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The walk from Pakpao's car to the front door was probably only about twenty feet, but it took Tristan about two minutes to maneuver himself from one place to the other. He just felt drained...tired, and weak, and sleepy, and drained.

And it was pissing him off, because he couldn't figure out why he would have reason to feel that way. Maybe he was coming down with something. He rarely got sick, but with all the changes lately, he guessed that would at least make some sense.

Fumbling with the key Shay had given him, he finally got into the house, and flipped the light switch inside the front door. He had hoped Shay and Mathias would be home...he still hadn't met his sister's boyfriend, and was growing curiouser and curiouser. But the house had been pitch black and quiet as a tomb.

He tossed the keys down on the end table, and made his way to the guest room. Forgetting to turn off the light in the living room, and not even bothering to remove his shoes, Tristan laid down on the sleeping bag, and immediately fell asleep.

Patrick Tristan O Mannon 19 years ago
It was still dark in the guest room/office, when Tristan woke up, but then again, it almost always seemed dark in that house.

He had no idea how long he had slept, but he still felt tired, and fuzzy-headed. Aside from that, he didn't feel achy or anything, so he had to guess he wasn't sick. When he sat up, he also felt a little woozy, but that feeling seemed to pas quickly. He wasn't at all comfortable in his clothes...his jeans seemed a little stiff in the crotch, and he couldn't think why. A shower sounded like it might solve a lot of what ailed him, so after he checked to see if Shay and...or...Mathias had returned, he grabbed clean clothes and made himself at home in the tub.

The water wasn't that hot, but Tris felt a touch on the cold side, so the water felt warmer than it really was. He acclimated to it quickly, and then saw there were jets alongside, that he promptly turned on. The pounding force of the water against his skin warmed him even more, and also helped to rejuvenate him some.

Once he had washed up, Tristan threw a load of his clothes into the washer Shay had off the kitchen. Finding some microwave popcorn, he fixed that up,and took it to the livingroom sofa, where he sat down, and began flipping through the television channels. He had a tank top, and sweat pants on, but no shoes. The tank top was decided on mainly because for some reason the neck of his shirt rubbing against his neck, was really irritating. The inside temperature of the house was nice, so it didn't bother him to have the tank on.
Patrick Tristan O Mannon 19 years ago
Having fished the clothes out of the dryer, and folding them to put away, Tristan was back on the sofa, engrossed in an old movie. 'Streets of Fire' was pretty interesting, but the main thing that had caught Tristan's eyes was the very much younger version of Diane, she was HOT! NOt that he didn't appreciate how she looked these days, but the twenty one year old Tristan really wasn't into older women.

Except...he thought that Fallon chick was hot, and he was certain she was older than he was, but a couple years only.

Focusing back on the movie, he thought he heard a car pull up outside. Now he'd finally get to meet this guy Shay was so gaga over. He was lucky, the movie was just about over.
Mathias 19 years ago
In yet another cruel trick, Mathias must have hit every red light between their house and The House of Pain. More than once he seriously considered finding a dark side road - I doubt Shay would argue he thought .

Finally,blessedly home appeared in the headlights. With almost inhuman restraint,Mathias got out and opened Shay's door. No matter how badly he wanted to be inside, manners would be observed on his part.

The key was part of the conspiracy,Mathias was certain - else why would it not go in? Finally it relented and the door opened..... reveal someone stretched out on the couch,watched something on television.
Either that is Shay's brother, or a very relaxed burglar...

Extending his hand,Mathias greeted the young man.

"Hello,you must be Patrick - I am Mathias "
Shay 19 years ago
A huge part of Shay reveled in the knowing that she was responsible for Alexi's 'discomfort. The other part of her cursed herself for being in the same boat. But it was all good with the knowledge that soon they would be home, and in bed, and enjoying each other as they relieved their 'discomforts'.

She giggled when the key seemed to be giving Alexi issues, and was about ready to grab it out of his hand when it finally slid home. And then it hit her, both the sound of the television, the light on in the living room, and the reminder that they had company.

