A Small World (Attn: Pak)
It had been a long night, but Aishe was still trying to get her workout done every night, even if it was a bit late like tonight. There had been a few people in the gym with her, but she hadn't known any of them. She didn't mind though; unless she was actually sparring with someone she preferred to remain undistracted while she excersized.
She'd showered in the gym locker room and changed already; now she had her duffel bag with her and her long hair up in a knot to keep it from getting her shirt wet. There were a few hours yet till morning, but she thought for once maybe she'd just curl up on the couch with a good book and watch a movie instead of going out into Nachton and exploring. She'd been feeling a little woozy on and off, and she had a feeling it was some kind of residual feeling from Kem. It made her worry a bit, but he was all right.
Aishe waited for the elevator, having hit the call button. When it arrived she double checked to make sure it was going up and stepped inside. It wasn't until after she'd hit her floor button that she turned around and realized there was someone in there with her.
Not having seen the other occupant, she gave a yelp and then covered her mouth in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!"

Once that was done and she could legitimately say she accomplished something Pak had decided she needed to get home. Her hangover was still nagging at her. She really should have asked MARI to dim the elevator lights or borrowed Kem’s sunglasses or something. That was her primary thought until the elevator stopped and someone shouted, or as far as Pak was concerned, shouted. She flinched and put one hand to her temple.
“I it’s OK. I’m practicing being invisible.”
Gurk. Recognizing her elevator-riding companion did not help Pak’s nausea. This was so not funny/fair.

Aishe was still slightly rattled, and between the expressoin on Pak's face and the tone of voice, it was hard to tell if she'd been joking or not. She didn't appear to be in a good mood, but then again the last time they'd met she had also seemed a bit... standoffish. And for all Aishe knew, vampire abilities included invisibility.
She turned back to the floor buttons for a moment and noticed only the one was depressed.
"Is that your floor? I didn't realize we were neighbors. How have you been?"

“Sorry I’ve got a bit of a headache.”
She took for granted that Aishe knew she’d been kidding about the invisibility and so didn’t go into detail.
She also hadn’t realized the other woman lived in the towers. Pak was aware of Aishe’s goal but not how involved with Evenhet she apparently was. See what happened when you didn’t join welcome wagons or have house warmings, you had no idea who you lived near.
“I keep rather odd hours, even for being…” She had a warped sense of humor even when not feeling her best and paused long enough to make the wrong impression, “a programmer, so I miss most of the neighbors. What have you been up to?”

"I've been making an effort to be useful," she said with a smile in response to Pak's own inquiry. "To that end, I've been helping Mr. Bern out a little bit. Otherwise, not too much. Get to do any fun programming lately? Do you make new ones, or just maintain what's already installed?"
Aishe's natural inclination was to be friendly and open, but a bit belatedly she realized that perhaps Pak would just want to ride up in silence. Ah well, too late for that. She was curious about vampires and headaches, anyhow.

Pak shook her head, declining the aspirin, and immediately regretted it; it hurt. Why had she gone out to install things? Oh yes, she’d been lured there by an Egyptian promising dimmed lights and limited coworkers.
She found herself oddly pleased Aishe had found something to do, to be useful. Although whether that was simply her character or something else Pak wasn’t sure.
“Me? A little bit of both actually. I just got finished installing a new version of a database/search engine for the archives. I’m still a little worried about it its got some limited AI functions and is probably too complex for what it is. But you’ve got to start somewhere.”
Wow, that was a bit of a ramble; but Pak still had that glitch on her mind. She now knew why the two machines had rejected the program the question was how to overcome that. Having that thought on her mind made her more talkative than usual, at least about her work.
Slowly though she was starting to wonder about Aishe. Knowing Kem’s side of the story it was only natural to be curious.

