To new starts... (Open)
An hour after arriving at the Grande Piazza, Fiona felt ready to explore. She had changed into a black silk vest and pants suit and pulled her hair up into a messy bun, framing it around her eyes. A quick touch up and she slipped into a pair of stiletto heels. Cell phone and black leather handbag and she headed for the bar.
A few minutes later she stepped out of the elevator, unerringly making her way into the lounge. She had to admit this place was impressive, designed to be within a hairsbreadth of stunning. Very classy. Pleased that this town boasted something to her taste, she made her way to the bar, subtly eyeing any man looking to be worth her time. She didn't need to eat tonight, but that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun.
Before she reached her destination, a waiter indicated a empty booth. It was perfect, allowing her a view of the entire room ~ but more importantly, allowing her to be seen by anyone who entered. Deciding the waiter deserved it, she smiled prettily at him and sat.
"And what would the lady desire?"Â? Fiona caught the slightly hopeful look he gave her and laughed softly. Not a chance, mister. Not a chance.
"A glass of Champagne, s'il vous plait."Â? Nodding, the waiter made his way to the bar, ignoring a few other patrons who were trying to catch his eye. Fiona smiled to herself, content. The evening was definetly looking up.

He ran his fingers through the dark blonde curls and found a black silk suit and charcoal colored silk shirt to meet his needs. The good mood continued and he passed the startled butler out of the manor without calling for a limo. Instead he had the doorman pull around his Aston Martin and waited with something close to patience while it was pulled around.
Settling on the Grand Piazza as a destination, Sorin enjoyed the winding roads leading away from the remote estate but quickly tired of the inner city streets. He was all to happy to hand over the keys to the valet when he arrived at the hotel.
A predator's glance around the lounge area showed little of interest until his eyes lighted on a redhead who's presence seemed to be catching the attention of more than one man in the room. Being the kind of person who enjoyed having what others wanted, Sorin smiled slowly and walked to the bar.
"A glass of your best burgundy."
Turning his attention away from the waiter, he watched the rest of the room with minimal interest until his drink arrived. Picking it up, he walked over to the redhead and took a seat in the booth opposite her.
"It would seem you've made quite the impression. Do you plan to disappoint them all?"
A negligent wave of his hand indicated the room behind them and those who sought her company.

She sipped her champagne and watched over the glass as an attractive gentleman entered the bar, surveying the room in a... predatorial manner. Smiling slightly to herself when he noticed her, she dismissed him, refusing to show any more interest in him then she had in any other man here.
But when he had the audacity to just sit in her booth, without even waiting for an invitation, she sat for a moment, stunned. She could not recall the last time a man had been brazen enough to intrude like this.
"It would seem you've made quite the impression. Do you plan to disappoint them all?"
Only centuries of dealing with upstart men allowed her to maintain any semblance of dignity. Rather than directly answering his question she smiled slyly, mirroring his gesture to encompass the women who were now truly glaring at her. Of course the most attractive man in the place had chosen to sit with her. It was only natural.
"Do you?"Â?

"I do so hate to disappoint but you cannot please everyone, nor am I inclined to try. For me quality is far more important than quantity. "
Taking another sip, he turned his glance back to her.
"Though on the rare occasion, I enjoy both."
He smiled to himself doubting this lady, for she did indeed carry herself with the regalness to be called such, would care to share anyone's attentions with another, not even an emperor.
It had been a while since he had seen such poise and assurance and it made him think of Ellis. An absent frown flickered across his face as it came to his attention that he had not heard from her concerning the death of the Wolf. Sorin would have thought that with her resources and talent, killing a lone assassin would have been a simple matter. He contented himself with the knowledge that he had heard nothing further from Thaddeus and so it appeared that the Wolf, at least, had done his part of the job. Dismissing such concerns that were likely to foul his good mood, he ran a lazy finger on the rim of his glass and regarded the woman across from him.
"Such things are rare delicacies and not on the menu tonight. But what about you, have you found anything here you could enjoy sinking your teeth into?"

