Being Seen
Sorin looked around the crowd for someone worthy of their attention and did not see anyone that fit that description. Instead he pulled two glasses of champagne from a passing tray and handed one to Fiona.
Moving slowly towards their places at the tables, he paused here and there to greet the human elite and a few of his clan underlings. Introducing Fiona as he went. He was certain she could ascertain their importance by the difference in the length they were spoken to. It was wonderful to have an escort that understood this game and how to play it well, especially one that sparkled in the limelight as much as Fiona did. He could have and perhaps should have taken his daughter, Claire. She knew how to play the game with exceeding skill but for her it was a different method and one that did not suit his needs. His daughter deferred the attention to whomever she was with and learned all that she could from these social braggarts with ease because most were willing to speak, some endlessly, about themselves. It was not always so easy and the quiet French woman had a way of getting information out of even those who would normally be closed lipped about their personal lives. He appreciated her talents but that did not make her a good date. Far from it, his Oubliette was far better in the shadows. He wondered briefly whether she would find a date to bring to the event but decided that was her problem and not his.
His attention was caught by a tall blonde head of hair in a grey tux. So... Alfarinn did survive the encounter with the Wolf. He was here and Sorin did not see Thaddeus nor did he expect to. He wondered what the little Anantya would have made of this. It certainly appeared that Alfarinn weathered the trauma of his passing with ease. Thaddeus obviously didn't mean as much to the play boy as he thought he had. If only his clan mate had listened to him; he would be here still. Poor young Thaddeus had been played and played well. Sorin was surprised to feel something like anger over the situation. How dare Alfarinn abuse one of his own, his most talented even! The man would pay for the loss of their fallen Nightsman and dearly.
Finishing his drink with a final large swallow, he snapped his fingers at one of the servers. Taking a glass, he smiled at the man's glower and leaned to Fiona as he left.
“So hard to find decent help these days. I think we should have turned an entire household of servants back when they knew how to do the job well.”
It had occurred to him that Lykaios had possibly not yet done his job but it seemed unlikely. Had he not said do it soon? The Wolf was many things but stupid was not one of them. Besides that was part of their original disagreement on the first task he had assigned the man. Lykaios knew not to repeat it. No, it seemed reasonable to assume that the attack had taken place. He would have seen Thadeus by now if he were still alive. They were in the same Order after all.
((OOC: Claire's background with her permission ))

As they moved through the crowd, stopping here and there to chat and mingle, she added faces to a few of the names on her mental list and adding those of their spouses if married. It was amusing to see that some partners were temporarily ignored while speaking to them. She wondered if that was due to Sorin's presence or her own. Shrugging it off as momentarily irrelevant, she exchanged inane pleasantries, hoping that there was someone in this room capable of intelligent discourse other than her attractive date. Not that she was eager to be away from him, but she doubted his only reason for being here was to spend time with her. That could have been done in any number of settings. Which meant he would at some point slip away, leaving her to do her own mingling, which was an expected part of this particular game. She just hoped that whatever he was looking for she would be able to help provide him with. Thankful she had learned to do this centuries ago, she automatically made note of who he had singled out for a bit of attention, creating a sort of web in her mind. Those people would merit a second look later, especially those he had spent longer amounts of time speaking with. Her respect for his skills rose another notch.
She raised an eyebrow when Sorin downed the last of the champagne like it was so much water. That struck her as odd, though she admitted to wanting to do the same, to dull herself for the sheer amount of dull conversation she'd have to wade through tonight. His comment distracted her, causing her to laugh quietly in delight.
"I wish I had thought of that."Â? She sighed and smiled up into grey eyes, her own twinkling with her amusement. "It is most annoying to train a new staff every decade or so."Â?
She returned her attention to the crowd, wondering who here might be vampire. There could be no doubt others were here; Sorin had explained the bare bones of the political situation between the clans and the humans, so logic dictated the Clans would be represented, at the very least by the Elders. Glancing back up at Sorin, she amended that a bit. There would be more than just the Elders here ~ his own presence was proof of that. Which meant that at least the more influential and possibly powerful Clan members would be here.
"There is quite the variety to the crowd. I admit I find that strange. Could you tell me if any of the Clan Elders are here yet?"Â? She'd prefer not to be surprised if and when she ran across them through the course of the evening.

