Back but...distracted

So I'm back from visiting family with my husband and kiddo and currently I have three threads waiting for me. I'm thinking of marking them inactive for maybe a week or so since my husband is getting ready to leave for a minimum of 4 months, possibly 6 months in the middle east. I just can't sit down and focus enough to write. =x

Tai (aishe)

I'm sorry, let me know and if y'all want, I can mark them inactive to free up your characters for something else. I need a week or something. I'm going to be a frazzled mess. =/ Thanks guys.

Ichiro Taiji 18 years ago
There is no need to mark our thread inactive. I knew you were out of town and going to be distracted when you got back. There's no hurry. Take your time with your hubby and make sure all the necessary mushy stuff is done, and don't worry about things here.

I can be evil all by myself for a week.
Mathias 18 years ago
What he said
Dayle 18 years ago
^^ Yeah, that.