"That actually sounds pretty cool to have in an archive. Even if it does need a little work, you're right - it's a start." Kem must be nuts over it. Oh... OH! If Pak had been down in the archives, then... should she ask? Was it just too nosy or wierd? She wanted to know though.
"I don't suppose you've seen Kem lately, then, have you?" She smiled at Pak, lifted one shoulder... Pak knew why she couldn't see him herself. "Is he... all right?"

Whoops, shouldn’t have mentioned the archives. See where that got you, many questions about Kem; one or two at any rate.
“He’s fine. Slightly hung over but fine.”
Apparently she wasn’t quite back to normal, Pak hadn’t intended to let much about Kem slip. Although it didn’t seem like much of a violation to tell Aishe. At least Aishe knew Kem was here.
However, it didn’t look like she was going to get to run from that blunder either as she was followed out of the elevator. Rather than brush her companion off Pak took hold of the situation.
“Did you want.. some thing to drink?”
Something to drink. Not a drink. Pak, would not be drinking. Probably not for several days.
((OOC… permission to be followed.))

"That actually explains a lot," she said hesitantly, touching her forefinger to her temple. She didn't think Pak knew the two of them were bonded, but maybe she'd get the gist of it.
Being asked if she wanted a drink was surprising. She hadn't thought they'd hit it off all that well when they'd first met, but Aishe wasn't about to let a chance meeting be her only impression. Pak seemed to want to be hospitable, and to be fair she'd been quite nice once they'd talked for a bit at the mall.
"Sure," she said. "You're welcome to come to my place, if you like, although anything I have is the boring non-alcohlic type. But either way is fine."
And she wasn't about to pass up a chance to get to know a fellow clan-member better, not when it so kindly presented itself to her.

She was surprised to have asked Aishe to join her, but not sorry she’d done so.
“No I think non-alcoholic is going to be a good thing besides I need to put my things away.”
Her laptop needed charging and she had some hardware with her that should be stored properly just on general principle.
Opening her door Pak stepped inside, slipped her shoes off, picked them up and tossed her keys on the small table.
“Make your self at home. I’m not sure what I have but there should be something. Let me just put this away and I’ll be right back.”
Pak disappeared into the back rooms, reemerging a second later to properly stow the laptop and plug it in to be charged. Minor chores accomplished, Pak wandered into the kitchen, and light a clove. Her fridge was depressingly bare.
“I have water and a few sodas. There must be something to snack on around here somewhere. Sorry, I forgot I don’t often have visitors.”
Let alone visitors who eat on a regular basis.

Her attention diverted to the desk by the bowl of fish upon it, she mused at them while Pak moved into the kitchen. They were small, red fish with very flowy fins. Siamese fighting fish? She wasn't a big fish person, although admittedly they were awfully pretty and Aishe could see how they must be relaxing.
"A soda would be just fine," Aishe said when Pak returned. "I'm not very hungry; I try not to eat right after a workout anyway." She gave the woman a smile and sat down at one end of the couch. "You have a lovely place."

“Thank you. I keep thinking it isn’t finished but then I can’t figure out what to do with it.”
At the very least she needed a dinning room table, if nothing else it would give her a better place to do her puzzles.
Wondering if her guest was uncomfortable, but not quite knowing what to do about it she finished her clove and poured a soda for Aishe and water for herself. Setting them down she settled into one of the chairs, she found them oddly comfortable.
“So you’re wandering around in the middle of the night working out with a headache and a dry mouth? Something keeping you up nights?”
It was asked with a relaxed smile. She wanted to know if her guess was correct. If it was, likely she and Kem’s history lesson had had an effect on an innocent by stander.

