Fun with numbahs!
But it looks like the humans are gaining ground. Time to lay the BITE down!

We have, as of 1230pm EST 2/07/2006...
91 total characters (with submitted bios).
3 are not approved yet.
Of those approved...
58 (67%) vampires and 30 (33%) humans.
29 (50%) of vampires are female; 21 (70%) of humans have "innies."
3 of the humans (10%) are familiars. 3 used to be familiars.
The Vampires have a combined total of 11752 posts. The humans have 4958.
The Vampires have a male:female post ratio of slightly more than 2:1. (8581 versus 4879 posts)
Humans have a male:female post ratio of just under 1:9. (558 versus 4400)
2 humans have under ten posts; 4 Vampires do.
Of the humans, 11 (of 18 active humans) have over 100 posts
Of the vampires, 19 (of 30 active vamps) have over 100.
*By active, I mean have posted within the last thirty days.
Of the top ten posters, 4 are human.
The Vampires average 3.8 posts per day in the top ten; humans average 3.37 posts per day in the top ten.
Alfie has the top post-per-day count at 6.84 - it means he has posted more since joining than anyone else. Yay Alfie!
Out of 190 members, 62 have under ten posts. That's almost 33%.
*Some of these are NPCs, some are original-login names for folks who have subsequently joined the board with a character name.
Fastest posting - still 45 posts in 20 minutes. ;)