you.”
He’d known there was a strong presence associated with the turtle, considering where it had come from, but his sensing tended to be oriented around specific events rather than an overall feel. He could imagine that tracking the necklace must have been much more overwhelming.
He did not have time to ponder the nature of psychometry versus tracking for long, though – Claire was already opening her eyes and handing back the jacket.
It was a long moment before what she said next registered. Some polite inane response was on the tip of his tongue and then fled at Claire’s news, leaving him with wide eyes and a hanging jaw. Once he realized his gaping expression, though, he closed his mouth so hard his teeth clacked together. He might have said something truly trite then, along the lines of ‘are you sure’ even though Claire looked absolutely certain, but for the fact that now his mouth felt wired shut. He tried to swallow and found he couldn’t.
Alfarinn, meanwhile, had asked the only sensible question, the one he was too busy being horrified to ask. It would appear that this…thing he had locked away and considered resolved was officially back in his life, uninvited and unwelcome as it was. He experimented with the idea of thinking of Eric Gould as a person, an individual, rather than a problem, and found he couldn’t quite manage it. Nevertheless, Thaddeus was tied to him.
He shook his head and rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger. He was being ridiculous – they –weren’t- tied together, the idea was absurd. It wasn’t –his- responsibility to find the young vampire and try to ‘bring him back into the fold’ as Claire had said. In fact, he was the very last person who should be doing that. Eric should know the truth of what happened and perhaps even have the right to demand justice from the Council – that was fair. Once that was settled for better or worse, though, he could once again put the entire matter behind him.
It seemed, however, that explanations were forthcoming, and would be for some time. He sighed, weary and sad already, and he hadn’t even explained that it was he who killed the boy’s father.

She frowned; anything was possible with the man.
"The trail ended in Bulgaria."Â?
Claire knew that would not help matters any at all. She could not even hazard a guess as to why Sorin placed the boy in the very spot that Emma had died but that was where the tracking ended. It had been clear and sure.
What should they do now? Was Thaddeus unwilling to help search for the kid? Did he not want him in Nachton at all? That seemed rather oddly uncharitable of the blond. Certainly it was not because Eric was Sorin's child because she fit that description as well, much to her regret, this past day.
"Is there anything in particular you would like to do? Or shall I go search for him alone?"Â?
It would have to wait awhile and she hoped that Eric was stationary because she would not be able to use the jacket again to track him. They could perhaps hope that his family was still alive and some other items of his could be found to use if another tracking was necessary.

When Claire announced the location even he blinked in stunned silence. What in all the hells was the bastard thinking? Why there? He frowned and held Thaddeus more tightly before remembering himself and loosening his grip with an apologetic glance at his lover.
"It could have little to do with Emma because Eric is too young."Â?
He frowned in thought and reached for his drink. It was an automatic response, despite the liquid inside not being one of his normal choice. Bringing the mug to his lips gave his body something to do while his mind pondered the situation.
"Yet there is little reason to send him there specifically unless it is somehow tied into this. I believe we must find him. Certainly for the poor man's own sake but also to see if we can discern Sorin's reasoning by placing him there."Â?
Sadly, despite there being a living person involved, there were other matters that needed to be cared for first. He would feel better for the safety of them all when Sorin was apprehended by the Council.
[ Beloved? ]
His questioning sending was more to ask if Thaddeus was alright and if the actions he suggested were acceptable to his companion but he could not know how to proceed without some guidance. Still, he felt that it was something that need not be discussed with company, if at all.
" Thank you for searching, Claire. I understand that your brother's well being is important but I would feel better if we could have this matter before the Council before our small group splits up to go its separate way. This has been a trying day for you and we really appreciate your help."Â?
Alfarinn smiled at her and hoped he sounded as sincere as he was.
"And your friendship."Â?

Yes, he was being self centered. He should probably be thinking about their next step, as Alfarinn and Claire were doing. Hell, Claire had just found out she had a long lost brother and she was taking this all with perfect calm and dignity and it wasn’t as though Alfarinn hadn’t had a difficult day as well. This self pity wouldn’t suit and he should drop it immediately, he reflected. Feelings had no place in this equation.
Alfarinn got to the heart of the matter fairly quickly – why would Sorin send his child to Bulgaria? Surely there were much better hiding places. He wondered for a brief moment if perhaps Eric Gould had been hidden away in much the same way he had believed the dagger had – in an attempt to be merciful to the living. But that didn’t explain the location.
