Requesting 411 - Anyone?
Though he'd tried to sleep, Nic hadn't been successful.
He'd left the ball, just a BIT concerned, and gone directly back to the hotel. However, every time he'd shut his eyes, the dream would begin again. There was no mistaking Ellis...nor her intent as she toyed with him and then bared her fangs. Fortunately that was where he woke up each time...though each time he felt more and more like shit, and realized if he continued at that rate he'd be much worse off then just staying awake.
So he finally just gave up and flipped the remote on the tv. As luck would have it, he happened to find one of his old black and whites on...when he acted under the name Steve Steller; however, not even that could keep his attention, or distract him for more than a few seconds at a time.
He'd fucked up, royally, and now just needed to make things right...and hopefully save his ass in the process.
Once the sun set, he high tailed it to where he heard the Evenhet clan resided in Nachton. The towers were very impressive, and once he'd entered the lobby, he wondered if there might be room for him there. He knew he'd still need a place outside, for appearances, but for now - with things the way they were - he also knew the value of clan protection.
He could only hope there might be someone there he could talk to...let know how he'd mistakenly taken on one of Ellis' familiars...and what might be done to head off any possible torture or death she might feel he deserved, should she find out.

Of course, there was always the benefit of seeing the towers too, whose graceful architecture had been enjoyable to observe ever since they’d been built. Kem knew that seeing the world through his eyes right now wasn’t exactly akin to having rose-colored glasses on, but he still paused in the lobby of Liefde and took a few moments to gaze around.
A quiet interchange with MARI along one wall informed him that Arin Bjorn was not at home. Kem nodded to himself; he should have expected that. Naturally Alfarinn would be at the Creation Ball with half of Nachton. He considered leaving the package with the receptionist, but when he turned he didn’t see her. On break, perhaps. He’d have to come back another time, although it wasn’t really important. The package would be found eventually either way.
With a sigh of resignation, Kem turned to go, nearly bumping into another young man. He pulled himself up just in time, staggering back a step and managing to avoid a collision. Excusing himself, he stepped around the man and then paused. He wasn’t exactly feeling helpful at the moment, but 1600 years of good manners spoke louder than his own selfish desire to be left alone to drown in his own apathy.
Turning back to the young man, who was slightly taller than him and looking a little lost, he cleared his throat.
“Can I help you with something?”
((ooc: Info from MARI obtained from obliging wall)

"God I hope so. I...well...shit...sorry...Look, I'm new to Nachton, and haven't met anyone here yet, but seem to have gotten myself into a hell of a mess, and need to let someone know. Arin...or Megan you know if either are in?"
Nic realized his hands were on the other guy's upper arms, where they'd gone to steady him after he saw the guy barely miss running into him. He let them drop.
"Sorry again. Nicholae Lache." Nic offered, having forgotten his manners, temporarily.

"Kem,"Â? he said by way of introduction, giving a nod when Nicholae offered his name. "Arin's not in - probably at the big party over at the Community Center. I doubt Megan is in, either. I might be able to give you a hand though. I'm not exactly new to Nachton."Â?

Nic nodded, and held his hand out to the other guy, and gave him a slight shrug.
Nic had already done something insane. He just wasn't sure now if he was going to be perpetuating the act...He had no clue who this Kem guy was, even if he was being very solicitous. How did he know first, if he could trust him at all, and second if he was human or not.
"That figures...I was at the ball earlier - damn."
If only he'd known Arin, and might have been able to see him, after 'meeting' Ellis.
"I you suppose I might be able to stay here, until Arin returns? I appreciate you trying to help, but...well, I think I need to make sure he hears"
And Nic really was greatful that Kem wanted to help. He just couldn't risk another 'mistake.'

Turning to the wall, he inquired politely, “MARI, have you any information on Nicholae Lache’s security level and access?”
He briefly wondered what Nic would think of that. Except for the two of them, the towers might as well be deserted. Kem had done his fair share of talking to walls in his time, but generally not when there were other people around.
((ooc: edited for shabby spelling job))
"Hello again, Kem"
Her eyes took on an unfocussed glaze as she seemed to search for something internally; it did not take her more than a second or two and then she answered his question.
"Nicholae Lache has upper level security in Meridian. He is, however, new to Nachton and has not requested residence within the Towers.
Her eyes moved to focus on Nicholae.
"Do you wish to request a residence at this time?"
((OOC: Kem's past time with MARI with permission ))

When Kem's quesiton was answered, Nic was truly shocked for the second time today. MARI appeared to be some sort of computer intelligience, and security system. Computers were not something Nic was that familiar with though, so he was extremely impressed. He felt pretty safe though, in thinking anyone would be impressed with this system, from novice to hacker.
It took him a few seconds to catch that 'MARI' had spoken to him, and had asked Nic a question.
"Uh...yes, thank you, that would be great.."
He spoke to the head, a little louder than he probably needed to, and then looked to Kem as if he'd explain everything.
"Very well. Please follow the lighted pathway to your destination."
Her eyes glanced back at Kem and then looked straight ahead.
"Will either of you be needing further assistance this evening?"

