Sporting Practise (atn. Tobi and Octavia)
Mischa was in a good mood this morning. The past few days setting up in the Mad House (as she called the Den) had gone smoothly enough and Leo had been very accomodating and helpful when it came to setting up a secure workshop and providing safe rooms to store her weaponry, ammunition and munitions equipment.
Of course Leo's enthusiasm could have been put down to the fact that Mischa had dressed in a sturdy, yet revealing work clothes when they were cleaning out the areas and moving in the large crates and boxes. The man had an excellent memory, and Mischa had been impressed by his ability to unpack the chemical equipment and supplies and arrange them exactly as Mischa had instructed. His hard effort had been rewarded by a kiss on both cheeks and permission to call on Mischa anytime he needed assistance with any weaponry concerns.
And today was training day. Mischa wore a pair of black army fatigues, leather combat boots, a white crop top and combat webbing. She walked the rails carrying a large gym bag that carried a variety of firearms. Her breasts were flanked by a pair of shouldered pistols, and a compound bow was slung across her back. Mischa whistled happily. Leo had shown her where she could go train safely and now all she needed was some company.
"Comrade Tobi!" Mischa bellowed. "Come out, come out, whereever you are! Today is glorious day to be outside. Where are you hiding Comrade Tobi!"

When he came out of his room, though, he heard a familiar voice down the hall. Cool, Mischa was here. He grinned a little stupidly, finding he liked being called ‘Comrade Tobi,’ and wondered if he could get everyone to call him that.
Probably not.
Going out into the main common room, he grinned good naturedly at Mischa.
“Watch out,” he said, looking down at the tracks. “There’s a real train on those. “
Still wearing a rather foolish expression, he looked her up and down. “And yeah, it sure is…glorious…nice guns,” He concluded, staring at her breasts. Realizing he’d left his manners…well, who the hell knew where, he leveled his gaze and scratched his nose before going on. “Cool of you to stop by, Mischa. Looking for something to shoot?”

"Privyet, Comrade Tobi! And yes these are nice pistols. Although it is rather difficult to find shoulder holsters that don't get in the way of my breasts."
Mischa smile widened as she caught the expression on Tobi's face.
"And yes I am looking for things to shoot. Found them too. Comrade Leo was kind enough to set up shooting range. Would you care to come shoot off a few rounds? Will be much good fun and I could use the practise, if you free."

It was then that the words that were being yelled came to her more clearly...Comrade Tobi? She snorted and wondered who this was. Curiosity always did get the best of her. Crawling backwards out of bed, Tavi looked around for something to wear and only by looking down did she realize that she fell into the bed fully dressed.
The faded jeans rode low on her hips and their ragged ends pooled around her bright pink converse sneakers. The black over sized sweatshirt was well worn into a wonderfully soft 'who the fuck cares fashion' experience. Two tank tops, one red and the other orange, could be seen when the outer garment slid off one shoulder or the other. A couple of leather bands around her wrists and her medallion on its long chain completed her haute couture for the day.
She stumbled out to stand into her doorway and leaned up against it running a hand through her rumpled hair as she took in the occupants of the main room. Tobi was already up and not staring at his computer... miracles did happen! It was a minor feat though because she could see the device was currently in his possession. The goofy grin on her brother's face was directed towards some woman she had never met before. Who probably had a passkey if she got in here on her own. A new flat mate then.
Tavi snorted indelicately at the idea of Tobi “shooting off a couple of rounds” Just how mean was she feeling this morning? Not quite enough to say the first thing that came to her mind. Tobi was lucky to have a sister who truly cared so much about him.
Instead she gave a little wave.
“Morning. Where did Leo set up this fine shooting arrangement?”
If it where anywhere near their mother then the first thing that should be shot was Leo.

"Privyet, Comrade!" Mischa called out and casually saluted the woman. "I am Mischa Karnovich, be pleasure to meet you. Leo has set up outside range for firearms practise safely away from children and unawares people. Would you like to come play with me and Comrade Tobi?"
"I am bringing shotguns, handguns, assault rifles, sub machine guns and knives. Leo managed to find clay target thrower and secure boxes of clay targets. Is horsho fun to practise on. Maybe I get Comrade Tobi to balance apple on head while I shoot at him with bow. Like William Tell, da?"

