Relaxation (open)
Having completed yet another task for her bastard creator, Dawn wanted to get some good relaxation time in. She'd started in the gym by beating the crap out of her favorite heavy bag. The post-workout shower had relaxed her some, but she didn't want to quit on the water. Smiling, she walked back to the manor to her room. Switching out her sweaty workout towel for one of the nice plush jobbies she had, she popped out to the pool in her wing. Stripping down, she left her towel and clothes by the ladder to the deep end and jumped awkwardly into the pool. Smiling at the pleasant sting on her stomach and the at the image of how large the splash must have been, she lazily floated back to the surface, face down. Wiggling her feet, she slowly propelled herself forward, and rolled onto her back. Inhaling out of habit, she smiled up at the roof. Sometimes cool water was just what the doctor ordered at the end of a long day...maybe she'd dye her hair tonight...

Where was Thaddeus Grey and his barbarian friend? How much did they know? Ellis was gone and so was Lykaios. The best possible news would be that they managed to take each other out and that Thaddeus was simply lucky but none the wiser.
He had not lived so many years by trusting luck. Sorin considered the possibility that Thaddeus and his pet Evenhet had managed to kill the Wolf. He was not entirely sure how such a thing would have been possible but he had seen the two blondes walking around with his own eyes.
It could only be a matter of time before the trail led them through the Wolf's business dealings. Did the brute have anything that would connect them both? It seemed unlikely but to be certain he would need to carefully clean whatever trail he might have left behind.
It was time to get rid of his apartment. A burning perhaps? Too theatrical, Sorin frowned as he entered the pool area. He was far too old to be playing such amateur pranks. He would leave, remove his belongings, have them destroyed and then arrange to have the place condemned.
First thing tomorrow...
Raising his eyebrows at the sight kicking about in the pool, the Elder of the Night considered his options. He could leave and find somewhere more private to relax or he could stay and see if there was entertainment to be had.
He dropped the towel that had been around his waist and slid silently into the cool water.
((OOC: Following Roman custom, Sorin has a habit of swimming nude as well.))

"Hiya! Yer'th' musician from th'gardenparty frFallon, ry? I sawya butw'didn meet. I'm Dawn. Didjaennup playin'?"
Her voice came off a bit loud, and a little shrill in the open air above the pool. The water was helping her mellow out a lot, but she was still a bit wound up. Just what the doctor ordered, indeed. The tension was slowly slipping out, the water diluting the strains of the evening, and all that was left was her was what Ko would call her "moving meditation" and now some chiseled Italian statuary. Things could certainly be worse. Floating away, she kept an ear out of the water so she could hear the man's response.

Important facts that every vampire should know.
He ducked his head under the water and found that it did not keep the echo of her voice from replaying in his mind. Resurfacing, Sorin decided that he would at least spend the time to see who created the child splashing around in their pool...if for no other reason than to hold it over that vampire's head for all eternity.
Sliding both hands over his forehead and over his hair, he slicked the wet hair backwards away from his face before fixing her with a cool gaze.
“No, I did not. I had some business to attend to. I do not recall meeting you, Dawn. Where is it that you come from?”

"Sorry...I've not heard a real live lyre before. Woulda hated t'miss it. I'm out here from, offcentral'n particular, doing some proyects an stuff before settling into th'Hunt. Teacher wanted me to make sure before I joined, but I really can't imagine fittin' well in th'other branches..."
Slowly continuing her turn, she had that niggling warning bell going off in the back of her head. He WAS famous...and not for his music. So something else. Wrinkling her nose involuntarily as she tried to kick start the recollection of his face, she lazily continued her circle. Looking down at him between her toes gave her a bit of a frame...and...
Oh shit.
"Oh, shit."
Scrambling to stand up in water that turned out to be just a little too deep, Dawn kick pushed her way back toward the Elder of the Night. And she was naked. "This's like tho'fuckin' dreams where you goin' t'school and got no pants. SHIT." At least he was naked, too. Wait! That just ain't right! Getting her footing, she stood straight, and gave the wettest wai of her life. She'd never had to give a formal greeting in a pool, naked. There probably wasn't any specific etiquette for it, but the closest thing she could think of was the surfer shake, but she sure as hell didn't think that was appropriate with the Elder.
"Uh. Please excuse my informal tone, Elder Sorin. I didn't recognize you without your cl...oh..."
And she managed to strike herself speechless with what she'd implied.

