Pakpao Patron St of Screwdrivers
Created on 07/26/2005 • 1613 Posts & 55 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Pak nodded quite pleased and very satisfied by Ran's answer about the computers. Good programmers knew when something was talking back. Oh s 12 years ago
- post If she had known him better and been more comfortable with both Ran and Amir Pak's response would have been 'no one is as pretty as Amir'. B 12 years ago
- post Ah a little family reunion, that would be nice. In the interest of diplomacy Pak didn't say anything about the lack of family to have a reun 12 years ago
- post "So as long as you didn't start any uprising or burn any villages to the ground you're in the clear?" She gave him a quick smile trying to 12 years ago
- post "Well then we have something in common." Pak quipped lightly rather than making a crack about him never having seen a box. On appearances a 12 years ago
- post Mara's statement of the obvious was enough to startle a little laugh out of Pak as she offered a gloved hand to Ran. "Welcome to Nachton. S 12 years ago
- post Pak couldn't tell if she was getting braver or desperate. It wasn't exactly a set up, more an introduction but it was her.. uncle? No wonder 12 years ago
- post Congrats! that looks like good publicity 12 years ago
- post Although I prefer to celebrate the Chinese/lunar new year... I'll agree and say Happy New Year! Mind I'll say it again on February 10th too. 12 years ago
- post Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (although I'll probably say that again in a week ! /hugs all around and what Aishe said about another y 12 years ago
- post "Oh that sounds lovely. I might have to check in on those.†Pak did like the tropics, she hailed from that type of climate and contin 12 years ago
- post Pak couldn't claim to be adventurous, she'd try something if cajoled or goaded the right way or just enough. She wasn't opposed to new thing 12 years ago
- post Pak cocked her head and regarded Mara thoughtfully when she said that Ran stuck to them. There were any number of reasons for that, anythin 12 years ago
- post "Well they say these things happen when you're not looking. Not that I'm sure who 'they' are..." And she hadn't been looking for years and 12 years ago
- post Pak just shrugged. It was hard to explain why she would find Amir making a mess amusing. What little bit she knew about him she knew that wa 12 years ago
- post Pak just nodded. She knew that some vampires didn't tolerate bright light well. She was only glad that she was not among them. It would be v 12 years ago
- post Some day Pak was going to see the inside of the Manor, she rather wanted to for curiosity's sake if nothing else. Although she knew it had t 12 years ago
- post "I think it might raise more than a few eyebrows if i entered my own home via the fire escape." She joked quietly. Pak had no objections 12 years ago
- post She was still hung up on the Christmas tree idea and wondered if maybe Eiryk would mind a little extra project. Maybe she could trade him so 12 years ago
- post "I haven't been to the Netherlands in ages." It was cold though. Of course if she went in the summer that would take care of that, and ther 12 years ago