She thanked Pak for the soda and took a sip, noting Pak's remarkable blue eyes as she remembered doing when they first met. She briefly wondered how old Pak was, and the archaeologist in her was crying out to know if her blue eyes had caused any comment in a race who were predominantly brown-eyed. She wondered, too, if they had anything to do with Pak's turning, but she was well aware of the private nature of such a question so resigned herself to keep her curiosities as curiosities.
Pak, however, seemed to be probing, and Aishe didn't see anything wrong with giving her the information she was asking about in her slightly round-about manner.
"Well, I haven't been up during the day in a while anyhow. You know, something about night time being far better for meeting the vampire half of Evenhet," she said. "And there's also the whole bonding thing, which I didn't have a name for before. I know what it is now though. And while I don't exactly have a real headache or a real dry-mouth, I had the distinct impression earlier this evening that Kem wasn't feeling all that great."
Aishe returned Pak's smile, glanced down at he soda in her hands, and then said, "So... if vampires normally don't get ill, or get headaches, does that mean that bothyou, and possibly more, were having some fun yesterday, or are you just suffering from a new vampire disease?"
She said it with a soft laugh; she didn't want to sound like she was accusing Pak of anything untoward where Kem was involved. Reflecting on that, Aishe was certain the bond she and Kem shared would have been pretty clear about that, so she settled for teasing Pak lightly.

It also seemed that Aishe had been here a while this lead Pak to wonder why she hadn’t unpacked. She didn’t seem like the sort to give up so maybe refusing to settle in was some sort of optimism.
“No, not a new disease actually it’s a pretty old one. We just got a little over zealous last night.” Her stomach rolled slightly, although whether that was the after effects of a lot of scotch or the idea that Aishe was still looking for an answer to her quest Pak wasn’t sure. “How has your search been going?”
Mentally Pak swore at herself. Where in the hell had that question come from?!
There was an interesting mental debate going on here. Pak wanted to just come right out and ask Aishe how much she knew about Kem’s history, but if she did and Aishe didn’t know much… No, she couldn’t assume here.
“You followed Kem here from Egypt right? Did you know you were bonded at the time or is this new?”
Pak didn’t think twice about asking these questions. She’d once told Aishe she could ask if she had any questions and the offer stood. Pak might not be as open with Aishe as she had been with Kem, at least not at first, but she wouldn’t lie either.

"My search?" Aishe smiled. "Well, I suppose it's been going well. I'm still here, after all. I really do love it here. Even if things turn out differently than I'd hoped, I want to stay. I like this world. I'm still learning, but it's too fascinating and the people are too nice to want to leave. I feel better about being here now that Mr. Bern seems to have found some use for me, as well."
Pak's next question surprised her a little, but she was still curious enough about vampires' different abilities that she didn't give it a second thought. "Well, we met in Egypt while I was working and Kem was on... vacation, I guess. When our dig ended and we came back to the states, Kem came along shortly after, although I don't think he'd planned on coming back for a while. We kept seeing each other here, at night of course. It was shortly after we came back, I think, that I figured out what he was. I didn't say anything. We'd been back for maybe six months or so when everything happened... when he left, and I think when this bond happened, although I still don't know how it happened."
Aishe laughed a little. "At first I thought I was just a little... well, out of my mind. But then I began to think it over, and... well, it's hard to explain, but I was fairly certain I wasn't crazy."
She made a little face then, not really knowing how to describe it otherwise.

Well that was an interesting place to put Aishe to work and Pak had to wonder what she was doing. Given the nature of her work with MARI she wasn’t completely unfamiliar with the department. Actually, come to think of it, MARI was apparently the only reason that Pak got out and talked to any one. Regardless, perhaps she should talk to Mr. Bern herself.
She found herself slightly unsettled by the pattern her thoughts were taking. First wanting to know about the bond, what was wrong with her?
Aishe didn’t know how the bond had happened, that meant that Kem might not know it had happened either. Not being bonded Pak didn’t know much about the ability, but maybe she should look into it.
“So you’ve been hearing voices in your head or you just know when he’s hung over? I’ve never bonded myself so…” Pak half shrugged, letting Aishe describe as she saw fit.

