Hanging at Shades' (Open)

Ysabel sat at a table in the corner of the club, the same one she'd sat at a few nights ago when she'd first come here. This would be the second time this week she would get to see Ambrose play. He didn't much like live gigs, by his own admission, but he had some friends in the business (everyone has friends in the business!). They were a band called the Moochers, and Ambrose had told her he often filled in for them if their guitarist wasn't able to play. That individual been sick all week, so Ambrose was covering.

Although still dubious about rock in general, Ysabel had definitely taken to jazz and blues. Moreso the first time she had come here. The club was named Shades', after its owner. When they'd entered a few days back, Ysabel had at first been put out by the slightly smoky air but the darkness of the club, brightened here and there by a few dim blue lights, appealed to her sensitive eyes. Tables were set fairly close together without being crowded, around a moderately sized dance floor. Against the far wall, just behind the dance floor, was a slightly raised stage. On the left as you entered was the bar, and behind that a set of doors Ysabel assumed led to a kitchen, for the club provided snack-like foods... nothing substantial really, but appetizers and things to nibble on while listening to your favorite local band.

Shades himself might have intimidated Ysabel if she hadn't had so much experience in dealing with people. Even as a man in his apparent 60's, Shades was an imposing figure. He was at least 6'5", muscular in spite of his age, and he moved with a spring and an energy that belied his tightly-curled, greying hair. He was of African-American descent but anyone would have been hard-pressed to know exactly where he came from. His voice held no discernable accent. He was never seen without his trademark sunglasses, and it was no secret among the vampire community that Shades was one of them - although no one seemed to know when he'd been turned or who had turned him. The club's name was not just a reference to its owner, but a small tribute to their race as well.

Shades, Ambrose had told her, almost never forgot a face or a name. Ysabel found that to be true. When she'd entered the club for the second time, without Ambrose who'd gone around the back to meet the Moochers there, Shades had greeted her himself and brought her to the same table she'd been at before. He treated her like a good friend and Ysabel couldn't help but imagine that if she'd been in a bad mood when she'd walked in, Shades' attitude would have dispelled it immediately.

The quiet popularity of the club was a tribute to its owner. Ysabel liked it here. She had heard Shades play last time she was here, and although she couldn't have said before that she was particularly fond of the saxophone, she was willing to rethink her position on the subject. She was hoping to hear him play again tonight, perhaps between sets.

She sat quietly, as she had done before. The waitress seemed nervous; perhaps she was new. Ysabel politely ordered a glass of white wine, doing her best to put the poor girl at ease. She probably had no clue that she was standing in the middle of a vampire-run club, but in truth there couldn't have been any safer place. Shades' rules on the subject were clear: humans on the premises were off-limits, whether working or patronizing. The club may be dimly-lit and smoky, but the discreet bouncers missed nothing, and kept a sharp eye out for any sort of trouble.

((ooc: Ambrose's views with permission.))

Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
As the last of the strangers departed, Dawn slid down in her chair, slouching, and gave an audible sigh of relief.

"Sorr'bout dat. Ko's gotsme on a proj t'night an I gotta fake bein' 'quiet-and-bookish'. Idun evn kin HOW ta pull tha, wha? How'd I do? Oh, an thanksfer playin' long. I'll snip bick inta character 'fore dey back, but need to lets it out some. Damn, this actin' ain't easy as it looks!"

Grinning impishly, a complete transformation from the role she'd been playing earlier, Dawn turned fully to Ambrose.

"I'da wonder where you been offta, but now I gitsit. Quick work, gunslinger! And good! Pritty, polite an kin put up wit'choo! Full win, what!"

Standing up suddenly, she stretched herself out, popped her knuckles and pulled her joints. Shaking her head, she stated

"I jist come ova cuz seemd lotta fire at th' table an' wanned t'make shoyo back wuz covered."

Plopping back down, she returned to the "studious" position, in case someone came back quickly.
Ambrose 17 years ago
“Son of a bitch.”

There was no way he was going to buy that was an accident. He’d barley caught his drink in time. If he hadn’t nearly finished the drink, it would have made a mess, as it was he just splashed a little. You make one little mistake in life and people held it against you forever. He scowled after the fast departing Pakpao.

Dawn’s return to her usual self and dialect along with an explanation quickly took his mind off the other and made him laugh. His arm, already around Belle’s shoulders squeezed her just slightly. Formality could be relaxed a little bit since they were all clan mates. That and he was, as always, slightly possessive of Belle and he wasn’t keen on the idea that she wouldn’t put up with him.

“Somebody’s gotta put up with me don’t you think? Have you two met?”

