Late Night Meanderings (Open)
Edwin had only recently gotten to the city, so he hadn't been able to spend a lot of time exploring. Now, after spending way too much time studying, he decided that he needed a breather. Pulling on his hoodie, he headed out into the crisp night air.
Wandering a little aimlessly around the city, Edwin didn't travel too far from his new home. He found a nighttime garden and decided that it would be a nice place for a meandering stroll. A couple walked past him, and he quickly shuffled to the side, not wanting to be in their way.
Stopping by a bush with silvery flowers, Edwin tucked his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. The flowers here were very pretty. He wondered if anyone would mind if he plucked one.
(OOC: Very mega open. He's shy, but he wants to play.)

So, if you held a gun to her head Pak couldn't tell you how in the world she'd wound up in the gardens. Still it was a beautiful night, she really did have to go outside more. The walk had her feeling good so when she saw someone studying a bush, rather than wander on by she actually stopped.
"They are beautiful aren't they."Â?

"They are beautiful aren't they."
He turned rather quickly, a bit startled by the sudden company. He hadn't heard the woman approach, but then he hadn't been paying much attention to anything but the flowers on this bush either. He cleared his throat before smiling timidly at the woman.
"Yes, yes they are." Okay, new person, he hoped he wasn't coming off like an idiot, but he doubted he was making a good impression. "I'm not in your way, am I?" he asked stepping to the side so that the woman could get a better view.

"You're fine. I promise, you'd know if you were in the way."Â?
Pak wasn't often accused of being subtle, it had been known to happen but not often.
Spotting a bench she sat, one leg folded under her the other foot resting on the ground. She half reached for the cigarette case in her pocket, but stopped. They were an evil habit, but such a good one.
"You aren't lost or anything tragic are you?"Â?
Not knowing why she was here it was easy to imagine someone else wandering in and not knowing why or where they were. Besides, it didn't seem to here too many guys made nocturnal runs to any sort of garden.

"No, I'm not lost. I just needed to get out tonight, you know? I'm new to the city, and I haven't had a chance to just walk around really." Being bold (deciding that maybe the woman did want to have a conversation), he asked, "Umm, what about you?"

"About the same actually. I've got an unavoidable break from work and thought a walk would be good. I didn't even know this place existed."Â?
More studying of the clove, no she was determined no to light it.
"So you're new in town, what brings you out this way?"Â?

"I didn't know it was here either, I just kinda found it. Though I guess there must be a tourist map somewhere that says it's here." Thinking about that for a moment, he asked, "Is there a lot of tourism here, or do you know?"
When asked about being new, he nodded. "Yeah, I moved here because it's close to where I'm going to school." Edwin played with one of the cuffs of his hoodie, feeling a little homesick

"A tourist in my own home, that is a sad state of affairs."Â?
Since she was living her it was technically home. Pak tried to think whom she could blame for the fact that she was still a stranger in the city after several months, but the idea quickly ceased to amuse her and was forgotten.
She thought this guy looked a little lonely, but not being the best judge of others feelings wasn't quite sure.
"Well we've all got to be new sooner or later. Here's hoping you settle in better than I apparently have."Â?

"A tourist in my own home, that is a sad state of affairs."Â?
"Well, you said that tonight was an unavoidable break from work, so you have a good excuse for not coming here before," he said, trying to be reassuring. "At least you're out now." He wasn't sure how much better that would make her feel, but it was all he had at this point.
When she commented about being new, Edwin shrugged, pulling his hoodie a little closer. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm still settling, and it's going all right. I miss home, but..." He was adjusting. Slowly.

"If it bothers you say so. I'm not totally uncouth."Â?
She just wouldn't ask for permission since they were outside.
Watching the kid, and he had been dubbed a kid in her mind, sink further into his hoodie made Pak realize for the first time it was cold out. She hadn't bothered with a jacket, but at least she'd been wearing long sleeves.
"But what? After all home is where you make it."Â?
Not where your heart is, Pakpao would never look at things quite that way.
"You know I didn't get your name."Â?