Then someone put a hand on his shoulder, presumably to keep from stumbling as he walked by, and he twitched a little in irritation.
The crowd’s parting, though, had the effect of giving him a line of sight into the ballroom, revealing one guest in particular, seated at a nearby table.
[Sorin is here.]
He was somewhat surprised at his own composure; in fact, he felt stone cold. It was strange to think that seeing Sorin was something of a relief. As usual, he preferred knowing rather than wondering if the Elder would show up.
[It would appear…odd…if I did not at the very least say hello.]
His sending was somewhat apologetic; he had truly intended, when he asked Alfarinn to attend the event with him, to make a proper date out of it, but politics were everywhere it seemed and this he couldn’t really expect much in the way of isolation.
He led the way through the crowd at the entry way, approaching Sorin’s table with his usual unhurried gait, walking with intent without appearing rushed. The woman sitting next to him came into view first and he gave her an acknowledging incline of his chin before working his way into Sorin’s line of sight.
“Sorin, good evening. I didn’t know if you would come.” He smiled in indication of pleasant surprise and stepped back, close to Alfarinn’s side, to let Sorin make introductions.

[Its alright. He has to be somewhere and it would be odd if he missed this, right? So put you're mind at ease. I will do my best to behave.]
He followed behind Thaddeus, enjoying the graceful line of his companion and the ease at which he crossed the room while avoiding the touch of anyone else around him. From his vantage point he was able to see their target seated at the table. The woman was someone he did not recognize and he wondered at that. Had Sorin's companion been human then she would likely have been a trophy of some significance and known to everyone for her status. Vampire then was the obvious conclusion but he did not recognize her.
He asked Thaddeus while tipping his head towards the lady and waiting for the clan mates to speak before joining the conversation.

"Thaddeus! What a surprise! I had not expected to see you here. You've been so busy lately and this is -such- a trifle. For myself, well I do what I must."Â?
What in the devil was going on?!? The Wolf had obviously not gotten around to doing his job. ....Ellis. He had forgotten. She must have taken out Lykaios before the assassin could finish the blondes. Damn!
His thoughts turning to Ellis, he noted without taking his attention away from his clan mate that he had not heard her here. Perhaps she was simply late. Her laughter was sultry and unmistakable even in a crowd of this size, besides he would have noticed the large grouping of people that would have been around her. She had a presence and drew people like a magnet with an unconscious ease and she pushed them away when she was done with equal ability. Admirable. It would be a shame if she didn't come.
Fiona had those qualities as well but not yet the connections. He was not certain about her ruthlessness but remembering her toying with the young human at Eternity, Sorin could hope that it was some indication of her inclinations.
Turning to his companion, he said.
"I believe I can accommodate you, my dear, Let me introduce you to my clan mate and his friend."Â?
Smiling icily up at Alfarinn, he gestured with his hand, turning his attention back to the nightsman.
"This is Thaddeus of Anantya and Alfarinn, Elder of Evenhet."Â?
His eyes looked like to pieces of steel and sparkled with cold amusement as he continued.
"And certainly, Alfarinn, my companion needs no introduction to you."Â?
He knew full well otherwise, the redhead beside him said she was new to the city and knew nothing of her clan so he could surmise she had not met its elders. He hoped it would gall Alfarinn to have her introduced by him.
"This is the Lady Fiona of Evenhet."Â?
((OOC: Damn Thaddeus! Are you trying to kill him from shock!

That Thaddeus was Sorin's clan mate explained the blonde's presence; she had been correct to guess that the clans would be represented, and Thaddeus must hold a position of some standing within Anantya. Her slight confusion that introducing the two would somehow accommodate her was quickly cleared up as the taller man was introduced as Alfarinn, Elder of Evenhet. She smiled graciously at each, but turned her full attention on Alfarinn.
This was the Clan Elder? Somehow she had thought he'd look, well, elder. Chiding herself for the silliness of that thought, she bit back laughter at Sorin's gameplaying. He knew full well that Alfarinn had no cause to know her by sight, though it was remotely possible he knew her name. To the best of her knowledge Philipe had never made her presence known to the Clan. Until she had a better grasp of the situation, she chose to play safe, giving Alfarinn the respect his position deserved, though only time would tell if the man also deserved it. Sorin's behavior indicated that he did not think so, though that might simply be a result of the opinions he'd already shared about Evenhet in general. Smiling sweetly, she inclined her head, speaking softly.
"Bonsoir, les messieurs. I hope you are enjoying yourselves, here tonight?"Â?