She withdrew her hand from inside the back of Alexi's shirt, where she had slipped it as she waited for him to unlock the door. She watched as her two men met, and exchanged greetings.
Patrick Tristan O Mannon 19 years ago
Hearing the key in the lock, Tristan wondered what in the hell was taking them so long...were they using the right key? It never occurred to him to get up and open the door for them, until the door opened, and in walked Shay following behind the guy he assumed was Mathias.

Though Mathias didn't appear much taller than Tristan, he was much more impressive. Mathias just appeared 'bigger' to Tristan, and he knew he'd never want to be facing the guy on the other end of a serious argument.

Having been brought up with some modicum of manners, Tristan stood when Mathias held out his hand, and shook it firmly.

"Heya man, good to meet you, but me Tristan. I think my mom is the only person who still calls me Patrick, and that's only when she's really pissed.

Heya sis. You guys look like you've been having a nice night out...where did you go?"

Tristan's hand rubbed the tender spot on his neck, before he slouched back down on the couch. It was either sit down or fall down, and he wondered if either of them had caught the slight stumble.

"I think I may have caught some bug here...since arriving. Hope I'm not being too much of a slob."

Had it just been Shay, Tristan wouldn't have thought twice about just lounging around...but having another guy in the house changed things.
Shay 19 years ago
Seeing something was wrong with her brother, Shay moved around Alexi and over to sit next to Tristan.

" you have a fever...are you nauseous?"

While she asked the question she was feeling his forehead, and the part of his neck behind his ears, where their mother used to feel for fever. He wasn't overly warm, in fact, he might have been slightly cool, though Shay's hands were as well.

"You don't feel warm..."

She looked up at Alexi, sorry their plans had been stalled, but not knowing what to do about her brother.

Looking back at her brother she did notice something...a discoloration on his neck. Had it been anywhere else on his body, Shay wouldn't have thought twice. But... Her eyes flew to Alexi in question.

"PT? Did you hurt your neck?"
Mathias 19 years ago
Feeling weak,rubbing his neck...without examining him Mathias could not be sure,but all signs pointed to Tristan being someone's snack. He gave Shay a slight nod of his head, they would have to proceed carefully but Mathias wanted to know who had done this.

Mathias helped him down to the couch, getting a look at his neck. The discoloration was all the evidence he needed.

"Yes, there is a bit of that going around - Nachton's night air has that effect on newcomers "

As odd as it sounded,he hoped that it did happen out on the street - someone feeding on Tristan here would require a much more violent response.
Patrick Tristan O Mannon 19 years ago
He had felt funky yes, but it had been nice just lying there vegging, and watching tv. Now with everyone fussing over him, he was starting to feel like a child, and bugged by it.

Squirming away from the both of them, Tristan became a bit irritable.

"Hey you's just a cold or something, no big. Really, I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow. I'm just weak and have a cold in my neck or something. But no fever, that must show you it's not serious."

He sort of expected his sister to react as she had, though maybe not quite so much. They hadn't lived together for a few years, so it seemed really strange having her be so concerned. It wasn't like he was dying for crying out loud.

But her boyfriend's interest kinda put him off. They didn't know each other, and having the guy express anything beyond mild curiosity was unnecessary, and strange.

At least Mathias hadn't said anything about it being anything out of the ordinary. His comment about it being something in the night air sounded odd, but Tris wasn't in the mood to worry, so he'd go along with it.

"My movies over...I think I'll head off to bed. If I'm not any better tomorrow, you can go back to worrying, okay Shay?"

He tried to make light of his sister's issues. He knew she only worried because she cared.
Shay 19 years ago
It seemed Alexi agreed with Shay's worry. Someone had bitten her brother, and she now felt sick.

Pushing her feelings down, she was grateful to have Alexi here now. She thought she would have lost it for sure otherwise.

As it was, she could do nothing really but attempt to make Tristan feel comfortable, and watch over him, until she talked to Alexi alone. For the first time in ages, she was completely at a loss as to how she should proceed. She just knew if someone had designs on her brother, of this manner, she wanted to know about it, and get it stopped. He was twenty one years old for god's sake...much too young to be giving up his life.

That there were alternatives to the bites beyond that possibility, didn't enter into her thoughts.

"Hey there brother dear, I haven't seen you in months, I can be concerned if I want to be concerned, and this is my house so you'll just have to accept that."

