And then you start thinking... (Attn: Artemis)
Even letting a few days pass Pak still had ideas, one specifically, bouncing around in her head. She’d done her best to focus that almost nervous energy into work and had been mostly successful. There were now plans for several new applications, all in the very primary stages but they had past the ‘impossible dream’ stage. She’d even snuck off to New York for an evening meeting with her Paris clients, which had gone well.
It just wasn’t enough though, besides the idea she was picking at was far too big for just one person. It also affected more than just the two directly involved. Since the idea wasn’t going away, Pak felt it best to address it head on, that and it was as good an excuse as any to track down Artemis, not that she needed much of an excuse to do that. As his habits were relatively regular, she wasn’t at all surprised to find him in his lab and was able to invite him up to her place the next evening. Yes, an e-mail would have been faster and more efficient, but not nearly as much fun.
The next evening, finally over the effects of her ‘discussion’ with Kem, Pak didn’t feel bad about setting out a bottle of wine and she even made sure there was easy access to a second, just in case. It was an extremely nice Bordeaux from a small French vineyard. Ordinarily it was very hard to get a hold of but Pak had made friends with the owner years ago. And while she’d manage to persuade him she was her own daughter (a feat made much easier as she didn’t actually meet with him and only corresponded), he still made it a point to send her five bottles every year or so. It didn’t sound like much, but given the limited quantities and high demand for this wine it was a very generous thing to do.
In anticipation of Artemis’ arrival, she’d chosen to telecommute this evening. She’d also arranged to have very few projects and nothing at all major. Even she deserved a little time off, but until her guest arrived she contented herself catching up on a few random details and toying with a clove.

Artemis turned the holographic light box off and took a deep breath. It had been a long day, much of which was spent locating and capturing nanobots that had been released into one of the testing labs again. It was the third time this week the bots had accidentally been released. Artemis finally had to dismiss the tech assistant. The nanobots were just too dangerous to risk another accidental release. Still true to his word, Artemis had given the boy's name to HR in hopes that they might find a more suitable place for him in someone else's department.
Needless to say, after the day he had had he was ready for a pleasant evening with Pak. He smoothed the front of his olive green silk shirt, wanting to look presentable. Taking Pak to formal affairs was easy to prepare for, you simply had to wear the required attire. It was the informal events that threw him. Artemis didn't normally put a lot of thought into what he wore, it was only going to be covered up anyway. Still, a labcoat hardly spelled sexy. So, Artemis spent the early part of the evening primping. Green shirt? Black shirt? Blue jeans? Slacks? Hair braided? Hair loose? Bring the cat? Leave the cat? He had finally opted for the green shirt, blue jeans, hair tied at the nape of his neck with a leather cord but unbraided. And he left the cat.

She stubbed out her clove and went over to the door. Halfway there it hit her this probably qualified as a date, well no one said either of them was traditional.
Opening the door she grinned up at him.
“And here I thought you’d forget.”
Yes, in this case she was forgiving; but that didn’t mean she was above giving Artemis just a little bit of grief.
She stood off to one side to let him come in and closed the door behind, doing her best not to mention shoes and not to be nosy about what he was caring.

" Just a little something for you. My apologies for being so scarce."
Artemis smiled. He hadn't forgotten her. In fact he was fairly certain he still had a pair of boxers with sand in them as proof. He pressed the button on the side, calling forth the iris again. Pressing the button a few more times he cycled through the other flowers that were stored in its memory.
" It has an automatic cooling system and automatic shut off. Alfarinn would never forgive me if I let you burn down the towers."

The iris was perfect, not only because she loved them, but in its detail; the only thing missing was smell. The other flowers were beautiful as well, but icing on the cake. It was a superb apology, even though she didn’t really feel one was due.
“Brilliant. I love it, thank you.”
It took effort but she managed to pry her eyes off the flower and to –not- poke it to see what would happen. Her poor bamboo plant, however, was shuffled off to the kitchen counter so the flower could take its place. As she was moving things about Artemis got one eyebrow cocked at him.
“Me? Burn down the towers? Hardly. Possibly crash every system in Meridian but I’m sure I could explain that. Probably some fault in the hardware.”
Not being an overly romantic soul Pak had some silly putty she’d planed on giving him, but that just wasn’t appropriate now so she’d leave it in her desk drawer.
It was easy to be generous in theory, but much harder in practice. Not having seen Artemis much lately Pak found she didn’t want to get right to the point. Besides, it seemed like the sort of topic one should work up to.
“Did you want a drink?”

At the offered drink, Artemis grinned and left the spot where he had been holding up the wall. Walking over to Pak he placed an arm around her shoulders and gave her a gentle hug. After a moment his grin widened and he began to chuckle.
" I am trying to think of a time when I have honestly turned down a drink. Nothing is coming to me. Needless to say, I would love one."
This was Pak's home and technically her party, so Artemis stepped back to let her lead the way.