He grinned and arrogant lazy smile at Dawn’s coming over to help take the heat off him.

“Only person cross with me is the Dragon Lady and she’d been holding a grudge for a while now I’m not worried about it. You can pick a fight with her though, might get a fair work out outta it, but man she fights dirty.”
Ysabel 17 years ago
Ysabel tried not to stare, momentarily perplexed by what she assumed was language coming from Dawn's mouth. She ran the gamut of languages she knew without success until she went over it again and realized it was English.

That was English?

Unfortunately the conversation had passed her up in the few seconds it took her to process Dawn's odd dialect and Ambrose was squeezing her around the shoulders and talking to Dawn, apparently having little or no trouble understanding the woman.

That was like no English she had ever heard.

Ambrose asked if they'd met and Ysabel shook her head, as much to say no as to clear the deer-in-headlights look off of her face. Resuming her usual pleasant smile she said, "No, we haven't officially met anyway. Ysabel Yolgrave, pleasure to meet you Dawn."

She shot Ambrose a questioning look when he talked about Pakpao as if rather familiar with her, but resolved to save her curiosity for later. She turned to Dawn instead. "Do you mind if I ask who Ko is? And why must you act a part tonight?"
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Grinning at the thought of the workout, Dawn smiled.

"Dirtifightah, huh? No witch carzherz? Cou take zis damn wigoff, putton th'loncote an puncha thru th'windah. That'd learner!"

Winking, she turned back for the introductions. Ah, the what-the-hell-was-that-gibberish look she'd gotten to know so well since moving here. Slow it down for the old folks. Giving a very strange, seated wai, Dawn nodded her head slightly over her hands, breaking into what she called "newscaster English". The transitions were getting easier. Had to give Ko credit for that one - practice making perfect and all.

"Miss Ysabel Yolgrave, it is a pleasure to meet you. I must inform you, however, that you have fallen for the charms of quite the rogue! I'll have you know he was once wanted by various law enforcement agencies! He is not to be trusted lest your innocence be emperiled!"

Chuckling, she continued, a little more loosely.

"But I kin that's th'point."

"Oh, Ko's muh creator. Sensei Ko bore me, Anantya clothe'me an'ow I seek a home within th'three. Th'test t'night was t'see if I'd be comfy as a nighter. Some's hard work...think I'll end up a hunter like th'old man. But more'n anythin, th practice is ta keep th'ol hand in. It'll make adapting later all th'easier."
Ambrose 17 years ago
“Ya won’t get close enough to punch her, she likes to throw things. And she’s… talented… she’s got a lot in common with us…”

Ambrose smiled at the memory of a very large very heavy book screaming through the air at his head. Who knew librarians could be so violent?

Not knowing who was listening to them or over hearing them he could only hint at what Pakpao was.

‘Harrumphing’ at her cleaned up English and her warning to Belle. He let it slide and left Belle to deal with it on her own.

“Sampling all of the above are ya? Remind me to be out of town when you try out being a Rose.”

He was goofing around and grinned smugly at Dawn, taunting her slightly. He was still slightly jealous that she had some direction, he could use some. He kept thinking he should turn his attention to the Night but it just didn’t call to him at all and he knew it.
Ysabel 17 years ago
Dawn's purpose turned on a light bulb for Ysabel and she gave a little "oh" as she comprehended. "What a wise idea," she said. "Your Ko must know a great deal."

In response to the warning about Ambrose, she gave a soft laugh. "I've heard he's a rogue," she said in a low conspiratorial voice, "but I think you're right... that is rather the point. I like him that way."

She turned to Ambrose, gave him a little wink, and then affected a stern tone as she asked, "And what's the problem with being a Rose? I happen to like it well enough."

Ysabel smiled at Dawn once more. "You'll do fine with it," she said encouragingly. "Just wait, it's such fun. All the order and organization, and the ceremonies..."

She gave a little sigh. "I know where I fit in, at least," she said with an apologetic expreession for her semi-woolgathering. "What about you, Ambrose, aren't you of the Hunt, too?"
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Nodding in agreement to Ambrose's sentiments, Dawn stated

"Shit, man, I hope I'm'a'outta town when I'm doin th'rose work, too. No'fense t'the orgnizer heer, tho. Som'one's gotta do it an' glad it ain't me! I'd ratha drag folks by th'ears out th' door for breakin' a rule'thn make'um up in th'frst...even ifits me draggin' mysel."

Nodding at Ysabel this time, Dawn continued.

"Yep, he's a good'n, as much I wanna kill'im sometime. Prolly only natural. We git along ok now we're tree tousan mile'way from anotha."