Projects... the Hunt... Teacher. Was she talking about the Asian midget? Interesting, Sorin perked up at this news. Was it possible that this was some young protege who was of personal interest to the Elder of the Hunt?
He smiled more genuinely now and draped one arm across the tiled ledge of the pool.
"Now, it wouldn't do to be hasty. Perhaps you should give some of us, 'other orders' a try. I am sure..."Â?
She came splashing up out of her lazy glide with an explicative. Ah, so they do still teach young vampires who their leaders were; that was a comfort. He watched her give a Thai bow which confirmed her ancestral heritage despite her accent. The wai, even one in a pool, was distinctive enough for him to feel confident in that guess.
It was, however, a very amusing sight, all in all. He did enjoy being recognized most of the time and a small part of him felt pity for her embarrassment. The apology, abruptly cut off as one wet foot went firmly into her mouth, made him laugh out loud in rare good humor.
"Well, I would say that we are in something of an informal setting. Wouldn't you agree?"Â?
Feeling particularly magnanimous towards her at the moment, Sorin stood and gave her a small wai in return before lounging once more against the side of the pool.
"So what do you do, Dawn of So'Cal?"Â?

"Way informal, what."
Wondering how to answer, she figured she'd just sum up.
"Well...I useta DJ some, but haven't much out here yet - still gettin' useta th'diff'rent flava here. Other'n music'n fashion, I just do muay thai...kinda a family tradition I picked up and rolled with. Did some sports in school, but mostly won fights. Huh. Put like that it doesn't seem like much. But I guess I'm still super young, so I'll've time ta make more experiences."
Scrunching her mouth up some, she continued.
"Mostly since I been out here, I've been doin' off lessons for my ol Teacher fore I start botherin folk here. Found out through th'lessons that I'm prolly not cut out for th'Rose, but that's no surprise. Can tell just lookin' at my room. I've met some of the others here, and mostly kept my hand in training."

So this new pupil was into music and kicking people around. How lovely, she was a miniature Mai for the modern century. Someone focused on very little other than her martial arts. It would be difficult for such a person to find a place in the Order of the Night. Who ever gave her that advice had been right.
Still he was not to be deterred. He chuckled at her reasoning for staying away from the Order of the Rose.
"Yes, well filing things is not my specialty either."Â?
She had mentioned old teacher and he wondered. Did she mean Mai? Had the Elder of the Hunt taken such a personal interest in the girl as to create her herself? Or was this some other teacher and Mai was the new one?
"Your teacher is piling a lot on you from the sounds of it. Have you not been given time to get accustomed to Nachton before being made to do favors for someone else?"Â?

"Y'know...I think th'pointa all th'chores an lessons was t'make sure I didn't just stay in th'gym until somethin big happened. Ko knows my tendencies pretty good I guess...I'da prolly done jus that'an wouldn't know ANYTHING about Nachton. As't is, I dunno much...but at least I've seen some'a it and know where th'Library is, some music spots, clubs, some good places t'ride. Not too bad wi'all I've been doin.
So...since we're bein' all informal an' stuff...why'd ya end up a Nightsman? Other'n to avoid filing."
Smiling, Dawn thought that was all the reason in the world someone would need, but maybe the Elder would have an interesting story. Couldn't hurt to ask.

