Nyra Oblivious Human
Created on 07/14/2005 • 593 Posts & 34 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Knowing she was quite naive even at her age, which she judged to be the oldest woman here, she could not be quite sure of Mr. Swiftwoods age 19 years ago
- post Nyra gently scooped the pasta, vegetables and sauce onto her fork and placed it into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she let the bite sit 19 years ago
- post Nyra sat still and paitently through the clean up on her arm. Thankfully three stiches were in swiftly and the doctor pronounced her fit. 19 years ago
- post Nyra followed Aron, Master Aron to Jeeves apparently, deeper into the house. It was darker than she liked, but then she was used to sweepin 19 years ago
- post "Good evening sir." Nyra stepped up smiling at the dapper gentleman. "Mr. Swiftwood said we were not to make search engine jokes, which wil 19 years ago
- post Nyra pulled herself out of the car with a clumsy stumble. Hopefully she hadn't dripped too much on the upholstery. Poor cow. Finally upri 19 years ago
- post Happy Birthday! 19 years ago
- post Nyra wondered why legos would make anyone sad but swiftly lost the thought at the sight of the house. It did look like it was clicked toget 19 years ago
- post He was really quite nice. Helping her out, even so far as to buy her pendant so they could leave the store. Offering the use of his neighb 19 years ago
- post Nyra tisked softly under her breath as the engine roared to life with a puff of oil and explosion of fuel. Not good for the enviroment but 19 years ago
- post Nyra took the protien bar with a quiet "thanks" and promptly read the ingrediants listed on the back of the wrinkled wrapper. No overt dair 19 years ago
- post "ER? Oh I dont think its that bad. Really, you shouldn't go to so much trouble. I have had worse, honest. A bit of turpentine usually mak 19 years ago
- post "Thank you all for your assistance." Nyra let herself be lead along out of the store. Now walking she felt just a bit woozy, though that co 19 years ago
- post Nyra stood passively as the dark haired woman bandaged her hand. With nothing else to do she noticed the animosity from the taller woman di 19 years ago
- post "Thank you very much Mr. Swiftwood. I appreciate everyone's assistance. I do appologize for bleeding all over." Nyra smiled at the greene 19 years ago
- post As the hankerchief was proffered and the tall woman started to help her with her bag Nyra noticed the cause of all this fuss.A thin chunk of 19 years ago
- post Nyra watched as the store employees scurried to do the woman with the violet eyes' bidding. "C c ca cash or cch charge?" the clerk stuttere 19 years ago
- post Nyra paused in her inspection of the glass at the shorter womans questions. At the word 'Manager' she winced and cast her gaze about lookin 19 years ago
- post Pulling herself upright while trying not to break the pendant, Nyra pulled up just shy of running over the shorter redheaded woman. Someone 19 years ago
- post Nyra slowly stood while turning the glass slowly up to the light. She vaguely heard someone saying something and hoped she wasnt about to g 19 years ago