Intro thread - Meeting the Mayor
Standing on the bottom landing of the split staircase stood Mayor C. John Apollo. Dressed in a classic tuxedo, his bow tie glittered with gold tips. An insignia laid just beneath the tie connected to a gold ribbon with equally glistening claps. It was of his family crest, an eagle perched proudly with a musket in one clawed foot and, appropriately enough, bills in the other.
Mayor Apollo is the last of his great family, merchants who had helped originally settle Nachton and he let anyone who would listen know it.
'Welcome, welcome!' Stepping slowly down the staircase, he held his long arms out as if to embrace but in all actuality he went to great pains to not do so. Standing at six foot two the Mayor was a very handsome man with an atheletic build. At 48 and widowed, some say suspiciously, he was one of the most sought after men in the city social circles.
'Please leave your jackets with the staff,' pointing at the rather unhappy looking aged butler who's mustache was as pretentious as his employer, 'and join us in the ballroom. You are fashionably late,' he said with a wink, 'the others are waiting for you, as well as the champagne and caviar...oh and I hear we're having something with asparagus tonight! Welcome, WELCOME!'
((OOC - Please enter through this thread and make your way to the ballroom through the foyer. Previous special event rules apply, enter in this thread, OOC out and maintain 1 open thread, either currently active or create your own.))
If he was lucky he'd get some left overs and he'd chase the new maid around the kitchen after everyone had left.
'Good evening, Madame.' Humphreys nodded again. 'Good evening, Sir.' He draped fur wraps and heavy wool trench coats on his arm. As the group strolled into the ballroom with an air of superiority, Humphreys prayed that a piano would fall on him or his employer.

Pulling on a tailored long square cut tail coat over the gold silk embroidered vest and black tie, he checked the mirror. Squaring his shoulders and turned slightly, he had to say he looked good. Damn good, far better than the tights anyway. If he never had to wear -that- again he wouldn't miss it.
Raking a hand through the black waves of his hair, Jan headed out to pick up Addison. He had rented a limo for the evening, deciding that showing up in a large truck wasn't the way to go, tempting though it was to do so.
His hope was that they could find Simon and get the unpleasantness over with quickly so he could enjoy the drinking and well... drinking, socializing with the "better than you"Â? crowd wasn't his thing but Addison would be there and so would Nova. Watching his sister socialize with that same crowd was enough to make him want to go. He wondered if she'd find a neon dress to wear.
Soon enough Hillsdale House came into view. The driver opened the door and Jan stepped out, turned to wait for Addison.
"Okay, lets do this."Â?

He stepped out of the limo after Jan, who was looking dashing - the tux made him look slightly older. Addison tucked some wayward strands of red hair behind one ear and took Jan's hand. "Let's. The place is...terribly intimidating. Have you been here before?"
Pausing at the man waiting expectantly for something, Addison reached inside the tux jacket and pulled out the tickets, handing them over before heading inside.
(OOC: Addison is in This
Addison and Jan inside now)

He took a deep breath and looked around the inside of the luxurious black limo that was transporting them to the Mayor's residence. Nova looked...beyond words. Her brown skin looked golden and delicate next to outfit she decided to wear. He just wasn't sure if she was happy about the whole situation. Simon needed to make this up to her soon.
Carol had crossed over to their side of the limo and was chatting with Kyle, holding his arm and invading his personal space that only she make look natural. He was wearing a single button classic tuxedo. A white jacket and black pants...he was looking very much like Roger Moore in the 70's. He kept fidgeting with his bow tie and Carol kept slapping his hand away.
The look Kyle was giving Carol seemed more to be brotherly than from the opposite sex. Simon was glad that line in the sand was quite clear. He had not mentioned the seriousness of Kyle's situation figuring Nova had already done so, still...he would pull Kyle aside later and remind him that although he walks safely in Nachton, one slip would be a price he would not want to pay.
Well, he thought, should be a rather boring and uneventful evening.