Did he tire of her? Sorin figured that was highly likely. He would feel a small amount of pity on the man who was likely giving her strange chores from a padded cell but he figured there was a good probability that this Ko was the one her made her. That meant that he brought the torture upon himself and the rest of them.
Oddly, he was not finding her company nearly so irritating as that first screech had lead him to expect. Her speech was nothing he would call civilized but it was not hard to follow and sitting here relaxing with the naïve little chatter box was far better than spending his time with some of his scheming brethren, having to watch his back.
He smiled wider at her question and the innocent daring it took to ask it.
“Well I would say avoiding filing was a noble goal all on its own. Wouldn't you?”
Sorin thought over his beginnings as a member of the Anantya and began telling her the truth.
“Well my passion in my human life was for the arts. My music and plays but obviously one cannot be of service to the fighting Orders in such a capacity. I thought of each of them. There were many who felt that I would most naturally belong to the Rose.”
He weaved his hand in a flowing trail of curving shapes in the water as he remembered his human life as Emperor of the largest empire in the world.
“It was within my ability but it was not my wish to lead. I wanted to learn and I still have that interest. The Night is about learning new things. These things have always proved interesting and finding a way to get information from those who would horde it is a worthy challenge.”
Ceasing the lazy stir of the water, Sorin looked up at her and asked.
“So, why do you believe you are destined only for the Hunt? Perhaps your hours at the gym could be used to help you learn in a quest for knowledge that Anantya needs.”

"Filing's a waste'a time. Jus 'member where y'put'it an y'don't need't. 'Sides, if any'n else's goin' through yer stuff, why make it all easy on'em? If they should be lookin' a'it, they shoulda asked for't first."
Listening intently, she wondered how many people, especially of HER age, had had an opportunity to hear even the general story of an elder nightsman, let alone THE Elder Nightsman. A little nudity could really bring people together.
Wondering how many of his works over the years had never graced human ears was somewhat alarming. Elders were all more than a thousand years old...that'd be a huge body of work. At least the dead prized art...possibly more than their living counterparts. It was an unchanging cross section into dead worlds...much like they were, if you believed the stories. Dawn felt the capacity for change, still, but she wondered if she would after even a hundred years.
"Does Anantya keep'a c'lection'a yer work? 'R isit mosly private for ya? I'd loveta hear some if it were available fer perusal."
Nodding thoughtfully, Dawn agreed with his assessment. Leading made you more of a target than learning. The Mayor of Nachton had been blown up recently, but most Head Librarians didn't die violent deaths.
Pondering his question for a minute, she considered. She'd had a conversation like this with Ko once, but a lot seemed like it had happened since then. Wanting to make sure she explained herself well, she focused on what exactly to say. With the active thought, her words slowed down...her voice softened. Consciously, she wasn't aware of how much she enjoyed having an audience who seemed to care about her opinions, how much of her volume was simply a bid for attention from a middle child with abusive parents. Instead, she wrote it off to Sorin's force of personality and his ability with words, even in strange situations.
"Well, in life I was always a physical learner. I could learn skills and tasks faster than a lot of people I'd met, but just didn't have the patience to sit still and read. I'd always get impatient. It isn't that I'm stupid...I can figure out most of what's been put in front of me, but it just doesn't feel right. Like the time I'm taking to read it would be better spent going out and living it. I'd also lead a life of violence, and by choice, I guess. I had other opportunities, but even looking back I didn't really want them. Now, after the change, those aspects have been sharpened even more. I'm faster, stronger and more tireless than I was before...and like sitting still even less. It is like all of those...aspects of me had been amplified."
Shrugging, she paused. For a moment she wondered if this was really what it seemed - just two people conversing casually in a pool. With the reputation of the Night in general, she figured there had to be some other angle at work here, but what and why were eluding her. She supposed it could be looking into new blood for a fresh member, but that seemed unlikely. Deciding she'd probably never find out, she brushed the feeling off. Of course, if the Night was all about learning, that was pretty much what was happening - they were learning about each other.
Dawn thought she was getting the more valuable information in the exchange. Quality over quantity.
Considering the last question in the chain, she shook her head slightly and answered slowly.
"I suppose, of the factions, I knew the least about the Night. So I didn't really consider how my skills might be of use in that area. Even looking at it now, I have trouble picturing it. I mean, aside from shaking people down and kicking down doors...but subtlety is generally more useful for getting information than brute force. At least, that seems to be the general consensus. But, honestly, I don't know much about the methods used."

