Resident Rorri's Rest and Recuperation (attn: Rorri)
(( from Nachton Hospital ))
Ana caught Rorri as she stumbled her way through the garage's access door into the townhouse. Condo. Residence. She didn't know what to call it, and her brain couldn't spare the processing power; rather, it was too busy telling her body and arms to keep the taller Englishwoman upright as she moved them both into the lavishly furnished abode.
All her eyes focused on was a sofa; she didn't pay attention to anything else as she guided Rorri to it and set her down upon it gently.
"We'll need to get you to the bedroom soon, but I think you're too groggy still to sleep. How're you feeling?" she asked as she sat, with just one half of her buttocks on the cushion, holding Rorri sitting up.
"I've felt b...better..." She whispered as she struggled to keep her eyes open.
"I...didn't think I'd see ye again..." Rorrie mumbled as her lips felt numb and like cotton.

Ana realized after examining Rorri that the girl was still in her dance dress. "We need to get you changed, though. Is the bathroom close to your room or to the couch? Because we also need to get you comfortable, since you'll be sleeping... And we need to make sure you drink plenty of liquids and -no alcohol.- Okay? Okay. And extra clothes, where're those?"
Ana hoped she didn't have to stay more than a day or two, at least til Rorri could stand on her own and would be relatively safe. She'd come back to visit, sure, but... she just couldn't stay.
"...even have my own private bathroom!" She meekly joked.
Was it really Ana?
Her Ana...the one who had left her so long ago now returned to take care of her?
Maybe Kimmie's spirit was whispering to the girl.

Spying it, she moved over to it, avoiding a shoe and a suitcase. Drawer after drawer she opened, until finally she found a comfortable-looking t-shirt and some light shorts. Another drawer a few minutes later yielded a set of fresh panties, and some clean - if motley - socks.
She returned to the living room, and helped Rorri sit back up carefully. "We need to undress you now. I'd really like to get you a warm bath, but I don't think that would be a good idea since you can't hardly support yourself standing. Let's get you changed into something fresh and clean, then we'll worry about the bath in the morning, okay?"
The spaced out look on Rorri's thin face concerned her; Ana wondered if she could possibly still be in shock or if maybe she'd been hit harder than the nurse had let on.
After all they were about to play dress up!
"I love you Ana..." Rorri said in a soft slurred tone as she smiled and rested her head back against the soft cushions of the couch.

Fortunately, the taller, injured little girl in front of her couldn't even do that. Or maybe it was unfortunately?
Ana decided right then that, even though she was likely the only friend Rorri had on this side of the pond...
She pulled the remains of Rorri's dress off her body with a little bit of resistance from the injured. She was then able to help the Englishwoman dress, if haphazardly. A few grunts, some "ouch that pinched" squeaks, and a wrist to the nose later, Rorri was seated back on the couch. Ana surveyed her work. The sleeves of the t-shirt weren't right, and she might have gotten the panties on backwards, but Ana was loathe to stand her back up to double check.
She settled for kneeling between Rorri's knees, and holding the other woman's face straight so she could speak to her, hopefully distinctly. "Rorri, we need to get you into your bed. I'm going to find a small trashcan to keep next to your side of the bed, and we also need to get you some tylenol if you start to get a headache. But we're not allowed to move you around too much. If you want, we can keep you here in the living room and watch a movie on low volume or something. In any case, you need to rest."
"Bed is better for sleeping, but this couch is very comfy Ana..." Rorri replied softly with a sleepy drugged out smile.

What was it about everything Rorri was saying that grated on Ana's nerves? She couldn't place it. Was it because she was being an unhelpful patient? Granted, Girl Scout first aid wasn't anywhere near what was needed to be an EMT, but she was not going to allow Rorri to get hurt while on her watch.
She also didn't want to be there, but she'd be there for... her friend. Weird though the whole situation was.

Ana awoke to a painful crick in her neck. Her arm hurt. As she looked around and slipped her glasses back on that somehow seemed to have fallen off and landed in her lap, she noticed Rorri was missing. Ana found her in the kitchen trying to boil herself some water for tea. Taking the Englishwoman by the arm, Ana gently escorted her back to the living room couch, and handed her the TV remote before returning to the kitchen.
If the days she'd spent with Rorri had taught her anything, it was how to make proper English tea.
Once that was prepared, the librarian brought the tray of steaming hot liquid to the heiress, and both sipped of their tea in relative silence.
The next day and a half went by quickly. Rorri steadily improved. Her head hurt less, but her hen-pecking and dislike of being molly-coddled rankled Ana. She was even very, very briefly tempted to hold Rorri's head under the water of the bath she'd drawn after the first night. "You stink," Ana had said, "And your hair is all greasy and clumpy and you look a sight. You're going to take a bath, whether you want to or not. I'll even hold you down to make sure you do." That last threat had caused Rorri's eyes to light up, and a mumbled comment was made about sharing that same bath. Kicking herself mentally (and even physically a few times, after setting the water to fill the tub) Ana did help Rorri bathe with little fanfare or commentary.
Food graduated quickly from tea and broth to light sandwiches, and when Rorri was able to stand on her own and able to focus and think, Ana took her leave. She was glad the Englishwoman was alright, but it still frustrated her to no end that she was the only option the girl'd had to call for assistance. By the time she arrived at home, she'd made up her mind not to dwell upon it, and instead decided to visit Rorri every few weeks for tea. After all, even though they had a business relationship, it just didn't feel right to Ana to ignore the olive branch of friendship.
(( rorri and ana out. rorri's inclusion w/ permission ))