To begin again.... (open)
It never even occurred to her that the doorman’s behavior was at all out of the ordinary. So she hadn’t been here in months. Sorin had introduced her and the doorman, who’s name she thought was James, though she didn’t care, simply allowed her entry before the throngs waiting outside. If anything, it was simply unneeded proof of Sorin’s influence, a thing she took for granted and gave not a moment’s thought to.
Entering the club, Fiona paused for a moment and looked around, debating on the options present. She could simply walk up to the bar, though it went against her nature to order her own drink in such a manner. Especially since that wasn’t the type of refreshment she was here for. Mentally shrugging she chose an empty booth, one that allowed her a veiw of the crowd, but placed her such an angle that she couldn’t help but be noticed.
Settling into her seat she surveyed the crowd, noting by clothing and bearing those that would make the perfect meal. An image of her last visit here made her smile – the game she and Sorin had played had been vastly entertaining. For a moment she allowed herself to wonder what had become of the couple they had toyed with. She doubted they had lasted the night.
Within moments of sitting a waiter had arrived and she ordered a glass of champagne, most of her attention on the crowd and trying to decide who to lure into her booth for a private… chat.

He raised his eyebrows at her remark. Bringing a hand to his chin, he scratched it thoughtfully and peered closely at her. Pretending to consider the matter for a moment, Christian finally said.
"No, not a goat. A monkey perhaps but not a goat."Â?
He winked at her slightly and waited to be hit. Christian did, however, answer her question.
"The owner of the bookstore Ex Libris. It is in the Towers. Have you been there?"Â?
He was pleasantly surprised to hear the laughter from Fiona. It would seem that they might have made a good choice in coming here tonight. It was almost always pleasant to meet with clan mates and become acquainted with someone you could quite probably trust.
Turning to include them both, Christian explained for the benefit of Fiona who had mentioned not being in the Towers at all.
"The Ex Libris looks as though it were straight out Victorian times for the most part. Grisha has a large variety of books and they are stacked full on the shelves. He keeps his computer hidden so that it does not ruin the view and I rigged up a very old cashier's drawer casing around a more modern component. So, all of the modern without the look. "
He sat back and took a sip of his wine, before adding.
"Grisha likes the modern conveniences. He just happens to feel that... how did he put it? Ah, everything today looked so ridiculously cheap and plastic. People have forgotten how to make fine quality things that didn't break within a year. And more grumbling along those lines."Â?
Christian smiled thinking about the grumbling and muttering that his creator did. Grisha would probably grumble about being quoted though only to say that Christian got it wrong.

She did give Chris an exaggerated, aggrieved sigh. "At least I'm a throwback to my ancestors," she said. "There are worse mammals you could have chosen to base a comparison on." She flashed a little grin, hoping at least she was more on the 'cute lemur' side and a little less on the 'hairy baboon with a pink butt' side of the equation.
"I have been to Ex Libris, as a matter of fact," she said. "Once or twice."
She listened to Chris' description of the store, nodding along with it, smiling at the kindness of her creator, at his ingenuity and thoughtfulness. Clever, to be able to maintain the quaint, antique appearance of the bookstore while having it remain modern as well.
"He does have a point. Things today do look plastic, I suppose, although you can still find good workmanship. You just need to look harder for it now than a few years ago."
Aishe caught herself before she began to ramble on about old cultures and the evolution of trades and crafts. In some other circles, she would have felt free to go on and on, but perhaps not in this setting, not now at any rate.
((ooc: Permission to use empathy))

She, too, had a dislike for the plasticity of many modern conviences. Granted, she wouldn't know what to do without others - modern plumbing for instance - but she wondered sometimes that mankind didn't seem to realize that they were losing touch with true artistry in their drive to "improve" everything.
"His shop sounds perfect. I will have to make a point of visiting in the near future. I may even have a few things that he would possibly trade for - things gathered while traveling he might find of interest."
Which turned her mind once again to the need for a more permanent residence... shaking her head slightly at the thought - tomorrow night was soon enough for that - she caught back up with the conversation.
"It is harder to find true pieces of beauty. Even many of the reproductions I have seen do not have a fraction of the craft in them. And so many originals not properly cared for." That was something she found annoying - furniture and artwork that had taken weeks if not months to produce treated so shabbily. She, herself, still possessed peices that were hundreds of years old and as good as the day they were made. One of the first things her staff learned was how to properly care for her furniture and art. and the consequences of not doing so... "I must agree with your Grisha, though it is the coldness that I do not like. There is nothing quite like the warmth of polished wood and rich fabrics to relax into."