That lovely theory also didn’t take the fact that Sorin was a malicious bastard into account. So he was almost certainly wrong. He would be lucky if he never –could- figure out his Elder’s twisted mind.
Still, he was distracted and struggled to wrap his mind around what should happen next. Alfarinn had put his arm around him at some point but now he was relaxing his hold, pulling away and leaving him with a loose, floating feeling. He frowned and leaned against his lover, realizing the gesture probably came off as petulant as well as needy. It would seem he’d succeeded in worrying Alfarinn to boot, judging by the tone of his lover’s query. Not that there was really a way to avoid that – he was well practiced at ignoring his own emotions but he didn’t have the ability to make them disappear.
[I’m fine. This is just a little bit completely insane.]
He straightened his posture and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He was fine. Just fine, except for being a wreck. He wondered in distant sort of way if he was going to go crazy again and had to stop himself from breaking into mad laughter at the thought. He supposed that would mean the universe won.
When Claire asked if she should go alone, he was so wrapped in his own mind that he nearly made a grave error.
“Do what you wan…wait, what?” He blinked, going over what Claire had said. “No, you absolutely shouldn’t go alone.” He raked his fingers through his hair, trying to think of a way to address the first part of her question. What did he want to do? He couldn’t help but feel a little pressured to make a decision – by the sound of it, if he –didn’t- put forth something useful Claire was going to run off and find her sibling by herself. Was he being manipulated now?
Perhaps. Likely neither party was trying intentionally trying to pressure him into anything – they simply didn’t have all the information and that was making it difficult to make decisions. For some reason that struck him as ironic; he gave the coffee table, which he was currently staring at, a smile that was more grimace than grin.
“This is much more complicated than simply finding a lost clan member. In spite of how long I went on just then, what I told you was the short version.” He sighed. “I’ll help in any way I can. I have a residence in Western Bulgaria that could make a quite respectable headquarters, along with financial resources and connections in that part of Europe. I can pull up my old research on him and start looking for new information. I can investigate his past life and try to see if there is any connection between his old life and his new.
All that said. I would be content to never lay eyes on him. I would be delighted to forget his very existence but as he has reentered my life I will do what is necessary – no more, and no less. I am –not- the person you want with you in Bulgaria and my presence would likely be detrimental to the search and recovery.”
He looked down, clasping his hands together and wondering if he could have sounded like any more of an ass.
“I realize I’m only making things more confusing. The whole bloody story is most likely going to come out no matter what I do but if you don’t mind, I’d really rather if, for tonight, you could just trust me.”
That said, he leaned back on the couch once more, as though all that speaking had exhausted him. Reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose, he reflected for a moment on how odd it was that one could be fully aware that they were being terrible and at the same time be utterly unable to stop it.
Even so, he felt compelled to not end their talk on such an ungracious note. He lifted his head and reached out to take Alfarinn’s hand, meeting Claire’s eyes.
“We’ll find him.”
A part of him could actually see jumping up and heading for the public library right this moment – he couldn’t possible rest until this was resolved and put away once more. He might have been amused if he didn’t feel so dreadful – who was in an ungodly hurry –now-? In any case, he knew he had to resign himself to a long and likely very uncomfortable road before this matter was truly settled.
Alfarinn, on the other hand…had a way of reminding him that life wasn’t all miserable. The way his lover could speak to Claire and say exactly what he wished he could brought to mind how he had fallen in love with Alfarinn in the first place. Loving him might even render the rest bearable. Maybe that was insane in the face of everything, but he’d take it over the kind of misery he’d experienced after encountering Eric Gould Sr.
He even had it in him to give Claire a little smile, hoping she understood that the sentiment was shared by both of them.

"Yes, I cannot say that it makes much sense to me either, but while not much can be said for my Sire right now, I will say he rarely does anything without a reason."Â?
She finished her tea and set down the mug. No answer came to her and she doubted that it would without either finding Eric Gould or confronting Sorin with the knowledge of the boy. Even then they might not ever know the reason for his actions.
'You will spend eternity trying to understand his actions and make amends for them.' It was a depressing thought. She was Sorin's oldest living child, as far as she knew. Someone would have to look after the others.