[If she’s Anantya, I don’t know her.]
He kept such opinions to himself, though, instead speaking in a matching light tone.
“Well it is –such- a good cause.”
There was a hint of irony in his voice, considering he could probably count the number of people who knew or cared what charity they were donating to tonight on one hand. This ball was well attended for the sake of a social function with a side of elbow rubbing for the most part.
He turned to Sorin’s companion as he was introduced, offering her a slight smile, but tilted his head toward Sorin curiously when he indicated Alfarinn already knew the woman. After a moment it became clear; Fiona was Evenhet.
“Enchanted, Lady Fiona.”
Now –that- was an interesting development; Sorin in the company of an Evenhet and apparently enjoying himself. For a cynical moment he wondered what his Elder was hoping to achieve, but pushed that ungracious thought aside.
One could, after all, ask the same of himself or Alfarinn. Perhaps Sorin was merely broadening his associations and making new friends.
Lord knew Sorin’s associations were broader than Thaddeus had ever guessed. But now wasn’t the time to get caught up in those thoughts. For the moment he was more concerned with the current misunderstanding and hoped that Alfarinn wouldn’t take Sorin’s offhanded comment as an intended slight.
“Yes, thank you. Fine company has a way of making such events more enjoyable.”
[I imagine Sorin didn’t realize you hadn’t met. In any case, should we join them and you can get to know your clanmate? If they’re willing, naturally.]

He blinked at the man in incomprehension about knowing the redhead. Was she someone he had met in the past? Some coup in history that Sorin had made?
It all became clear when the introduction was finished. Not a past coup, a present one. The man was seeing one of his own for the gods only knew what reasons. He knew her before Alfarinn did and got his little chance to publicly announce it. Bastard.
She couldn't know much about Nachton or Evenhet or he'd know who she was so Sorin could not hope to gain secrets from her. He also couldn't think that Alfarinn would then trust her with vital information later if he knew she was dating the head of the Order of the Night...but then that could be the point. He wouldn't be able to trust one of his own people for fear of what the Roman might get out of her. What if she had exceptional talent in their field and now was basically neutralized as a player based on this relationship? It was also likely to cause strife between him and Thaddeus if he couldn't trust the girl. It would be a double standard since he felt he could trust Thaddeus in the same situation. His emotions petulantly said that was different, they were, neither of them, conniving scum and they were bonded together in ways Sorin just couldn't manage. Sorin couldn't but perhaps Fiona could.... oh hell.
He smiled and inclined his head to her.
"Bonsoir Mademoiselle. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer."Â?
In answer to her question, he agreed as had Thaddeus.
"It has been joyous so far and for you?"Â?
To Thaddeus, he answered.
[I would suppose we should so long as you save time to dance with me later. I'll be a happy man.]

Looking at Thaddeus and wondering what the boy was thinking, Sorin decided that he would like a chance to assess the situation a little more first hand, besides there still might be a chance for a few more stabs at the Evenhet.
"Please, come join us. I am sure you and Fiona have much to talk about and it has been a while since I've seen my fellow nightsman."Â?
Sorin squeezed Fiona's hand gently under the table and leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"So, my dear, are you enjoying the field?"Â?

"It has been educational, thus far. The social structure here is very different than what I was accustomed to in the courts of France. Sorin was most kind to invite me."Â?
While true, the real education was happening here as she observed the interplay amongst the three men. She couldn't help but wonder what the history was between them, but it wasn't something she could ask straight out.
She added her own invitation to Sorin's, curious what he was up to.
"Yes, please join us. I have been so busy since I arrived in Nachton and have been unable to visit the Clan yet."Â?
Fiona returned Sorin's gentle squeeze and her smile widened slightly when he whispered in her ear. So this was the playing field he had wanted to show her. She answered just as softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. It was delightfully rude of him to speak to her like this in front of the other two. What fun this man was.
"Very much, mon cher. Now behave yourself."Â? She winked at him from the side that would not be seen and squeezed his hand again.
She returned her attention to Alfarinn and Thaddeus, suddenly realizing that these two were a couple. Oh, they weren't blatant about it or anything, but there was something more than friendship between them. There were little things, but mostly it was the way they stood together and the subtle change on their faces when looking at each other. It was actually rather sweet. Was this the source of Sorin's irritation? That his, what had he called Thaddeus? Oh yes, nightsman, whatever that was. That his nightsman was with a member of Evenhet? That made little sense on the surface, as he himself was here with another member of that clan. Well, technically a member, but that was more an accident of "birth"Â? than anything else. So while that might contribute, it was not the whole story.
Which meant she was still playing blind. Damn. Well, it would do no good to be impatient. Half the fun was getting the information, the other half using it in a manner that would benefit her.

