Après Dinner
Sorin turned away from the windows once the smoking ruins of the building were out of sight.
"Well, that was most interesting but I think they could have done something better for after dinner entertainment. The Mayor must have over run his budget."Â?
They were now not fit to go out for drinks. He would normally be irritated for not having received several invitations to after dinner parties. Sorin supposed a large inferno in the Dining Hall was an decent enough excuse. Fiona seemed rather distressed by the chaos and the fire. For the briefest of moments just as he was coming towards her. He doubted anyone had seen that in her reaction and wondered if he was only imagining it himself.
The Manor gates came into view and the driver leaned out to give the gate guard his name and id badge as well as to state who was in the car. Too many Evenhet running around with glamour; it was best to take what precautions they could.
Like the one in the limousine with him, Sorin chuckled to himself. Strange that he found her abilities so endearing when normally he found them such a nuisance in others. As the vehicle pulled up to the wide entrance, Sorin turned to her and smiled.
"Well, my dear, welcome to Heolfor Manor."Â?
The driver opened his door and Sorin stepped out, turning to offer his hand to Fiona.
((OOC: Clever assumptions of Fiona's character completely of my own making. They are, however, no doubt accurate. ;) ))

At least she was only short a fur stole and her handbag. A frown started to cross her face but then she remembered that all that had been in the bag was a bit of makeup. No great loss and nothing that would be a hassle to replace. The fur was a bit of an irritant, but it had been due to be replaced in the near future anyway.
Lost in thought again, she didn't realize where they were. She returned Sorin's smile with a look of incomprehension. Heolfor Manor? It hadn't occurred to her to ask where Sorin was taking her ~ she had assumed he would return her to the Piazza, to get cleaned up if nothing else. Smiling a bit ruefully it occurred to her that trying to guess which direction he would jump was pointless. Over the course of the evening he'd managed to throw more than a few surprises her way. Why should this be any different? She'd already determined he was accustomed to getting his way ~ it probably didn't occur to him that others might have plans of their own. Or perhaps he simply didn't care... Since he had yet to do anything she wouldn't have agreed to anyway, she mentally shrugged it off.
Accepting his help out of the limo she looked up at what she could only assume was Sorin's home. And found it more than made up for any inconvenience this little detour could have caused. Recalling his descriptions of Evenhet's "glass and steel,"Â? she completely understood why he preferred this surrounding. The quiet alone was worth it. Idly, she wondered how much land was part of the estate to allow for the lack of city noises. Her smile was more genuine when she looked up at him.
"I take it this is your home and that of Anantya? It's beautiful, Sorin."Â? Truly distracted from her earlier thoughts, curiosity took over. The style seemed familiar, but she hadn't paid enough attention to architecture over the centuries to be certain. "Was this the original Manor? From the Founding?"Â?
(OOC ~ Can't imagine why'd you'd think that *whistles innocently*)

"Yes, the city was founded in 1706 and this has been our home ever since."Â?
Frowning slightly, he gestured around him and explained.
"Originally we were well outside the city's limits. We knew that it would continue to grow but now were are nearly on the city's edge. We did have the foresight to own enough land surrounding the Manor to make it a quiet retreat even in the heart of the city."Â?
He walked them towards the door and through the entrance. Stopping by the butler's desk, he ordered a bottle of wine to be sent to his room. As they continued down the hallways and past the music room, Sorin said.
"We can take a walk in the gardens later if you like. I might be presumptuous here but I believe the Lady would prefer to get cleaned up some first?"Â?

Not for the first time, she wondered what game she'd fallen into.
And found she didn't care right at the moment. There was too much to sort out, too many details to be examined. Letting go of the last bits of her court demeanor, she shrugged a little at his question.
"Hardly presumptious, mon cher. I'd give much to be free of the stink of smoke and fire."Â?
Her eyes slanted up at him and a grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. The thought of being clean lifted what was left of her mood and she suddenly felt freer than she had in decades. She had the sudden urge to tease Sorin, much as she had at the banquet, but refrained. This was his home and here he was Elder. She would show the respect he deserved, though she couldn't help but wonder at this bit of deference on her part. No one had evoked this degree of... she didn't even know what to call it, it was so unfamiliar. That decided her. She had been able to tease him earlier with none being the wiser. There was no reason she could not do so now. The grin that had threatened earlier vanished to be replaced with a slightly wicked look, a bit of challenge thrown in for the fun of it.
"Though the Lady wonders what you had in mind for her to wear in the gardens. I doubt she'd look half so grand as mon seigneur Aîné, in his clothing."�

Sorin smiled and turned towards her raising and eyebrow at the thought of her in his clothing. She would look quite lovely in nothing more than one of his silk shirts and he could imagine the stir that might cause if they wandered around the gardens in such a state of undress. It was almost scandalous enough to have irresistable appeal.
He grinned and blinked in feigned innocence.
"But a goddess should be seen in all her natural glory, should she not?"
The mischievous nature of his expression showed itself as his smile widened.
"Certainly you wouldn't deprive the world of such a sight by hiding it behind over sized clothing?"
They were just in front of his own suite and he turned and stopped to await the outcome of the verbal play. Thrusting his hands in his pockets, he leaned against the door jam, appearing as though he had ever intention of staying her as long as it took to resolve the issue. Sorin's fingers sought the small key in his pocket.
One of the advantages to not driving or working was not having a weighty set of keys to filter through. There was simply the very old brass key with its finely carved clan mark worked into the design.

His answer pleased her, on more than one level. He truly could get her into all sorts of trouble, and not all of it political in nature. It just might be worth it to see if he would allow her to wander around in such a state, though personally she'd rather not. But what truly thrilled her was finding he could play outside the game. Too many men couldn't and it was very disappointing to deal with someone who could maneuver events in whatever manner they choose, but were complete bores outside their realm of influence.
She watched as he lounged against the doorjamb, probably of his own rooms. Half a dozen responses flew through her mind, but only one threw the ball back into his own court in the manner she wanted. Moving so that she stood just inside his personal space, but not close enough to actually touch him, she took the time to run her eyes up his body, enjoying what she saw and letting it show on her face.
"True. But then, so should a god, non? And I doubt most of the world could appreciate such a thing, so what would we truly be depriving them of?"Â?
She looked thoughtful for a moment, considering that, tapping one nail against her lower lip.
"But you... you I believe could appreciate such."Â?

"Of course I will do the same if that is what the goddess wishes."Â?
Holding the door open for her, he stood aside, but shook his head in disagreement with her statement.
"We should consider it a test. If they cannot appreciate such beauty then they deserve to be punished, the wrath of the gods as it were. I am sure we can come up with something creative for smiting the blasphemous masses."Â?
Walking into the suite and placing his key and other items from his pocket onto the small table in the hall, he smiled to himself. It was probably a good thing Thaddeus had gone elsewhere, he could just imagine the boy's expression if he caught his elder wandering around the gardens naked. Actually it might have been worth whatever further response was given just to see the initial shock. Morrigan's look of horror would be another delightful thing to see but he knew that he was not likely to get such a reaction from her, if he even got one at all. Over the years the barbarian wench seemed to have become immune to his response provoking actions. Now they behaved much like a irritable old married couple bickering for the sake of habit. Of course the Ice Queen was the last person he wanted to be thinking about at the moment.
Turning to Fiona, Sorin grinned.
"So it is a plan then?"Â?

One of them was crazy, and she wasn’t willing to bet on it being Sorin.
“I shudder to think what consequences you might dream up for the poor souls unable to acknowedge such, though I’m sure I could think of a thing or three…”
Glamour might come in handy ~ it had been awhile since she’d read about mythology, but if she recalled correctly the gods had been able to shape shift ~ if done right, she cast the same illusion, though it would depend on the mind she had to work with. She found altering emotions to be easier, though even that held some leeway for amusement. An image of huddled masses groveling at her feet crossed her mind and her lips curved up in a devilish smile.
“I do believe it is, though I do have a request or two to make.”
Turning to enter the main room of Sorin’s suite, Fiona stopped just inside, stunned. Whatever she had been expecting, it was not this. She ignored the furnishings, intent on the murals, feeling for the first time in ages that she could step out into the sunlight. It had never occurred to her to utilize this style in this manner. Of course, she hadn’t stayed anywhere long enough to truly make it a possibility, but still…
Her fingers itched, wanting a brush. Moving so that she was standing before the nearest mural, she studied the strokes, impressed at the detail. Reaching up a hand, ran it just over the surface, not quite touching it, using her fingers as a reference point. It was absolutely incredible. The illusion was not as powerful from arm’s reach and looking over her shoulder, she swore that the hills were real and her mind kept expecting the pines to move in the wind. Shaking her head, she focused on the rest of the room. The furniture was either authentic or well researched reproductions.
Her mind finally registered what she was seeing and she looked to Sorin, a bit confused. This was Roman, down to the lute. Granted she didn’t know as much about the Roman Empire, but from what she did know, either Sorin was enamored of the period, or he was of the period. And the Roman Empire had fallen 1500 years ago. Her estimate of his age jumped. And ran smack into the name Cyrus had given him at dinner earlier. It had not been Roman. Which meant that either he was no longer using the name he had used while human, or that he simply liked this style. And since her own collection matche dwho she had been… but she had already learned not to second guess him.
As they were truly alone, she felt no need to hide her reactions. She needed to let go after the stresses of the evening and oddly, she trusted him enough to let her do so.
“I’ve never seen anything like it, Sorin. It’s breathtaking. But I have to admit I’m confused. The style is Roman, yet your name is not.” She met his eyes, curiousity building. “Who are you?” Fiona shook her head. “No, the appropriate question would be, who were you?”