Claire felt weary of it and her creator as this one task foreshadowed others to come in an endless line of grief, embarrassment and hardship. She had been lost in her own somber thoughts when Thaddeus replied; she was a bit taken aback by his answer.
"Well alright. I was certainly not suggesting we rush off this instant."Â?
She frowned and started pulling on her gloves. Did he think she was insane or overly sentimental? He was not terribly old as far as their kind went but certainly old enough to have chauvinistic ideas about women and their emotional ways of handling things. Silly woman wants to rush off and find this long lost brother that probably won't even know who he is. Claire snorted; she was many things but soft was not one of them, no matter how it appeared. Thaddeus just never struck her as the kind to be that backwards.
Continuing to stare at Thaddeus for a long moment, Claire sighed. Obviously this was troubling him on some level that she did not understand and that he was not willing to explain. Everyone had their secrets; though Claire thought bitterly, plenty of her skeletons were bared today and will continue to be pulled out into the open, soon enough for the whole clan to see. She could only guess how her carefully cultivated reputation amongst the other cities was going to suffer for her Sire's fall from grace. How much trust will she lose? How many 'friends'?
Claire sighed, it was a selfish concern in light of Eric's plight. He had lost his whole life for having known their creator. Her comfort, reputation and status with her Order was far less to lose.
Nodding to Alfarinn, she understood that he was trying to console her and she knew that she should be gracious enough to accept it. Clinching her teeth, Claire fought with herself to find those civil words. Turning to Thaddeus, she said.
"You've trusted me when you've had every reason not to do so. I will trust you."Â?
Standing up, she gave a slight curtsey to Alfarinn and then turned once more to Thaddeus.
"I know."Â?
She would find him. There was no doubt of that and she did not need help that was not wholly given. For reasons of his own, Thaddeus was not interested in finding Eric Gould and she could accept that but it would not stop her, nor would she involve someone in the search who did not wish to be a part of it. Claire knew that she was being hard on him and it was quite likely that he did not deserve it.
"Thank you for telling me, Thaddeus, and for keeping it private. I am sure Palmer and Christian feel somewhat slighted but I appreciate the discretion. It will all come out eventually and if it will ease the relations with either of them then please tell them so that they understand your kindness."Â?
She turned and headed towards the door. The Manor would not seem like home for a while and she felt the need for solitude. There was a small house that she rented close to the shore and Claire felt it call to her. The waves would not wash away her worries but they might pound her dreams into submission.
/ooc Claire out

He rose to see her out, offering her a place in to stay in The Towers if she wanted it before he shut the door and turned back to Thaddeus. The urge to bolt the door and stay in here for several weeks was tremendously strong.
Coming back and kneeling in front of Thaddeus, he smiled sadly as his companion, brushing a hand gently across his cheek.
"Bear with me a moment? No running off!"Â?
Rising back to his feet, Alfarinn moved across the room and took the open wood and wire work stair case planks two at a time. He quickly gathered up an bundle of things for the both of them before heading back downstairs.
He came back to stand in front of Thaddeus and held out his hand. Helping his companion to his feet, Alfarinn then led them both outside across the roof top patio to the hot tub. Setting his bundle down to one side within reach but out of the way, he gently took his lover's collar into his long cool hands and smiled somewhat shyly as he finally stopped long enough to look into Thaddeus' eyes.
"I thought this might be just the thing after today."Â?
What had happened, why this was troubling Thaddeus and why his companion seemed reluctant to tell him filled him with an aching curiosity. Was this a portent of what things would be for them? Secrets kept for one reason or another. Wasn't that how relationships slowly fell apart? Distance. It was rarely some catastrophic moment but a slow build up of space between two people who once shared themselves with each other.
It was not like that with them. He denied it firmly and put it aside. Thaddeus was too precious to him to lose and he should not doubt so easily. One trying day, that's all. They could weather that and more.
He leaned down softly touching Thaddeus' lips with his own, pausing in silent question.

Even so, he wasn’t surprised she was in a hurry to get out of there – after all of her help at great personal risk to herself, he had flatly stated that his help in return would be limited and he hadn’t been particularly kind about it. Not that he could assume her hasty departure was entirely because of him, any more than his response was wholly her doing. It had been a trying day.