The tuxedo that she picked out for Simon looked amazing on him. Armani for the win, she thought to herself. Classic black, four button tux jacket with a white embroidered vest underneath and a real black tie was perfect on Simon. He sat casually in front of her as she whispered with Kyle. Occasionally she'd reach up and stick a nail into the curled ponytail and try and scratch at an itch. She could feel the curls brushing against the back of her neck and shoulders as she giggled.
The limo started to take a wide turn, signaling that they were coming up the drive of the mansion. Carol clapped her hands and declared, 'Here's to good times!'

Why was he here? What was the point?
Every time he had asked himself this he had no answer. He would see Chryseis hopefully, it had been sometime. She wasn't the type to just drop in for a beer so their visits were limited.
With a heavy sigh Panos stuffed his hands into his suit pockets and walked to the bar.
(ooc: out in the open!)
Their limo rolled into a long line of other limos. Tai paid very little attention to the people ascending the steps; he was preoccupied with the construction of the building, and somehow his hand had found its way onto the luxurious silken folds of Yuu's gown.
He left it there, resting on her thigh, until it the limo rolled to a stop in front of the mansion. The chauffeur came around to the door and Tai stepped from the limo, holding his hand out for Yuu to take.
He exchanged a glance with her as they made their way up the stairs. It would be an amusing evening.
"Cheer up Humphreys," he said through a grit-toothed smile, "Perhaps one of these goodhearted folks will notice how bad you've got it and put you out of your misery. I don't know, drop a piano on you or something."
That said, he noticed a very familiar figure and moved away from the stairs. "Mr. Huntington, so glad you could come. Welcome!"
He began to move through the crowd. Mingle, that's right!

Considering she could count the number of times in her life she’d worn a dress and still have fingers left over to play ‘Mary had a little lamb’ on the recorder, she supposed she wasn’t an expert. She did, however, honest to god wonder if wearing white was some sort of sick joke…then she decided it was sort of funny. Her. In a white dress.
Not so funny as all that, but a little funny anyway.
The white chucks were kind of a nice concession; painful shoes would have just been insult to injury, and at least with these she could wear socks that were neatly tucked in rather than messing with pantyhose.
Kyle, of course, looked perfect, which seemed to add insult to injury, but Carol was making enough fuss over him that she could ignore everything and be a big grumpy pants if she wanted to.
And she did. Want to. She was wearing a dress, for fuck’s sake, and she was already regretting her decision to just screw it and wear her hair down. She wished she’d brought a scrunchy.
The limo pulled to a stop and she made to get out, then realized that all that crap about guys helping chicks out of cars actually had a point; in a full length gown with fabric snug around one’s thighs, getting out of a limo was actually kind of a trick. In her usual completely unladylike manner, though, she hiked the dress up a little passed her knees and climbed out, letting the satiny material fall again once she was standing.
“Good times, good times.”

He looked at her auburn hair and the streaks of gray weaved in. She looked beautiful in the dress, but he wasn't about to tell her that, not if he wanted to walk out of there alive. Instead he tried a different approach.
'You know you look just as beautiful with a ponytail.' To his surprise, he meant it. With a shocked breath he guided her up the steps and into the mansion.

The clothes, however, very nearly made up for things, and seeing Alfarinn dressed up and looking so dead sexy he was half tempted to ask the limo driver to just keep going blew his minor concerns out of the water.
He spared an apprehensive look at the crowd out front before turning to Alfarinn, pulling a small velvet box out of his pocket and feeling suddenly and absurdly nervous.
“I wanted to give you something…”
He opened the box and threaded a fine silver chain between his gloved fingers, lifting it up to reveal a finely crafted pocket watch on the end. A dove perched on the limb of what Thaddeus had always assumed was a stylized olive tree was intricately engraved on the cover.
“It was a gift from Lady Grey to Lord Grey before it was passed down to me and I wanted you to have it…it…should be in good working order, I sent it out to make sure, and…” He wondered when he had become so terrible at this sort of thing, and then realized he’d never been all that good at it to begin with. “…well, in any case…” he leaned forward, wrapped his hand around the back of Alfarinn’s neck, and pulled him close for a kiss before whispering softly:
“Thank you for saying yes.”
He looked out the window again, blushing slightly and wondering when Alfarinn would notice the engraving on the inside, the small, neat script that spelled out ‘I love you every second’ in a curve along the top.
/ooc Thaddeus is wearing:

He found he was looking forward to the event with a renewed sense of excitement for these things. Over the years such engagements had become mandatory tasks with little to interest him save the odd bit of news or possible drama. With Thaddeus accompanying him these times became a chance to combine friends and interests between their clans... and a chance to dance.
Thaddeus had turned towards him in the seat, and feeling his partner's nervousness, Alfarinn started to take his lover's hand in reassurance...only to find Thaddeus was holding a box. He swallowed hard as Thaddeus explained just how special this watch was to him, making Alfarinn all the more awed at being given it.
Reaching out, he gently took the watch with both hands, brushing Thaddeus's as he did so. The memories and visions of the Grey family came to him immediately and he found it difficult to hold back tears at the emotion and sentiment both past and present contained within the small delicate object.
As the images slowed down, he opened the watch and traced a finger lightly along the engraved words and smiled at his companion.
“I really do not know what to say.”
He closed it carefully simply holding it for a long moment before hooking the chain in place and sliding the watch in his pocket.
“Except thank you and I will treasure it always.”
He returned the kiss gladly and smiled.
“Thank you for asking.”
The limo soon arrived at the large estate and glided to a halt in front of the entrance. Alfarinn stepped out of the vehicle and waited for his companion, still caught up in the unexpected gift that added to his happiness.
Moreover it was Thaddeus that had actually invited him to the banquet this time and he found it endearing; it had been a long while since he had actually been someone's date instead of needing to find someone to bring or coming alone. Though they were both invited to attend by their respective clans being asked was a pleasant surprise. Not that his partner had to worry about him saying no...not bloody likely, certainly not with the possibility of seeing Thadeus dressed so elegantly again and the hope of after dinner dancing to entice him.
Taking his companion's hand in his own, Alfarinn smiled and led them to the main doors.

They were of course, fashionably late and yet early enough not to miss any of the important drama unfold. It was a perfection of timing that he had centuries to hone into great skill. He knew they were going to be the center of attention as those who had arrived earlier would watch the door to see what new important personages made their appearance.
Once she was standing beside him, Sorin held out the crook of his arm. Giving her a smile and a wink, he said
"Well, my dear, our public awaits."Â?
(( OOC: I can't believe I have to post after -him- and all that mush. Tux ))

Her totally confused, unprepared, out-of-her-element, "oh my god I have no idea what to do with this thing" effort. So she asked her neighbor for help. The college student was happy to help, though the girl's impression of "high society galas" had been "Oh, those're for old farts." Then, at some point during her "dolling up" she realized she might need to duplicate these efforts in a scant few days, and went back and wrote everything down. Four -pages- of notes. "Primp this. Curl that. Tug here. Stuff there. Shave here. Tweak there."
When had being a girl become so difficult?
So when she stepped out of her taxi, the door opened by the driver, fluffed her hair (because leaning against the taxi's seat had scrunched the lower ends) she took a deep breath, raised her chin just a little bit, and got into the line to enter the mansion.
(( *Ana's actual dress is ankle-length, but in the same style. Her hair is similarly styled, but her shoes are solid black. She carries a tiny purse in one hand, and her bare shoulders are covered by a light black jacket. ))

She'd had her hair done into thick Hollywood starlet curls that framed her face and made her feel like Marilyn Monroe, her nails were painted the same shade as the elbow length, open-fingered gloves she wore. She done her make up with nothing more than a light powder, lips the color of her nails and dark coal around her eyes. It's simplicity set the dress off perfectly.
The limo they'd hired, pulled into the drive of Hillsdale House and inched it's way to the base of the stairs, one limo length at a time. Finally they stopped and their driver, jogged around to open their door. She quickly kissed Rachyl lightly on the mouth, careful not to smudege either of their lipsticks, and slid her fingers into those of the waiting driver.