Aishe had been to the Ex Libris and it would seem that she shared Grisha's opinion on how modern plastic things. It would amuse his creator to know that he was a topic of conversation over something so minor as his opinion over artifical materials.
After finishing his description, Christian took a sip of wine and listened to Fiona's point of view.
"Today's environment is a disposable world. Even expensive things are not build to last and so much is easily replaced that care is not taken with it."Â?
With a grin towards Aishe, he gave an example that he felt Fiona might agree with.
"For instance the fashion today changes so often that clothes need to be changed almost every year in order to keep with the times. Much of it is not sewn to last but I remember times when you kept garments for years and treated your fine clothing with great care. It was expensive to replace but it was made to endure."Â?
Casting a glance around the room, he noticed the fast moving modern world in motion. The trendy girl on her cell phone near the entrance would probably upgrade the device when a newer more 'chic' model came out that was smaller, had more options, or was simply the 'in' thing. It did not matter that there was nothing wrong with the phone that she had and that it might continue to faithfully serve the purpose of helping her communicate with others for several more years before she needed a new one.
Turning back to his group, he shrugged. To Fiona, he said.
"Grisha's apartments are also decorated in the warmth of wood and fabric that you describe. It is his other sanctuary. I do believe he is totally unconcerned with being an oddity in a modern environment. Somehow that works very well for him. Should you choose rooms at the Towers then you can do decorate them as you like."Â?
Christian wondered now about his child. Aishe was staying at Liefde but he did not know if she considered it a permanent home. He supposed that it would depend on her relationship with Kem.
"If you have not had a chance to personalize your home then understand that you are certainly allowed. Even in blazing neon if you absolutely must."Â?

Chris' voice brought her more fully back to the present, as he talked of a disposable world. "That seems to be largely a trait of certain countries," she added. "My childhood was much, much different. Growing up in Egypt wasn't anything like my life after I moved here to the US. It raises the question of whether culture drives the industry, or if it's industry influencing our culture."
She did, indeed, recall when she had had several outfits that had to last her for a year, possibly two. And her family had been exceptionally well-off. Things had changed drastically though, with their relocation to the US. Her parents had always poured themselves into her, as if she were the focal point of their existence. But after they'd moved it intensified. Aishe had to follow every trend, had to have new clothing as often as it became popular.
"I lived in your disposable world for a while," she said to Chris. "It made me... sad." Aishe didn't have a better word for it. She didn't consider herself a terrible pack rat, but she liked to see things last.
The idea of a home decorated in blazing neon brought another smile to her lips. She thought of her own stark little set of apartments, completely undecorated, waiting to find out what would happen next as she had waited. She was close to getting her answers, and then perhaps she would know what to do with her living space.

"You should have Maeve design you something - she still holds with the old values, though she has modernized the styles of course. I still have garments she made for me decades ago, though we've adapted the styles to match the times. It would not do to stand out in such a way!"Â?
Fiona was surprised that Aishe found the modern world "sad"Â? - somehow she had gotten the impression that she was very young, and those with youth behind them tended to adapt to change much more smoothly she had found. Automatically, Fiona adjusted her thinking and responses to the other woman.
"No, I do not think that blazing neon would suit, not even in color."Â? She considered Aishe thoughtfully, and let her mind wander over various styles she had seen or used over the years. "Something soothing and warm, I think. With unexpected splashes of color and energy."Â?
Fiona nodded slowly, picturing Aishe in such an environment. Her own style would not suit, that was obvious - this one was not from the same type of formal background. From what she had seen so far, there was a level of seriousness to this one, but there was also a sense of playfulness that Fiona had lost centuries ago, if she had ever truly had it. She shrugged, a bit apologetically.
"I do not mean offense, truly. I am accustomed to one's environment being a type of display, showing what one is. There is much that one can learn by seeing how another person lives."Â?