Well, that was the way it was going to be. Perhaps he could have handled the situation differently but he’d pretty much assumed from the start that he would botch this somehow. Still, even if he wouldn’t apologize for being honest he couldn’t help but feel a little sad as Claire took her leave. He supposed her final words were her way of giving him permission to tell the others, which he would have requested before he did anything of the sort, but it certainly felt like a parting shot. Had he not felt so drained he might have resented her bringing Palmer into this. He could handle his friendships just fine on his own, thank you very much.
Yes, he reflected as the door shut behind Claire, he was brilliant at keeping friends.
Depressed, he sat down on the couch once more, having stood to see Claire off, and closed his eyes. He heard rather than saw Alfarinn approach, and he told himself that he would open his eyes and figure out what on earth to say any moment now.
Instead, he opened his eyes and felt cool fingers on his cheek. He half forced a smile and nodded his head when Alfarinn asked him to wait, though it was a weak façade. He’d rather if Alfarinn didn’t leave. That was a strange concept to wrap his mind around – normally he craved time to himself, especially when he was feeling like this. And it wasn’t as though he was looking forward to the long awaited explanation he knew he owed his lover. At the same time, though, with Alfarinn he could believe that everything wasn’t spinning out of control. That there was someone who could steady him when things got too crazy to stand. Someone to keep him sane. He was more frightened than he could articulate of losing his mind. Of sleeping for days at a time, of waking up in the library with no idea how he got there or if he’d even been asleep at all. Of nightmares and phantom pain and just wishing he could die.
Alfarinn came back, and he smiled again, this time with much less difficulty in spite of his own dark thoughts. He had thought that his lover intended to return to the apartment and was just getting a few things, but that did not seem to be his intention – instead he led him out to the balcony. Thaddeus followed quietly, a little confused but fairly unconcerned. In any case everything soon became clear. He’d never tried a hot tub though it had been suggested a few times – he was wary of the chlorine. Logically he knew that it wouldn’t hurt him and if Alfarinn’s hair wasn’t tinged green he doubted he would have any trouble. He grinned at that thought, amused at his own reasoning. Still, the ‘if Alfarinn is there than I’ll do it too!’ school of thought was good enough for his purposes.
A buzz of relief went through him when Alfarinn brought his hands to his collar, a sensation so strong it was dizzying. He rested his hands on his lover’s shoulders to keep from stumbling and met matching grey eyes with his own gaze.
He could remember being too shy to hold that gaze for long before he blushed and looked away, feeling thrilled and exposed and timid all at once. Now, however, he found it assuring to look into his lover’s eyes and be absolutely certain that this man –knew- him, that he truly understood him. While Alfarinn may not know every detail of his history, that seemed insignificant. Moments in time weren’t who he was, or at least not all of who he was, and he thought he could still be loved in spite of them. Of course he was apprehensive about telling him everything – not only did this put him in an extremely bad light, but it would apparently effect their present as well. Particularly if Eric demanded justice from the triad.
For the first time, it occurred to him to wonder who would replace Sorin as Elder of the Night. There was no conceivable way Mai and Morrigan would allow Sorin to keep his position. He wryly thought that perhaps Claire would take over – then she could just order him to Bulgaria and he would have to go. He crushed that uncharitable thought before it was fully formed, though, mostly because if he were being honest he had to admit that Claire was an excellent choice.
All of that seemed so much less important than it probably should when Alfarinn leaned down and brushed those cool smooth lips against his own. He shivered a little and stepped in closer, responding the kiss with equal gentleness, then pulled back, wondering why he suddenly felt so tentative, nervous even. He didn’t speak, but he raised his hand to cup Alfarinn’s cheek, his forehead creased in a slight frown of concentration.
“It’s a wonderful idea.”
He traced his thumb along one cheekbone, then stood on tiptoe to return the kiss properly, dropping his other arm to wrap around Alfarinn’s waist. His lips were feather light against Alfarinn’s and there was still the slightest gap between their bodies, but his heart was beating faster just the same. A part of him wanted to crush himself against his lover and kiss him desperately and senselessly, but that was overruled by a greater need for this simple affection. His tension and nerves had clearly not faded all the way – he hadn’t been pandering when he’d declared Alfarinn’s idea a good one, as he recognized that he needed to unwind. It was peaceful up here, surrounded the soft glow of warm lights, the pleasant sound of the fountain drowning out the city below.
With that thought in mind, he pulled back just a little and nodded to the hot tub.
“I’ve never tried one of these before. I suppose now I’ll learn what all the fuss is about.”