She wasn't serious, and in fact was trying to lighten the mood. The last thing she wanted to do was let on to her real thoughts. For all she knew, Tristan would be leaving Nachton in a few days or weeks...there was no reason he should be made aware of anything going on in the city besides normal, everyday things. Shay really didn't want him taking any information back to her parents, that would cause them to worry about her.

She noticed that Tristan had now given Alexi a look that appeared to be asking the other guy for intervention. She smirked. Leave it to him to seek out an ally in another guy, just as soon as she started treating him in a manner he didn't want to deal with.

"And I saw that look. You can forget it, Mathias isn't going to step in on your behalf either."

At least she didn't think he would. She did look his way now though...just to be sure.
Mathias 19 years ago
Between a worried sister and her possibly vampire smitten brother was not a place MAthias wanted to be - and yet here he was. Catching Shay's look he tried to find a path that satisfied Shay without offending Tristan as well.

"I believe it is in the nature of sisters to worry Tristan,you'd be better served asking the sun to stop shining I suppose.

He moved over to Shay and laid a supportive hand on her shoulder.

"However, some bedrest would likely do you good - I am certain tomorrow will be an improvement on this one. "

And possibly a chance to find about this potential vampire he thought
Patrick Tristan O Mannon 19 years ago
There she went...she was off now...playing big sister, just as she had all their lives.

"Shalimar, quit being a pain in the ass. I've been able to take care of myself for a few years now. I even went out and met some people around town, and even got a lead on a job. I'm not going to get in your way, or give you a reason to regret letting me stay here."

When Mathias spoke, it seemed natural to want to tell the guy to butt out, but he didn't. He could see how this guy felt about his sister, and anyone who could break down her barriers and get her to smile at them as she had, was deserving of Tristan's respect. So, for now, he let Mathias' comment alone, with just an acknowledging nod.

Standing up, wobbly but without fear of falling, Tristan leaned towards Shay and kissed her cheek. He had seen the little looks his sister was sending Mathias, and was feeling like a third wheel.

Above that, he really did feel like sleep was what his body was craving, and saw no reason to deny it, even if Mathias had confirmed the need.

"I'm going...I'm going...give me a break, okay?"

Turning to Mathias, he grasped the man's shoulder, and held on for a second. He thought he might buckle, but then found his footing again.

"And don't worry about noise...not only will I be dead to the world in about ten minutes, but your guest room is like...totally soundproof. Use this time wisely."

Chuckling, Tristan slowly shuffled off to his bed on the floor in the guest room, and was asleep again in no time.
Shay 19 years ago
The touch of Alexi's hand brought an immediate calm over Shay, but she was still confused as to whether or not she liked that.

Going from being someone so independent, to someone so apparently co-dependent, in a matter of weeks, was still causing her inner turmoil. That is, when she thought about it anyway. For the most part she had been very successful in pushing down those feelings, and just being with him however she could and as often as she could. Why spoil their time together with such unproductive thoughts?

She let Tristan go to bed without further annoyance. She really did care about her brothers and sister, and would probably always try to mother them to some extent, as long as the allowed it. When Tristan had come back to her telling her to back off, she knew that was never going to happen. Instead she would just need to be sneakier about it.

Once he was safely tucked into his room, Shay leaned into Alexi, and curled up on the couch.

"He's been bitten, hasn't he? God Alexi, I've known for weeks now what's going on in Nachton, and when it involved only me, I thought I could handle it. But I don't like this at all."

Sitting up so she could look into his face, she strove to maintain her calm, and not get upset with him...or at him.

"Isn't there some kind of code you all live by, if not something formal...then possibly ethical?"

She knew Alexi fed...and not just off her. Their times together like that were rare, and even if they hadn't been, she didn't think he got enough from her to survive. She was just an occasional 'snack', or she supposed.
She wasn't sure she was ready to hear about the rest of his meals.

It didn't seem likely that they could discuss what had happened to Tristan, in much detail though, and not.

She sighed again, and curled back under his arm, with her own arm stretched out along his side, and softly rubbing over the top of his thigh.