Red Bull was a glorious thing.
“Hey Tavs, we wake you? Mischa this is my sister, Tavi.”
Mischa went on to explain, with nearly infectious enthusiasm, the arrangements Leo had made for target practice. Was Leo tappin’ that? Better not be, he’d kick the skinny punk’s ass. Okay so he probably wouldn’t, but that would be sort of annoying.
The William Tell thing got a snort, though he wasn’t sure if it was the idea or the way she said it that cracked him up.
“Wow, lot of…stuff…there…yeah, you’re not the first person wanting to use me for target practice -- think we should stick to the clay pigeons though. Sounds pretty neat, whatdya say Tavi?”
He looked to his sister with his trademark grin firmly in place, trying to burn a message into her brain with his eyes.
‘C’mon, let’s go play with the Russian babe and an arsenal of weapons, huh, huh?’

She replied to the greeting and listened with some doubt at the arrangements that Leo had made for this firearms practice. Nowhere on the hospital's property was likely to be far enough away as far as Loretta Emiliano was concerned. There were few things more hateful than loud noises disrupting her wilderness calm. The Savia's weapon of choice was a very quiet and precise instrument and when in human combat Loretta was deadly with the sniper rifle.
Tavi wandered into the kitchen as she listened to further details of this planned outing. It seemed to involve making a large commotion with nearly lethal weapons. That definitely added to the pluses. What would her mother say if she found her precious son in the middle of such a horrible disruptive event?... That Tavi made him do it, obviously.
She reached for a mug out of the cabinet and then eyed the coffee in the pot with suspicion. Taking a sniff, Tavi concluded that it was worthless and dumped it into the sink. Her brother made her introductions for her so she added fresh coffee and water to the pot and waited for it to brew. Coming back into the common room to join the conversation.
Her brother then asked her to join the merry band of clay pigeon hunters and turned that 'look' on her. Like she could have said no anyway? Even if she had not been down there with her brother the situation would have still been her fault, somehow... she was quite sure. She had put him up to it or something. So if she were going to get blamed for it anyway then Tavi felt she should join in the fun.
"Yeah okay, but a cup of coffee first, Mr Chipper. I've been up all night."Â?

Coffee was something Mischa avoided, it gave her migraines, and politely declined when Octavia pointed in the direction of the coffee machine.
The trio gathered around a table and Mischa put the bulging gym bag on it. Searching amongst the various weapons and boxes of ammunition, Mischa eventually found what she was looking for. A steel container the size of a small shoe box.
She carefully placed it on the table and opened it for Tobi and Octavia to see. Inside was a hand crafted steel and leather spring loaded forearm harness with a 12 inch grooved stilleto spike. In a small container were six 10 inch long steel rods with blunt tips and two small pressure buttons.
"Is gift for you Comrade Tobi. I notice you admire one I wear so I take liberty of making one you can use. Please be reading instructions carefully as I have no desire to see you stake your own hand with very sharp blade."
Mischa produced a carefully folded piece of paper with hand drawn diagrams and bold typed lettering. She handed this over to Tobi.
Mischa picked up one of the blunt rods and smiled. She pushed one of the small buttons and an intense blue flame formed at the blunt end.
"I am particularly proud of this. Is what you call a Minature Thermal Bar Torch. Fits in harness also. US Army tested similar to these in the 1970's but did nyet decide to put into production. Where US Army discards as irrelevant, KGB adopts out of curiousity. Is combination thermal cutter and incendiary device. Will cut through many things, including concrete but limited to three minutes burning time total. I am still working on extended catalyst device for fuel."
The little flame died as Mischa pressed the small button once more. Mischa flipped the rod into the air, watching it twirl three times before she caught it.
"And yes, makes for effective interrogation device if so applied. But I mentioned use as incendiary device. Dah?"
Mischa pointed out the second small button on the rod.
"If you want to create memorable occassion press button, throw and burn down pesky enemies. Effective burn blast radius of five metres. Burns much like white phospherous. Water will not put it out, only make worse. For use in extreme emergency only."
Mischa put the steel rod back in the box with the others and pushed the steel container towards Tobi.
"Have fun Comrade Tobi. And please do nyet be losing any fingers or burning off of eyebrows. Remember, safety first."
Mischa waved a finger at Tobi and grinned.

