Montana Klutzy 'n' Cute
Created on 11/26/2005 • 527 Posts & 21 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Ana couldn't help but smile at the sprightly tune, and found herself swaying in time with it as it was played. "That was lovely. And lovel 19 years ago
- post She felt bad that she'd interrupted the lovely music. Ana smiled, coloring slightly at the mention of her shirt. "I don't mind, I was qu 19 years ago
- post Awwww! I love carrot cake! Thank you! 19 years ago
- post Tossing her bag at the foot of the bed, Ana shook out her hair and set her glasses carefully on a nearby dresser-type furniture piece. She 19 years ago
- post Ana found herself at the end of the hall, at Rorri's suite. She knocked in the predescribed pattern, and the door was opened for her. Rorr 19 years ago
- post Ana realized as Rorri spoke that her new friend was almost pleading for company. "Well, I'm not too picky. Just so long as I'm ready for m 19 years ago
- post Read, eat, clean, pay bills, nap, watch a movie. Of course it also depends on how long I'm waiting! 19 years ago
- post Ana arched a now-well-defined eyebrow as she amended after a moment's thought, "But who am I to end a fun evening early, with so many more o 19 years ago
- post "I dunno, I think I'm all done for hot tub relaxation for this year... And isn't it kind of cold to be out on the balcony?" Ana peered into 19 years ago
- post Ana stepped inside and set her purse down on the table near the door. She didn't know why she'd carried it through the whole day, but it di 19 years ago
- thread [I]The forty-first floor was so well-appointed, it almost gleamed. "No, it definately gleams", Ana thought, as she stared down the hall past 19 years ago
- post Ana's finger darted forward quickly, then stopped before jamming her now-manicured nail into the ornate button. "Almost forgot I'm all pret 19 years ago
- post Ana shook her head. "Nah, Neville's more interesting. Being Harry's significant other could only lead to tears or a grave. At least Nevil 19 years ago
- post Ana's brow furrowed as she pondered Rorri's suggestion. "Room service might not be such a good idea. That's why I came down to the restaur 19 years ago
- post Ana shrugged expressively. "I don't know. I'm just as much a newbie in this town as you are." Then Ana realized Rorri might not know what 19 years ago
- post "A swim?" Ana was still slightly confused about the whole "spa now swim later" order of things they'd taken. She still thought all of the 19 years ago
- post "Well first you could help her figure out what to do next in this whole spa business." Ana cocked her head as she estimated the time. "Tho 19 years ago
- post Ana heard Rorri's offhanded comment as she disappeared into the ladies' room indicated by the spa employee. Quickly relieved, she washed her 19 years ago
- post Ana slipped her glasses back on with relief. Now able to see the woman she collided with, she turned and offered apologies. Then, turning 19 years ago
- post Ana smiled thankfully at Rorri. She really couldn't let the girl buy her something over and above what the Englishwoman already had... "Th 19 years ago