The gardens are a mess. Guests are everywhere and chaos reigns supreme. Sirens sound as the fire crews battle the raging inferno at the front corner of the ballroom. Policemen hurry here and there along with paramedics, taking care of people as they emerge from the ballroom in various states of health.
The quiet tranquility of the gardens has been shattered. If one weren't nearly deafened by the sound of the sirens, one might hear the weeping of the women or the shouting of the men. A few brave individuals attempt to go back into the burning building, but are blocked off by police.
No one knows how or why, but it is obvious to all that this event was targeted for some sort of terrorist activity.
((ooc: You may (and must) post once, and only once in this thread. Once posted, your character is out of the event. Policemen will take statements later on, and there will be some reporters hanging around. Thanks for exploding with us!))

The last thing she had remembered was walking away from the bar towards a table that was closer to a window. She had wanted to overlook the event and she was always quick to find a table with no one behind her. It was a paranoia she had.
Quickly she turned her head to look back at the Mansion. There were flames and smoke billowing from the great building and inside you could still hear glass shattering and people screaming.
She remembered the explosion then.
Pulling a large shard of glass from her dangling forearm she winced and looked up at Panos.
Put me down.
His brow furrowed together and and he frowned at her. His face was smudged with soot and his regrown hair was grey with ash. He did not put her down. Instead once they got a clear distance away from the danger he stood amongst the others and continued to hold her.

By the time he had turned back around Chryseis was pinned to the floor at her forearm by mangled window bits. There was smoke and screams as he rushed to her. SHe must of hit her head on the floor when she fell because she was out cold. The bottom of her gown was on fire and he threw his coat over the small flames to put them out. With a kick he had broken what wood and glass that had held her arm down and he scooped her up.
Now as they bolted out the front of the mighty doors admist the scramble of others he looked over his shoulder. Where was Shay? Was she far enough away from the windows that she hadn't gotten hurt? Was she still inside?
Her hercules of a lover could save her. He needed to get Chrys away from the danger.
Put me down.
He looked down and frowned. Chryseis had woken up and was currently picking the glass from her wounds. Hadn't the woman noticed her charred legs and gown? Ignoring her demand to show how strong she was, Panos continued to hold her as he came to a stop by a group of others. She didn't struggle.
He watched the doors for others.

One moment she had been scooping her napkin up from the floor and the next she had been on it. Connie was the one that had helped her stand and began moving them to the garden.
Around them chaos ensued but thankfully it did not look like there were any fatal injuries. Of course, it was kind of hard to tell with her face burried in her lovers neck.

Well, wishes horses and all that.
A strong hand suddenly held her upper arm a bit tighter than she'd expected, especially after she followed that hand, up its arm, to the connecting beautiful raven-haired woman in a very shapely and somewhat revealing black dress. She'd barely mumbled her thanks when she noticed another woman wrapped around her rescuer.
What was it with her and getting rescued by women?

Connie brought Nyra to the far edge of the Garden. It had been so lovely, the few moments they'd spent out there... and now... She gently caressed the head against her shoulder as she willed her wound to close. She hoped Nyra wouldn't notice it.

She stood half naked in the center of the chaos turning in a slow circle, scanning the crowd for her lover and her family.

She felt the heat from the fire lessen as they stepped through the door into the garden and a cool breeze sweep over her. She was just grateful they'd made it out relatively unscathed. She knew from the fear and pain she'd been sensing and screams that could be heard others were not so lucky.
She dimly realized that Sorin had returned for Fiona and had taken her out of the building as well. At least her friend was safe. She hoped that the rest of the clan was as well. This night definitely had not turned out how she'd expected.
She raised her head and peered back through the door into the chaos beyond, and a tear slipped down her cheek for those left behind. She lowered her head once more and mumbled against Nic's shoulder. "Let's get out of here."

Feeling Maeve lifting her head up, he smiled down at her, until he noticed the tear. Understanding this kind of thing was difficult for even those with less compassion, he could only imagine how terrible she must be feeling. He was glad when she put her head back against his chest, and after shifting her a bit in his arms, he complied with her wish.
She stumbled about, clearly skaken, one emerald eyes blood stained that cast a crimson shadow over her vision, she wasn't even sure where she was except that she needed to get out and that it was hot.
Strong hands grabbed her and like a child about to wander into the street she was yanked back as part of a second floor balcony came crashing down in a fiery haze. Someone was yelling, maybe several someones and someone shoved something painfully against the back of her head, or was it the side?
A moment later, barely able to see and unable to walk straight, she was led to another group of people and given to them like some awkward child. People were whispering, saying things in echoes and verse she couldn't understand and someone was holding her down while someone else did something to the side of her head, then there was the sting of something distant into her arm, had she been fighting back?
Then all started to go silent as her vision slowly doubled and the world slowly tilted and fell to it's side as if played in frames before fading out...

