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OOC: This takes place a few days after they first met, still in the third week of Dec.


Rorri stepped out of the elevator still irritated and slightly fuming at the city council's decision against allowing Rosethorne Industries to build a new docking extention or shipyard here in the city.

This would eliminate any chance of making this city a regular port of call for the super liners and super freighters that her company built and sailed.

So instead she was stuck with bidding on a job to refurbish a part of the old dockyard that hadn't been used in over twenty years and was quite in a state of turmoil, but it was the only part of the shipping area that was open for purchase and reburbishment. Once she got the contract and got the area under her control, then she could have her experts come in and see what they could do with it.

She herself wasn't sure, but perhaps turning it into a mid-sized freighter port might not be a bad idea and then rent out services for loading, unloading, and storage of pending freight?

Now that was an idea!

The city council wouldnt allow escavation of land and sea, but they didn't say anything about restoration and conversion either.

Feeling a little less aggressive Rorri calmed herself before sliding the hotel card key into the lock and opening the door.

She had other things to think of now.

Stepping inside her luxerous suite she started to unbutton the top jacket of the business suit with a sigh, it had been a long morning her body language conveyed.

"Ana? Are you home dearie?" Rorri called out as she headed to the small kitchen for some bottled water.

[Tags Ana]

Montana 19 years ago
Every time Rorri came back from the office or whatever negotiations she was working on (she still wouldn't say) she entered the suite saying "Are you home dearie." It grated on Ana, for many reasons.

One, her accent gave it a strange lilt that just didn't appeal to her ears. Two, it implied more intimacy than she felt towards the younger woman. Three, the suite was -not- home.

So when Rorri entered the suite this time, Ana's neck twitched her head to one side, the same reaction she got when hearing nails scraped across a blackboard. A painful twitch, almost. She looked up from the pile of resumes and job printouts and leaned over the sofa back behind her.
"I'm in the suite, Rorri, yes. This is not hardly a place we could consider "home."" She didn't mean the tone of voice she heard in her head and hoped it didn't come across peevish or annoyed.
Rorri Rosethorne 19 years ago
Rorri flinched a little, she had once again forgotten how much Ana didn't like being called Dearie. A part of her was sad for other reasons as well as frustrated, but that wasn't Ana's fault.

Rorri took a bottle of water and drank deeply from it. Then put the tea kettle down to boil from water for afternoon tea.

She walked over to the small living room and took a seat on the chair to the side of the couch where ana rested.

"Hello Ana, I was meaning to talk to ye about that, so tis a good thing ye brought it up." Rorri said with a tired tone as she stretched like a cat in the chair and yawned.

"I was thinking that with the holidays coming wouldn't it be nice if we could have a home instead, a real home, and not some fancy hotel suite? I guess what I am trying to say is that I know ye don't like it here and quite frankly I'm starting to feel a little bulloxed with the holidays coming up, so if it's of no mind to ye would ye be against moving Ana?" Rorri asked softly.
Montana 19 years ago
"Moving sounds fine. I won't be able to contribute much towards rent at first, though, and all I really have of my own are my clothes and my laptop. Other than that..."

Ana sighed. "There's just me."
Rorri Rosethorne 19 years ago
Rorri thought about the way she said that, almost like a hint, but quickly shoved it out of her mind.

"Actually...I was thinking of getting a place, just buying it outright and all, but I wanted some input from ye, that is assuming you still want to share a place with me. I know yer...not me Ana, but I still like ye and yer my only real friend here; I wouldn't want anyone else to share with Ana." Rorri stammered clearly stumbling over a few words there.

She almost said bed there.

"As for yer finances, I have a packet for ye here. It's that job I was talking about. I'd like to contract ye to do some research here in the city and try to find any acendants of my great great uncle who originally arrived here in the late 1600s. The check in there represents the fee paid upfront and I moved the money into the account so it's available for deposit anytime ye wish." Rorri explained.

She felt a little sad as she pushed the envelope over, the $250,000 US dollars there were more then enough for Ana to start over; more then enough for her to leave Rorri...but Rorri knew that she had to let Ana fly where ever her wings would take her or she would never earn the older woman's respect.

Or love...

The tea kettle went off and Rorri stood up and went to make herself a cup of tea.
Montana 18 years ago
Ana stared at the envelope for a few minutes, pondering what Rorri said. "Fee paid up front? Share a place?" Had there been a strange pause in what the Englishwoman had said or was it her imagination?

She didn't touch the envelope, though, and waited til Rorri returned to the sofa.

"It's all very generous of you, Rorri. You know I consider you a friend, but I don't think we should be roommates right now. We both have our pain to work through, and while we may be able to help each other get through it together, we also need time to ourselves. I've been thinking I should get my own place, at least for a little while. I've been on my own for almost a year now, but this is a completely new city and I need to make sure I can survive on my own before putting my needs, quirks, and such in someone else's demesnes."

She swallowed and continued. "I'll get my own place, and I'll definately take the offer you gave me. I'd rather you hold on to the envelope til I'm finished, but I'll defer to your suggestion on that. You have my cell number, after all, and there's nothing to say we can't spend time together. I just need... me time."

Ana hoped what she was saying made sense to the younger woman. Something in their previous conversations led her to believe she'd never really been alone, even as independent as she seemed. And while she also didn't want to hurt her by both accepting and rejecting her at the same time... she needed to do it. For her own sake.
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri seemed like she wanted to cry, but held her gaze as she was trained. The thought of Ana not being with her anymore though made her feel...small suddenly; only this time there was no momma or pappa to go running too.

"I...see." Rorri simply replied softly.

"The money is yers, the details of the job written out in the contracts within. Take the money and please let me know when ye've found anything." Rorri said softly as she got up and headed back into the bedroom leaving her cup of tea behind.
Montana 18 years ago
Ana had only spent a few days with Rorri, but she recognized the sad look in her friend's eyes as she stood from the table and left the kitchenette.

Her eyes misted up; for some reason she felt like she'd just told Rorri her dog had died.

She leaned across the table and picked in her purse for a minute, bringing out a small box and a card. Holding each in her hands, she returned the card to her purse and left the box on the table. Taking the folder and stuffing it into her purse, she got up and walked quickly to the door.

A tear streamed down her cheek as she closed it behind her.

(( ana out ))
Rorri Rosethorne 18 years ago
Rorri didn't hear the door open and close as she was too busy laying in bed crying her own tears out...

She had thought she was strong, strong enough run her company, and strong enough to live alone and then Fallon and Ana had walked into her life and suddenly she had friends and someone she had fallen into love with.

More, she had found someone who's pain mirrored her own; to fill that empty void inside.

And now she was leaving...

(Rorri out)
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