His expression lightened at that, lost some of its intensity – for a moment he looked as young and curious as his appearance would have most people believe, if one ignored the lingering tension in his shoulders and the flicker of something like anxiety when he pulled completely away. Perhaps to show his sincere enthusiasm for his lover’s suggestion or perhaps merely because it seemed the sensible thing to do, he carefully toed out of his shoes, then bent to pull off his socks and stuff them inside the toes before standing once more to take off his gloves.
“Hmm, I seem to have left my suit behind.” He gave Alfarinn a slight smirk, finding himself even more amusing because he was fairly certain they both knew he didn’t own a bathing suit. “I do hope that won’t be a problem.” That solemn pronouncement made, he started on the buttons of his shirt, looking down to hide his blush, which he felt would rather ruin his efforts toward being dashing.

All perfectly doable, but this was here and he had hoped to show Thaddeus how special and loved he was in this unique way, while they were here and had the chance. It seemed a rather fitting way to relieve some of the stress they had; though, to be honest with himself, Alfarinn knew that Thaddeus did so much more for him with one touch than a thousand massage jets and comfort moulded plastic.
Was that even a good comparison? How charming! Alfarinn sighed inwardly and was glad that some of his more ridiculous thoughts could be edited before he voiced them.
He closed his eyes at the light brush of warm fingers across his cheek, deepening the kiss only slightly in response to his lover's touch. A part of him wanted to pull Thaddeus to him and hold him close, caressing away the day's pain with thorough fingers across pale skin but the more sensible portion of him said that he should think of Thaddeus' wants..and besides, they were clothed. That would have to go first.
Alfarinn tilted his head at his companion's statement and gave him a pleased questioning smile.
He was all the more eager to make this first experience a spectacular one and felt something like a boy with a shiny new toy that he was especially proud of. Alfarinn knew that Thaddeus would enjoy the hot tub under normal circumstances and he hoped that between it and him that they could undo some of the recent trials that his partner had been through.
Walking over to the small metal exterior beam that held some of the spa controls, Alfarinn pushed the button to slide back the cover exposing the still water within its sleek shell. It was a light grey speckled pattern that looked like smooth polished granite despite being made of microban.
He grinned at Thaddeus who claimed to have left his suit elsewhere. Raising an eyebrow and trying not to smile, Alfarinn pretended to give it some thought.
"Well then, in all fairness, I should go without one also. I would hate for you to feel at a loss for having not brought it...after all, it was my fault for forgetting to mention it before."Â?
Flipping the switch to turn of the soft pale blue lights and the jets, Alfarinn walked back over to his companion and watched Thaddeus' efforts. Inwardly debating helping his lover continue to undress in a selfish attempt to lay his hands on the inviting skin being exposed, he bit his lip and pushed himself to patience. Removing his own shoes and socks, he then started on his shirt but could not keep himself from leaning over and stealing another kiss.

He was temporarily distracted with watching curiously as the motorized cover slid away to expose the tub underneath. Steam rose up into the mild night, looking a soft and hazy gold under the lights. He remembered that he was meant to be getting out of his clothes when Alfarinn turned his attention back to him and, unnerved at being caught woolgathering, it took him two tries to get the next button.
Alfarinn’s high minded ideals with regard to fairness were quite appreciated given their current situation, and he was inclined to agree with his lover’s wise solution.
“Problem solved, then! Would that all things could be so easily resolved.” Thaddeus immediately mentally kicked himself for that remark, feeling he was supposed to be unwinding rather than dwelling on their complicated lives.
He raised both eyebrows in interest when Alfarinn turned on both the lights and the jets. The slight glow on the balcony changed from gold to blue and the water foamed and churned inside the tub, promising soothing comfort and escape.
This time at least he remembered to continue undressing, and he shrugged both his jacket and his shirt off at once, draping them over his arm with the intention of walking over and resting them neatly on the bench. At that moment, however, Alfarinn leaned forward and kissed him, and Thaddeus found that stealing that kiss back was far more important that concerning himself with wrinkles on clothing he was going to get dry cleaned anyway. Shirt and jacket both landed approximately on the bench and so both of Thaddeus’s hands were free to wrap his arms around Alfarinn’s waist and pull him back into another kiss.
“Caught you.”
Deciding to be helpful, he stayed close and started on the buttons at the bottom of Alfarinn’s shirt, hoping to meet him halfway.