But what? That was a very good question, and not one Edwin liked to think about. "Well, it's just that...everything's so new, you know? And I just haven't gotten used to it." Ugh, he sounded like such a loser. She probably wouldn't want to stay here if he kept talking. Now, how to make it sound better? "Yet. I'm just not used to it yet.
"And my name is Edwin. I didn't get your name either, sorry."

"Pakpao, but most people call me Pak."Â?
Smiling at his 'new' comment she had to laugh. It wasn't spiteful, more encouraging.
"Of course it's new or you'd be in the same place, and what fun is that. Don't tell me this is your first time away from home."Â?

Hearing her laugh, Edwin wondered if she was laughing at him. "Yeah, I haven't really been on my own like this, and this is the first time I've been away from my family."
He missed his Mimi. But he didn't want to think about that right now. "What about you? Do you have family here?"

True statement, it was subtle but there was an accent and some people always got it wrong, which irritated her. She couldn't remember now, but it was possible that's how her nickname had come about.
Taking another drag on the clove, she thoughtfully blew the smoke away from Edwin, Pak considered the family question.
"Family? Of sorts, part of the reason I wound up here I think."Â?
Of course, short of Artemis, she wasn't sure who else was here.
"First time out on your own? Really? Then there has to be something good about it, even if its leaving your dirty socks in the middle of the floor and not having anyone yell at you."Â?

"Family? Of sorts,
Edwin could understand that, maybe. His family situation was somewhat strange. He wondered if that's what she meant, an unusual family arrangement. "So, you moved here to be back with your family?"
He tried to think of something good about being on his own. "I've never thought about it that way." But he was having a hard time coming up with something. "But I don't really leave my socks on the floor."

She let the family situation drop. There really wasn't a good way to explain in with out going into details and she didn't want to do that, not now.
Pausing with the cigarette half way to her lips she looked at Edwin, rather bewildered. Literal sort wasn't he? Of course, he could be kidding, if she'd said it she would be.
"The straight man always gets the best lines."Â?

He smiled a little at her comment. "Well, it's true. I'm not too messy. Maybe I'll be able to think of something else in a week." Or a month. He hoped he was able to adjust to all this newness soon. "I'll be sure to let you know."

She finished the clove and stubbed it out while debating whether or not to have another. Finally deciding not to she held onto the butt. Once it was cool, she'd pocket it until a trash can or ashtray could be located.
Was that back up done yet? Could be, but she hadn't worn a watch. Irritated, she swore softly in Siamese. She had to start wearing a watch.
"Well now you have a goal. What are you studying, maybe that will give you a clue."Â?

"So, where were you from originally, if you don't mind me asking?" He could put two and two together, given everything he could see and had heard from her.
"I haven't quite decided what I want to study. Music, definitely, but I'm not sure if I want to do just that or something else. And I've really just played because I enjoyed playing, so I'm not sure if I'll enjoy having to take every necessary course just to graduate.." But even if he decided that he didn't want to major in music, he could always take only the classes that he would for guidance and to better himself.

"Bangkok actually. But I haven't been there in years. I'd be a tourist there too."Â?
That made her laugh again, but it was a little sad. She really should go back for a visit, it wasn't like anyone would know her.
What had he said, her mind snapped back from its mental visit home. Music, that was it.
"If you enjoy it that's half the battle isn't it. I'm a bit jealous, I've never learned to play a note. I can't seem to focus on any of it long enough to learn."Â?

He knew that he wouldn't be staying away from home long enough to become a "tourist" of sorts. He hoped nothing there changed too much while he was gone.
"I enjoy, it sure, but there are other classes I have to take other than just the violin or piano. And I'm sure you could play if you wanted to. It might just depends on who's teaching you." Edwin was a little biased about his teacher, considering she was his grandmother. "Or maybe it just wasn't the right time to learn it for you. It takes a lot of time, and if you don't have time, then it can be hard to do."