“Oh, when I find something worth the effort, I never disappoint. The trouble is finding company worth the effort. Quality is so hard to find these days.”
She met his grey eyes, shaking her head in mock sadness. She took another sip of her champagne and smiled at her jest. A delicate eyebrow raised ever so slightly at his phrasing and she wondered if she was oversensitive to such things tonight. Philipe had been adamant about not revealing her nature to humans, a course she had agreed was wise in the long run. She had found others of her kind on accident, though she had taken advantage of those times to learn what she could. A delicate pink tongue licked her lips and her smile grew slightly wicked.
“Not until you arrived, Monsieur." She shrugged delicately. "Now? Well, I suppose we’ll have to see, now won’t we?”

"A bottle of both"Â?
There was nothing more annoying than to run out of what he was drinking while in the middle of conversation by needing to call the waiter.
He smiled in agreement about things of quality. They were hard to find. One of the problems with this country was the damned equality they strove so hard for. All people were not created equal no matter what their pretty little paper said and therefore they should not all be treated that way. Every little two bit doctor's wife felt she should be treated like a queen despite having the manners of a monkey and the looks to match. Then there were the men, he rarely had time for those but even petty little business owners thought they had a right to first rate service they did not pay for, doing their best to take time away from their betters who knew how to command the attention they expected. Sorin could not remember the last time he had to resort to raising his voice, much less yelling and threatening a concierge or driver. It was beneath him to behave in such a way, really he longed for Europe where some people remembered how royalty behaved and how they should be treated.
When this mess was over he should take a trip and visit Jacob in London or perhaps he should visit the motherland and see Italy again. It had been such a long time since he could bare to visit Rome and see what the barbarians had done to his beloved city. Evidence of its greatness remained and that was some consolation. There was always glorious Venice which did not haunt his dreams with white marble columns that surrounded him, weighting him down as if their cool surface laid across his chest burying him in a mausoleum like the one he should rightfully be rotting in.
Such thoughts! London or Venice, yes. He would look for his new child there, perhaps stealing some fine young attendant away from the nobility, someone who knew how to respect those above his station and would welcome the chance to rise above the cattle and into immortality.
Sorin smiled at her compliment and raised his glass in a small toast.
"Here is to finding those things worth waiting for."Â?
Taking a sip, he commented.
"Well I should be on my best behavior so that I might impress the lady enough for her to consider me worthy of such an honor."Â?

She returned his smile and toast, enjoying the bubbly champagne. It was better than she would have expected, but then this entire hotel was better than she had thought possible here in America. More modern than she liked but at least the service was acceptable. If she decided to stay, she was most definitely having her own furniture brought down.
"Yes, Monsieur, you should. I would be most devastated to be forced to find you unworthy."Â? Her tone was playful and slightly suggestive, heightened by the trace of French accent. She enjoyed this game and hoped he played it well. Letting her eyes drift across his well cut clothes, she smiled, pleased. It was not difficult to imagine what lay beneath them. Yes, it had been awhile since she'd enjoyed a man's company for his own sake. And in light of what the next few nights might bring, she deserved to play first. She could start her search for the Clan tomorrow. "Especially as I am newly arrived in Nachton. You would not want to ruin my first impressions of this city, would you?"Â? She pouted slightly, though her eyes were sparkling with amusement.

"It would grieve me greatly to do so."
He raised his eyebrows at her being new to the city; she seemed so comfortable here at the Piazza that he thought she must have visited it many times in the past. His estimation of her self possession went up another notch. It was one thing to own a room you were familiar with but it was something else all together to walk into something strange with that kind of poise and confidence.
He smiled softly at the rare find in front of him.
"It would be an unrivaled honor then to show you around. I have lived in Nachton for some time." Since it was founded, in fact. "I am certain that I could introduce you to the finer places of interest in the city."
Her English was flawless and her accent though present was faint, even fainter than his Oubliette who had just come back to him from her home. He decided then that she either spent a great deal of time away from her native country or prided herself on speaking without a heavy trace of her native tongue. He loved the French lilt though; it softened the harsh English words and made them seem more intimate and seductive as only a romance language could possibly manage.
"Have you been in the country long? Or was Nachton not your first introduction to American life?"
((OOC: Let me know if there was too much assuming on the extent of her accent and I will edit. Off to finish some errands. This whole Master Alfarinn on the account switch is not sitting very well with me. I believe I need to complain to the management! ))