Pushing away from the side of pool, Sorin made a few lazy strokes out towards the center of the water before turning back to answer the question.
"There are some of them recorded for the sake of posterity within the Anantya library. Plays as well as music. I find that it is not quite the same as experiencing it live."Â?
He probably should ask her opinion on the matter but really whoever thought that hearing the rendition coming from a box instead of actually being there obviously did not have enough taste to worry about. Sorin decided to give little miss athletic the benefit of the doubt.
Listening to her past was interesting when he considered the possible uses for someone like her. There were some among the Order of the Night who could handle themselves in a fight but many of them had skills more geared towards intrigue and less towards saving their own skins. It would be a blessing to be able to send one of his own people on a mission alone...without one of those brutish Huntsman watchdogs tagging along. He was certain they reported his people's every move to the Asian.
" Well consider this for a moment. The Order of the Night are the scouts of our clan. We see things first and only when its necessary do we bring in the Order of the Hunt. Our findings are, of course, brought back to the Order of the Rose but you will rarely find one of those homebodies actually going somewhere. "
It was close enough to the truth and was certainly one take on the matter. The Rose did tend to stay in an area longer than the rest of their Order but he was certainly downplaying their more interesting points. There was only one thing worse than the girl choosing to the Runt over him and that was choosing Morrigan, the Ice Queen.
"It would be good to be able to protect yourself while on the dangerous missions the Night would need done. Many times our agents have no one else to rely on but themselves. So your ability to 'kick down doors"Â? is quite useful. Can you act, Dawn?"Â?
((OOC: Terribly sorry, I thought he had responded. :X ))

Of course, some of the digital music out there was truly remarkable. The artists in those cases were technicians, not musicians, and rarely claimed to be a part of the second group. They sat at a computer, not a keyboard, and realized the difference in ways Dawn could imagine, but hadn't witnessed.
Pondering his acting question in light of the scout claim, she smiled. It sounded more like spying, and that James Bond shit could be kinda fun. Showing her confidence, she nodded.
"I'm not professional quality, though. Mainly my skill is in mimicry. I can do a wide range of accents and convincingly pull off other walks of life well enough to fool people who know me in passing, but not folk who will recognize me. The main problem is that I can get impatient with it, and if I am playing a or stationary role, I get antsy. I prefer moving about. Acting has been one of the skills that my teacher had me work on. I didn't do much when I was alive, but he felt it was necessary to grow old successfully. It'll help me blend better with a changing world."
It was weird, but it almost seemed like it was shaping up to be an interview. Wondering what life in the Night would be like as opposed to how she knew life in the Hunt was, she pondered. She just wasn't sure there was enough activity in the Night. Of course, she could be wrong.

Of course, some of the digital music out there was truly remarkable. The artists in those cases were technicians, not musicians, and rarely claimed to be a part of the second group. They sat at a computer, not a keyboard, and realized the difference in ways Dawn could imagine, but hadn't witnessed.
Pondering his acting question in light of the scout claim, she smiled. It sounded more like spying, and that James Bond shit could be kinda fun. Showing her confidence, she nodded.
"I'm not professional quality, though. Mainly my skill is in mimicry. I can do a wide range of accents and convincingly pull off other walks of life well enough to fool people who know me in passing, but not folk who will recognize me. The main problem is that I can get impatient with it, and if I am playing a or stationary role, I get antsy. I prefer moving about. Acting has been one of the skills that my teacher had me work on. I didn't do much when I was alive, but he felt it was necessary to grow old successfully. It'll help me blend better with a changing world."
It was weird, but it almost seemed like it was shaping up to be an interview. Wondering what life in the Night would be like as opposed to how she knew life in the Hunt was, she pondered. She just wasn't sure there was enough activity in the Night. Of course, she could be wrong.

