I am alive... sorta

First off, serious huge and extremely humble apologies to Sorin and Maeve. Maeve knows, but I have not had time to explain to anyone else what happened the last few weeks.

The short version ~ I was spending WAY too much time on the Net and neglecting my studies and blew 2 exams. Big time (as in failed one and darn near did the other). So I've been spending all my free time catching up with school work and studying, which has left me with little time to play on the Net. Heck, I've only been able to open my email twice a week since the begining of April. What little free time I had outside of that was devoted to helping a friend of mine through a particularly rough patch in his life, a situation that appears to be calming down (thank goodness).

I have two more weeks to this semester, which will pretty much be devoted to getting past my Finals. After that, things should calm down alot around here. The summer semester will be ALOT lighter, so all should be good from this end.

On a more personal note ~ I missed you guys!!!!!

Aishe 18 years ago
Good to know you're alive and kickin! Studies and friends should always come first, but /HUGS from the internet folks.
Nicholae 18 years ago
Good luck with all ya gotta do...you and Mathias are both missed, but it'll all be worth it when you both finish!!!!
Alexandra 18 years ago
Don't worry about it hun, studies and real life should always come first over the net, even for us internet junkies
Ginnie 18 years ago
I must concur. Getting good grades so you can go out into the big bad world is way more important. I got a degree and look where it got me. I get to blow shit up for a living.

Good luck on finals!
Jan 18 years ago
So long as you're alive and well all is good.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Get them grades up and then we'll help bring'em back down! I mean, no! We're helping to make sure it doesn't happen again! Lah lah lah!
Maeve 18 years ago
Said it before, I'll say it again. Miss ya lots, but understand you got stuff going on. Do the school thing and come back to us fresh and ready to play.
Nyra 18 years ago
Take care of RL, we will be here!