And here he was offering to show her the sites. How perfect.
“I do believe I’d enjoy that. It’s always much nicer to explore a new city with company. However, there is one, small problem, easily rectified. You see, ma mère warned me to never go anywhere with a stranger!”
She took a sip of her drink, surprised she was actually looking forward to learning about Nachton. She had avoided this city for so long, had avoided the Clans for even longer… yet just a few minutes in this man’s presence and she was suddenly excited at the thought she was actually here. The realization was a bit disturbing. For the first time in her long life she actually wished she had Empathy to better gauge her companion. Chiding herself for being silly ~ after all there was little a human could do to hurt her, a lesson a few men had learned over the years, to their embarrassment. She detested fighting and would defend herself, though she generally preferred to avoid those situations. There were better ways.
“I’ve been in New York for a few years, though before that I traveled extensively. An… old friend suggested I come to Nachton. She thought I might find my… family here.” In truth Maeve had been subtly pushing her here for years. It was rare for a single correspondence to go by without the Highlander bringing up Fiona’s reluctance to come here. Maeve would be intolerably smug if it turned out the Clan could help her.
(OOC ~ no, we're good. She's only been back to France to visit in the last 200 or so years, so it would have faded I would think! And doesn't complaining to the mangement include talking to yourself???)

"Votre mère est très sage. My name is Sorin Lazarovici and now you are no longer with a stranger. Your mother would be proud that you listened to her wisdom."
" It is not motherly advice that prompts me to ask a return on the courtesy but a desire to know what to call the most lovely vision in the room. Should I later be describing my good fortune to my fellows they would never believe me if I could not even give them a name for the mythological beauty I described."
He took another drink of his wine and reached over to the bottle to pour more, listening to her explain her time in America.
"Ah, Indeed? You have reason to believe your family is living in Nachton or merely passed through here?"
She appeared to have means and manners so it was likely that her family would be of some importance. He could not imagine not knowing anyone of significance in the city unless they had not been living here very long. It might prove useful to find her family; one never knew when such contacts could be of use, especially when they owed him something.

“Enchanté, Sorin.” She inclined her head slightly and smiled, briefly toying with using one of her various aliases but dismissed the thought. There was no need to do so and she had grown accustomed to her given name again. She choose to take his talk of "bragging" as the compliment he intended, finding the thought of this one needing to brag ridiculous. “I am Fiona Gerard.”
She watched as he refilled the glasses, debating how to answer that question. It didn’t seem a good idea to bandy the name Evenhet around and she did not know how the Clan operated in public. It hadn’t occurred to her to ask Maeve, an oversight she regretted. Well, a simplified version of the truth should work. Sorin struck her as being someone of means and it was possible he might know something helpful, though she’d have to be very careful how she phrased things.
“According to my sources, my… family has been here since the founding, or at least shortly thereafter.” She shrugged. “I have never met this particular branch, so I do not know what to expect. But it only seemed right, as I am here, in America, to… pay my respects?”

"A pleasure most divine, Fiona."
The talk of her family grew increasingly more interesting and he eventually set down his glass and leaned forward. There were ways of saying that you were of a clan that would immediately be picked up by someone in them. The pause at the word 'family', that they were here since the founding and that she was here to pay her respects. He had no doubt he was looking at a vampire. Sorin snorted inwardly; he should have known by the grace and style that she carried herself with that she was not one of these 'modern' women.
The question that remained was which clan did she belong to? There were only two official clans in Nachton but those little Evenhet cast offs thought of themselves as a clan whether they had the rights of one or not. He doubted she was Tacharan in any case; it might be arrogance on his part, but he doubted such intelligence and beauty belonged to Evenhet. That would leave Anantya. Still it was always wise to move forward with caution and the verbal battlefield had always been his best campaign ground.
Picking up his glass again, he regarded her evenly and spoke clearly, lest there be any mistake about his knowledge.
"There were two 'families' here since the founding and I know them both. Perhaps you could tell me which it is you wish to see and I could tell you where to find them. As I have said, I have lived here a very long time."