Her laps in manners seemed to have been either overlooked or not held against her. Retuning the hug Pak laughed at herself, it took tiptoes but she kissed his cheek.
“Next time I promise to invite you all the way in before plying you with alcohol. Did you want to sit down?”
She was forced to slip away and into the kitchen, just for a second.
“I left the bottle on the table with a corkscrew but forgot the glasses.”
A side effect of distraction, was absent-mindedness apparently because she had completely forgotten to put glasses on the coffee table. If nothing else, it would give Artemis a chance to open the bottle and give her two seconds to get her head back on.
Returning with the glasses she set them on the table and made herself at home on the couch. Pak had a habit of sitting with one leg folded under her.
“Its French, I wouldn’t want to step on an Roman toes.”

Smiling at Pak's return, he set about the task of opening the bottle of wine. Artemis poured the wine and then handed a glass to Pak before sitting next to her on the couch.
"Don't worry. Seeing as they all seem to still be attached, I would say you managed to miss my toes."
He sniffed the wine before taking a sip. It truly was an excellent choice. Being familiar with the brand and its rarety Artemis was surprised and honored that she would go to such lengths and expense. A part of him wanted to tell her that she didn't need to do that for him. He would gladly give her any wine from his own vineyard she wanted. But the other part of him, the parted that was thrilled and flattered, didn't want to insult her. He decided he should accept the gift graciously and enjoy the moment. The of course meant allowing himself to be lavishly spoiled. He could live with that.
"The wine is superb. Thank you."

She cast a quick glance down at his socks, no holes. He’d thought ahead.
Accepting the wine she sipped it, really was the best yet. Pak would have to send Guillaume either an thank you or a congratulations. Sometimes it was hard to tell with him.
“I’m glad you approve.”
She’d worn her hair down tonight, which was extremely unusual as Pak found it often got in the way while she was working, but she’d taken some extra time tonight. She thought perhaps Artemis had too the green shirt brought out his eyes. That made her smile slightly. It was odd, she’d worn a blue sweater, complete and stupid coincidence but it still made her smile.
At least for a second before rather guilty tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Because I thoroughly intend on bending your ear.”

" They are, if I do say so myself. I have ten of them don't you know."
Artemis took another sip of his wine in hopes that the conversation would quickly move from his toes. When the conversation did shift, he couldn't help but be concerned. She wanted to bend his ear? Meaning she wanted to talk about something specific. Not quite the romantic lead in he was hoping for. Several things went through his mind. Was this the 'Let's just be friends talk'? Was he already the designated 'Best Friend' and shoulder to cry on? If so, did that mean that some programmer geek had broken her heart? Could he find a way of dealing with said geek without looking guilty. A strategic release of the nanobots might work. And hey, he had already had practice three times this week of cleaning them up. Artemis came to two conclusions, one he thought too much and should drink more wine. The second was that he should ask Pak what was on her mind. Preferably while avoiding the 'I am all ears' cliche. He smiled reassuringly.
"Alright, what is on your mind? Is everything o.k.?"

She smiled, both apologetically and slightly embarrassed. Pak didn't even know if Artemis had understood the profanity, but she was slightly chagrinned at being caught in a moment of temper.
"No every things fine, really."Â?
And now she was cross with herself, she should have worked this out on her own and not killed any chance at a more romantic evening. Convincing herself there might still be hope if this went well she blundered on.
"You remember Aishe? It turns out we're neighbors, and had an interesting conversation not too long ago. She's actually... you know why she's here and I've been thinking..."Â?
This was articulate as all hell, she would have been better off writing it down for all the sense she was making. Besides which she couldn't get the last two words out. Pak finally gave up and skirted the issues slightly.
"Of helping her."Â?
Finally getting the idea out Pak wound up downing about half her wine before giving Artemis a very searching look. Essentially Pak wanted to know if she had completely lost her marbles.

He had listened as she continued and was rather thankful that his jaw didn't drop. Sure he remembered Aishe and what she wanted. Artemis had been under the impression that Pak had very similar feelings on the issue as he did. This revelation was quite a shock. He was in part curious about what had brought on the change of opinion. However, he could tell by Pak's searching gaze that he was expected to say something and that she didn't need harsh critique from him. Smiling he set his glass on the table and then took hers and set it on the table as well. The last was to prevent her from choking on the last bit of wine in her glass. Finally pulling her to him, he gave her a gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"By helping her, I am assuming you don't mean a sound knock on the head in the hopes of imparting some sense?"
He laughed and gave her a squeeze so that she knew he was joking.
"She must have said or done something to make you change your mind. Do you want to tell me about it?"

Relaxing somewhat Pak rested her head against him and smiled. The hard part here was going to be explaining why she'd come up with this idea, but the support was welcome. She debated the idea of blaming the whole situation on Kem but that certainly wasn't fair and not accurate.
"It wasn't really Aishe, not directly; more like tackling a few memories."Â?
Pak had not attempted to move away from Artemis. This was a date, after all, slight odd one but still a date and as such, she wasn't obligated to move, nor did she want to.
She was also determined not to sink into another depression. Even though subterfuge could camouflage the mood, it was still hard to deal with and digging around in the past almost always trigged one. So far, she was holding it off quite nicely though.
"Remembering what happened to me and what a mess that was, I can't help but think that maybe she deserves better than that. She's had a chance to voluntarily leave her life for a new one."Â?