Looking to Ambrose, she waited for his answer. Each time it was a little different, it seemed. What having a bum leg had to do with being a speedshooter, Dawn was sure she didn't know. Some people liked their illusions.
Ambrose 17 years ago
“Nothing wrong with the Rose.”

Ambrose protested doing his best to look innocent, he failed miserable but he did his best.

“Some of us just weren’t cut out for it.”

He sighed and shifted slightly uncomfortably when pined down on his ambitions. He really disliked the subject, it tended to make him feel like a failure or at the very least a serious slacker.

“No I’m not anything just now. Damaris intended me for the hunt, it just didn’t quite work out how either of planned.”

It was the one grudge he held against his creator, the one regret in his turning. He had lost a great deal of mobility with his leg and felt it was a weakness, a liability and that it disqualified him from the one order that called to him.
Ysabel 17 years ago
Ysabel couldn't help but laugh at Dawn's proclamation. "Well, best be the one doing the dragging, rather than the one doing the rulebreaking." She arched her brows and nodded her head once or twice toward Ambrose, who she knew delighted in breaking as many rules as possible whenever possible.

And Ambrose, much chattier now that he was in Clan company, was raising a whole bunch of questions ysabel considered herself too polite to ask in public. That wouldn't stop her from finding ways to ask them when they were in private, however.

Why Ambrose seemed so disgruntled on the topic of what Order he was in, she didn't know. She'd only been with him a few weeks but already it had been a natural assumption to her that he would be in the Hunt. She wanted to say that you couldn't be intended for a particular Order; why Damaris had anything to do with it was beyond Ysabel. But her case had been clear; she enjoyed the role she played and hoped to learn how to be of even more use to the Clan in it.

The topic was not comfortable for Ambrose though, and Ysabel was too well-bred to push it. Instead she changed the subject, interested in learning more about Dawn and moving the spotlight away from Ambrose.

"So you and Ko are three thousand miles apart? Did Ko leave, or did you?"
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Her frown directed at Ambrose's cop out of an answer turned to laughter at Ysabel's question.

"It was...agreed upon. He needs me to learn t'be mindful, and t'slow down some. He thought I might learn better from someone else and somewhere else...someplace I wasn't quite so...entrenched in the culture and caught in th'motions. Plus, he gits t'show off both his star pupil an'is cross t'bear! An' his ideas. Tho I was pretty much cut out fer th'hunt club I still gotta see for sure th'other options. He's all about careful plannin' and discovery ah hidden skills an' whatnot. Good teacher. But we bumped heads a lot since I'm...a bit thick an' a bit stubborn sometimes."

Smiling, Dawn finished off her beverage, and waved down another of the same. Best get back into character lest anyone return.

"But, as he always says, hidden talents and being underestimated are what bring us to old age safely. Perhaps he has something in his ideas. I suppose he must, as he is an old man."
Ambrose 17 years ago
Ambrose turned an angelic look on Belle and her quiet insinuation that he was a troublemaker.

Since Dawn was flagging down another drink he took advantage and got another one himself, he still had time before Katrina went on the warpath. Why he enjoyed antagonizing her was a mystery but she had the best blow-ups. Someday he’d have to take her to dinner, as it were, and see what that temper did for her.

“I get the feeling most of us seem old to you.”

It was probably in her manner of speech, but Ambrose had concluded that Dawn was extremely young. By most standards, he was just a kid but she seemed to have him beat by a few decades at least.
Ysabel 17 years ago
Ysabel listened to Dawn raptly, not because she was entirely fascinated although the woman's creator sounded like someone interesting, but because it took all her concentration to understand her odd accent, even when she was (presumably) doing her best to keep it from being too heavy. She'd hearn a regular American accent of course, and a southern one, and even some variations like the heavy New York City accents, but Dawn's was a complete mystery and it was taking everything she had not to stare as she tried to peg it. She made the assumption because of the distance mentioned that it was somewhere out west, but aside from that Ysabel was at a loss.

As the words registered once more, she smiled and nodded knowingly. "There's a great deal of truth to that. I think I've made a lifetime out of being underestimated."

Certainly none of the men she'd ever married had considered her much more than your average well-bred, milk-fed Miss at the time. A few of them had learned Ysabel was made of sterner stuff, but she had indeed lived largely off of the 'weak, frail, and delicate' stereotype she fit so well into. Too well, if truth be told, since to this day her own twin often didn't give her enough credit, she sometimes thought.

"When you don't have much in the way of offense," she continued, indicating herself with a little wave of her hand, "your best weapon is a good defense. We all use the tools that are natural to us."
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Laughing again, she nodded at Ambrose's assumption.