"What I do, I do with an understanding of things. Tristan hasn't been given that choice...and that scares me."
Mathias 19 years ago
Mathias kissed the top of Shay's head as they snuggled, letting his breath out slowly. That this conversation would come up was not odd - but the timing and parties concerned was unexpected..

"It's cuts far too close for comfort love, I know "

His fingers absentmindedly trailed along her arm and Mathias closed his eyes,feeling Shay's heart beat in time with his. This was not a comfortable conversation to have - mostly because Mathias could not offer Shay the answers she wanted.

"I understand your concerns Shay, but you have to realize that it was bound to happen. Nachton has vampires and we need to feed. You,yourself acknowledged that even I do. Well those people are someone's brother,or sister or father ro mother too. "

He shifted so they faced one another, looking directly at Shay.

"What would you have me do? There is no rule against feeding on a mortal,unless they are someone's familiar. So I go speak to this vampire - what about the next time it happens? And after that? Love, you can no more protect Tristan from the bogeymen out there now than you could when you and he were younger."

Leaning in,Mathias gently kissed Shay,hoping she didn't take his words the wrong way.

"I think your concern for Tristan is wonderful, but you have to accept he is grown. As long as he is not harmed seriously there is little to do."

"However, should we discover this vampires identity I will speak to them. If it will make you feel more comfortable."
Shay 19 years ago
It didn't matter that his words made sense, and that logically she did understand them, and even agreed to an extent. What mattered was the possibility that Tristan could have been hurt - seriously - and she could do nothing to prevent it.

"I'd say make him your familiar, but I know that realistically that's not feasible. And it would not be fair to ask of you, nor for him.

I know he's a grown man...but a part of me won't ever see him as anything beyond the little seven year old who fell off his bike at the park, and ran to me to make it better. It's different with my other brother, we're closer in age and only recently became friends, instead of adversaries. But PT has always seemed different...needier."

She did not want him to know about the vampires in Nachton. It was her promise to Alexi and their clan, yet it extended beyond. Nachton was just a stop over for least that's what Shay assumed. Having that knowledge when he returned to LA was totally unnecessary, and dangerous. Her brother wasn't the most discreet of people under certain circumstances.

But she also didn't want him wandering the streets without knowing what he was in danger of.

"I guess I should try and talk him into returning home...back to LA. He said he hadn't planned on staying long...I just don't know when it will be safe for him to go back."

She wanted him with her in New York, but if it was a matter of his own safety over her comfort, she could handle things at the hospital on her own.

"I know its futile for me to think I can protect him, and no, I don't want you going out, and trying to find this person."

She didn't think it would do any good, and she didn't want Alexi putting himself on the line. One of her boys in trouble was enough...Alexi still had his own issues to work out...he didn't need any other distractions.

She sighed.

"I would have made a terrible mother, anyway...its too difficult for me to let my kids grow I hang on, when I shouldn't. I didn't realize it till now, but when I moved here from California, there was more to it. I think I was really trying to make a break from that connection to my family. So what happens? They follow me."

She laughed softly, one of those sort of sad, quiet laughs that start out trying to be happy, but fall short.

Again her emotions were spinning around her like a tornado, and a part of her just wanted to scream out for them to stop. But instead she pulled herself up almost onto Alexi's lap, just needing to feel him surround her...cover her with himself. If he had a zipper in his chest she would have crawled inside, so safe did he make her feel.

Pressing her mouth to his neck, she inhaled his scent, as she sucked on his skin. If she couldn't get inside him, there was only one other alternative.

"I'm sorry I've been such a handful tonight...and now you have not only a crazy lady to deal with, but her crazy family too. But that wasn't what tonight was to be about..."

She spoke against his neck, but before he had time to respond, her mouth covered his, and she did crawl onto his lap, straddling his legs with hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she pressed herself against him until there was nothing between them but the material of their clothing.

Pulling back from him just enough to see his face, even though slightly out of focus, from being so close.

"Take me, Alexi...body and soul...I don't want to think about anything but you...all those earlier threats...make good on the now."