Looking down at Pak, he smiled. Aishe would not be the only one impacted by this decision. This decision would directly effect Pak as well. He thought about all the times that Morrigan and Alfarinn had spent in the early years teaching him and keeping him from getting into trouble. There was a lot to this decision and he didn't have the right to make it for her. Pak had thought enough of him to tell him beforehand. The least he could do, regardless of her decision, was support her.
" I know this is something that Aishe wants, and that she will likely find a way no matter what we tell her. I can also understand wanting someone who isn't going to take advantage of her or abandon her to do it. Either way, I am here for you. But, are you sure you are ready for this?"

Looking up she found Artemis' eyes and was forced to shake her head in the negative, Pak wasn't about to lie to him on this point. It was also one of the reasons she'd wanted to speak to him, it did help her to hear her own ideas put into words and have potential problems pointed out.
"I know Aishe thinks she is ready. Maybe she is, at least as anyone ever can be. I know that I'd like to talk to her about it again."Â?
Pak sighed, it was odd having such a long held belief not challenged but questioned. It took some getting used to.
"The short answer is I'm not sure. I never expected to even consider this kind of a question and of course for all I know Aishe has someone else in mind. It is entirely possible that I simply think too much."Â?

Remembering the day in the ice cream parlor, Artemis thought about the two humans who were present. Thinking of Dani, he couldn't help but smile. As a familiar Dani would have the opportunity to obtain a better understanding of the vampire life before she made a decision. He also knew that Alfarinn would look after her regardless of her decision. Artemis himself had never had a familiar. Knowing the difficulties he had, he would want to make sure that the person wanting to be turned had truly weighed all of the consequences and did so for the right reasons. Love was a compelling enough reason right? It would seem so, but until you considered every aspect of the life you were choosing how would you know if it were enough? Aishe had said she was aware of the consequences. Still it was unclear to Artemis if she had really considered them or had dismissed them out of obstinance. He was concerned that if she ran blindly under the banner of love she might not see the brick wall before she hit it. As much as he would like to question Aishe and make sure she had really thought it out, it wasn't his decision to make.
"Based on our previous conversation, if she is still that determined to be turned I would say that it is likely that she has spoken to more than one. The best we can hope for is that she chooses wisely. When you speak with her, you may want to make sure she at least selects someone who will treat her properly. Either way, whatever decision you make I will support it."

“Thank you. It’s good to know I haven’t just lost my mind. I don’t think she can get into too much trouble since she is associated with Evenhet, but we’ll see what she has to say if… when I talk to her again.”
Between her growing uncertainty and Artemis’ well-balanced answer Pak was suddenly struck by the absurdity of the situation and started to laugh. Some people went for dinner and a movie she dug out a good bottle of wine and brought up the possibility of ‘children’.
Not having left his arms Pak sat up a little straighter and smiling kissed her date.
“Do you see what happens when you let me plan our evenings out?”

Speaking of cognitive thought, he was fairly certain he was supposed to say something about now. Truth is, he was rather happy with the moment and the quiet. It appeared the final decision had been postponed pending further discussion with Aishe. In his mind, that was perhaps the wisest course of action. That settled for the moment, sitting as they were was quite pleasant. Yep, no complaints. Though he still got the impression that he should say something. Grinning, Artemis leaned down and gave Pak a kiss of his own.
"Well, you know if I had picked the evening we would be blowing something up about now. There is still time for that by the way."

Pak was more than happy about the change in the mood and as such was slightly less intellectually agile than usual. It took her as second to realize Artemis had said something, a flirty something at that. Having sorted that out her intent was to appear sweet, innocent and un-phased, but failed and wound up smiling playfully.
"Did you have something specific in mind?"Â?
Very few people could successfully pull of flirting that involved explosions. How she'd managed to find one and invite him for drinks was a complete mystery, but one that didn't really require an answer.

" Hmm. Last time, we placed explosives inside melons and then dropped then from the roof of the towers. Minor explosives. Firecrackers really. You would have loved it. Of course the window cleaners were a bit perplexed by how watermelon seeds managed to get stuck to the outside of the twentieth floor windows."
He supposed he could entertain her with further tales of misadventure. The problem was that typically he either started it or went along with it. Either way, it probably wasn't going to help the suave persona he was attempting. Giving her a little hug, he gave up on suave and decided on honest.
"Well, I would suggest a bit of soft music and slow dancing, but that would require moving."

“I’m sorry I missed it sounds like a brilliant way to celebrate the 4th of July.”
It would sure beat a barbeque.
At the mention of dancing Pak feigned horror, cringing and burring her head in Artemis’ shoulder.
“No dancing. Never again I’m still counting it as a minor miracle I have both my feet.”
No, he’d probably never live that down, although the memory still made Pak laugh.
He was also quite right about not moving.
“I’m sure there is a wonderfully ignorable movie around here somewhere…”