As they neared the small group, Nic moved Maeve ahead of him just a little, giving her the vantage point in greeting the group. He waited until Arin had stopped speaking, and then held his hand out to Arin first, as he disengaged it from his side, and Maeve's arm.
"Arin! Good to see you. I don't wish to intrude, but I wanted to just take a minute to thank you for all your recent help and assistance. It meant a lot to me, and I just had to thank you in person...and reassure you...there is nothing further to worry about. You have my word on it."
And even as the words were leaving his mouth, he cringed inwardly. His word? What was that worth these days, he wondered. To Kem and Arin, probably not much.
"This time I can say that unequivocally...and mean it."
But they were just words, and Nic knew it was going to take more than that. These would be thoughts for another day. For now Nic smiled as he turned towards Maeve.
"Arin, I believe you know Maeve? Maeve, this is Thaddeus..."
Nic looked at the others in the group, but didn't know them, nor if he would be welcome to stay and meet them. So he held off on any further introductions.

She listened closely to what Nic was saying to Arin and realized this must be more of the story he didn't want to share earlier. She couldn't help but wonder what exactly had happened. Most of her attention was on Fiona though, looking for some sign of a reaction. She was not exactly surprised to see she was startled, perfectly understandable. She smiled warmly at the redhead. Regardless of the circumstances it was good to see her again. It had been too long.
Hearing Nic address her she pulled her attention from Fiona and turned toward Arin giving him a smile as well. "Arin, it's good to see you again. I trust you're doing well? And it is very nice to meet you Thaddeus. I hope everyone is having a good evening." Then she turned back to Fiona. "It's good to see you again as well, Fiona."
She put a hand on Nic's arm and motioned toward her friend. "Nic, this is Fiona the friend I was telling you about before. Fiona, I'd like you to meet Nic, a new friend. Unfortunately, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting your escort."
She was fairly certain she was going to totally rattle Fiona, and not just with her being in Nachton. She was in Nachton, on a date and showing that she may not play the game as well as the other woman, but she knew how to handle herself in these situations nonetheless.

But this... Irritation streamed through her at what had apparently happened. If only she had not answered her phone the other night, Maeve would not have felt compelled to come play mother hen. Composing herself, she smiled up at her clansister, no trace of earlier startlement left. She nodded at Nic, not sure which surprised her more ~ Maeve in Nachton or Maeve in public with a man.
"It is a pleasure to see you again, Maeve. And to meet you Nic. May I introduce Sorin?"Â?
She had no clue how Nic fit into all of this, and since he didn't seem to know Sorin by sight, decided to let someone else announce he was a member of Anantya. She was definetly going to have to get someone to pin down the inter-clan politics in the near future. That was far too important for games. Fiona's eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the thought of games. Maeve had better not be here to try and interfere with Fiona's entrance onto Sorin's playing field. She made a mental note to find Maeve later in the evening for a little private chat.