“Very interesting. Mimicry is a useful skill, especially when remembers to add the minor details. “
He began treading water again and considered her more seriously now. She could learn to act and practice certainly improved the skill. If she had any of the talent she possessed then it would only get better with time. If Dawn did not have the talent then it was a waste of time trying to teach her. No amount of “be the melting ice cream cone” to save someone without the imagination and vision it required to pull off being convincing as something different.
She could be useful precisely because she was new. The fixed Anantya wouldn't recognize her in other cities and if she were passing good at being more cultured then she could go from city to city gathering information for the clan. It was likely that they would know she was knew and that was alright; young vampires were not a threat.
“Very few missions require such stationary posts and it would take a certain temperament to do such long term role work. Mostly it would be short information gathering. Playing a part either to humans to get what we need from them or vampires from other towns and groups.”
Though it was difficult to successfully infiltrate another clan, it was possible to 'befriend' them for information.
“If you are found out... well that would be where the door kicking skills would come in handy.”
He gave her a grin and hoped his meaning was plain.
“So... can you sound like...?”
Sorin gave some thought to who she would have met already.
“The head butler?”

"I been workin'n tha one, actly. Still comes ou'a'bit fem, but s'ok. Women'r easier."
Scrunching her neck a bit, keeping her head closer to her shoulders, she only knew that it helped her impersonate a male voice. She'd never considered that the motion might help reduce tension in the neck and allow the vocal cords a slightly wider range of vibration, allowing for a deeper tone than her voice normally hit.
Thinking back, Dawn remembered her first conversation with Rupert and thought she'd give it a go. A bit effeminate at first, her vocals had to adapt slightly to hit the calming tenor that Rupert put forth at any given moment. She could nail his particular accent, but hitting the same range was more difficult. By the end of her speech, however, things had fallen into line quite nicely.
"Good evening. Miss Ratana, I presume? We've been expecting you. Rupert Burke, head butler of the Manor. At your service. Perhaps you would like to start by choosing quarters? You may certainly have a private bath. The entire Manor is, I assure you, quite clean. We still have several quarters available. If you would like, I would be glad to show you around and I do believe there is even a floor plan that marks the currently occupied rooms. This is your home, though, and you are quite welcome to explore."
Laughing, she matched Rupert's very proper and gentlemanly laugh before coughing slightly and resuming with her own. Doing someone else's laugh was always disconcerting...faking a voice was one thing, but somehow faking someone else's joy seemed worse to her. Smiling, she nodded, more to herself than Sorin.
"Fuckin'a...I'm gettin' better't Rupe. Was'a lil rough there t'start, but ended PROPER. I bet I could even start t'git him inna bit'a a tangle..."
"Anyways, I'm better't wimmin. I dun think I'd hit Talon's voice with any amount'a practice. Too deep. But others, prolly. Oh! I bet I could do Elder Mai - she's quieter, but in th'same range'n sounds almost like a voice actress I useta do a good job on!"
Stretching her neck just slightly, Dawn thought about some of the few times she'd talked to the Elder of the Hunt since being in Nachton.
"Konbawa, Amberelle-chan! And greetings to your friends. Welcome to Nachton, Ratana-chan! Greetings Ambrose-san, and Amberelle-chan! You have a good and useful talent. You will make an Order proud one day!"
Frowning, Dawn realized that because of the similarities to the other voice, she was hitting it wrong. She was making Mai perpetually excited - infusing her own energy into the voice, rather than letting the natural sounds play out. The accent was right, but not the behavior. And she forgot some of what was said. Ah well. She'd done better with Rupert, actually, but then she'd also had more practice and more contact with him.
"Damn. Well, excited Mai, anyways. Not too bad fer'a first go, tho, wha? Oh, and Amby's prolly doable too. I bet I could do a Ysabel or a Thaddeus with more practice, but I'ven't talkt much wit'em, reals."