"Thank you, MARI,"Â? he replied. "I think we're all set."Â?
He eyed the stairwell suspiciously. Nicholae's suite was probably on the millionth floor or something. It would be just his luck. He made his way along the lit trail, turning to Nicholoae.
"Come along then,"Â? he said to the man. "It's just this way."Â?
High level security access, eh? The mischievous streak in Kem that rarely had a chance to show itself was rubbing its hands together with glee. Perhaps it was the fact that he'd been feeling somewhat uncaring of late, but he couldn't resist needling the guy just a bit. In fun, of course.
Turning to Nicholae as they climbed the stairs, he asked in a completely deadpan tone, "MARI's pop-up box said you have rather particular dietary needs. Do you require O negative, or AB positive? Because that second one is rather difficult to obtain on short notice. It can be arranged, however."Â?

"Nah...O positive is fine...I'm lucky I..."
And as it dawned on him that Kem would obviously know Nic was a vampire, to ask him something like that, Nic reached up and gently took the other guy's arm, just stopping him, before he let go. He looked at the other guy...did he see mirth in Kem's eyes? Nic stood up and crossed his arms across his chest.
"And what type are you?"
He guessed he could have just come out and asked...'Hey, a vampire too?' But it seemed 'someone' liked to play games...and in truth, Nic didn't mind at all.
(ooc - permission given by Kem for Nic to touch him)

Stumbling backwards up the stairs was fairly simple; he wasn’t feeling all that great to begin with. He raised a shaking hand to point at Nic and cried, “I knew it! You’re one of them! Back to Hell, demon! Back to the foul underworld that spat you out! Begone, vile spawn of the netherworld!”
He added a bit of gibberish in Egyptian (shamelessly copied from some of Alfarinn’s more interesting attempts to draw a laugh out of him although the man spoke the language just fine) and reached up to grab the little silver ankh pendant that hung from its leather cord around his neck. Regardless of the fact that he’d just advised Nicholae in a very obscure language to ‘always wear underwear,’ he added for effect, “The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ COMPELS you!”
Then as quickly as he’d adopted it, he dropped his horrified visage, clambered to his feet, and began climbing the stairs again. At the top of the flight, he turned back to Nicholae.
“I’m the type with no sense of humor.”
He continued up the stairs. Not that he cared much, but if he hadn’t just scared the jumpy guy, perhaps he’d afforded him a laugh or two. He sure did seem twitchy.
((ooc: Permission from Alfarinn to steal his well-meant gibberish))

"The power of Christ compels you?! I'm a fucking vampire, not a demon!"
Nic laughed again, but did manage to stand, and resume walking up the stairs. He grinned at Kem, and shook his head.
"You actually had me till then...but I've a penchant for movies, and recognized your Max Von Sydow right away. were very good though...most impressive. Yet your little scene seems to contradict your lack of humor."
He finally caught up with Kem, and chuckled.
"Thanks for that...I'm still fucked, but at least I've had a few seconds of release..."
Nic wondered if the guy minded talking some.
"What is it you do around here...if you don't mind me asking?"

“Well, officially I work on my own. Crunching numbers, things like that. I do a fair amount of work for Meridian as an appraiser of artifacts as well, though. I travel to wherever they are, assess them for authenticity, and help prepare the documentation for shipping and anything else that’s necessary. You wouldn’t believe the amount of red tape involved in something like that.”
He glanced at the number on the floor they reached and winced. Far, far too many left. The day the high rise was invented was definitely a black day on his calendar. He was glad to have gotten his mind off of things, however… talking to Nicholae had dragged him out of his black mood. It behooved him to keep it going; he was loathe to stop chatting and sink back into a funk.
“What brings you here, yourself? And what trouble could you possibly have gotten into that’s so bad?”
Snickering a bit to himself, he added, “It’s not like you pissed off Ellis or something.”
With another withering look at the floor number, he moved along, not expecting Nicholae to understand the reference to the unpredictable Tacharan leader.

“Crunch numbers? Sounds like a popular job around Nachton…a friend of mine… Well, anyway… I know someone who crunches numbers for Duibne.”
Nic now kept his eyes on Kem, not sure how the guy would react next. Though it seemed either the climb or the height was giving him some trouble.
“I hope I don’t appear impertinent or ungrateful, but a structure such as this…has no elevators?”
And Kem’s return question only served to support Nic’s assertion…that he was fucked.
“As a matter of fact, I believe that’s exactly what I’ve gone and done. Though trust me, that is NOT why I came to Nachton.”