“Bah, Redbull for the win!” he said amiably. “Where'd you go, anyway?” He thought nothing of being totally nosy about Tavi's whereabouts; it was honest curiosity on his part and not any 'psycho big brother' tendencies related to her being out all night, and that in his opinion made it completely harmless.
While Tavi fixed up some coffee, Mischa broke out a box of goodies that Tobi was surprised to find were for him. That was really pretty awesome of her, Tobi thought; he was beginning to wonder if maybe she liked him a little bit.
“Wow, you made this? That's -very- cool, thanks...”
He was going to have soooo much fun with the blade. It'd be dead useful in his movies, for one, and any time he needed to open a box...pow! Plus there was the whole 'preparing for war, need to be armed' deal.
Mischa went on to explain what the metal tubes were, and he grinned again at her enthusiasm. She sure had a lot of energy. Having enemies described as 'pesky' was just too funny to Tobi; he chuckled a little even as he picked up one of the metal cylinders.
“Not for lighting cigarettes, then,” he said with a light smile, but amended his statement quickly. “Not that I smoke.”
This KGB James Bond shit was pretty cool. He wondered if she'd ever umbrella'ed someone. That would be awesome.
“I have no desire to see you stake your own hand with very sharp blade. “
Heh, if that wasn't 'like', Tobi didn't know what was. Having had the physical attributes of a Vyusher for as long as he could remember, he tended to be a little more careless than one who was gifted a bit later in life, after having the opportunity to earn some good scars and broken bones. His mother, however, tended to freak out a little bit when he hurt himself. Tobi just assumed it was a woman thing and they were all the same way.
“Yeah, burned eyebrows, not a good look for me. I'll be very careful, and thank you again. Hey Tavi, want a baby boom stick?” He pulled out the directions and pushed the box over toward his sister so she could take a look. Tobi was a spoiled brat in some ways but sharing with Tavi was just second nature.

She smirked at the idea of Tobi being inept enough to harm himself with the weapon and went back to her coffee. He may have looked the part of the pasty computer geek but her twin was capable of some serious moves when he put his mind to it. Tobi just happened to be less likely to get into a brawl than herself; it was good that one of them tended to remain cool headed in a situation.
Leaning up to get closer to the table when her brother pushed the weapon in her direction, Tavi looked up at Mischa and smiled.
"This is pretty awesome. You should show your designs to Dad or the Jiro... or Latzu. They might want to procure your services for the Legion."Â?
Setting her coffee mug down, Tavi picked up the device and looked more closely at the blade and incendiary device.
"You know, I'm more of a beat people with a stick kind of person. I'll leave the sharp pointy things to you and dad."Â?

"Thank you for kind words Comrade Octavia. I think I be liking you as much as your brother. I prefer beating of people with my own fists. Nothing gives more satisfaction than that little extra personal touch."
Mischa laughed softly.
"But what is expression of Americans. Getting 'medieval' on your ass. I'm sure I can make a nice extendable baton for your personal amusement. Yes, I think that would be most fitting, Comrade Octavia."

"Thank you for kind words Comrade Octavia. I think I be liking you as much as your brother. I prefer beating of people with my own fists. Nothing gives more satisfaction than that little extra personal touch."
Mischa laughed softly.
"But what is expression of Americans. Getting 'medieval' on your ass. I'm sure I can make a nice extendable baton for your personal amusement. Yes, I think that would be most fitting, Comrade Octavia."

Figuring out where the straps went didn’t take too much time and Tobi was soon the proud wearer of a very nasty little weapon. It really was a cool design; maybe he’d show Dad next time he saw him. The Sarkis would like that, he thought.
With the directions safely read, he leaned over the table to get the box and excused himself.
“I’m a stash these in my room, be right back.”
Shoving a couple of the cylinders in his pocket, he carried the rest to the end of the hallway and swiped a card to get to his room. It took him a second to kick aside enough crap to find a safe home for the box – he’d ‘found’ some cool mannequin parts at a construction site and hadn’t yet sorted through them – but he was pretty much in and out, returning to the girls in short order.
“We ready to shoot some stuff?” He left off the implied ‘or are we going to sit around and gab over coffee all day’, as he only liked getting ganged up on by two women when one of them –wasn’t- his sister.

"Da, Comrade Tobi. Glad to be seeing you so eager to give it a shot."
She walked over and retrieved her gym bag. Mischa glanced back over at Octavia.
"Darlink Octavia, please be joining us, da?"

Finishing the last sip of her coffee, Tavi stood up and languidly stretched, scratched at her head and then slowly turned her head towards her sibling with a catlike smile.
"Mmmm? Oh, I suppose I am almost ready."
She walked to the kitchen and ran water in her mug before stowing it in the dishwasher. Raking her hands through her hair to straighten it, Octavia figured that there was little reason to change clothes when they were going outside to 'play'.
Shrugging at the both of them, She said.
"Okay, let's go get this party started."

As it turned out, Tavi didn’t take much longer at all to get ready, and he had to admit that he could be much slower than she when he was doing something that interested him. There had been plenty of evenings where friends gave up and left him to his message boards because he just couldn’t seem to resist refreshing the page one last time.
All that didn’t mean he wouldn’t give his sister a hard time.
“All right, we’re going, geez, don’t spaz…”
Snickering a little, he ducked out the door after Mischa, though the gesture would only make it easier for Tavi to reach his head for a smack.
“Lead the way!”

