
Going to be out of town for a few days, so Alec'll be as quiet as usual. Cheers! (Portland, OR, for those monitoring my movements)

Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
I hope you choke on a chicken bone while you're out there! Die, cajun, die! I hate that fucking guy! :P
Ginnie 18 years ago
*pulls out the requisite white hanky and waves tearfully*

"Travel safely and all that."

Make sure you take the time to kick back a few, and try to have some kind of good time *hug*
Shay 18 years ago
Going to Portland for pleasure? Have fun!
Cyrus 18 years ago
Have fun! Try not to kill anyone while your there.
Addison 18 years ago
Enjoy your trip!
Aishe 18 years ago
/hugs and all that crap, seeya later!!
Rachyl 18 years ago
Stay safe and say hi to the Goonies for us!
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
*waves* take care
Fiona 18 years ago
man, i am so jealous.. *hating the fact I am no longer in the northwest...*

have fun! visit the Saturday Market for me!
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Bon voyage! Hope you have a safe and pleasurable trip =)
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Be safe =)
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
I hope you trip and fall =D
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
I have returned. You may all resume adoring me...except for Roz. She may start. Should start. Please? Dammit.

I mean...thanks for the well-wishes, and I had a mostly good trip. Cheers!

Nicholae 18 years ago
Wow! Fast trip! WB!!
Cyrus 18 years ago
Welcome back! Let us hope the mayhem and destruction you may have left in your wake can not be pinned on you.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
<-- Tacharan. "Thou Shalt Not Get Caught."
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Are you back?! /hug!
Fiona 18 years ago
woot! missed ya bud! hope ya had fun in the land of granola!
Ginnie 18 years ago
Welcome back!!!