Not to mention they had a reasonably good vantage point from these chairs.
Thaddeus wondered if he might be thinking a bit too much about the damn seating arrangements. He gave Alfarinn a little half grin, the corner of his mouth pulling upward of its own accord as they sat down.
[I look forward to it. The very first dance is mine.]
He smiled inwardly at the near possessiveness of his tone, though he privately felt it was forgivable considering what seemed to happen every time they tried to dance.
Fiona and Sorin, he thought, seemed to be well matched and he wondered how they had come to meet when she had only been in town for a very short time. He doubted an Evenhet would seek out the Elder of the Night first and foremost and wondered if Sorin knew more about her than any of them realized. Of course, it could have all been chance, but he could see they had both chosen wisely tonight.
What it meant, though, remained to be seen. In any case, the two were having an exchange of sorts and he took the moment to scan the room, wondering if more of his clanmates would arrive to fill up the table before strangers ended up sitting down. While not one of his own, at least a familiar face seemed to be heading their way, though he didn’t know Nic’s companion.
He looked over to Sorin while the two Evenhet gentlemen had their conference and raised one eyebrow in a moment of Anantya camaraderie, amused in a good natured way that the two of them, of all people, would find themselves surrounded by Evenhet and one unknown. How things changed.
He stood when introduced, supplying his surname on Nic’s behalf as he thought, for a moment, the Evenhet was casting about for it and he didn’t want Nic to be uncomfortable.
“…Grey. A pleasure to meet you.”
Introductions went around the table and he looked to Alfarinn, wanting to confirm the one person he wasn’t certain on.
[Maeve is Evenhet, then?]
It seemed safe enough to assume but Thaddeus rarely did so and he thought it best to know upfront if everyone at their table was ‘inside’, so to speak.

"Always, My Dear, but the question would be how."Â?
They appeared to become the focus of a larger group than expected and he watched as more unknowns showed up to join them. It was not surprising to find himself amongst a crowd, it was, however, surprising to find it made up of nearly entirely Evenhet.
He regarded Thaddeus with a look that said they both would require long suffering patience this evening before fully regarding the man and woman. He wondered what Mother Theresa act Alfarinn had done for this Nic and strove valiantly not to snort openly in amusement.
Sorin did sniff quietly at the remark by Maeve; escort, indeed! It sounded as though he were a date for hire to be dismissed as unimportant. How base! Peering down his nose at her, he said shortly.
"Charmed. I'm sure. So it would seem we have quite the family reunion here."Â?
Yes, all the country cousins are coming out of the woodwork This was exactly the grouping he hoped -not- to find himself in; sitting with a bunch of anonymous Evenhet and their barbarian elder. Sorin was finding his good mood was rapidly plummeting.
"Did you invite your entire clan, Alfarinn?"Â?
The tone was feigned innocent inquiry but he doubted the other elder was fooled.

They were joined by Nic and Maeve, whom he hadn't known was in town. It seemed to be quite the night for surprises but luckily they not all of them were worrisome.
He reached out and squeezed Nic briefly on the arm.
"Well it is something you can put behind you now. We're here for you if you need anything and hopefully you'll soon feel at home here."Â?
Smiling at Maeve, he replied.
"It has been a long time since we've been blessed with Scotland's bonnie lass. I hope everything has been going well for you?"Â?
He answered Thaddeus mentally.
[Yes, Maeve is Evenhet. I'm afraid you've been surrounded.]
((OOC: Permission not granted to grab Nic! O_O Let me know if I should edit.. posted

"I don't plan on being any more of a burden, but do plan to take you up on your offer of making this my home."
A simple nod he hoped did as Alfarinn suggested, and put the occurrence behind him.
He gave Thaddeus an apologetic frown, but was again put at ease when the other man came forward with his last name. Nic guessed he would need to remember that name, as it appeared wherever Alfarinn went, Thaddeus was sure to be as well. It wouldn't reflect too well upon Nic, if he continued to forget that bit of information.
He smiled to see that Maeve had made such a lovely impression on the clan elder,and again thanked the fates for sending her to him at the gym just days ago.
He extended his smile to Maeve's friend, Fiona, but couldn't help but read something more into the other woman's gaze. The problem was he didn't know if it was directed towards Maeve, or himself. The narrowing of Fiona's eyes also gave him pause, and he hoped Maeve's idea of friendship was being truly reciprocated by her friend. He would hate to see Maeve being played falsely.
A moment of confusion was quickly put behind him, once he heard Arin referred to as Alfarinn, by the last person he was introduced to. He thought that name sounded familiar, but wasn't aware both were one and the same man. It was not uncommon for his kind to have many aliases, existing as they did for many hundred years. Nic himself had a few, but for his own ease in remembering, most were simple derivations of his birth name.
The man Sorin did not appear to be Evenhet...since being confined to the Towers, Nic thought he had run into just about every tenant there, and no...Sorin hadn't been one. His reference to Alfarinn's 'clan' confirmed that. Which of the other two clans he might belong to was anyone's guess, but Nic didn't think he represented a 'young rebel' that the Tacharans seemed to boast. From what little Nic knew of the clans, he imagined Sorin was probably from Anantya.
Once all the introductions were acknowledged, Nic turned to Maeve.
"Would you like to sit down, maybe next to your friend here, or should we go in search of dancing? I would be honored to spin you around the dance floor in that lovely red gown of yours."
Nic had no agenda for the evening. Just being out of the Towers was a huge treat for him. And having a beautiful woman to share the evening...things didn't get much better.
(permissions granted - retroactively