"It is human nature."Â? Christian paused and amended. "In most cases, to want to advance. It builds and grows and brings the loss of the old along with it. Something new always replaces it but it is not always something the older generation consider worth while."Â?
Taking a sip of his drink, he added. "I must say that I do not understand the appeal of Country music."Â?
Nodding, to Fiona, Christian looked thoughtful. "I will have to ask her if she has the time to make a few things. Perhaps she should set up a shop in the Towers. I believe she would have a tidy bit of business amongst our kind."Â?
Turning to catch a glance about the club, Christian's eyes fell on a brunette who smiled and tipped her drink at him. She was alone at the bar and was scanning the crowd in a bored fashion. His empathy told him she was lonely and willing, if a bit jaded. He could fix that for a short time.
He smiled at his two companions, and stood up.
"If you two ladies will excuse me. I believe there is someone requesting my attention. I will be just a moment."Â?
It would be best if he could get his hunting done and be quick about it so that he was strong and fed once more. He should be ready to handle anything that might go wrong with Aishe's hunt. It would not be good for there to be blood and high emotion involved while he and his child was hungry.
((OOC: Christian temporarily out. Heading to Birmingham. Chat amongst yourselves. I don't want to hold up the thread any more. I may or may not have a lot of access while I'm there but I won't have as much time as usual. ))

"I think if I were to decorate my own place, you'd have nailed it right there. Earthy tones for me, I think, maybe some blues and greens mixed in."
She fell silent again after that, thinking about her suite at Liefde once more while Chris spoke. What did it say about her, now, that she'd been living in a blank white canvas for the past few months? Aishe hadn't really considered it as anything more then a temporary stopping point, but she'd already come to the decision that whatever happened, she wanted to stay here in Nachton.
She stood for a moment, letting Chris out of the booth when he excused himself, and then slid back in and crossed her arms in front of her on the table.
"I don't suppose you'd be interested in helping me do a little decorating?" she asked Fiona. "It seems I've been a bit negligent regarding my own living space."
Even as she spoke, she watched Chris out of the corner of her eyes. Maybe she could get some tips. She'd been glancing back at her own target now and then, and she knew the interest was still there. In a few minutes she guessed he would approach, but if not she would do it herself. Meanwhile, she would observe Chris if she could, and continue chatting with Fiona, who seemed like a lot of fun so far.

"I think it would be good to offer this to Maeve. She also holds to the old truths of industrialness!"Â?
Noting Christian's glance around the club, Fiona hid a smile behind her drink. If she had entertained any doubts about what Christian was, this would have ended them. She was not the only one here to do a bit of hunting tonight, though she was finding the company to be more than worth the wait.
"Enjoy yourself, monsieur."Â?
She waited for Aishe to resettle herself before answering her question. It was not a simple thing to decorate for someone else, though she had done so in the past. Mostly for Philipe, who preferred to leave that to others to tend to. It had simply fallen to her as the woman of the house and she had enjoyed it immensely, as much for the impression given as for his pleasure in the results. Her impulse was to say no - she owed this woman nothing and could see no immediate gain to be had in helping her. But there was more to it, and it left her feeling a bit confused. She found herself liking these two which placed them into a category similar to the one that Maeve and Colin fell into.
"I think that can be done. I will need to do some shopping for odds and ends once I find my own place. Perhaps you would like to join me and see what things speak to you?"Â?

She picked up her wineglass, swirled the liquid about a little, and said, "When I first arrived here I wasn't sure if I'd be staying. I didn't decorate at all because I wasn't sure what my future held. But now it seems that even if I'm not in the same apartment, I should at least try to make it home for the time being."
She cast yet another glance at her would-be suitor, gratified to see that he was at least standing now. Maybe she should have picked a more outgoing target for her first meal, but she wasn't going to change her mind at this point.
Looking over at Chris, Aishe hoped for some hint about what to do. She was certain that right there on the dance floor woudn't have been acceptable. Or would it? There were plenty of couples dancing more closely than propriety would normally allow, and some of those positions were downright questionable.
The whole situation raised plenty of questions for her.. but rather than let them get out of control she thought back to what Chris had said about trying different things and finding out what worked best for her.. So, tonight was style number one apparently. She was going to have to study.

Her eyebrows raised slightly at Aishe's next comments. It was similar to her own situation, though she doubted that the woman in front of her had had a similar life. She looked into her glass for a moment, speaking slowly, thoughtfully. "Â?I had not planned to stay either. But I find the atmosphere here a vast improvement over New York. And there is a sort of freedom I hadn't expected to not be constantly hiding what I am."Â?
Her eyes raised and she shrugged. "But here we are now, non?"Â?
Aishe was still watching a particular young man - Fiona wondered idly how Aishe would approach what seemed to be her choice of meal. She thought there was some hesitation in the woman's manner, but not nervousness. Maybe curiosity would be closer. Though Fiona was honestly confused why she would be curious about this.
"I think you've caught the young monsieur's attention. Would you like a bit of privacy to enjoy his company?"Â?
(ooc - permission to extrapolate Aishe's feelings...)