“Well, of course they are, mon cher. The party could not begin without us!”
While preparing for this bit of pageantry, she had spent some time perusing the local paper and internet, doing research on the power structure of Nachton. There was a list of names now firmly embedded in her mind, waiting only for faces to match to them. She trusted that Sorin would know which were truly important, and which simply fronts for something else, though even those should net be ignored. It didn’t do to inadvertently insult the power behind such people by slighting their chosen spokesperson.
Looking up now as they approached the Manor, she smiled, pleased with the world in general. If her instincts were right about Sorin, it would cause a bit of a stir for him to arrive with an unknown at such an event. It would do much, for both of them, in the way of attention. There could not have been a better way for her to enter Nachton’s society. How simply perfect.

Technically, two, since she'd chosen one from a completely different outfit. Chosen an outfit from a completely different outfit. "Damn, figuring all this out while trying to stay focused on everything that's going on is just... grrr!"
Growling low, she shook her head to shake the negativity out. Tonight was going to be great! She hoped that Nyra and Connie had decided to come - she really wanted to dance with Nyra again, though tonight probably was not the best time to tell their friends the great news - but they'd not said for certain either way.
Her cheek itched, but she refrained from scratching it. She hoped she wouldn't have an allergic reaction to the soft powdery pale pink shimmer she was wearing. Everything about her outfit was a stark contrast from her usual dress; the silver of the outfit just "called to her" and she knew she had to wear it. Even her nails had been painted silver, and she wore silver eyeshadow.
Sighing, she waited for the driver to reach a hand to her to assist her exit from the limo.
Bending her head backwards, nearly scraping her nose against the door's edge, she did her best to avoid bumping her hairdo. Knotted and braided, raised above her neck, it was a strange counterweight to her skull that she just wasn't used to. It felt like a floppy hat, and she kept wanting to yank it off.
Shaking her dress into a more falling-position, than the sitting-crunch it had been in, she reached out to slip her arm around Meegan's. "Ready to dance the night away?"
Rorri Rosethorne exited with all the grace of someone raised for events like this. Her long fiery red hair was tied back into a single tail with stringed cords of prescious stones and she wore a crystal tiara studded with diamonds that caused her emerald eyes to glitter.
The emerald evening gown she wore was tied around her graceful slender neck leaving her shoulers exposed and her bosom accentuated. The material held a sheen to it and was probably nothing else but pure silk. It came down to just above her ankles where matching emerald heels finished the picture.
A single plantinum gem studded ankle charm decorated her left ankle bearing the Rosethorne house emblem. Likewise she wore a simple silver necklace and matching bracelets.
Her look screamed elegance and beauty as she picked up her small purse and stepped out onto the red carpet.
She walked up to the Mayor and gace a slight curtsey.
"Thank you for the invite Mayor, I hope my performance is up to yer standards." She said in a soft tone.

The mayor presented himself and Simon gave him a rather bland expression but did him the courtesy of shaking his hand. The mayor seemed pleased and moved on to gobble elsewhere.
Carol was giving her coat to the butler when he reached out and pulled at a lock of her hair playfully. She had twisted it up into a ponytail of curls and trimmed a little in the front. He liked the short wisps of bangs she had now. Not much but just enough to curl and cover her eyes seductively. He pulled one of them approvingly.
He took her hand and tucked it around his and they walked off to the ballroom.
((ooc - Carol and Simon out and into the ballroom))

((Meegan and Rachyl out and into the ballroom.))