And then her mouth returned to his.
Mathias 19 years ago
Sometimes Shay's lack of belief in herself was frustrating, but this was a funny moment and Mathias couldn't help but chuckle.
"You realize love, those selfsame qualities you condemn only prove what a great mother you'd make. Concern is natural, as is the inability to let go when the time arrives. I think that is the balance in man and wife - the mother cannot let go when it is time and the father let's go too early"

It reminded him of his own parents. They were loving,but Mathias father expected him to be a man at 11 and his mother...well his mother protected him until his father died,after that she...just stopped caring, about everything really.

The momentum of the conversation seemed to shift however, and Mathias groaned softly as Shay's mouth nibbled his neck.

"Mmm...not a problem at all dearest - I am sure I have given moments of pique as well, part of the give and take of love..."

Any more words were lost as Shay's mouth covered his and their kisses became deeper,more passionate.

"Take me, Alexi...body and soul...I don't want to think about anything but you...all those earlier threats...make good on the now."

That request needed no response,at least not a verbal one. His arms encircled Shay's waist,their kisses never broken as he picked her up. Moving towards the bedroom, somehow Mathias and Shay managed to hit every wall,counter and space between the couch and door. With each stop more clothes were shed, the sounds of growing passion subtly getting louder.

I do hope Tristan was right about the soundproofing Mathias thought as he closed the door behind them
Shay 19 years ago
It was her own fault that he was now touting her possible motherly attributes. If Shay hadn't said anything, she was sure Alexi wouldn't have pursued that topic either. Though everything he said made sense, she let the words just go by her. She was in a place now, for the moment, when it wasn't stabbing at her to know motherhood wasn't for her, and she refused to allow anything to poke at that sore spot now.

"Yes, you do have your moments...You are the most perfect man I've ever met, and in that you can sometimes be irritating."

She laughed, but not because what she said was untrue. On the contrary, if there was anything about Alexi that Shay might change, it would be to have him show just a little weakness, on occasion. She reveled in his strength, and knew now she needed it

Her thoughts were suddenly redirected as their ardor began building, and overtaking their thoughts of reason. Between kissing,and biting, and groping...clothes being pulled off, skin being exposed and then having a mouth or hand replace where the garment covered...if Tristan hadn't been sleeping in the room off the hallway, Shay was confident she and Alexi would never have made it to the bedroom.

As they fell upon the bed, thoughts of her lover's perfection were magnified. Yes, he had scars. She saw his scars, but they didn't detract from his perfect body at all. Theoretically the scars did mar his skin, but to Shay they just reinforced that Alexi was all man, and in that - to her - again perfect. She ran her fingers over them, as they criss-crossed his arms, and chest, and then let her tongue play along the same route. The different textures between his unmarred skin, and the scars gave Shay the feeling that the areas where the skin had regrown, were tougher, and helped give Alexi better protection from the perils his work brought him.

The last scar she paid homage to tonight, was the one across his nose. Again, she was so used to it, that it only appeared as another one of his an eyebrow, or tiny wrinkle. It made him more handsome in her eyes.

As she had been moving over his body with her fingers and lips, she had carefully avoided the area below his stomach. Looking down now, she could see he looked ready. She kissed him thoroughly on the lips, and proceeded to drink as much of him there as she could, before grinning, and rolling over onto her side.

"Good night, sweetheart."

The inside of her cheek was going to be sore later, from her biting on it so hard. But had she not done that, she would have not been able to hold back the laugh that was fighting so hard to come out. She was teasing him...and at this point it probably bordered on being a little mean. But she knew, even if he didn't, it wouldn't last long.
Mathias 19 years ago
Somebody wishes to play Mathias thought, a feral grin creeping across his face.

Snuggling up to Shay, his position left no mystery as the state of his arousal.

Arm draped over her, accidently brushing her nipple.

"Goodnight love"

Soft kisses traveled from her shoulder blades to the back of her neck

"Sweet dreams"

A hand idly brushed her nipples again

"Love you"

His breath hot on her neck as the words were whispered

Let us see who has the will now but Mathias hoped the contest would not last too much longer....
Shay 19 years ago
A soft gasp escaped her lips, when she felt him move so close behind her. Had he attempted to enter her from that position, he would have found her like liquid heat...completely ready. But she wasn't going to advertise that fact, hoping to not succumb to his delicious tortures.