"Yes, indeed, Mr. Ambrose. Most of you seem quite old to me. I believe in the case of present company, this belief is fact. It is rumored that linguistic flexibility and technical savvy are the domain of the very young - if that is the case, I am a vertiable stripling in this company."

Turning back to Yesabel, she blurted

"Some use the tire iron, some use interest rates. Ultimately, it amounts to the same beating."
Ambrose 17 years ago
And he had no doubts that Belle could defend herself, in most situation, or at least talk her way out of them. That didn’t mean he was going to let her run blindly into the need to prove that point but it didn’t surprise him she’d look to the defensive side of the equation.

“It never hurts to kick ‘em while they’re down. Makes ‘em think twice about getting up again.”

He wouldn’t have thought tactics was a conversation that Dawn and Belle would be having. It was rather… sweet didn’t seem quite right but it came close.

A short near bark of a laugh was his response to her answer about age.

“Calling us old? Credit where credit is due we haven’t been too left behind” other than Belle’s clothing “caught on to a lot of new stuff. Just not your vocabulary.”
Ysabel 17 years ago
Ysabel gave up the debate on defenses in light of those more experienced at the table... not to mention Ambrose's dubious tactics. She hadn't meant to spark such a spirited conversation on he various merits of lead pipes or kicking anyone. At least Ambrose and dawn seemed to be into it.

She did laugh at Dawn's rather impressive switch from barely discernable accent to proper scholarly vocabulary. The logic that accompanied it was equally amusing.

"So I suppose by that argument I'm a fossil," she lamented. She turned mournful eyes on Ambrose. "I do hope you'll help me get back to my bed," she said. "I seem to have left my wheelchair at the Manor."
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
"I concur. Sometimes a well placed application of strength is just what a situation requires. Of course, in the long run, social finesse and financial strangling tend to be more effective tools. And camouflage will protect you in ways that obvious power cannot."

Raising her eyebrows, Dawn quipped "Oh, and I am more than certain he can help you back to your bed, mum. Just be careful with what he might want you to hold on to once you arrive at said location!"
Ambrose 17 years ago
What was the topic again? Ambrose had completely forgotten when Belle asked him to help her back to bed. Damned it he was going to be next to worthless on stage tonight if she kept playing games like that.

He grinned wickedly at Dawn, who had the right idea, before turning to Ysabel with his most sincere and helpful expression.

“Your bed, my bed, a bed. I’m happy to help you there any time.”

In the interest of being somewhat well behaved, Ambrose refrained from mentioning his sofa which now needed to be repaired or a few other places he had helped her too.
Ysabel 17 years ago
Ysabel felt her chair drop out from under her and gripped it with both hands. What had been innocent humor had been taken completely out of context. Well, perhaps not completely, but she hadn't meant...

...maybe in another setting, if she and Ambrose had been alone, in private, she might have joked that way, but not here, not even with another clanswoman.

Ysabel felt a blush creep up from her neck and cover her face. She imagined she could expect no help from either party here now, particularly as they seemed intent on drawing their own conclusions. In a moment of desperation she flagged down the waitress for another glass of wine and then turned to Ambrose with what she hoped was a suitably composed expression.

"Don't you have to go play?"

She favored Dawn with a similar one.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?"

With a little smile to let them know she, too, was joking, she thankfully buried her nose in her wineglass.
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
The pleasant smile she had been wearing cracked, and fell to pieces, revealing a manic grin beneath. Struggling to contain her laughter, she turned to Ambrose...and lost it. The laughter she created wasn't so much laughing as...effeminate guffawing. Grinning like the mad woman she was, Dawn wiped her eyes, and reigned it in to a bizarre giggle-faw.

"Whooo...heeeh haa heee...whooo. G't y'sel'th'r, huh? Whoo! Ok...breathing..."

Managing to pull herself back together, she looked around. Nope. Not a soul in here was going to buy the bookish routine for the rest of the night. Except the folks in the bathroom. Ah well. It had been worth it.

"Yes, Mr. Ambrose. Go play before we think you're all talk. In my case that won't amount to much, but you might lose an opportunity to escort Miss Ysabel safely...home."
Ambrose 17 years ago
Ambrose softly kissed her hand by way of apology. He wasn’t used to, and very bad at, any kind of atonement but with Belle he made some attempted. Besides, she was damned attractive when she blushed.

He was being dismissed, and as Katrina was giving him the evil eye, it was good timing.

“Alight, I’ll go, I’ll be good. Any requests?”

He’d been looking only at Belle but made brief eye contact with Dawn to include her in the question as well.

It was, however, good to see her break out of that shell, it just didn’t suite the girl. She was crazy and should embrace that.