"I haven't really heard voices in my head," she explained, trying to elaborate, "although I'm told that if the bond strengthens we could talk that way. It's been tempting to try, but I know Kem thinks he's doing the right thing at the moment and I don't really want to make that any tougher on him."
She considered; she had heard his voice that one time, when he'd been dreaming... or remembering... or something, but she was sure it hadn't been intentional on his part.
"No, usually what I get is just a sense of how he's feeling, and it only seems to happen when he's feeling very strongly about something. Like last night," she said. "A few weeks ago, too."
It was the first time that evening she'd hinted to Pak that she had some idea of what had happened the night before. She actually hadn't gotten a whole lot through the bond, but she knew Kem hadn't really been in the best mood for some of it. It did explain the hangover, anyhow.

Aishe had said it was a new bond and right now, it sounded a lot like empathy. How long could the bond continue in its present state if neither of them worked at it, would it fade, would it get stronger on its own? She really was going to have to find out.
Pak suddenly felt slightly… not quite guilty but something like it about last night’s discussion. Maybe it wasn’t guilt, maybe it was embarrassment, and it was something of a shock to realize someone else had an idea what was going on. And even though Aishe was apparently not privy to the specifics, it was slightly unsettling.
“Yeah, last night was a… a long night.”
Subtlety was not going to get her far here was it? Pak really didn’t expect Aishe to come right out and confide in her but if things kept going this way there was more she had to know.
“How did you find out?”
Pak made a rather encompassing gesture indicating ‘about all of this’.

Pak seemed slightly uncomfortable with the idea of the previous night. Aishe wondered if she was embarrassed about it, but she didn't ask. Maybe she wasn't the type to drink too much either, and felt like she'd been caught or something? Regardless, what Kem or Pak did in their personal time really wasn't Aishe's business at the moment; she was something of a bystander who happened to have an inside scoop.
Pak's next question, however, made her sit up a bit. "How did I find out... you mean, about Kem?"
She considered that. She knew Kem valued his privacy, but Pak and Kem seemed to be friends. Still, it wasn't Aishe's place to divulge the secrets of Kem's past, particularly when she didn't have very much hard fact. She had a good idea, but that was mostly from the bond she shared with him and the glyphs she'd found. So perhaps, then, just the straight answer... the simplest one.
"I put the facts together," she said. "We only saw each other at night, for one. Well... other clues, they were all there. And maybe there was something about Kem himself." She stopped, considered. "No, there was definitely something odd about him. The way he talks sometimes, the way he phrases things or seems to know far more about them than the average historian or scholar should. He'd react to certain things sometimes as well... and even though he covered it up fairly well I was looking for it by then."
She considered for a moment, and then gave a little sigh. "There was also... hmm. How to describe it. His history was written on one of the walls in the temple I excavated. I didn't know it was his at first... the name of the person involved had been carved and then erased deliberately. I even showed it to him because it was so... unique. I didn't know it was his then, but when I bagen putting facts together later it all fell in place."
Aishe had always been good at puzzles and mysteries. Kem's story had been a shocker at first, but in the end she'd taken a page from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and accepted that the only option left must be the correct one.

“Did they go into a lot of detail?”
She asked softly. Pak didn’t want Aishe to spill anything she wasn’t comfortable with, the fact that she was protective of Kem went a long way with her and she wouldn’t push. Still it seemed important to know how much Aishe did know.

"I hope you're not looking for more than a yes or a no," Aishe said softly but firmly, "because Kem's history isn't for me to gossip about. All I can tell you is it was enough."
What she didn't tell Pak was that she'd done a little thieving as well. But that, too, was an issue for Kem's eyes and no one else's unless he chose.
"I'm sorry I can't... won't... tell you any more. I don't mean to be rude, but... I'm sure you understand, this is his life. Not mine."
Aishe had been as open as possible with everyone in Evenhet thus far, and it hurt to have to be so close-mouthed, particularly at the expense, perhaps, of a new friend. But even if it cost her, she wasn't about to go spilling Kem's private life to the entire Towers.