The touch of his fingers across her breast caused her stomach to tighten, and she involuntarily moved backwards pressing into him even more so. Spooning like this was battling her will, and tearing down all resolve to tease him further. In theory her toying sounded like fun, but that was when she was the only one playing. Now that he had started in as well, she knew she had as good as lost...yet again.

Funny though, as in this game there were no losers.

"You too...maybe when we rise, the three of us can go out to breakfast."

Her breath was coming in erratic little huffs and pants. When she spoke it was as if she was on the edge of sleep. Her voice was slow, soft, and lazy. While her eyes were closed, and she was trying to act the part, she found it only increased the sensation of him next to her...every tiny part of him became bigger, more vivid. For there was nothing in her sight to distract her.

This time when she shimmied her bottom back into his groin, she did so with complete focus on her goal. She could feel his length sliding between the cheeks of her backside, and he was hot, and hard, and glorious.

Her hand wandered behind her, sliding over his thigh, and even farther to slide down his own rear bottom half. Holding him to her as best as she could, she moved up and down against him again. The tightening in her stomach moved lower in her body, until she wanted to roll over on top of him and end their madness.

But not tonight. Tonight, come hell or high water, she was taking things slow.

"Though, if you rise any further, breakfast will be the last thing on my mind."

She giggled at the silliness, and let the smile grow to bursting on her face. God but it was good to be able to play like this.
Mathias 19 years ago
Shay's soft touches sent shocks through Mathias' body,and if it were possible for him to grow more aroused he would have.

When she pushed against him, the urge to take her then was almost overwhelming,but Mathias knew Shay wanted tonight to be taken slow and easy - so he channeled that energy. As he slid between her cheeks, the liquid heat radiating from her core made him gasp in imagined ecstasy.

Soft kisses traveled the length of her arm,and terminated at the nape of her neck. His fingers trailed lazily up her body,skirting her womanly virtue as they traveled lowered.

Yes,definitely slow teasing this night he thought

Shay's mention of breakfast and a lack of appetite made him chuckle.

"Oh I don't know love..I think I could definitely eat -something- right about now"

His tongue flicked outalong the well traversed back of her neck.

Yes,definitely teasing
Shay 19 years ago
It was unclear to Shay, where she was getting all her willpower from tonight. Not that she wasn't truly squirming from need, but somehow the clenching in the lower part of her body, coupled with the tightening of her breasts, only served to make her want to push Alexi's limits further. Tonight she wanted 'his' resistance to break first...she wanted him to want her more than anything, and when they finally came together, she wanted him to have a wondrous experience to think on. It would be awhile before they could be like this again, and she didn't want him to forget anything in the mean time.

Since her touches and actions didn't seem to be moving him along quickly enough, maybe words would help. She didn't see how they could hurt.

"You do remember, my heart...after tonight we're going to need a little time apart, like this."

She knew he would understand what she was saying. She was going to return home that night, and be in his arms later that evening, but that would be about all she'd have energy for. Since they had already had this small conversation about what shape she would be in, this now was merely a friendly reminder...and maybe a bit of torture?

"So we really do need to take advantage of tonight."

Given their positions weren't the easiest to allow his entrance into her, Shay moved and rolled over to face him, all done within the confines of his arms. Once they were eye to eye...lip to lip...Shay pulled his head towards her and kissed him with a fervor she almost always felt at the feel of his mouth on hers. With the differences in their heights, and her leg now thrown over his hip, Shay could feel him just below her. She could feel him teasing at her opening, gently prodding, without even his moving any other part of his body. All she would need to do now would be to slide her body down his but just a matter of inches, and they would be joined. Knowing this, she bit into his lower lip, and as the metallic taste of blood mixed within their mouths, Shay groaned and pushed herself just slightly lower. The head of his penis just barely entering her hot wetness.

Struck by how onery she was being, Shay laughed. But the laugh mixed with her excitement, and produced a strange, strangled half moan, half guttural sound, and without meaning to she moved slightly lower.

It took biting her own lip to stop her from pushing herself all the way down his body and impaling herself so sweetly upon him. Her nails dug into his biceps, as she strove to hold herself where she was.