The Rupert voice started off a bit rough but ended up quite well. She has inflection and timing down as well as his words. Raising his eyebrows, Sorin was about to speak when Dawn suggested she could do Mai as well.
His eyes flickered over her thoughtfully as Dawn tried her hand at the soft spoken elder. She was within a few inches of Mai's height. The runt could actually be very useful if she could master impersonating the elder of the Hunt.
It wouldn't fool anyone here for very long...and they would most certainly have to do something about that -hair-. What had possessed her to use those two colours in combination? He suspected that it was the dire wish to be as obnoxiously loud as possible. A wig would work. With some training he could potentially get her to find out Hunt information from some of the cities that have less access to the real Mai.
Coming back to the conversation in progress, Sorin smiled at her. He could just imagine how much irritation she would cause Thaddeus if she followed him around mocking his crisp British accent and copying his every move.
He gave her a round of theatre applause.
"That was excellent. I am sure the New Orleans drawl would be tough though I am sure you could manage it with more exposure and Thaddeus should be easy enough."Â?
Just remember to frown a lot, wear gloves and carry a book.
He gave her a stern look.
"And now that I know you are particularly gifted at these imitations I will be listening for rumors of someone wandering around the Manor mimicking me. So be careful!"Â?

"My word, Elder Sorin! Why, the very suggestion is improper!"
Considering the impersonation of Amberelle and Thaddeus, she nodded.
"Thad's voice's high'nuff t'git quick, an'English's easy. The swampy tone's hard t'nail down f'r me. That'll take'a'bit, but it'll be worth it, I'm sure. I bet she'd b'appreciative'a more confusion in'er life."
Winking, Dawn pushed off from her wall and did a quick lap. Things had certainly turned out a lot better than she'd imagined at the beginning of the conversation. Even if she didn't necessarily feel confident about the Night, she'd made a good contact in Sorin. He'd probably be able to keep her busy, even after she'd made up her mind. He seemed friendly enough to not hold it against her if she chose the Hunt in the end. Sliding quickly through the water, she arrived back at her point of departure, and resumed her previous pose.

“I would agree that it is entirely improper, Ms Ratana, which is quite probably the very motivation that makes it so enticing.”
She was more interesting than the first impression had suggested and he was glad that he had not dismissed her as loud and useless immediately. Of course later he might tell himself that he knew talent when he saw it...even with yellow streaks.
“Well if you give the Order of the Night more thought then let me know. I am sure we can find something for you to do that will spare you from boredom.”
He nodded his head in her direction and bade farewell.
“Enjoy the rest of you swim.”
There was always the ability to command her to do as he had wanted. She seemed young enough to be easily pliable if her actual speech were any indication. A willing participant was all the more useful; however, so he would give her time to make that decision herself before taking it away from her.
((OOC: Sorin out pending response))

Well, that WAS a formal invitation. Interesting. She'd have to talk to Ko about this. He'd probably tell the guys and they'd laugh their asses off at the thought, but invite from an Elder isn't something to discount lightly. Ko, for all of his faults, was certainly much wiser than she, and Dawn understood this. And bringing it up in house might be untoward. The only people she'd feel comfortable talking with about it were all Hunt, so they'd be biased one way or another. Dropping her accent, she replied
"I certainly will. Thank you for the conversation. S'been fun."
Swimming in thought after Sorin left, Dawn composed her letter mentally before leaving to write it, trail of water from the pool to her door, forgetting about the towel for the time being. It'd still be there later, and if not, no worries. She'd just steal a new one.
((ooc: naked interview over, lock up