They spoke briefly; she asked if he were not attached to either of the women he was sitting with. He explained in a way she would understand that no, he was not. Her name was Joanne and she was an editor for a magazine. They were in town doing a feature on Nachton. Surely the travel made things more interesting? She had looked at him with those nearly dead eyes that he found so sad and said 'Once you've seen one large city, you've seen them all.'
He did not have to invite her away from the club, She did that herself. Bored of small talk, Joanne grabbed him by the arm and hauled him away.
Normally he would at least see her home, or for Joanne, to her hotel, but he did not have the time tonight, in case he was needed. Joanne's car was a small flashy sports model with not much room. She almost pushed him away when he leaned over to her, obviously wanting to get somewhere before anything began. Christian was sure that he looked too eager. He smiled at her and kissed her gently, letting her decide whether she truly wanted to allow him to continue.
The gentle kisses did their magic and soon she was leaning her neck to the side in order to give his lips free reign. He teased and nipped gently, biting slowly, until it was Joanna who pulled him firmly against her. Then he gave her what she wanted. Biting down more forcefully, Christian pulled the blood hard and quick from her. She moaned and shuddered, her hands clawing at the back of his jacket for a better grip.
It was something different. It was enough to wake her up inside.
He continued until she passed out from the rush of it and then Christian slowed his drinking and removed the stray drops with a delicate swipe of his tongue. Leaning over her, he found her purse and looked inside. Finding what he wanted, he opened the door and got out, grateful that he was not such an unwieldy height as Alfarinn who would have been cramped in such a small car.
Coming around to Joanne's side of the vehicle, he reached in and scooped her into his arms. He had her keys in hand and set the car alarm. Walking back to the front of the club, he found a waiting taxi and put her inside. He gave the driver plenty of money to get her to the hotel that had been written on the key card he had found in her purse. Replacing the car keys, He smiled down into the groggy but peaceful eyes that opened in time for him to shut the door.
He waited for the taxi to pull away before turning to head back inside.

She raised her glass in a little facsimilie of a toast and took a delicate sip. Glancing around, she noted Chris' absence and hoped it meant he at least was able to feed. She turned her attention once more to her would-be suitor, whom Fiona was now pointing out.
The young man was proving to be more reluctant to make the first move than she'd anticipated, and she suspected it was about time for her to step up to the plate if she wanted to be fed any time soon. She declined Fiona's offer with a smile and a small dismissive gesture. "That's kind of you, but I'm sure Chris will be back soon. I believe I should see about entertaining said monsieur out on the dance floor for a bit."
She stood, smoothed her gown out a bit, and winked at Fiona. "I don't want to scare him off, after all. He seems the shy type."
Hoping Chris would, indeed, be back in soon, she headed for the table of guys, shedding the demure attitude she'd had as she went. It wasn't that she lacked faith in herself, but it would be her first time and... well, what if something went wrong? Aishe would feel more comfortable with Chris present, but she was sure he knew that. In the meantime she could at least make some progress.

Fiona smiled as Aishe stood. "Yes he does, though I doubt it will take you much effort to convince him to join you!"Â?
The young man in question did seem to be more than a little hesitant to approach Aishe, though that could have been attributable to a number of factors, not the least of which was that Aishe did appear to have a date for the evening. Overcoming that obstacle, though not present, would take a fair amount of courage on the part of Aishe's target. Fiona could almost feel sorry for the young man and idly thought of throwing a bit of glamour over him to help... but that would have been terribly rude, to interfere in someone else's hunt. If Aishe had indicated such would be welcome, well, she hadn't so that was that.
Scanning the room, she kept part of her attention on Aishe's progress, curious to see how she handled her young man. Another part of her looked for Christian, though she imagined he was enjoying his own meal. Again, not a thing to be interfered with. The rest of her mind tried to decide if she just wanted a meal or a conquest of some time. Meals were easy - but there were still contacts to be made, networks to build. It was practical to mix the two whenever possible, as long as it was done carefully.
A vaguely familiar face crossed her line of sight and it took her a moment to place him. Ah, yes. One of the gentleman from the ball. Upper executive from one of the more prominent businesses here in Nachton, though at the moment she could not remember which one. Something about technologies... there had been a number of those. He appeared to be alone, relaxing. A few people approached him, but none stayed for more than a few minutes conversation. He was making his way slowly across the room, mingling as it were, but not joining. On his present course, he would come within a reasonable distance of her table... that would work fine. She settled in to wait for him to approach her, which he would do whether he knew it now or not.