At best, the two clans would be friendly and any answer given would be fine. At worse, deadly enemies. And here she was, sitting in the middle of an elegant lounge across from one of the most attractive and charismatic men she'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. She now understood the caution she'd felt earlier. She was blind in the jungle and had no way of knowing whether the creature she faced was friend or foe. Perfect.
The only option she had was the truth. Damn. Well, she never had stepped down from a challenge. She refused to start now. Her only real concern, once she had made up her mind, was what this would cost her.
"Then it seems the Fates are honoring me today, to guide me to you."Â? She set her empty glass down and met Sorin's eyes calmly, consciously leaning forward has he had, hiding the irritation she had felt toward Philipe. Her vest slipped open slightly, revealing the top of her black lace bra. "Though it would appear you have me at somewhat of a disadvantage, Monsieur, though I would be most grateful if you could help me. I was told when I was young that I belonged to the Evenhet Clan."Â?
She deliberately dropped the term family, gambling that she was understanding Sorin and not simply hearing what she wanted to hear. If she was right, he would understand the significance of the change ~ if she was wrong, well, it was done and he would be human and it would be easy enough to take care of that problem later. After having a bit of fun with him.

He sighed but smiled at her.
"Alas, here I was hoping that you were a member of my own family come home to brighten my night. We, Anantya, could use someone with such fire and finesse but I do know where the Evenhet buildings are... though I've never had an occasion to go there myself. They are..."
Sorin frowned and pretended to search for a delicate word to describe the headquarters of her clan.
"Modern, progressive. I suppose young people enjoy that kind of thing. I am impossibly old fashioned. A horrible trait, I'm sure. My younger clan mates show me these new things but I appreciate the wood and stone of the Manor and the quiet of the forest and the gardens around the Estate far better than I would enjoy all that glass and steel inside the city. "
He looked up and smiled at her.
"Oh, but pardon me. It is a lovely building. You'll forgive my out of date ideals. I love the inner city and have an apartment near the theatre. I just enjoy being able to get away from it sometimes and enjoy having the things I'm accustomed to. Living out of an apartment for a night or so is my idea of 'roughing' it."
Sorin grinned and looked around the place before leaning forward as if to share an awful secret.
"You know they would expect me to cook my own dinners and make my own bed there. How horrifying! Its a good thing I don't need to survive on my cooking skills or I would have surely wasted away a long time ago."
Leaning back and looking totally unrepentant, he said.
"I'm am spoiled rotten. How about you?"