Warning signs had been posted in English, with friendly little pictures indicating what not to do on the make shift range. Mischa climbed into the dugout and motioned for the others to come on in. Wooden planks and a couple of steps made it easy to fire from a standing, or resting shoulder position. The clay target thrower could easily be loaded and fired from here and there was plenty of room for a shooter to avoid bumping into other dugout companions.
"Apologies for not being fancy in American way. But this dugout serves purpose."
Mischa began carefully laying out her assortment of pistols, shotguns, submachine guns and assault rifles on the wooden table behind her, along with the various boxes of ammunition and cleaning equipment. She had checked and cleaned each piece this morning, but one could never be to sure.
Finally she pulled out a small plastic bag and offered the contents to Tobi and Octavia.
"Protective ear pieces. Just to be on safe side. I also apologize, I only bring two sets of safety goggles. We take turns, da?"
Mischa put the goggles on the table and smiled as she turned back to Tobi and Octavia.
"I take it you are at least partially familiar with firearms handling and useage. Please be telling me if you need mind refreshed."

She took a set of earplugs and handed one of the sets of goggles to Tobi. After placing one plug in an ear, Tavi turned to her brother before firing.
"You can go first, Ace."
Smiling, she leaned against the side of the dugout to watch.
((OOC:sorry, forgot it was my turn :X ))

Nodding when Mischa asked, politely, if they had any idea of what the hell they were doing, he selected a pistol, gave it a once over, and stepped back to load.
“Yeah, can’t be in this family without knowing your way around this stuff…” He wondered why Tavi didn’t mentioned that she’d been a freakin police officer and could probably outshoot him any day of the week – it couldn’t be that she wanted to go easy on him in front of Mischa, she’d just called him Ace for pete’s sake. Rolling his eyes, he took the goggles from his sister and slipped the strap around his neck.
“Thanks Champ,” he said, well aware that the nickname game didn’t work quite so well on girls, “but of course, ladies first,” he concluded with a wide smile and gracious nod toward Mischa.
/ooc Sorry, I did not forget, just lost my stuff for a bit :

Mischa showed Octavia and Tobi how to operate the clay target thrower. It could be loaded with one clay, or two. And the difficulty in accurately hitting the clay's increased with the doubling. The angles and directions couldn't be predicted accurately, but that was half the fun.
Tobi manned the clay target thrower as Mischa unholstered her pistols and slipped the safety catches off. She lowered the visor and stood on the wooden platform. Her breathing slowed as she concentrated on the range in front of her.
The clay birds shot off into the air, one arcing straight ahead, the other spinning off to the left. Mischa raised both pistols simultaneously and squeezed the triggers within a split second of each other. Each clay shattered as the bullets struck home. Mischa watched in satisfaction as the clay fragments hit the ground.
"It's all in the reflexes, Comrade Tobi. Don't think, react. They use to train us to flush out small birds in the tundra and shoot them with pistols. More difficult than shotgun. But more effective training."
Mischa stepped down from the platform, slipped the safety catches on and placed the pistols on the makeshift table near the other weapons.
"Sorry for being showoff. I'll mount the clay target thrower for you and Octavia for a while. Is more fun for you and feel free to use whatever weapon you like."

Mischa showed Octavia and Tobi how to operate the clay target thrower. It could be loaded with one clay, or two. And the difficulty in accurately hitting the clay's increased with the doubling. The angles and directions couldn't be predicted accurately, but that was half the fun.
Tobi manned the clay target thrower as Mischa unholstered her pistols and slipped the safety catches off. She lowered the visor and stood on the wooden platform. Her breathing slowed as she concentrated on the range in front of her.
The clay birds shot off into the air, one arcing straight ahead, the other spinning off to the left. Mischa raised both pistols simultaneously and squeezed the triggers within a split second of each other. Each clay shattered as the bullets struck home. Mischa watched in satisfaction as the clay fragments hit the ground.
"It's all in the reflexes, Comrade Tobi. Don't think, react. They use to train us to flush out small birds in the tundra and shoot them with pistols. More difficult than shotgun. But more effective training."
Mischa stepped down from the platform, slipped the safety catches on and placed the pistols on the makeshift table near the other weapons.
"Sorry for being showoff. I'll mount the clay target thrower for you and Octavia for a while. Is more fun for you and feel free to use whatever weapon you like."