The Arrival

For a rental the limo was pretty nice. Xander had spent the trip from New York to Nachton quiet, mulling over his reasons for coming. Even now as he stretched out along one of the seats across from the permanently brooding German who accompanied him everywhere it was quiet except for the slight road noise that filtered into the cabin. And for the steady thump – thump – thump of the purple nerf ball X bounced rhythmicaly off of the ceiling.

A few soft tones from Gunter’s jacket caused only a split second alteration in the ball’s steady pounding, and the bodyguard’s employer didn’t even spare a glance at him as he spoke quietly into the phone. Only when he snapped it shut and cleared his throat faintly did Xander catch the ball and turn his violet gaze towards him.

That was Vesna. Your suite at the Piazza has been prepared. A dark brow arched faintly. The Tacharan knew his assistant wouldn’t have called just to say she’d done her job. Frowning slightly, the blonde man continued. She also wanted to inform you of a small explosion at a ball hosted by the Mayor earlier this evening. Apparently it is all over the news, most of the city’s elite had been attending. There are several reported deaths and injuries. No names have been released that cross to your files.

With only a faint tightening around his lips to hint he’d even heard the news, Xander turned back towards the ceiling and resumed tossing the soft ball against the ceiling. If possible he looked even deeper in throught than before.

A few minutes later the limo slowed and stopped. The German exited and surveyed the area outside of the Domicile’s entrance. After finding it clear he leaned back inside.

We’ve arrived, sir.

X sat up and rolled his shoulders with a small sigh. Stepping out into the cool night he slipped in front of Gunter and made his way to the entrance. Some things were different but it took little effort to get them in and on their way down into the bowels of his Clan’s safehouse.