She smiled at Thaddeus briefly brushing his feelings. She chalked up the nervousness to the surroundings and probably the mixed company. She wasn't sure which clan he was part of, but she knew at least two were represented from her phone call with Fiona.
Then there was Sorin. She had been curious to meet him since she'd heard his name while still in Scotland. She honestly wasn't sure what to make of what she sensed from him. Irritation was there for sure. That combined with the look he gave her as he spoke was enough to convince her that he was anything but charmed. She simply raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a smile. She didn't want to dwell there anymore than she needed right now. Though she wasn't sure she trusted his motives in being here with Fiona.
She was perfectly happy when Alfarin drew her attention away from the other man. She'd learned long ago not to even bother with attempting to sense the elder and smiled brightly in answer to his greeting. "I'm doing well. The years have been treating me kindly."
She looked around the table at Nic's question and thought that maybe it would be best to be elsewhere for a bit. She didn't want to ruffle Fiona's feathers anymore than she already had, and she wanted to mull some things over about Sorin. Besides his offer to dance sounded very nice, and she couldn't help but laugh. She was finding herself doing that often with him. "Dancing sounds wonderful."
She looked back at the others and gave a gracious nod. "It was nice to meet you Thaddeus and Sorin. Fiona, find me later so we can catch up." Then she turned to Nice once again. "Lead the way."
(All sensing done with permission.)

Sorin sounding innocent caused Fiona to give a mental snort. She couldn't imagine a more un-Sorinlike attitude, and it said a lot about his mood. At a guess, she would say not pleased, though at what exactly she was unsure ~ too much had happened to quickly to pin it down. Something about Maeve had pricked him, but that was understandable. She had no illusions about the two of them getting along, ever. Well, if he was willing to have his mood lifted back up, she'd do what she could to help. If he wasn't, it was going to be a very long night. And if she was wrong altogether, well, no harm done. Or at least one could hope.
One interesting side note to all of this was a glimpse into Evenhet, which apparently Nic was somehow associated with. The exchange between Alfarinn and Nic told her exactly nothing on the surface, but their attitudes were most interesting. It was the Clan Elder's that especially caught her attention, as his demeanor had altered dramatically from how he had treated Sorin and herself. Apparantly Sorin was not the only one to harbour ill feelings. Which begged the same question she had wondered earlier ~ was it personal or philosophical? Or both?
When Nic asked what Maeve wanted to do, all that crossed her mind was a fervent desire for the Highlander to want to dance. Or get another drink. Or a find a handy broom closet. Anything that took the two of them away from here quickly and cleanly. She relaxed a bit that Maeve apparently agreed to the dancing.
"I will, Maeve, trust me. We do have quite a bit to catch up on."Â?
Returning her full attention back to Sorin and the others, she took a sip of her champagne, once again wishing she had followed Sorin's example earlier and downed the glass. And she had been worried conversation would be dull? Perish the thought. She slipped her free hand into Sorin's lap, surprised to feel a need to touch him right now, but she chalked that up to him being the only one present she had any connection to.

Then Sorin made a snide remark, and while there might have been a time when he had said much worse it was still somewhat disappointing. Alfarinn did a good job of completely ignoring that behavior, though, which was something of a relief.
[Perhaps I should call for reinforcements…] He kept the rest of that thought, something along the lines of ‘…before Sorin gets cranky’ to himself. In truth he thought everything would be fine if Sorin could keep his barbs to a minimum and there could be a shred of understanding from the Evenhet. Sorin was a gentlemen and, after all, Evenhet were known for their understanding.
His thoughts, however, seemed to be heading toward a moot point, as Nic and Maeve had other plans.
“The pleasure was all mine. Good to see you again, Nic; I hope you enjoy your evening.”

Nodding again at those he knew, he took her hand and led Maeve away...steering clear of the Tacharan group, and their section of the room.
(Nic and Maeve out, and onto yet another thread. Party on!)