"Oh I am sure I can think of a few fitting judgments for smiting the disrespectful multitude."Â?
He wondered just what she was thinking about. No doubt the idea of walking through the gardens of a rival clan in the nude was not the action she would have wanted to take. So if she agreed he would have to wonder why. Like himself, there seemed to be an ulterior motive to most of her behavior or at the very least a dual purpose. Such as this situation, it was a test of sorts; she could back down from the challenge, try to side step it again with simply more teasing words in a run around situation or take it up. He would have less respect for backing down unless it was done with exceptional style. Some though would have decided to do such a thing for simply the scandalous nature of the act. It would be attention getting and memorable to be certain and that had a definite entertainment value to some of his kind.
He smiled when she accepted. His expectations were not diminished by her answer and the addition of clauses spoke of someone who was still thinking of this as a game of maneuvering.
"I would do my utmost to abide by the lady's wishes but I cannot be certain that they are within my power until I hear these requests."Â?
Sorin watched as Fiona turned and looked into the living room. He was well aware that the murals were eye catching and was happy to see they drew her attention so profoundly. Those that do not appreciate art and beauty were without class and manners. Of course, each person had their own idea of what would be called art but his taste was impeccable and that was what was important to him.
He shrugged slightly at the mention of his name.
"My father was not Roman."Â?
With a half smile of patient enjoyment that came with unveiling a part of his mystery, Sorin straightened. Holding up a staying hand, he walked into the other room and came back.
Tossing a tiny object in her direction, he raised his eyebrows and stated rather simply.
"I believe that will answer your question."Â?
Indeed the golden coin had his human identity stamped boldly along the edge, Nero Caesar Augustus. On the reverse side, two figures were depicted standing side by side. Appropriately to the conversation, they were dressed with the regalia of the gods; the words Augustus and Augusta written to each side, Emperor and Empress.
He felt his ability to make or break aspirations to be quite clear. So good of her to ask, though he enjoyed playing the mystery out as long as possible most of the time. It would be interesting to see the reaction to such knowledge.

That Sorin did not simply promise to fulfill her requests unheard made her return his smile. She hadn't thought he would, he had shown he was far too smart for that. There were any number of things she could ask for, some of which she didn't doubt he'd claim to be outside of his power, as it would ruin the game to simply give them over. Those things she'd rather earn, as by doing so, she'd earn more from him in the long run. Playing against him like this was educational and entertaining. What she really wanted, though, was to play beside him, much as she had earlier, though this time knowing what the goals were and helping to achieve them. She felt she had done well considering she had been playing blind.
"I have no doubt the first is well within your power to grant, though there are a few ways it could be accomplished. While the weather is fair tonight, it is still a bit chilly. All I ask for the first, is that you help to warm me if I should get cold."Â?
The second was a bit more complicated and part of her balked at even needing to request it. Sorin was already aware of her lack of ties with Evenhet. What she hadn't told him was her almost complete lack of knowledge of the Clans in general. That could not continue, not if she were to stay in Nachton. It could prove to be suicidal. Having already made an appearance at Sorin's side in public, the impression given could lead some to believe she was more firmly associated with Sorin and Anantya than she truly was at this time. As she had yet to be impressed by Evenhet, the thought of being grouped with Anantya was not in the least disturbing, but she needed to understand the Clans better to know for certain how this would effect her dealings here. It also occurred to her that for this one, she may end up owing Sorin a favor. Mentally she shrugged. It was part of the game. The challenge was to get him in a position to owe her a favor.
"As you already know, I have few ties with Evenhet. My creator was not interested in dealing directly with the Clan and it wasn't until after his... death that I met another member. As a result, I have little knowledge of interclan relations. After this evening, it is more than apparent to me that I cannot continue in this manner. I do not even know the rules here."Â? She met his eyes squarely, daring him to judge her for an admitted weakness. "I would appreciate help in rectifying this situation."Â?
The question of Sorin's heritage made perfect sense. The Roman Empire had been vast and if she hadn't been so taken with the murals she might have come to that conclusion on her own. But that it apparently was going to pay off in a piece of the puzzle that was Sorin gave her a thrill of excitement. Fiona waited, wondering if she should have followed him out of the room when he returned to toss something at her. Automatically, she caught it, raising an eyebrow at him. This would answer her question?
Looking down she found herself holding a coin, with two figures on this side. The irony did not escape her as the figures were obviously meant to be a god and goddess. Still confused, she turned the coin over, only to find a likeness of Sorin himself on the other side. Both eyebrows raised at this and she read the inscription, not quite sure what to make of this bit of information. Nero? Of course she knew the name, though very little else. She raised her eyes back to meet Sorin's, dredging up what little she could recall from her own readings of history. All she could remember at the moment was something about killing his wife and the city burning while he played... oh, and a suicide. At least the last part was not true, though that could have been staged. She had no idea why he would have done that.
What surprised her was the wave of irritation on his behalf that she felt at how history had treated him. The man before her was elegant and cunning, not insane. It didn't occur to her to hide that wave of feeling.
"This does explain a few things."Â? Wanting time to think about this revelation, she returned to teasing him lightly. "So I truly will get to walk in the gardens with a god."Â?