But she was not especially pleased with his description of Evenhet’s building. Even the Grand Piazza was more modern than she preferred. She agreed wholeheartedly with his ideas of roughing it. She fought briefly to keep a pleasant expression on her face ~ it would not do to show distaste, no matter how much she might want to.
The worst was when he leaned forward, grinning, to confide that the Evenhet’s did their own cooking and cleaning. She frowned before she could stop herself. When was the last time she had done any of that? Even as a Madame, she had had girls to take care of those things. “Mon Dieu,” she breathed, stunned. How could they do that? Mentally shaking herself back into the here and now, she filed all this away for future consideration. If this was an indication of what she could expect from the Evenhet, she was starting to understand why Philipe had never taken her to them. If she chose to stay in Nachton, she would need to look into other living arrangements. Surely there was something in this town that would accommodate herself and a small staff.
She raised an eyebrow and kept her voice light, knowing it would not do to let him know just how distasteful she had found his description of her Clan. “I must admit, I am surprised to hear that they reside in such a modern manner. One would think that such an old family,” she smiled slightly, as if sharing a joke, “would want to stay closer to their roots. To be honest, living in New York has been trying enough. There is not enough emphasis on craftsmanship in these modern structures. While it is convenient to have everything one may want at one’s fingertips, I agree that modern city living has it’s disadvantages. I am also somewhat spoiled.” She laughed, low and throaty. “I would fear for everyone’s safety if I was forced to use an oven. So, non, I do not think it is a ‘horrible trait’ to be old-fashioned and appreciate our history and the grace it had to offer.”
Sighing softly, she picked up her glass, frowning when she realized it was empty. Before she could reach for the bottle, Sorin had neatly refilled it, as if he had been simply waiting for permission to do so. She saluted him before taking a sip. “Merci, Monsieur.”
There were so many things she needed to know and she chose her next question carefully, deciding that it was the most important on that list.
“Your own family is called Anantya? Other than living in a more… traditional manner, in what other way do you find circumstances differ?”
(OOC ~ Sorin moved with permission…

"I believe they strive for progress above all things. It is admirable really but I feel that the large amount of history that we have lived through should count for something, don't you? There are things to be savored and kept from the past, in my opinion, and not tossed aside simply because they are old."Â?
He smiled and took a sip of his own drink.
"If that were the case then Anantya would have had to replace me a long time ago, I'm afraid. Luckily we have a overwhelming fondness for antiques. I would like to disillusion myself into believing it is charming and not a reluctance to let go of the past but I doubt I am fooling anyone."Â?
He appeared mildly shocked at her admittance to not being able to cook.
"The vision of beauty cannot cook! Alas, should this acquaintance continue I believe we shall have to call room service quite often."Â?
Leaning back, Sorin considered her question and how best to answer it.
"Ah, well we view..."Â? He waved his hand to indicate the room full of humans around them. "Our needs somewhat differently. Anantya feels that we are something improved upon the original design and yet older and wiser. We lead them gently whenever and where ever we can but we are always mindful of their lack of experience and their..."Â?
Looking at the ceiling, he cast about for the appropriate word.
"Short lived nature which leads to a certain narrow mindedness and an inability to see the larger picture. We rule ourselves and our needs are admittedly foremost in our minds but we feel we are better suited to being the caretakers of the world's nations. We are a more stable force that does not change with each political whim"Â?
Sorin sighed and shrugged a little.
"Evenhet, of course, believes that the two races should work together which is a most noble concept, truly!"Â?
He did his best to look chagrined at any disparaging slant that his remarks might have caused.
"It is just that we are concerned that too much control is given over into the hands of those that fear us, because I cannot honestly believe that when they know what we are that they do not have some deep rooted fear of our power and differences, that they will start a full scale hunt for our kind. There are exceptions, of course. I was thrilled and excited by the prospects of becoming what I am but on the whole mankind is not ready for us. Evenhet believes differently they advocate the combining of the two races and world wide cooperation between them. It is very risky, in my ancient humble opinion."Â?
Sorin frowned slightly and added as an after thought.
"And I believe striving to be like them" again he waved a hand to those around them takes away from what we are. We are different and that will never change."Â?
Holding up the hand again and shaking his head, he sighed.
"Ah but this is politics. Surely you do not want to hear such things on a beautiful evening like tonight. I will do my best to behave myself and keep my opinions to myself. A gentleman should be able to put aside such things at least while in such beguiling company."Â?