It wasn't as panicked - or...there weren't as many people left rushing out the door...it might have been because he'd paused, waiting behind for Jan...who was still no where to be seen. The red head was tempted to try and jerk his hand from his grasp and go back, search the area and see if Jager was ok. There was a problem with that 1- Val was stronger than him and he got the impression if he jerked his hand, she'd just hold on tighter...and 2. There were a lot of people behind him, blocking his way.
The knowlege didn't keep him from trying though. Losing one was bad enough, but if he had another master/mistress go on him, he would be officially cursed...
(OOC: Addison out behind Val)

Sliding her own small frame between fleeing guests was easy enough and half pulling, half leading Addison out didn't take too long. Not needing him to panic after the fact she kept half an eye out for Jan as they left.
Finally, clear of the building she groaned. EMTs, fire crews, panicky people; the sooner they got out of here the better.
((OOC... yup officially out and still had permission to drag Addison around 8^) ))

((OOC - Simon out, pending something /shrug))

'I'm fine, I'm fine. Shoo.' Carol pushed off the EMT into the direction of some other guests who were far worse and stood next to Simon, waiting for the rest of the clan to come out. She laced her fingers with his, praying for the best.
((ooc - Carol out pending whatever))

He stood for a few moments at the exit, slowly getting worried when he looked out and saw Simon and Carol waiting just outside, looking back into the burning mansion. Kyle walked out to them and stood behind Carol...waiting.

He looked back at the blazing building and weighed the probability that there were any of his clan or other important people worth saving inside. Scanning the lawn, most were here already. Let one of the Hunt play hero then, that was what they were good for.
Smiling at Fiona, he arched a brow at her dress which did seem to have weathered better than some of the others. Black had been a good choice for an entirely different reason from the looks of things. He reached up and pulled out the remaining combs that held her hair half way up. Running his fingers lightly through the loose waves, he enjoyed the silky feel of it more than he expected. Settling it down around her shoulders, he said.
"Well despite having come through an explosion. I would have to say you still look marvelous. Though I believe we should find something more suitable to wear."Â?
Deciding to forgo expecting a valet in this chaos, Sorin walked towards the parked cars and looked for his driver. He believed 'more suitable' could be just about anything but at the moment one of his bathrobes would be ideal.
"Let the other drivers know that we are safe and sound and tell them to report back on the status of the other Anantya."Â?
Opening the door for Fiona, he waited for her to get settled before also sliding inside. They drove silently past the large building, fire reflecting off the black limousine and in the steel grey eyes that watched behind tinted glass.
((OOC: Out, thanks for the party ))

"That might be them!"Â?
He jogged a little in order to try to catch up but slowed down again as he realized he was towing Theo behind him and she might not be up to running around in this chaos.
It was good luck that they had managed to get a good distance from the kitchen before the blast. Their previous location would have been worse. Good thing Theo insisted they go inside.
Once out on the lawn, he turned to her.
"Feel a bit better? Its a good thing you heard what you did."Â?
Looking around that the milling people, policemen, firemen, and the media. It looked like a crowd waiting for a fireworks display. Of course the show stopping bang already happened, perhaps they were hoping for an encore. It was going to be harder to find people like this.
"If I lift you up would you look for the others?"Â?
This plan could work and they would probably annoy people at the same time. Perfect.
((OOC: Out when Theo goes ))
When he stopped to let her hair down, she looked up in surprise, unsure what to make of the way he was looking at her. She had not expected gentleness from him and she was a bit horrified to realize she was blushing a little. A look down at her dress added to her confusion. It wasn’t too bad, but it was no longer wearable. Anger stirred, but she let it go, more interested in the subtle change she saw in Sorin.
“I believe I’d rather forgo the explosions in the future. But thank you for an… exciting evening?”
She slid into the car, grateful to be away from that mess. There was much to do, but at the moment, she simply did not care. More than anything, she wanted a bath. The smell of fire in her hair and clothes was too disturbing and she did not want to relive those memories, not tonight.
No, tonight, she wanted to forget the past. The future was here, with her now. Staring silently out the tinted windows.
(OOC ~ Yikes! That was... unexpected!! Loved it! Out...)

When he stopped to let her hair down, she looked up in surprise, unsure what to make of the way he was looking at her. She had not expected gentleness from him and she was a bit horrified to realize she was blushing a little. A look down at her dress added to her confusion. It wasn’t too bad, but it was no longer wearable. Anger stirred, but she let it go, more interested in the subtle change she saw in Sorin.
“I believe I’d rather forgo the explosions in the future. But thank you for an… exciting evening?”
She slid into the car, grateful to be away from that mess. There was much to do, but at the moment, she simply did not care. More than anything, she wanted a bath. The smell of fire in her hair and clothes was too disturbing and she did not want to relive those memories, not tonight.
No, tonight, she wanted to forget the past. The future was here, with her now. Staring silently out the tinted windows.
(OOC ~ Out ~ Yikes! That was... exciting? Woot!!!)
Tai waved them all away, but accepted a blanket when it was offered; it would cover the tattoos showing through his missing sleeve and open collar. The place was crawling with media and cameras.
He agreed to go along to the hospital for the purpose of making sure Yuu was taken care of and getting her safely back to the Piazza. Aside from that, he had no desire to be poked and prodded himself.
((ooc: Tai out))
She saw him standing there, blanket wrapped around him, with the mansion behind him, huffing and puffing black smoke. Yuu decided to lay her head back and let the pain engulf her as they put an IV in her. Finally passing out was the best part of the entire evening.
((OOC Yuu out and in some pain))