"I believe the first is within my power to grant. Consider it agreed upon."Â?
He waited for the next and wondered if they would be along the same playful lines. Ever suspicious by nature, he was well aware that teasing banter was a way to trap the unwary ruler into agreeing to something serious when they mistakingly chose to grant the wishes of a servant on a whim. Fiona was not a servant however, at least not one of his own. He wondered how much loyalty she felt towards Evenhet. There had been little knowledge of the other clan's elders. This night had proven that this was not some clever ploy to trap him; Alfarinn had seemed surprised by Fiona's presence at his side and equally unaware of who his companion called herself a member of.
It could, he reasoned, still be a clever trap that had more players than merely the woman standing next to him but also her elder... and Thaddeus? Would the boy betray him? Sorin dismissed his thoughts with a frustrated sigh. Running a hand along his brow as if the finish clearing the suspicion away, he considered just what he had been imagining. Thaddeus may find out the truth of certain matters and that is why he must betray the young blonde. It saddened him but it was a necessary action, a casualty of war. Anantya needed to be strong, now more than ever. The Evenhet and their upstart off shoot were making much progress in the ways of technology that were beyond most of his clan. He feared one day they would over run Anantya and take it down by force. He doubted Alfarinn would be so bold or so stupid. Sorin's clan had its defences and the leader of Evenhet was well aware of how strong they were. Thaddeus though would not betray his elder and his clan, even if he found the information he sought. He expected a show of just confrontation, a summons from the council but not trickery, not from Thaddeus.
As to whether the tall Norseman could be playing him in the current situation, Sorin did not think so. Thaddeus and his silly little quest were no doubt taking up a great deal of his time, add the Wolf and a clan to run and he was not sure when the Elder of Evenhet had a chance to sleep, much less plot insignificant maneuvers that were bound to get him only small pieces of information at best. Besides, he had approached Fiona and not the other way around. It would have been a chancy effort at best if subterfuge was involved, he could have passed her by. Had she approached him, he would not have bought her story so readily.
Her second request echoed some of his musings and Sorin narrowed his eyes in renewed suspicion before nodding in acceptance.
"A most unfortunate way to be. I am sure that I can explain the situation between our clans. Though I am sure that Evenhet might see things in a somewhat different light."Â?
They considered themselves a legitimate clan, for instance. Sorin smiled at that. He still believed the human lovers would one day fall. If it was done well then perhaps his own clan would not even have to get involved. Perhaps their food would rise up in a revolt and slaughter the idealists in their sleep.
He watched her inspect the coin but had little inkling of her thoughts from her expression. Sorin well understood what history recorded about his reign. He knew what was true and what was not. Time and his power here told a different story. Could he have been so incompetant as the rumors portrayed if he had held the position of elder for more than three hundred years? No, his version of the tale might one day be retold but for now he contented himself with remaining something of a mystery to the woman in front of him, despite having explained his identity.
Smiling at her words, he took the coin from her hand and placed it on the table.
"Naturally. Who else would deserve to be in the presence of a goddess of beauty?"Â?