Alfarinn Evenhet Troub...Elder!
Created on 04/29/2005 • 3367 Posts & 191 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Alfarinn smiled as Aishe sat down next to him and kissed his cheek. Setting down his wine glass, he leaned his elbows on the table and plac 13 years ago
- post "Hear that Simon, that's the problem. I can get you some hair dye and some great conditioner. You'll be all set." 13 years ago
- post You know she likes to eat redheads for lunch, right? Where DID Addison go anyway? 13 years ago
- post Laughing at Crystal's somewhat provocative display and Rowan's cheerful response, he said. "I think even I might have more of an appreciatio 13 years ago
- post *sobs into his drink* You wound me, Rowan 13 years ago
- thread Woo! I look hot! And now everyone can love me! :vampgrin Thank you for the new banners, Roz! I love the metal lettering. I just starin 13 years ago
- post Alfarinn speared the lettuce on his fork happily, giving christian a smug look and Rowan a pleased grin. "Yes, definitely. Why I've known 13 years ago
- post Alfarinn nodded to Cris and gave him a small smile in acknowledgment to what he had said. Turning to Rowan, he nodded. "Yes, I think so. A 13 years ago
- post "Yes, well, sometimes he questions that also. In his defense, he wasn't always a man with dangerous enemies and he does seem to have grown 13 years ago
- post Alfarinn shrugged in response when Cris thanked him for his diversion. "Natt and I were happy to help." The two of them were cute but 13 years ago
- post Alfarinn listened to the story of how they met and the picture was becoming a little more clear. Watching the two of them really was rather 13 years ago
- post Alfarinn raised his eyebrows at Rowan. "Accidental alcohol..." He smirked slightly and added. "Do tell." He listened to the easy banter b 13 years ago
- post Alfarinn asked the waiter for another glass of wine and a shot of Rocket Fuel, suddenly feeling the need for the hard liquor. The waited ca 13 years ago
- post Alfarinn looked up at Cris who was Crystal for the evening. Smiling cheerfully, he returned the kiss that he had been given in greeting. " 13 years ago
- post Evenhet = One stop shopping for sexy blonds. Hell, we need to turn Alex just to mix it up a little. "Come here, Yoga man, it'll only hurt 13 years ago
- thread [I]Alfarinn sat in the Tower Lounge nursing a glass of white wine. It was rarely his drink of choice but tonight that was what he was in th 13 years ago
- post So that's Aishe and Pak, yes? 13 years ago
- post Yes, Kem is sexy. Almost as handsome as me. . 13 years ago
- post yeah it makes you wonder who he's looking at off camera over there. 13 years ago
- post Thank you Roz and Annie for gifting me with hotness! Now Alfarinn is going to have to post more. I'm sensing a devious plot here!! 13 years ago