He scanned the room for her automatically as he continued weaving his way through the nightclub and found her headed towards her intended target. Good, she had not gone on without him. Christian sighed and breathed a little easier. His empathy was a visual ability which sometimes had advantages but it meant that he would not have seen any problems with Aishe unless he was there. He sent her a quiet message.
[ I am back. Have you got a plan for this portion?]
Sliding into the booth, he smiled at Fiona and picked up his drink.
“So are we cramping your style tonight or was this simply a social evening?”

His name was Adam, and although it had taken him a few drinks to actually agree to dance with her, he wasn't incapable of polite, and even intelligent, conversation. He was in his third year of undergrad work, studying to be a doctor. Aishe wasn't too surprised to find his words colored (literally) with a bright, clear red, and she would have had to be completely dense not to at least get a notion of the meaning of that color by the lack of any sort of space between them as they danced. Adam's hand was warm on her back and it would have been easy to rest her head against his chest and then follow from there to the inevitable.
That brought up all kinds of questions though, and Chris' sending saved her from committing any sort of faux pas.
[Well. I don't know,] she responded quickly. [What am I supposed to do now? Take him into the back? Take him outside? Do it... right here? And Chris... he's nice. I don't want to hurt him.]
Aishe had been bitten and had recovered fine with no ill effects on several occasions, but it was a little different now that the tables were turned. She knew she had to trust in herself, and in Chris, but there was still a little nervousness there that hadn't quite been present before she'd actually reached this point.
She was more than ready, and plenty hungry, but the mechanics of this part were slightly mystifying. Aishe was grateful, once again, to have Chris there.

Christian's return interupted her train of thought and she smiled at him, caught off guard by his question. She rarely did anything without a purpose and thought for a moment before answering.
"I suppose it is a social evening, though I had not exactly planned it that way." She cocked her head a bit, returning his smile. "And no, neither of you are 'cramping my style', as it were. Many times good things can be had when the unexpected happens."
She thought of Simon Huntington and wondered if that would turn out to be a good thing or not. It was odd that she had felt more comfortable with him than she had with Alfarinn, given that she had no doubt Simon was the more dangerous of the two. Though neither man came close to Sorin's presence. Well, she rather doubted she'd find either of them had been Emperor's or even kings in the past. That did rather tend to leave one's mark, she supposed.
Fiona glanced over at Aishe and her smile widened a bit to see that progress had been made. She decided that her own progress could wait for awhile. Feeding was only one part of the evening's entertainment, after all.
"No, this has turned out to be a much more relaxing evening than I would have had other wise. For that I must thank you and your companion."
The waiter returned and smoothly switched out her empty glass for a fresh one, pausing to ask Christian if he would care for a refill as well.

“While a plan is a good thing, especially in my line of work, the ability to adapt to the situation is even more key.”
Smiling at her, he then turned to look for Aishe and found her bringing her target out onto the dance floor. Good move, it would get him away from his friends in a harmless way that would suggest he would be back shortly if he was not 'lucky' enough to convince her to go anywhere with him.
He turned back to Fiona and replied.
“Our evening has been far more calm thanks to your presence as well. It is good for Aishe to meet more members of the family. One cannot spend eternity with a grumpy old mentor without getting lonely.”
Considering Aishe, he noticed that she seemed less certain now that the time was getting closer. He was not surprised; if she had been easily able to make this first feeding with no qualms then he would have been more worried about her conscience.
[Dance the one dance and then tell him you would like to go outside and get some air. Take a short walk and find a reasonably shadowed alley. I will follow you and remain unseen unless you need help.]
The waiter asked after his glass and Christian requested another as he waited.

“I must take my leave. Happy hunting, Sister.”
[i] He gave the redhead a wink at the family title and slid out of the booth. His second glass of wine returned just as Christian straightened his coat. Taking the glass from the tray, he drained its contents and then set it on the table. It was certainly a waste not to savor the wine but it would have been an even bigger crime to have left it undrunk. Placing a fifty dollar bill on the waiter's tray, Christian nodded at the man, and headed for the door.
((OOC: Christian and Aishe Out, Other section moved to 'Curbside Snack'. ))