When he referred to himself as an "antique"Â?, Fiona made a quick reassessment and was glad her instincts had served her. In their world, she was still considered "young."Â? It was good she had not taken a superior attitude toward him ~ that would have had the potential to be unmitigated disaster in the long run. One did not play that way with someone who just might have the power to destroy you without thinking twice about it.
She laughed softly in appreciation as he teased her. "Room service would be the safer option. I fear we both would starve should we have to rely on my cooking."Â?
Fiona sipped her champagne, intrigued that the picture he painted of Anantya was more in line with her own thinking. Humans were not her equal, and had not been for centuries. She was suddenly not looking forward to meeting with the Elders of Evenhet. She was part of their Clan by an accident of "birth"� but to officially declare herself as such would require more than a little thought. If Sorin was being honest with her, and she could not yet see how it would profit him to mislead her, then that meeting would be more than a little dangerous. She owed it to Philipe to go through with that meeting, to learn of his whereabouts if nothing else. But she would not swear herself to either Clan without learning more about the situation. There were too many "ifs"� involved and once given, she would not willingly go back on her oath. And she was not naïve enough to think someone wouldn't require an oath of her, if only that she'd follow whatever rules they chose to set out. She had spent enough time in the courts of Europe to understand alliances and their necessity. Was Sorin high enough in the power structure of Anantya that an alliance would be beneficial?
Her reply was firm, yet quiet. "Non, we are not like them. They do not have the time available to them to learn proper deportment, much less learn from the mistakes of their own history."Â?
She was vaguely disappointed when he encouraged a change of subject. There was still a lot she needed to know about how things stood here in Nachton, but a long lifetime of training took over. "Je suis désolé, Monsieur. S'il vous plaît me pardonner. It is a beautiful night and I have been fortunate to find someone so convivial to share it with. Please excuse me for my curiosity. I believe you offered to show me the finer things Nachton has to offer?"�
There would be time to learn more of the local politics, before deciding the best place to insert herself into them.

He preferred spirited companions for the most part and always had. That had been a part of the problem; so many, like his wife and his mother, thought they could rule him but they still made for more interesting times than meek women who were cowed by his presence. Perhaps he should have picked a wallflower and he would still have a kingdom to run. Well no, his love of life, art and untamed ambition were what drove him to the actions that he had taken and those led him to immortality. Sorin could hardly fault himself for giving in to those urges that moved him along his path, though if he had perhaps he would have been a better, but still quite dead, ruler.
Sitting here more than a thousand years after the fall of Rome drinking wine and watching the world progress in its maddening way with him along for the ride was enough to console him that his choices had been the best ones possible. At least this was his stance for the moment, the time to dwell on his past was when he was alone with his lyre.
He smiled at Fiona and agreed.
"I did so promise. I believe though that we both need to find a little something to eat. I know just the place, if you don't mind something a bit more modern. From there we can see where the night takes us."

It did make her wonder, though, that someone who had no apparent use for the city life would be here rather than in a situation more in line with their own preferences. His position within the Clan must be high enough that he felt his presence was necessary, an interesting development. He had to have access to some power here, for even age was not enough to guarantee influence.
“I believe I can trust you to choose a place that is appropriate. And not likely to be too offensive to either of our sensibilities.”
Such was life in any city these days, even in old Europe. It saddened her to visit cities and find that the older buildings were being converted and modernized. Or worse, torn down to make way for even more of the steel and glass “wonders” of the age. Only the old churches seemed to be immune to this onslaught.
She was surprised to find she was honestly curious to see what he had in mind. Sorin had already proven to be full of surprises and it was always refreshing to deal with someone who appeared to understand her. There was something almost surreal Instinctively, she knew that Philipe would not approve of this man and that simply increased her desire to learn more about him. How odd.
She took a final sip of her champagne and set the half-full glass on the table, smiling.
“Please, lead the way, Monsieur. I look forward to seeing your city.”
(OOC ~ Out with Sorin, permission given to move as needed)

"It is not up to our standards but so few places are these days. It -is- a good place to be seen from time to time and it does have people looking for... well let us just say that we should have no trouble catching a 'bite' to eat."
At the entrance to the hotel, the valet pulled around his Aston Martin and Sorin held open the door for Fiona to get in. Walking around the car he smiled to himself, who would have ever expected to see him going out on the town with an Evenhet. Even more surprising... he was enjoying himself.
Perhaps he would wait a while on that vacation.
((OOC: out and headed to Club E ))