- Birth Name: Unknown
- Aliases: Lotus
- Real Age: 986
- Apparent Age: 24
- Gender: female
- Height: 5'6"
- Weight: 120 lbs
- Body Type: Very fit
- Eye Color: Dark Gray
- Hair Color: black
- Length & Style: Down to the small of her back, sometimes in a ponytail
- Skin Color: Tan with a hint of Olive
- Nationality: Croatian
Abilities & Flaws

Purple lotus tattoo on her lower middle back.
Obsessively cleans the underside of her nails, checks her teeth every time she passes a mirror. Habitually ignores people she doesn’t know.
Quiet and reserved, not likely to outburst, even if she is angered. Usually very laid-back, a tendency to go wild and live a little, so long as it doesn’t interfere with her work. A fighter, in every since of the word. She can be very corny in her humor, even a little eccentric. She can put on a show if its required of her. She can also fade into the shadows, if the need arises. She’s very arrogant about her abilities as a fighter and has no problem exclaiming it.
For off-the-clock hours, she carries herself as a shy young woman, usually sporting black pants and a tanktop, usually accompanied by a hoodie. For work, she dresses down in fishnets and latex, donning her combat boots with protective leg plates and scabbards for her two ninja-tos. Gotta look fashionable when you’re kicking ass.
Organization, evenness. intelligence
Being made late, tardiness of others, lack of common sense around her
Abandonment, being trapped, being surprised/snuck up on. fear of boats
Multilingual. Cold and distant. It can be taken for a strength and a weakness. It allows her to remain objective about her job, but it also hinders her from growing emotionally attached to anyone. She's arrogant about her combat prowess, sometimes undermining potential danger. She tends to react first, think later, running on instinct. impatient, reckless.
Chin-na and Dim-mak, extensive training with her weapons of choice, ninja-to’s; hobbies include killing people and whittling various types of figurines for decorations. Building traps of various assortments, mostly for her own comfort while she rests.
Joseph Li, a chinese vampire that was an outcast, and moved to Croatia after his turning. he was an artist in combat terms. He got through life by making a merchant family his familiars. He was affiliated with Wilhem Darius, an evenhet who eventually broke off to form his own clan.
“Lotus” was born in Vukovar, Croatia. At the age of 9 she witnessed her mother and father get brutally slaughtered. Such a traumatic event left her with amnesia about her life, to the point she did not even know her name. One cold night, she was huddling under a bridge when a ‘man’ by the name of Joseph Li walked by. He took note of the shivering little girl and offered her his coat. He sat and chatted with the little girl and found out a great deal of nothing about her. She didn’t remember –anything-, she had been stealing from the roadside markets to survive, and sleeping in the cracks of the city architecture to break the wind. Joseph packed the little girl up and took her home. Over the next 15 years, he raised her like his own daughter, naming her Lotus, after the small tattoo she had on her back. She was his beautiful little flower. He trained her in the ways of ancient Chinese combat, chin-na and dim-mak. He also trained her to use ninja-tos, a small katana-like weapon. During their time spent together, Lotus realized there was something very different about this man. He did not every go out during the day, and had a very peculiar diet. She never asked questions, she did not believe it was her place. If he wanted her to know, he would tell her. On her 24th birthday, Joseph answered all the questions that plagued her. At first she was shocked, but the more he delved into the history of vampires, the more intrigued she became. She asked him if he could bestow this gift of eternal life on her. He was hesitant but she pleaded. She did not want to grow old and die within his lifetime. He was her only friend, and family. He ultimately agreed and turned her. Over the next few centuries, they traveled the world together, discovering lands such as Paris and Germany, Taking up residence in China and Japan numerous times. All the while, they still trained together, perfecting the arts of combat. They traveled to America for the first time during the year of the Boston Massacre. It was here that her sire, her only family, experienced his final death. They had gotten into a very heated battle, and Joseph was gravely wounded. They had finished off almost all of their attackers, save one. The one that would come to haunt her. The one that extinguished Life, and Afterlife, as she knew it. He killed Joseph while he was in his weakened state, trying to recover. She was changed, she was vicious, and on a mission to destroy the man that took her father away from her. She had ran into a clan of organized killers called T