"You're more than welcome to meet me there after you take the elevator,"Â? he offered politely. "I, however, am going nowhere near it. In fact, if these stairs don't end soon you're going to have to knock me out and slide me down to the ground floor."Â?
It came out as more of a growl; he really didn't like to admit his incredibly deep dislike for any kind of height.
"As a matter of fact, I believe that's exactly what I've gone and done. Though trust me, that is NOT why I came to Nachton."Â?
At that, Kem stopped short. Turning to face the other with an incredulous expression, he whistled.
"Well that's impressive. Look, we're almost at your new place and then perhaps you can tell me what happened, if you like. I'll be happy to start planning your funeral. Say, are you fond of carnations, or should I just vacuum you up when she finishes with you?"Â?
All right, so he wasn't the diplomat Alfarinn was, but he was still trying to digest this news. It was no laughing matter. Relations between the clans were no joke, and depending on what this guy had done, the repercussions could be serious.
Please, let him have stepped on her toe or something! And why did the stairs seem twice as long now as they had just a moment ago?

The only reason Nic had mentioned the elevator in the first place was as an attempt to give Kem some relief. But if he had other issues, it didn't matter to Nic.
The quip about Nic's funeral was quite successful in reviving his emotional roller coaster, though the break had been nice.
But what he'd heard about Ellis Duban left little doubt that Kem spoke the truth.
Having nothing witty to retort with, Nic just continued up the stairs.
"Say...what floor AM I on?"

There -was- the elevator. That train of thought broke down before the passengers had a chance to climb aboard. Shorter than the stairs, but several hour-long seconds of nauseating, gut-wrenching travel in what was nothing more than a controlled fall, guaranteed to have him drenched in a cold sweat before they'd even gone halfway.
Kem shook himself loose from that line of thinking. He'd been up here plenty of times before. He just didn't enjoy the process of getting here. Following MARI's trail down the hall, he stopped at the right doorway. The door was unlocked, since MARI had shown them specifically to this suite.
Opening it, Kem let Nicholae enter first. He knew what it looked like. Most of the suites were similar, until the occupants had time to decorate to their desires. Modestly appointed, with modern-looking white furniture, they were quite nice. They were all spacious, given that they were suites in the tower. Kem personally though it could use a few touches, but he was sure Nicholae could take care of that if he stayed.
"Here you are,"Â? he said. "It's quite plain now, but you'd be able to personalize it yourself, if you like. Take a look around if you like. I can wait while you explore, unless you'd prefer to get this incredible problem off of your chest now."Â?

"As long as there's a bed, and all the necessary appliances, I'm sure it'll be just fine. I would rather get to the heart of the issue, if you don't mind. I've no idea if you can help...if anyone can help, but above all else, I just thought I should let someone know..."
It was too bad Nic had only arrived, and hadn't made any allies yet...beyond his clan anyway.
"Please, won't you come in and sit down?"
Nic went to the window, and peeked out the blinds. It was still dark outside so he wasn't running risk of anything...he just needed something to do. He was too nervous to sit.
"So...should I just begin at the beginning, or would you rather have the bottom line first?"
Kem was lending Nic an ear...he should have the choice as to what he wanted to hear first.

Naturally, manners won out. Kem entered the suite with a slight hesitation and made his way into the living area. He sat not in a chair, but cross-legged on the floor across from the couch. It was a 1600 year old habit, plus he didn't really want to see any part of the windows... even if the blinds were drawn.
"Why don't you begin wherever you want,"Â? he suggested. "I'm not going anywhere. It's probably best we work this out, if it can be worked out."Â?
He settled himself in. He certainly recognized the air of someone with a lot on his mind. Ironic, he thought. He could sit here and give Nicholae advice, but when it came to his own life... well, just listen to the guy speak, he told himself. Dwell on your own issues later.
He looked at Nicholae with an expectant expression and waited.

"Right off the bat, I need to let you know...I accept full responsibility for my actions. I was stupid, careless, and have no one else to blame for my current predicament.
As I said, I just arrived in Nachton a couple days ago, and as it had been a long flight, I was rather famished upon say the least. I'd wandered into town, trying to get a feel for the city, and wound up at the museum. I should have made a point of contacting someone here first. A judgment error I hope I'll be able to rectify. In any case, I ran into a rather amusing fellow, we started talking, he was quite entertaining, and one thing led to another. In his defense, I do need to state that I used a bit of my skills to convince him he wanted me to go home with him."Â?
Nic sighed. It really was too bad about Addison...maybe familiars should be tattooed, or branded...or pierced in some way that would alert others to their station...ah well.
"It wasn't until he'd 'fed' me, and I noticed he seemed weaker than he should, that it dawned on me he had probably also recently fed someone else. That was my first inkling that I'd made a huge mistake. I'm sure had I walked up to him and asked him if he was someone's familiar, he would have certainly told me. However, it really didn't seem the appropriate tack to take at the time.
I imagine you might now see where this is going. Tonight at the ball, I ran into the person...sitting next to the one and only, Ellis Duban... Though I'd never seen her before, Addison thoughtfully introduced us. I left the ball immediately afterwards."Â?
Nic believed that was everything. There was no need to go into explicit detail...the facts were still the same. Now he waited for the hammer to come down on his head. He just didn't know if Kem would wield it, or turn it over to someone else.